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Block It Like It’s Hot

Author: Jeff Gadsden & Amit Pawa

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Your hosts Amit ”I Got The” Pawa and Jeff “Tha Notorious JCG” Gadsden discuss current issues in regional anesthesia & acute pain medicine and drop some tips on how to make your regional anesthesia workflow a blocker’s delight.
26 Episodes
In part 2, Amit and Jeff tackle probe positioning, needle trajectory and something called Pawa's Pleural Groan...Why is the PVB poised to have a renaissance? Should we block one level? Every level? What's the risk of pneumothorax and should this block be done in anti coagulated patients? (spoiler: 2 out of 2 hosts say YES!) Join us for all this and more as we round out this in-depth discussion into one of our FAVE block techniques. Oh, and jokes. Always the jokes. Link to the Cho study on paravertebral micro-CT anatomy:   Link to the paper on intermittent bolus vs continuous infusion for PV catheters:  
In this episode, Amit and Jeff hold court while discussing the crown jewel of regional techniques, the paravertebral block. Join us for some controversies, debates and jokes while we give paravertebral anatomy and block technique the royal treatment.
Grab an eggnog & a mince pie or two and join Amit and Jeff for a frosty and festive finale to Season 2, featuring answers to some listener questions and a joyful round of dad jokes!   Links to things discussed:   University of Florida study on intercostobrachial nerve block:   Good paper explaining how regional anesthesia does NOT block ischemic pain:   Puzzling paper attributing acute compartment syndrome after tibial shaft fracture to a femoral nerve block:   RAUK algorithm for managing nerve injury:   Sternal hematoma block with catheter:   Paper on rebound pain (it's not a thing btw):      
In this engaging conclusion of our two-parter, we continue to share some laughs with the amazing Tanya Selak while discussing the value of SoMe collaboration, how to set boundaries when things get rough, and why she's NOT quitting Twitter (X) quite yet. In the meantime, Amit quotes Vanilla Ice, while Tanya seeks redemption as she gets another shot at the Dad-joke title.
Dope beats & phat lyrics...just two audacious dad MCs sharing the podcast origin story over some laid back West-coast flow. 
Amit and Jeff welcome special guest Tanya Selak from Wooleng....Woolloongo....from Australia. Tanya shares her ideas on the role of regional anesthesia in contemporary practice, how and who we should be training procedural skills in anesthesia, and possibly wins the joke-off with the lads. 
In the exciting conclusion of our abdominal wall block series, Amit and Jeff dive into QL blocks (and more!)...what's the deal with QL 1, 2 & 3? Does it REALLY get the whole abdomen? What is a Tequila block and how can I get one cuz it sounds delicious!? Join us for all this and a heapin' helping of the usual dad jokes...   Link to Jeff's QL video:   Link to Amit's ESP video:  
Is it advantageous to mix local anesthetics? Should we perform blocks in asleep patients? Why is the 'tucked vs untucked' scrub debate so fierce? 🤔 Join Amit and Jeff as they dive into these controversial issues and more!   Things we referenced during this episode: Link to interscalene mixing study: Link to interscalene sequence study: Link to Jeff's "Mythbusters" video on mixing local anesthetics: Link to article on risk associated with blocks under GA, sedated and awake:
Join Amit and Jeff for a continuing discussion on belly blocks--we take a deep dive on external oblique intercostal block, find out WHY rectus sheath block is just so darn easy and fun to do, and entertain offers of tummy massages...   Link to External Oblique Intercostal Block video:   Link to rectus sheath block videos:   Article on surgeon's attitudes towards regional anesthesia: Article on rectus sheath vs. thoracic epidural: Good salmon recipe:  
Amit & Jeff are joined by special guest star Jonny Wilkinson from Northampton as we discuss the role of nerve blocks in the intensive care unit: Which blocks? Who does them? Which patients benefit? How do we best teach these? Laughs were had, sound effects were shared, but no possums were injured in the making of this episode.   The Northampton Critical Care site:  
Rectus, subcostal and TAP...oh my! In this episode, Amit and Jeff tackle belly blocks, and discuss anatomy, clinical decision-making, and their own tips learned the hard way for how to make the most out of abdominal fascial plane blocks. 
Your patient had a latte six hours their stomach empty? BUT IS IT? Don't fret...there's a quick way to find out and in this tasty episode, Amit and Jeff digest the ins and outs of gastric point of care ultrasound (POGUS), answer some listener questions and compare finger injuries... Links discussed in this episode: Jeff's Gastric Pocus video: Cieslak article: Baettig article: History of fasting guidelines article (gastric fistula observation!):  
Amit and Jeff continue their tour of the upper limb, focusing on blocking the distal branches around the elbow, forearm and wrist. Also in this episode: discussion of listener questions about LAST, sharing of failed block stories, and somehow, weirdly, a reference to Paris Hilton.
Amit and Jeff take a tour of the brachial plexus, offering insights, stories, tips and "hold-nothing-back" hot takes regarding best blocks for the upper extremity. 
In this Season 1 festive finale, Amit and Jeff round out the year by reflecting on previous fave moments from the podcast, answer some listener questions, and count down the 12 days of Block-mas...Happy Holidays!
What's in a name? That which we call iPACK by any other name would...well, actually, we're not sure. In this controversial episode Amit and Jeff debate (and disagree!) about proper naming conventions, the value of eponyms, and who has the right to name blocks. Stay tuned for CAPS, PECS, RAPTIR, SPANK, and more...
Amit & Jeff dive into blocks for shoulder surgery, going deep on innervation and exploring a variety of techniques to keep your shoulder patients happy and pain-free. Plus some shout outs, listener questions and a return of the word "gumph" (feel free to suggest alternative spellings...).
Amit & Jeff are back to dissect (yes, intended) the amazing lineup of speakers, talks, workshops and live demos at the 2023 RA-UK Annual Scientific Meeting that was held in Newcastle, UK in May. Couldn't make it but want to hear the highlights? Want to know who won the long-awaited pro-con debate? Ok, ok, we'll leave that one to you to decide...but tune in to hear our thoughts on the rest of the exciting meeting!   Links: RA-UK Meetings website: Amit & Jeff's pro-con debate on the value of nerve stimulation:  
What’s the best source for RA education? Are textbooks dead? Is it all YouTube and Insta? What about live scanning and cadaver labs? In this episode, Part two of our three-part series on education and teaching, Amit and Jeff discuss the best methods for imparting regional anesthesia wisdom (ironic, given the hosts) in 2023. No jellies were harmed in the making of this episode. 
Teaching regional anesthesia knowledge and skills is a huge and rewarding part of our practice. This episode is the first in a special three-part series aimed at discussing how best to educate the next generation of regional anesthesiologists. Oh, and the usual tomfoolery, accents and jokes.
Comments (1)

Michael Greenway

Thinking about Joel's case, I think that the 'safety margin' afforded by the adrenaline doesn't apply to perivascular local anaesthetic. The adrenaline is supposed to slow resorption via capillaries and small vessels, but that won't work next to a big artery/vein.

May 3rd