Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry

What's up, chickens! Welcome, to Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry. A podcast co-hosted by Hephie and Koko, two women who met by chance at their first post-grad job and became best friends. Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry was created to be a community and a space that encourages real, uncensored dialogue between people in their early 20s currently going through it. This is not a self-help podcast; we have no fucking clue what we are doing, and we don't pretend to. Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry is all about fucking up and learning to be embrace and celebrate your personal growth through your twenties.  Tune in every Thursday to hear two twenty-somethings discuss ways to stop saying sorry for their mental health, changing relationships, undecided paths, and much more. We're not here to tell you what to do, but whatever you do, stop saying sorry!

Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry & hype up your friends

In this episode, you'll get to meet all of Koko's best friends from college along with their perspectives on being young professionals, dating in your 20s, marriage, boundaries, and much more. The group touches on what it means to be a good friend, how to support each other while living scattered across the country, and why it's important to hype up your friends. Oh, and Koko got an ass tat (; 


Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry & raise the bar

We're back... In this episode, the chickens discuss their hot takes on summer in DC, what it means to bet on yourself, and why we need to raise the bar that is often far too low for women in their 20s. 


Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry One Size Doesn't Fit All

On this week's episode of BSSS Hephie and Koko discuss a little bit of everything! They discuss how their idea of body image has changed over time and how body image is always evolving based off culture. Hear how Hepie. and Koko are both dealing with the world opening up slowly and the post-covid anxiety that comes along with it. BSSS has posted 10 pods (crazy) hear how this journey is changing them and the things they are continuing to not say sorry for. 


Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry & Spill The Tea

On This week's episode of BSSS, Hephie and Koko spill the tea on all the questions their friends have regarding going through their twenties. Everything from what age do you get off the dating apps? When is it time to stop dancing on an elevated surface? I mean, what even is a 401k? In this episode, Hephie and Koko answer all their questions and give their ridiculous and raw responses to all things twenty! 


Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry & Eat Pray Love

We are back, chickens! Catch up with Hephie and Koko to hear about Kokos eat, pray, love road trip, and the shit show she ran into while on her journey. Listen to Hephie and Koko talk about the double negative of setting expectations in life and dating in your 20's. What does it mean not to be a "Good Enough" girl when making decisions in your life. 


Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry for Needing a Break

Do you miss the random adventures you got to experience pre-COVID?  Yeah, we do too! On This week's Episode of BSSS, Hephie and Koko discuss when you know it's time to take a break.  We all experience times in our life that overwhelming and the day-to-day grind becomes daunting as f*ck, listen in to hear their perspectives on what breaks in their early twenties look like and when they know it's time to escape the repetitive task of the day-to-day. 


Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry for Your Distractions- COVID Edition

It's officially been a year since we all started our COVID-Chronicles. How has life been since so many distractions have been removed from your day-to-day life? Listen to this week's episode to hear Hephie and Koko discuss the highs and lows they experienced as 20 somethings living through a global pandemic and how removing so many distractions has impacted their new normal. 


Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry & Stop Giving a F*uck

What's up, chickens! This week's episode is all about the time, energy, and money we put into things we don't actually give a fuck about; you know, like the dinner plans, you said yes, but you try to find an excuse out of all week. Hephie and Koko discuss why we feel pressured to yes to everything even if we don't care about it.


Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry & Lets Talk About Fear in Your 20’s

Hey Chickens, welcome back to episode 4! This week Hephie and Koko have their first guests on the podcast to talk about fear and their first-hand experience with overcoming the "anxiety gap." Your twenties are filled with so many unknowns; this episode of BSSS is all about addressing those fears we all face in our 20's, so they no longer have the power to rule our thoughts! 


Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry & Be the Main Character

How do you find moments of bliss in the everyday grind when reality is messy, repetitive,  and half the time a full-on shit show? In this episode of BSSS, Hepie & Koko discuss how going away on a girl's trip in the mountains made them realize how important it is to be in the moment and, ultimately, the main character in their everyday lives. There are parts of our reality that we have created by choice, but by choice without intention. Listen to this week's episode to find out how Hephie and Koko are trying (sometimes failing) to achieve the mindset that brings those unforgettable moments we all see in our favorite movies and allows us to  fuck the noise and live our best lives.


Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry for Letting Go of Your Goals

F*ck the New Years Resolution! Now that the bullshit of the fake New Year resolutions has passed, let's talk about realistic goals and manifestations. This week Hephie & Koko discuss the importance of manifestations and when it's time to stop saying sorry for letting go of goals that no longer serve you well! 


Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry & Smash The F*cking Plate

Do you have sh*t you are ready to let go in 2021? Do you feel like the only 20 something who doesn’t have life figured out? Listen to podcast host's Hephie and Koko discuss how their 9-5 job brought them together and what Bitch, Stop Saying Sorry means to them.  Find out how smashing plates with friends changed their perspective of letting go. 2020 was a sh*t show, and they are starting the year off right by letting go of insecurities and embracing the evolution your 20’s have to offer. 


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