BibleAsk LIVE

BibleAsk LIVE is both a live show and podcast where guest hosts answer your Bible Questions submitted on our website BibleAsk.LIVE.

BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 101

This weeks episode includes answers to the following questions: Why does the word saints appear on the bible of Jehovah witnesses? I read in an article that says the “spirit of life” is not the same as the Holy Spirit, and neither is the “breath of life” the same as the regular air we breathe. Can you explain the differences? When it was stated that the "breathe of life" and the air we breathe are two entirely different things, I became extremely perplexed. In an article I read: the Greek term for “Holy Spirit” is “Hagios pneumatos,” “Holy Breath” or “Holy Spirit.” The *Holy Breath* term threw me off a bit. Is the holy spirit a breath? Thank you for answering my question last week, for your thoroughness. But it occurred to me that only one of the marriage partners was to be tested. Why is there no fidelity test for husbands? What was the Purpose of the tree in the garden of Eden? Why did God make Eve out of Adam's rib instead of out of the earth? "Forever, Eternity, An unbeliever WILL NOT Burn in Hell forever, they will be burned up like stubble. So will we believers not be in New Jerusalem for only a time?…… confused" What day is the real Sabbath? If someone rejects Jesus, then will he go to hell right away?


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 2.25

Join us this week for questions we answered from our live audience including submissions on our website Should we read the Book of Mormon? How come that every time I mention God in my dreams I'll be having sleep paralysis and suffocation to a point where struggle to breath?


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 2.08

On this show, we answer your submitted questions including:  When was the first act of faith described in the bible, and God was pleased? Why did god make Adam and Eve? What is the meaning of life? You can submit your questions to be answered each week on our show from our website


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.33

On this weeks episodes, you can find answers to the following questions: Was Lucifer also the minister of music in heaven when he was created? How long will it take for the heavenly sanctuary to be cleansed? How did samsons mother got pregnant? From Holy Spirit or from her husband? Can BibleAsk clarify how the Bible helps us completely emotionally heal from betrayal and broken trust to the point these negative feelings become irrelevant even when something reminds us of them? Who were Jacob’s sons?


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.32

On this weeks episode we answered some of the following questions: Why is God so much more strict with women than with men, testing them for being unfaithful and having no such test for men, as in Nu.5:22 & 27? Why is God more strict with wives than with husbands? She is tested for adultery (Num 5:11-31) but he is not. Why Are the rules so much more strict with wives than with husbands? Nu. 5:11-31 When one is “saved”, If they do not immediately break off sinful patterns in their life, was their conversion not real? What is Jesus saying to us in John 8:24? I don't believe in once saved, always saved, but do you lose your salvation the moment you sin? Or does it take multiple sins to lose salvation?


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.30

This weeks questions on BibleAsk LIVE include: What was the significance of the escape goat in the Old Testament and how does it relate to the New Testament? What is meant by "all the days that you live on the Earth" (Deut.12:1), "to a thousand generations" (Deut.11:1), "forever" (Ps.119:151-152; 160)? Are we to keep the forever?....or the Jews? Should I find an autonomous church not practicing spiritual formation? Ours is subtle. I have found that our nursery director has a degree to be a Director of Spiritual Formation.


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.29

This weeks episode included answers to some of the following questions: What is behind the story when Jesus uses spit and dirt to make mud that was put on the blind man's eyes to heal him? I was having a conversation with a Muslim, he told me about a article about This 1500-Year-Old Bible States That Jesus Was Not Crucified. The Bible was found in Turkey in 2000 written in a language…. What’s your guys thoughts about that? Can y’all do a article on that 1500 year old Bible? I know it has to be false but I need some information Also, I use to believe in the oneness doctrine until the trinity was explained better. When Jesus was on earth, did he have the Holy Spirit or the father inside him? Or did he have his divine spirit?


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.28

Check out our show this week where we answer your Bible Questions. Some of the questions answer include: In the US, the government is being so hateful towards the LGBTQ+ and BiPOC communities. I feel like Jesus wouldn't be so hateful. Don't we just hate the sin and not the sinner? The son of perdition is King 1 of Rev 17:10-11. He is also King 6 & 8. Solving Rev 17:10-11 is the KEY to solving End Days Prophecy. The Prophet Why do most Christian teachers refuse to believe that the essence of who we are returns to G-d. The Jews teach otherwise and it is one of the fundamental beliefs of Judaism. Can God save someone convicted of treason by the government? Can they be forgiven and go to heaven? Who are the 10 kings in Revelation 17?


