Bitcoin Optech Podcast

Join Bitcoin Optech as we discuss Bitcoin and Lightning technology each week and review our newsletters.

Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #318 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Jay Beddict to discuss ⁠Newsletter #318⁠. News New Bitcoin Mining Development mailing list (0:48) Selected Q&A from Bitcoin Stack Exchange Can a BIP152 compact block be sent before validation by a node that doesn't know all transactions? (15:03) Did Segwit (BIP141) eliminate all txid malleability issues listed in BIP62? (18:13) Why are the checkpoints still in the codebase in 2024? (22:35) Bulletproof++ as generic ZKP ala SNARKs? (26:28) How can OP_CAT be used to implement additional covenants? (28:13) Why do some bech32 bitcoin addresses contain a large number of 'q's? (32:25) How does a 0-conf signature bond work? (37:29) Releases and release candidates Core Lightning 24.08rc2 (42:45) LND v0.18.3-beta.rc1 (43:13) BDK 1.0.0-beta.2 (43:43) Bitcoin Core 28.0rc1 (45:10) Notable code and documentation changes LDK #3263 (48:15) LDK #3247 (49:10) BDK #1569 (50:13)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #317 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Bob McElrath and moonsettler to discuss ⁠Newsletter #317⁠. News Simple (but imperfect) anti-exfiltration protocol (0:53) Changes to services and client software Proton Wallet announced (23:33) CPUNet testnet announced (25:38) Lightning.Pub launches (38:52) Taproot Assets v0.4.0-alpha released (39:45) Stratum v2 benchmarking tool released (41:31) STARK verification PoC on signet (42:52) SeedSigner 0.8.0 released (48:48) Floresta 0.6.0 released (50:25) Releases and release candidates Core Lightning 24.08rc2 (51:52) LND v0.18.3-beta.rc1 (52:33) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #28553 (53:18) Bitcoin Core #30246 (56:39) Bitcoin Core GUI #824 (1:02:10) Core Lightning #7540 (1:04:20) Core Lightning #7403 (1:05:20) LND #8943 (1:06:13) BDK #1478 (1:07:26) BDK #1533 (1:08:12) BOLTs #1182 (1:11:49) BLIPs #39 (1:12:55)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #316 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Bastien Teinturier and Hennadii Stepanov to discuss Newsletter #316. News New time warp vulnerability in testnet4 (1:05) Onion message DoS risk discussion (14:20) Optional identification and authentication of LN payers (28:04) Bitcoin Core switch to CMake build system (36:15) Releases and release candidates BDK 1.0.0-beta.1 (53:55) Core Lightning 24.08rc2 (54:10) LND v0.18.3-beta.rc1 (54:29) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #29519 (55:01) Bitcoin Core #30598 (59:29) Bitcoin Core #28280 (1:02:18) Bitcoin Core #28052 (1:04:47) Core Lightning #7528 (1:08:01) Core Lightning #7533 (1:10:11) Core Lightning #7517 (1:11:19) LND #8955 (1:13:08) LND #8886 (1:14:39) LND #8967 (1:19:45) LDK #3215 (1:22:13) BLIPs #27 (1:26:27)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #315 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Matt Corallo, Greg Sanders, Sivaram Dhakshinamoorthy to discuss ⁠Newsletter #315⁠. News Faster seed exfiltration attack (1:24) Block withholding attacks and potential solutions (17:21) Statistics on compact block reconstruction (21:47) Replacement cycle attack against pay-to-anchor (36:23) Proposed BIP for scriptless threshold signatures (42:24) Optimistic verification of zero-knowledge proofs using CAT, MATT, and Elftrace (50:40) Bitcoin Core PR Review Club (33:15) Releases and release candidates Libsecp256k1 0.5.1 (53:11) BDK 1.0.0-beta.1 (53:43) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #30493 (54:38) Bitcoin Core #30285 (57:33) Bitcoin Core #30352 (1:02:26) Bitcoin Core #29775 (1:02:39) Core Lightning #7476 (1:08:21) Eclair #2884 (1:08:55) LND #8952 (1:12:10) LND #8735 (1:13:40) BIPs #1601 (1:14:44)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #314 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Sergi Delgado to discuss ⁠Newsletter #314⁠. News Disclosure of vulnerabilities affecting Bitcoin Core versions before 22.0 (0:56) Optimizing