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Author: Dan Anderson

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157 Episodes
Reading excerpts from "The Iron Sceptre of the Son of Man," Alan Fimister. On Catholic eschatology
Hope this encourages you as you recover, Steve, on this frigid winter night!
Goodbye Steve

Goodbye Steve


In case I don't make it to ICU at the hospital, in time to see my big brother Steven John Anderson, here's my goodbye. I love you Steve! Thanks for always being there for me. I've looked up to you and relied on you all my sixty one years. Until we meet again.
Listen to all podcasts of Pastor David Minard at:
Pastor Ron Charles gives the alter call and Timothy Brewer leads worship, after my sermon on Love. This is from my Assemblies of God days, as a 25 year old Youth and Associate pastor at New Life Assembly, Oregon, OH.
Here is a much better recording of this podcast, in three sections (without the wind noise):
I rant about the popular trend of women dressing immodestly and Molech worship. My brief guitar playing brakes up the talking segments.
How to study the Bible

How to study the Bible


We consider various Bible study tools to use in daily reading: ESV Study Bible, Bible Knowledge Commentary, Erdman's Bible Commentary, and Unger's Bible Handbook.
I read from "The Catechism of the Catholic Church" and from Scripture passages, relating to remembering my son on the first year anniversary of his passing.
YouTube video of the books I read from:
From Verbum to BibleHub to Bible commentaries, encyclopedias, translations...I casually introduce helpful Bible study tools.
Do I really live in a country of those who slaughter their children?How did it become AmericanTo pump our kids with psychotropic drugs and other big-pharma poisons?To publicly celebrate grave sin?To sit our toddlers on mommy's lap, before perverse dancers in clown-face?To create trans-humanist Frankensteins?To worship Moloch?To party before the Golden Calf, with pornography and promiscuity—amusing ourselves to death ?God's wrath, I suppose, soon will fall.May America's chastisement lead some to repentance and deliverance from bondage to sin.
The Jesus made in your image, a "cosmic christ", is not the Second Person of the Trinity.
I noodle on the #5 scale between comments about maintaining one's integrity in our culture.
I'm goofing off, here, playing with the idea of intermingling music with making brief statements--a poor rendition of 1950's hippsters, I suppose.