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Busy to Boss Podcast

Author: A Branch of Holly

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Holly Bray is a mum, Business Coach, and Productivity & Planning Expert helping value-led business owners like you create a profitable, sustainable business that allows you to live the life of your dreams. In this show, Holly tells you how to know what to focus on in your business to turn those ideas in your head into a reality, so you can have complete freedom over your time… without working 24/7. It's a mix of valuable online marketing advice, friendly chats, and a few personal updates too. Like what you hear? Subscribe to The Busy to Boss Podcast.
284 Episodes
Here's all the info you need about The FOCUS Experience!  As ambitious business owners, we're always looking for ways to make our income more predictable and consistent. But what's inevitable for all of us is hitting the ceiling.  And there comes a tipping point where we either take specific action to continue our growth or we plateau and become stuck where we’re at. That’s where my FOCUS Operating System comes in. This allows you to run your business on a system so you can predict your revenue and hit your income goals month after month. In this episode, I'll walk you through the 6 key components of the FOCUS operating system and how each piece can allow you to hit your income goals month after month. Let's go! xo Holly For full show notes go to  ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter:  DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective:   Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook:   Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan:   Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist:   …   Spoiler alert - I’m going to be saying pivot a lot in this podcast episode, so let’s clear up the elephant in the room!    If youd have asked me a few weeks ago I would’ve said pivoting was the scariest thing you could ever do in your business.  Now I have a different perspective - I can safely say that pivoting can be the best possible thing to happen to you - when it’s needed. And that last part is what we’re going to talk about today.   In this episode, I’m going to walk you through 6 signs it’s time for a pivot and because we all love tangible action steps, what to actually do about each one - a small and specific area for you to focus on.   I’m very much in the weeds with my pivot at the moment and what I’ve realised so far is that yes, pivoting can bring you a lot of challenges and self-doubt.   But it also brings a lot of certainty.   Making the decision to pivot is one of the hardest things to do, because you’re the only one who can really make it.   And it’s my job today to guide you in making that decision!   We’re going to cover:   What to do when your current business doesn’t align with your life (and what alignment actually means) How a shift in your identity can encourage you to make a pivot Why you aren’t getting anywhere by craving clairty (and what to do instead) How to get your creative spark back with your work What to do when your ideal client changes How to manage when you’re forced to pivot for reasons outside of your control    This is a juicy episode so get ready to make notes!   Keep bossing it,   xo Coach Holly For full show notes go to  ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:  
I have always been so open about sharing how much my business has changed since having kids.   But I haven’t been fully honest with you this year.   And what I’ve realised over the last few weeks?   If I carry on the way I am, there’s only one way it will go.   So because of that, something needs to change.   Not only a complete business restructure and rebrand (!) - but also in my approach thinking.   The big mistake I made is this:   What has been driving everything for me has been “what will bring in money and what do I think my audience wants/needs?”   Vs “What do I feel so called to share? Where do my passions lie? What’s my mission and my legacy? What can I help people with and why am I the person to help them with that?”   This is what my next level looks like.   No more creating offers just because that’s what other coaches in the space are doing.   No more talking about certain content topics because it’s what a business coach does.   I am not your average business coach and I never have been.   And the truth is - I have not been honouring my business in the way it deserves and that all changes now.   A new era of ABOH is evolving.   Do I know all the specifics yet? No, but I’ll be bringing you along for the ride.   And in this episode, you’re hearing it all first.   I’m sharing the specifics of how I’ve been feeling, what I’ve been craving in my business (that I haven’t shared yet), plus what I’ve done so far to navigate through this.   This is your permission slip if you need one.   Let me know what you think!   xo Holly For full show notes go to  Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective: Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook: Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan: Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist: ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:  
Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective: Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook: Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan: Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist: …   What would you do with an extra 10 hours a week in your business?   Boss - I’m about to make that a reality.   In this episode, I’m going to share 10 ways you can actually get 10 hours back in your work week.   These are things that have helped myself and my clients, and now they’ll help you to become less overwhelmed, to be more productive and to get more time back in your business, so you can spend your time how you want to be spending your time, rather than your business running your life.   And full transparency - that used to be me. I used to work more than 60 hours in my business each week. I wasn’t getting done everything that I wanted to get done and I didn’t feel like I was creating momentum or achieving any of my goals because I was always putting out fires. I just felt like I was keeping my head above water with the day-to-day tasks that needed doing each week.   Now, I’ve changed all of that so I’ll skip the story and get into how you can create these productivity systems for yourself.   Get ready to take notes!   