block building with cluster mempool (11:23) Hyperion network event simulator for the Bitcoin P2P network (14:30) Releases and release candidates BDK 1.0.0-beta.1 (41:01) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #30515 (41:36) Bitcoin Core #30126 (43:00) Bitcoin Core #30482 (44:18) Bitcoin Core #30275 (45:18) Bitcoin Core #30408 (47:29) Core Lightning #7474 (49:27) LND #8891 (51:21) LDK #3139 (51:57) Rust Bitcoin #3010 (52:48)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #313 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt discuss ⁠Newsletter #313⁠. News Varied discussion of free relay and fee bumping upgrades (0:31) Selected Q&A from Bitcoin Stack Exchange Why is restructure of mempool required with cluster mempool? (29:54) DEFAULT_MAX_PEER_CONNECTIONS for Bitcoin Core is 125 or 130? (36:32) Why do protocol developers work on maximizing miner revenue? (38:34) Is there an economic incentive to use P2WSH over P2TR? (42:26) How many blocks per second can sustainably be created using a time warp attack? (45:30) pkh() nested in tr() is allowed? (49:01) Can a block more than a week old be considered a valid chain tip? (51:25) SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY mediated tx modification (57:35) Why does RBF rule #3 exist? (1:00:35) Releases and release candidates BDK 1.0.0-beta.1 (1:02:05) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #30320 (1:02:58) Bitcoin Core #29523 (1:07:42) Core Lightning #7461 (1:10:03) Eclair #2881 (1:11:06)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #312 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Jonas Nick and Pieter Wuille to discuss ⁠Newsletter #312⁠. News Distributed key generation protocol for FROST (1:37) Introduction to cluster linearization (28:45) Changes to services and client software ZEUS adds BOLT12 offers and BIP353 support (56:15) Phoenix adds BOLT12 offers and BIP353 support (57:02) Stack Wallet adds RBF and CPFP support (57:42) BlueWallet adds silent payment send support (57:59) BOLT12 Playground announced (59:10) Moosig testing repository announced (59:56) Real-time Stratum visualization tool released (1:01:01) BMM 100 Mini Miner announced (1:01:57) Coldcard publishes URL-based transaction broadcast specification (1:02:32) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #26596 (1:09:38) Core Lightning #7455 (1:11:27) Eclair #2878 (1:11:58) Rust Bitcoin #2646 (1:13:03) BDK #1489 (1:13:55) BIPs #1599 (1:15:22) BOLTs #1173 (1:17:50) BLIPs #25 (1:18:50)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #311 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Vojtěch Strnad and Fabian Jahr to discuss Newsletter #311. News (1:00) Bitcoin Core PR Review Club Testnet4 including PoW difficulty adjustment fix (15:14) Releases and release candidates Bitcoin Core 26.2 (37:23) LND v0.18.2-beta (37:42) Notable code and documentation changes Rust Bitcoin #2949 (40:04) BDK #1487 (41:20)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #310 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Antoine Poinsot and Elle Mouton to discuss ⁠Newsletter #310⁠. News Disclosure of vulnerabilities affecting Bitcoin Core versions before 0.21.0 (0:59) Adding a BOLT11 invoice field for blinded paths (22:17) Releases and release candidates Bitcoin Core 26.2rc1 (36:43) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #28167 (37:48) Bitcoin Core #30007 (39:07) Bitcoin Core #30200 (40:37) Core Lightning #7342 (41:33) LND #8796 (42:55) LDK #3125 (45:26) BIPs #1610 (46:21) BIPs #1540 (49:07)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #309 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by René Pickhardt to discuss ⁠Newsletter #309⁠. News Estimating the likelihood that an LN payment is feasible (1:04) Selected Q&A from Bitcoin Stack Exchange How is the progress of Initial Block Download (IBD) calculated? (31:25) What is `progress increase per hour` during synchronization? (33:50) Should an even Y coordinate be enforced after every key-tweak operation, or only at the end? (34:45) Signet mobile phone wallets? (37:28) What