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.27

On this weeks show of BibleAsk LIVE, we answered some live questions as well as questions submitted on our website, including: Where did the ten tribes go. One Teacher says they went North over the Caucus Mountains into Europe and then spread all over. and that is why we are called Caucasian. Do you guys hide that you're SDA, cuz White said you guys have to hide that (Christians are "worse than heathen"?) I'm aware it will be ignored and you will keep it hidden. What do you say to someone who believes God only exists if you believe in Him?


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.26

On this weeks episode we answered some live questions as well as others submitted on our website, which included: If we are saved by grace through faith, where does that leave us with the fourth commandment. Honour the sabbath and keep it holy. Saturday is the sabbath, but Christians worship and call Sunday the Sabbath. In Exodus 28 and 29, extensive details are given about the vestments to be worn by the priests. Is there a parallel to such religious clothing in other ancient religions? Thanks. If the Spirit and Soul are two (2) separate entities, "What happens to the soul when the body dies and the spirit moves on to be with the Lord?"


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.25

This weeks questions include: Joshua 14:12 who are the anakim? I am currently researching some words that are defined a little different in some of the newer versions. But as I was doing this, I looked at the 1599 Geneva Bible in Isaiah 13:21 and it included the word “lim” as an animal. I cannot find any information on this; maybe you won’t either, but I am asking the question: “Do you know what a ‘lim’ is?” Was the king James version of the bible written by freemasons? When was the BIBLE reduced to 66 books?? Thank you from Trevor in New Zealand.


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.24

This week included answers to the following questions: Why was the New Testament written whenever the Old Testament already existed? Does this mean the Bible was changed/updated? Did Jesus or God approve of the New Testament? Why is the tribe of DAN missing from the 144,000 (Revelation 7) ? Why is Matthew 17:21 left out of a lot of bibles? I’ve only found it in the NASB and KJV. Thanks


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.23

This weeks questions include: Who gave us the Bible? thank you from Trevor in New Zealand If tithing is not discussed in the New Testament, why is 10% giving to the church taught as sound offerings, in the modern church? Can you explain the parable of the fig tree in Luke 13:6-9?


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.22

On this weeks shows questions that were answered include: What does anathema maranatha mean in 1 Cor 16:22? Was Paul cursing? Does Hebrews 10:19 teach that Jesus already entered into the Most Holy Pace before 1844? Considering that Paul is telling the people of his time that we have the confidence to enter into it. What if your loved one is too young to understand christ (like two or 3). Will they be saved? Where did the saying Satan refuse to worship Adam come from Was Mary that was married  to Joseph also married  Zebedee later in Matthew 27? What’s the significance of Gods right hand In Revelation 19 vs 8 and 14 are the same. clean white linen. Saints go to war following Jesus, not angels.


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.21

This week includes answers to questions like: Were the Israelites people of color? Please explain who is the women? on Revelation 12, my catholic family thinks is the Virgin Mary. Thank you and God bless you. What was a structural relationship in Exodus 25-31?


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.20

This weeks questions include: As a child of god, as an adult, do I still have a childhood? What are the first two verses of Genesis? Are they a summary (if a summary then it doesn't mention life) before the first day. Note that each day begins with morning, and with "And God said". "Can you tell me more about the angels that are bound and are released when the Euphrates river dries up. thankyou" Hey, i would like to ask you, if Christians should study Greek philosophy. Thank you in advance


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.19

This weeks questions include: God did not command Adam and Eve to keep the sabbath! Is the phrase "I will defeat a mortal or human" a threat? Can Jesus Christ be in more than one place at once? In a way I can understand why couldn’t Jeremiah marry? Also why did Ezekiel's wife die? If someone adds or subtracts from the word of God. Does that mean that they are unforgivable? Did Jesus die for all sin?


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.18

This weeks episode include answers to the following questions: You say none will be saved after the church is taken to heaven. If this is true what are the 144,000 witnesses for? Who are they witnessing to, what is their purpose? I am hit by the fact that men sleep with, marry more than one woman and no one looks down on it. Women who are brought up in scripture are stoned for such behavior. Help me understand Is American the new Babylon?


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.17

This weeks questions include: Kindly explain Jeremiah's messages to the people. How do Christians fail to run and win Christian race? Christ in you vs Holy Spirit lives in you: if Jesus is in heaven interceding and both are different persons, what differs?


BibleAsk LIVE - Episode 4.16

This weeks questions include: Are psychopath's and sociopaths crazy as a Christian? The Israelites were to bring an ox or a lamb as a sacrifice. How could a million people do that? If only 1 in 10 obeyed, that would still be 100,000 animals. Can a spirit or other thing be a fatal attraction? What does your team think about celebrating The New Year?


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