Keep #bossingit,  xo Coach Holly For full show notes go to  ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Work with me 1:1 here:  Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective: Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook: Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan: Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist: … Need a pep talk? I got you.   A lot of us are fed up with some things that are happening in the online space at the moment and I think we need to talk about it.   This pep talk is for you if you are feeling overwhelmed, disorganised, you’re trying things but nothing is working, or you think you’re not cut out for entrepreneurship.   It’s going to be okay.   In this pep talk, we will chat through:   #: The ONE thing you need to do to go from overwhelm to empowerment #: What the most successful people in our industry are ACTUALLY doing every day #: What you need to focus on to get to where you want to be #: How to empower yourself to know your numbers    This is a real Sassy Holly pep talk and my DMs are always open if you need me!   Keep #bossingit xo Coach Holly For full show notes go to  ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective: Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook: Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan: Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist: ... When we first start dreaming up our dreams and taking the first steps toward making them happen, we are in the honeymoon period - but what happens when that seasons ends? What about when you're in the trenches of the mundane day-to-day tasks of working beheind-the-scenes in order to actually make it happen? You're over it. You're not motivated and it doesn't seem worth it to you anymore. What do you do? In this shorty episode, I'm sharing 3 things that you can do to help you make goal-setting feel less like a chore, so you can stay the course. If this episode resonated with you, please consider subscribing to the show and leaving a rating & review on Apple podcasts <3 Keep bossing it! xo Coach Holly ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Work with me 1:1 here:    Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective:   Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook:   Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan:   Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist:   …   Do you have a deep knowing that you’re meant for more? Maybe you know it’s time to expand your capacity or that you’re bumping into an upper limit right now.   I’m going to talk to you about what all that means and use my own experience to share the 3 biggest things I shifted, so you can get some inspiration and advice for what you can do to start to expand your capacity so that you can grow, get out of that plateau and avoid burnout.   We will chat through: What my plateau looked like when I first started my business  The biggest places where I see all business owners get stuck (and what to do if this happens to you) Why it’s so powerful to pause (and why so many of us don’t do this) The importance of connecting with yourself and understanding what your brain is doing Why you need to prioritise discomfort every single day How I changed my identity as a coach to help me deliver even better results for my clients   I came at this episode from a different perspective than I originally anticipated so I hope this resonates with you!   xo Coach Holly For full show notes go to  ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective: Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook: Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan: Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist: ... Frustrated or annoyed with the season that you're currently in? Do you feel defeated and unsure of what to do when you're not happy with where you're at? Tune in for 3 things that you can do when you're not loving the season that you're in. If this episode resonated with you, please consider subscribing to the show and leaving a rating & review on Apple podcasts <3 Keep bossing it! xo Coach Holly ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective: Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook: Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan: Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist: ... Do you want so badly to get clear on your purpose but you just don't know what your dream looks like? In this Tuesday shorty episode, we are chatting about 3 things you can do right now to help you get clear on your purpose. If this episode resonated with you, please consider subscribing to the show and leaving a rating & review on Apple podcasts <3 Keep bossing it! xo Coach Holly ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Work with me 1:1 here:  Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective: Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook: Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan: Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist: … Why do successful people quit their businesses? Perplexing, right? In this episode, we are going to talk about the paradox of successful people quitting, why it happens, and what to do if you ever face this in your business. I will walk you through a conversation that I had with my client which inspired this episode, as well as elements of my own story (so this will be a bit of a vulnerable share!) We will chat through: What circumstances led to my client experiencing this My experience with fear and shame in my own business and how it led to me wanting to burn everything down What happens when shame is in the drivers seat trying to run our business How I would coach you through other options/routes to go down if you were my client If you resonate with this, I really hope it gives you the clarity you’re looking for!    Let’s dive in. xo Coach Holly For full show notes go to  ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective: Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook: Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan: Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist: ... Find yourself feeling pulled in 100 different directions, struggling to focus on anything because there is just SO much grabbing for your attention? Boss, overwhelm should not be your normal. In this Tuesday shorty episode, I'm going to share 5 practical ways to lessen overwhelm in your life. Now, I have a lot of tips I could share but I wanted to share ones that you can start implementing ASAP - these don’t take a ton of prep or time but they make a huge difference, especially when you combine them together. Let's dive in! Keep bossing it, xo Coach Holly ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
A few updates and a transition into a new season. Make sure you're on my VIP list to access to the new edition of the Behind The Boss newsletter! 