block had the most transaction fees? Why? (39:01) bitcoin-cli listtransactions fee amount is way off, why? (41:48) Did uncompressed public keys use the `04` prefix before compressed public keys were used? (44:57) What happens if an HTLC's value is below the dust limit? (46:34) How does subtractfeefrom work? (47:11) What's the difference between the 3 index directories blocks/index/, bitcoin/indexes and chainstate? (51:19) Releases and release candidates LND v0.18.1-beta (52:18) Bitcoin Core 26.2rc1 (53:02) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #29575 (53:29) Bitcoin Core #28984 (56:38) Core Lightning #7388 (1:00:28) LND #8734 (1:03:24) LDK #3127 (1:03:59) Rust Bitcoin #2794 (1:05:39) BDK #1395 (1:07:05) BIPs #1620 (1:08:55) BOLTs #869 (1:11:57)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #308 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Jameson Lopp and Valentine Wallace to discuss ⁠Newsletter #308⁠. News Disclosure of vulnerability affecting old versions of LND (0:54) Continued discussion of PSBTs for silent payments (7:32) Changes to services and client software Casa adds descriptor support (10:55) Specter-DIY v1.9.0 released (40:52) Constant-time analysis tool cargo-checkct announced (41:26) Jade adds miniscript support (43:15) Ark implementation announced (45:32) Volt Wallet beta announced (46:42) Joinstr adds electrum support (47:20) Bitkit v1.0.1 released (47:50) Civkit alpha announced (48:20) Releases and release candidates Bitcoin Core 26.2rc1 (49:01) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #29325 (50:11) Eclair #2867 (52:04) LND #8730 (52:33) LDK #3098 (28:14) LDK #3078 (32:35) LDK #3082 (33:53) LDK #3103 (35:18) LDK #3037 (38:07)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #307 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Hunter Beast and TheCharlatan to discuss Newsletter #307.


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #306 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Dave Harding are joined by Fabian Jahr, Anthony Towns, and Matt Corallo to discuss Newsletter #306. News Upcoming disclosure of vulnerabilities affecting old versions of Bitcoin Core (1:02) BIP and experimental implementation of testnet4 (10:17) Functional encryption covenants (24:58) Updates to proposed soft fork for 64-bit arithmetic (31:27) `OP_CAT` script to validate proof of work (33:32) Proposed update to BIP21 (42:12) Releases and release candidates Core Lightning 24.05rc2 (54:53) Bitcoin Core 27.1rc1 (55:51) Notable code and documentation changes Core Lightning #7252 (56:50) LDK #2931 (1:02:19) Rust Bitcoin #2644 (1:04:11) BIPs #1541 (1:05:19) BIPs #1556 (1:07:34) BLIPs #32 (1:09:28)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #305 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Dave Harding are joined by Setor Blagogee, Oghenovo Usiwoma, Pierre Rochard, and Alex Bosworth to discuss Newsletter #305. News Light client protocol for silent payments (1:52) Raw taproot descriptors (14:56) Should overlapping soft fork proposals be considered mutually exclusive? (28:02) Selected Q&A from Bitcoin Stack Exchange What's the smallest possible coinbase transaction / block size? (1:13:32) Understanding Script's number encoding, CScriptNum (1:14:18) Is there a way to make a BTC wallet address public but hide how many BTC it contains? (1:16:04) Testing increased feerates in regtest (1:18:05) Why is my P2P_V2 peer connected over a v1 connection? (1:20:41) Does a P2PKH transaction send to the hash of the uncompressed key or the compressed key? (1:21:58) What are different ways to broadcast a block to the Bitcoin network? (1:23:20) Releases and release candidates LND v0.18.0-beta (43:23) Core Lightning 24.05rc2 (1:12:21) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #29612 (1:27:11) Bitcoin Core #27064 (1:29:59) Bitcoin Core #29873 (1:30:55) Bitcoin Core #30062 (1:34:15) Bitcoin Core #26606 (1:38:17) BOLTs #1092 (1:41:41)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #304 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Andrew Toth, Antoine