Blindseye Podcast

A podcast discussing everything you did and didn't want to know about being blind.Contact the show!

Genes 4 Genes! What Did They Find

On this weeks' episode I talk about some genetic testing I had done recently to get a confirmation of the gene that is causing my eye condition. I talk about where things were at 20 years ago the first time I had this done. What the deal is now, how science has improved and what it means for me, my family and any children I hopefully have.Everywhere podcasts live!Blindseye Podcast WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramSupport the show (


Welfare! When Disabled Isn't Disabled Enough!

On this weeks' episode I discuss how Australia has increasingly been kicking people on the disability pension onto the job seeker allowance, even for those who can't work or who no one will employ. The fact that the agency overseeing disabled payments aren't always set up to communicate with disabled pensioners and when this leads to the hunting down, shaming and degradation of people in a system that claims it is there to help. Strap Yourself in, it's a heavy one!Everywhere podcasts live!Blindseye Podcast WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramSupport the show (


Gyms, Pools, Paddle Boarding, Bubble Soccer, Rock Climbing ETC.

On this weeks' episode (kindly bookended by D.M.Y and Miss Potato by Faux Pas), I talk about my experiences with gyms, pools, paddle boarding, bubble soccer, rock climbing, abseiling and driving ranges. Just some of the things that I wondered how I could do and how I did them and funny stories along the way.Everywhere Podcasts live!Listen to D.M.Y on Spotify.Buy D.M.Y on itunes.Listen to Miss Potato on Spotify.Buy Miss Potato on Itunes.Blindseye Podcast SiteFacebookTwitterInstagramBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


Enjoying Your Night Out Safely!

On this weeks' episode I talk about my experiences clubbing and pubbing. Some of the techniques friends and I have used to make sure we are having a good and safe night, protecting your drink when you can't see. As well as dealing with drunk idiots, security guards, loud establishments and more. Everywhere Podcasts live!Blindseye Podcast SiteFacebookTwitterInstagramBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


Recording Myself Recording A Podcast

On this weeks' episode I have tried to record myself while recording and editing to give an insight in how I do it without vision as it's a question I have been asked. Sadly my microphone could only record through one program and not both so bare with the sound. Hope it's interesting.Everywhere Podcasts Live!Blindseye Podcast WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (



On this weeks' episode I answer a question I got regarding studying at Uni and all the rest. How I got my readings in a format I could read in enough time. the challenges of getting around a big campus when you aren't very confident mobility wise, and how you make friends and socialise with people when you only spend a very short space of time with them each week. Plus see if you can hear my dog snoring toward the end. Need to buy a worse microphone me thinks.Everywhere podcasts live!Blindseye WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


Inspiration Porn

On this weeks' episode I talk about inspiration porn. When Gratitude or compliments go way too far when it's just people with disabilities living life. It should be particularly topical at the moment because of the Paralympics starting.Everywhere Podcasts live!Blindseye Podcast WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


Is Disability A Medical Or Social Issue

On this weeks' episode I briefly talk about the view points on disability. The basic premise is, is disability a thing to be viewed and fixed by medicine or is it socially constructed or enhanced by things we can change easier than medical breakthroughs.Everywhere podcasts live!Blindseye Podcast WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


Paying Someone To Read Harry Potter To You!

On this weeks' episode I talk about when I first encountered audio books in the form of tape, it's advantages and it's problems, moving the whole way from CD to digital download and EBooks. Especially the lengths you go to in order to read a book that isn't out in an accessible format yet.Everywhere podcasts live!Blindseye Podcast WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


How Do You Ever Know If You Are Being Discriminated Against?

On this weeks’ episode “ 6 weeks later than expected”, I talk about different kinds of discrimination. The easy to spot stuff that you can do something about and the not so easy to spot stuff that can make situations really tricky. The debate around quotas and the notion of legislation or education.Everywhere podcasts live!Blindseye Podcast WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


High School Pt 2: Outcast

On this weeks' episode I finish the second part of my school experience as a blind student. Losing friends, social isolation, bullying and it's lingering effects as well as good and bad survival methods we come up just to get to the three o clock bell.Everywhere podcasts live!Blindseye Podcast WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramConsider supporting the showBuy Me A CoffeeBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


High School Pt 1: The logistics Of Learning

On this weeks' episode I discuss  how I learned at high school after I lost my vision. Some of the ways I needed to do classwork or homework, good and bad teachers, taking exams differently to others and the trade off between excelling and surviving.Get in touch:Blindseye Podcast WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


Going To Live Gigs & Concerts In A Safe Way

On this weeks' episode I talk about going to gigs when you can't see. Some of my first experiences that taught me a lot about getting to shows and enjoying yourself without having to worry about safety or access issues.Get in touch:Blindseye Podcast WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


What Is Lebers Hereditary Optic Neuropathy, How Does It Happen, What Can Be Done

On this weeks' episode I talk about my specific eye condition Lebers Hereditary optic neuropathy. I give a brief background of how the genetics work, who it effects and why: as well as some of the things that are being worked on to hopefully help some day.Get in touch:BlindseyePodcast.comFacebookTwitterInstagramBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


Guide Dogs V Canes: What's The Difference?

On this weeks’ episode I talk about the positives and negatives of canes and guide dogs. Why some people think it’s a strait trade off, when you might want to use one over the other and times different methods come in handy.Get in touch with the Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


Using Humour As An Icebreaker To Disability: it's Positives & Negatives

On this weeks’ episode I discuss the idea of using humour around your disability to break the ice with new people. How it can be very useful to meet and engage with awkwardness, but also how it can be limiting and leave your interactions one dimensional and feel like you are playing a part that is entirely “disabled”. Particularly when this happens with people you thought were friends.Get in touch:www.blindseyepodcast.comBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


Who Am I Speaking To?

On this weeks’ show I explore the conversation around recognising who I am talking to if I cannot see them. I talk about not recognising some peoples voices no matter how well I know them or how often we communicate. Those tricky questions of “guess who it is?”, My own self-consciousness around asking someone you have known for 20 years “who they are”: and when you invite people over only to answer the door and not be quite sure who has arrived!Everywhere podcasts live!Contact the - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


Being Blind From Birth: Interview With Kirsten

On this weeks’ episode I speak to Kirsten. Kirsten has been blind from birth and her and I have a chat about the differences of losing your vision and having never had any. Particularly around associating what colours and shapes are, what dreaming is like for us both and our response to the “which would you prefer to be: blind from birth or later in life” question.Everywhere podcasts live!Contact the Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


Repent For Your Sins and Ye Shall See!

When someone tells you to repent for your sins and you shall see again!On this weeks’ episode I discuss I’m sure what is a sensitive issue of religion and my experiences of losing my vision and everyday encounters. Including how religion made me feel worse not better as my sight diminished and when members of the public spout pure evil at you even though they think they are helping you. Also some of the funnier encounters I have had in this area to go with the not so funny.Please consider subscribing, sharing or liking as every little bit helps.Everywhere podcasts live!Get in touch with the - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


Specialised Apps That Allow Me To Do Everything I need To Without Vision

When somebody on the other side of the world is able to help you through your phone camera!On this weeks’ episode I let you listen to me use some of the most common specialised apps I use on my phone. The GPS apps that allow me to pin-point a particular establishment and walk me strait to it. The app that allows someone to take a photo for me as it’s difficult to do it myself. The apps that allowed me to explore the surrounds of my hotel in San Fran cisco before I got there so I wouldn’t miss out, and the app that can recognise everything from barcodes on groceries, to currency and faces so I always have a handle on what is going on.Everywhere podcasts live! Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show (


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