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Blessed Life Fellowship

Author: Andrew Robbins

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Blessed Life Fellowship is committed to empowering believers to access the abundant life that Jesus has come to give us.
268 Episodes
Research has shown that frequent use of social media is a major contributor to depression and anxiety because of "social comparison."  In this teaching we explore the concept of social comparison in the Bible and how it robs people of enjoyment of life.  
BLF member Bill Compton leads the charge in this teaching, borrowing from both scripture and his personal experiences in navigating difficulties in relationships and the damage done to a person's life who refuses to forgive.  This is a fresh look at an age-old topic that will recharge your determination to forgive and walk in love.  Your happiness depends on it!  
Did you know that although the Scriptures describe Jesus as a man of sorrows, it also describes Him as being anointed with the oil of joy?  It is possible to maintain supernatural peace and joy even in the midst of life's pains and disappointments.  BLF elder Brent Denney expounds.  
What are some of the things you can think of that our culture has led us to believe will lead to happiness?  Would you be able to accept that most if not all of those things are lies?  We discuss them here in this teaching.  What DOES lead to happiness then?   The answers are quite simple, but not widely known.  They are found in the Bible...and this teaching!  :-)  
The primary pursuit of most people is their own happiness.  And God wants us to be happy.  But how to obtain happiness looks very different than what the world would have us believe.  God has not left us uninformed on how to live an abundant life.  We just have to follow His instructions.  
In one of Pastor Andy's longer teachings, this message is a departure from the usual method of teaching about a single concept.  Rather, Pastor Andy casts vision by sharing what God has called Blessed Life Fellowship to be and do.  In doing so, there are numerous takeaways and nuggets of truth shared that help to refine the vision of BLF that can also be of personal benefit to those who hear.  
There are several ways we get ourselves in trouble with our mouths.  And the book of Proverbs is full of exhortations in how to use our speech and how not to use it.  Notably, some of the ways we use our mouths leads to abominations that God hates according to Proverbs.  Learn in this teaching how to avoid abominable practices and instead use our mouths for good rather than evil.  
One of the most common themes of Proverbs is the far-reaching damage a person can do to themselves and others around them when they give vent to their anger.   But chronic anger is simply a symptom of other underlying spiritual problems that are addressed in this teaching.  
There is a principle repeated throughout the book of Proverbs that is largely unknown or ignored by the masses that happens to be one of the most important principles of a blessed and fruitful life.  Although this subject is also largely unaddressed in pulpits, if heeded it could prevent great trouble and distress from coming upon people.  As an example, this single principle could have prevented the sinking of the Titanic.    
The book of Proverbs is crammed with sayings about the mouth, comparing how words are used by the wise and the foolish.  We learn a lot about proper social graces with these sayings, as well as avoiding irreverent foolishness, the nature of unwholesome talk, and many other destructive habits that trip people up.  But we also learn about the importance of speaking up in other situations.  This teaching provides timeless wisdom from Proverbs that will help redirect a person's life toward blessing.  
Would you like to learn how to affair-proof a marriage?  This teaching provides some important perspectives in keeping the home fires stoked and helping to prevent affairs, as well as a sober warning from the scriptures specific to the evils of sexual immorality.  
Complacency is a term referring to a person who becomes comfortable and satisfied in their current situation to the point where he/she does not feel the need for self-examination or exert much effort to continue to grow and progress.  And Proverbs 1:32 tells us that complacency is a killer!  Learn in this teaching how to recognize and deal successfully with spiritual complacency.  
This teaching is the first in a series studying the book of Proverbs for the wisdom it provides in leading a blessed life and avoiding the pitfalls and landmines of the fool who has no fear of God and no regard for the wisdom of His Word.  And yes, this teaching has as much application to people already in the church as it does those outside of it.  Perhaps more.  
Elder Brent Denney completes his series on Governed by the Spirit.  
BLF elder Brent Denney continues his insights into being governed by the Spirit, with a special emphasis on the process of transformation.  
BLF member Bill Compton addresses the topic of biblical perfection, with a special emphasis on understanding the nature of what the Bible says about life after this life.  
Elder Mark Suverkrup provides important insights in this teaching regarding the full armor of God in Ephesians 6.  In doing so, Mark illuminates upon several important aspects of walking in this armor, such as learning to hear the voice of God, walking in active faith vs. passive faith, and many other important nuggets of wisdom for living a more victorious life in Christ.  
It's difficult for some people to reconcile God being loving with Him sending people to hell for all eternity.  This teaching will help unravel what the Bible says about that, providing important perspective on the nature of God, His sense of mercy AND justice, and providing the believer with an important element of the gospel message.  
"Safe space" is a cultural concept introduced by certain groups in universities and some work places designed to protect people from criticism, harassment, or discrimination.  While this is well-intentioned perhaps, by trying to protect people from ever experiencing anything difficult, we inadvertently create emotionally weak people who can't handle adversity.  But this "safe space" mentality has crept into even the church, resulting in a church culture where people don't know how to deal with conflict nor control their emotions.  The outcome is a church culture of cry babies and whiners.  But God wants to move us beyond a safe space mentality to a brave space mentality so we can learn to be spiritual champions.  