Poinsot, and Tony Klausing to discuss ⁠Newsletter #304⁠. News Upgrading existing LN channels (1:27) Challenges in rewarding pool miners (6:58) Spending previously received SP outputs (12:40) Proposed miniscript BIP (21:32) Channel value pegging (31:42) Changes to services and client software Silent payment resources (43:50) Cake Wallet adds silent payments (46:14) Coordinator-less coinjoin PoC (46:26) OCEAN adds BOLT12 support (47:10) Coinbase adds Lightning support (48:57) Bitcoin escrow tooling announced (49:20) Block's call for mining community feedback (49:48) Sentrum wallet tracker released (50:34) Stack Wallet adds FROST support (51:19) Transaction broadcast tool announced (53:41) Releases and release candidates Bitcoin Inquisition 27.0 (56:30) LND v0.18.0-beta.rc2 (1:00:10) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #27101 (1:00:30) Bitcoin Core #30000 (1:01:27) Bitcoin Core #28233 (1:02:42) Core Lightning #7304 (1:09:41) Core Lightning #7063 (1:10:18) Rust Bitcoin #2740 (1:17:54)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #303 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Adam Gibson to discuss ⁠Newsletter #303⁠. News Anonymous usage tokens (1:58) BIP39 seed phrase splitting (31:48) Alternative to BitVM (38:05) Continued discussion about updating BIP2 (40:41) Releases and release candidates LND v0.18.0-beta.rc2 (44:25) Notable code and documentation changes Core Lightning #7190 (44:51) LDK #2973 (46:18) LDK #2907 (48:21) BDK #1403 (48:59) BIPs #1458 (50:57)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #302 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Dave Harding are joined by Calvin Kim to discuss ⁠Newsletter #302⁠. News Release of utreexod beta (0:56) BIP119 extensions for smaller hashes and arbitrary data commitments (20:15) Releases and release candidates LDK v0.0.123 (25:16) LND v0.18.0-beta.rc2 (26:08) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #29845 (28:16) Core Lightning #7111 (29:34) Libsecp256k1 #1518 (32:04) Rust Bitcoin #2707 (34:30) BIPs #1389 (37:29) BIPs #1567 (42:21) BIPs #1525 (44:08)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #301 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Ethan Heilman and Gloria Zhao to discuss ⁠Newsletter #301⁠. News Consensus-enforced lamport signatures on top of ECDSA signatures (1:00) Bitcoin Core PR Review Club Index TxOrphanage by wtxid, allow entries with same txid (31:04) Releases and release candidates Libsecp256k1 v0.5.0 (51:15) LND v0.18.0-beta.rc1 (52:12) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #28970 (26:33) Bitcoin Core #28016 (53:05) Bitcoin Core #29623 (57:00)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #300 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Tadge Dryja to discuss ⁠Newsletter #300⁠. News CTV-like exploding keys proposal (0:59) Analyzing a contract protocol with Alloy (13:07) Arrests of Bitcoin developers (22:37) Berlin event (28:53) Releases and release candidates Bitcoin Inquisition 25.2 (31:35) LND v0.18.0-beta.rc1 (35:59) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #27679 (36:48) Core Lightning #7240 (39:39) Eclair #2851 (44:02) LND #8147 (45:49) LND #8627 (47:37) Libsecp256k1 #1058 (1:00:01) BIPs #1382 (1:02:01) BIPs #1068 (1:03:35)


Bitcoin Optech: Newsletter #299 Recap

Mark “Murch” Erhardt and Mike Schmidt are joined by Gregory Sanders to discuss ⁠Newsletter #299⁠. News Weak blocks proof-of-concept implementation (0:56) BIP editors update (20:08) Selected Q&A from Bitcoin Stack Exchange Where exactly is the off-by-one difficulty bug? (26:44) How is P2TR different than P2PKH using opcodes from a developer perspective? (32:10) Are replacement transactions larger in size than their predecessors and than non-RBF transactions? (34:15) Are Bitcoin signatures still vulnerable to nonce reuse? (36:59) How do miners manually add transactions to a block template? (39:48) Releases and release candidates LND v0.17.5-beta (41:40) Notable code and documentation changes Bitcoin Core #29850 (46:35)


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