Black Mirror Podcast

Welcome to Black Mirror Podcast. Even if you haven't seen the series on Netflix you can still get something out of it. Here we are talking about the human condition and how we interact with each other through Technology. We will cover each episode, but we might not get it all done in 1 episode.

Mazey Day

S6E4 – I am not going to lie; this episode surprised me. I thought it was going to be a precautionary tale about being a celebrity and constantly being fallowed. I also thought it was going to be about the tole being a paparazzi takes on a person and how they will relentlessly go after a photo. And while all these are true, this episode takes an unexpected turn.


Beyond the Sea

S6E3 – This episode is a little dark and a little twisted. Join Cliff and David, a pair of astronauts on a space station that is able to transfer their consciousness to their replicas back home. Find out what happens after tragedy bestows David one fateful night


Loch Henry

S6E2 – This is an amazing suspense thriller where they blend several types of storytelling. The standard 3rd person story telling we have come to love in Black Mirror along with a Documentary and my favorite, Found Footage Film. And so, as Davis does a Documentary on a local serial killer, he finds out that his parents are not who they seem. Would you take this news any better than he?


Joan is Awful

S6E1 – How would you feel if your life was being shown on the big screen for all to see? Would you look good or bad? Would your reaction be like Joan’s?


Striking Vipers (Revisited)

S5E1 – WARNING – This episode is NOT for children. Not due to language, but due to subject matter. In this episode we will be discussing TOTAL immersive gameplay. What would you do in an environment where you didn’t have to worry about the consequences of your actions? Where you could do anything and be anybody, what would you do and who would you be?


What does the future hold for “Black Mirror Podcast”?

After the end of season 5 with the “Season 5 Review” what is in store for the Podcast? How will we continue? What will we ever do? Will rain continue to fall? Will seasons continue to change? Will I ever stop asking these stupid redundant questions? Tune in to find out.


Season 5 Review

Season 5 was a short one with only 3 episodes. It may be small, but it was mighty. With a good production value and amazing actors this season will leave you wanting more. So sit back, enjoy, and let me know what you thought. What was your Favorite Episode?


Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too

S5E3 – A dark look at what it means to be a young Pop star. Being in the public eye and having your image and persona being controlled by somebody not out of love, but greed. When life takes a turn for the worst, how far would you go to take control. Tune in to find out.



S5E2 – This episode hits different. Smithereens is less of a dystopian and more of a drama. Less of a possible “what if” and more of “possible.” With how connected we are to social media this is an episode that focuses on what could actually happen.


Striking Vipers

S5E1 – What happens when a Virtual Reality game goes a little too far with realism? A fighting game where you can do “more” than just fight. Find out what happens when 2 friends play a different gameWARNING Marked Explicit for the subject matter. Language is in nuance.


Good news, and bad news

Is this the end of Black Mirror? Tune in to find out!


Bandersnatch (Revisited)

Interactive Movie – In this episode we will discuss the very amazing interactive movie and the concepts hidden within. There are easter eggs scattered all throughout the movie and I dare you to find them all. Here they explore pre-determined destiny and a bit of the multiverse. Not just making different choices, but remembering them. All of this in an interactive experience where we make all the decisions… or do we? Is it control, or just the illusion of it?


Black Museum (Revisited)

S4E6- In this episode we explore immortality through technology. With the advances we have seen in technology already, it isn’t a question of “if” but a question of “when”. How close are we to bridging the gap to biological computing?


Hang the DJ (Revisited)

S4E4- On this episode, we explore online dating. How do they come up with the algorithms to match one person to another. The depth that is used in this episode is staggering. With social media being what it is today and with all the tracking that is done on everybody, how likely is it that they know exactly what they are doing?


USS Callister (Revisited)

S4E1- On this episode, we explore digital cloning and the world of VR. How far are we from being able to digitally clone somebody? Is this the likely direction for a full emersion VR experience? Let’s explore these topics together.



A 2018 interactive film where you, the viewer, chooses the storyline. An amazing movie concept where you have, what seems to be infinite possibilities, but you see a symbol that pops up, remnant of a season 2 episode and discover there is a secret. Find out what it is.


Season 4 Recap

In this episode we will talk about the most intriguing moments and my favorite episode. What is your favorite episode? Join the discussion by going to the Forum tab @ to join in the discussion board for this season.


Black Museum

S4E6 – Your own creations being used against you in an episode that references other episodes.



S4E5 – In a Post-Apocalyptic world, we all need something to hold onto to keep our sanity. What will that thing be for you?



S4E3 – If no one was around to witness your crime, would you cover it up? How far would you go to keep the secret of what you did? That is what we will explore on this episode.


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