Enrolment for The Embodied Boss Collective is officially OPEN! Get all the details and save your spot here:  … Every business coach talk about prioritising needle-moving tasks and how to achieve more of your goals.   But I have honestly never seen anyone actually break down a proven method for how to figure out these tasks and create a plan around them to help you understand the components of what it really takes to drive sustainable growth in your business.   So of course, I have a FULL breakdown for you - full curtains back, no gatekeeping.   Generating sustainable growth in your business can be overwhelming as you try to balance the vision of what you’re aiming for with the details of what needs to happen to get there.   So I am helping you map out your own gameplan - all with the intention of allowing you to get to where you want to be with ease and without burnout.   In this episode, I introduce you to my FOCUS method, which I teach in The Embodied Boss Collective - my 12 month group program for online business owners who want to achieve more of their goals and increase the completion of their most needle-moving tasks, so they can gain control of their schedule, increase their confidence and generate sustainable business growth.   You’ll learn about the approach to sustainable growth that I’ve found works best, what areas of your business you should focus on to optimise your growth and why this method really works.   We’re going to cover: Why “copy and paste” strategies don’t tend to work long-term The 5 core areas we cover in the FOCUS method (macro, micro, map, meet & move) Factors that make the FOCUS method be super successful in your life and business.   I’ve been so excited to share this with you - I hope you get so much from it!   Keep bossing it, xo Coach Holly For full show notes go to  ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Enrolment for The Embodied Boss Collective is officially OPEN! Get all the details and save your spot here:  Boy do I have an exciting episode for you today. I sat down on a Zoom chat with ALL of my private clients and got them to answer one question: “How have you taken the strategies & frameworks I’ve taught you and implemented them into YOUR life and business?” The conversation we had is absolutely transformative. Every single one of my clients leads a different lifestyle and the purpose behind this was to really show you exactly how my methods and frameworks really can be customised to anyone. For a real, honest and truly powerful conversation - you won’t want to miss this. I would LOVE to know your thoughts. Keep bossing it, xo Coach Holly For full show notes go to  ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Get registered here: We kick off on Monday 18th at 11am GMT!
Get ready for a big announcement, Boss! In this episode, I’m sharing the details about my *new* program… drum roll please… the Embodied Boss Collective! Get on the VIP waitlist right here > I’ll walk through the structure of this new offer, what’s included, how it works, the pricing, and why I created this integrated way of getting your hands on *all* of my strategies, coaching, and tools in one place, at your fingertips. I want you to have as much info as possible so you can plan to join us when the doors officially open to the public on Tuesday 19th March! I’m hosting the Create Your Money-Making To-Do List event next week as a more strategic workshop series - this podcast is more about logistics so you can plan ahead to join us.  If you have questions, ust email me or DM me on IG @abranchofholly. In this episode, we discuss: Why I am finally launching a program that has been years in the making What the Embodied Boss Collective means to me and the philosophy behind building a simple, sophisticated, strategic business that focuses on profit without a bunch of fluff that doesn’t move the needle The “pilot pricing” of the first intake of the program - including payment plan options  The waitlist bonuses and how to get first dibs (hint: 1:1 with Holly!) How my approach to business has shifted as I’ve matured as a CEO and why I don’t try to “have all the answers for everyone” anymore Why this program is designed for established, experienced and advanced course product & service based business owners and who it’s a good fit for Time-saving benefits built into the design of the program from the start Why the Embodied Boss Collective doesn’t include extra Q&A Calls and the asynchronous structures we’re doing instead that you will be obsessed with (I already am!) Get excited and get ready to join us when the doors open! And don’t forget to get registered for the Create Your Money-Making To-Do List workshop series here:
Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective: Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook: Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan: Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist: … Do you find you often have to throw your 90-day plans out of the window because events come up that throw you off track?   Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.   Over the past few years, the world has felt more chaotic than ever. That impacts you as a small business owner, as do the things going on in your personal life.   So how do you turn your yearly goals into actionable plans?   In this episode of the Busy To Boss podcast, you’ll learn how to take your goals for the next year and turn them into an achievable plan.   I’ll walk you through the difference between outcome based goals and habit based goals, the critical systems you need to make it all work, and examples of where you might need to tighten things up in your business.   We’re going to cover:   The two types of goals you can set for your business and the difference between each one 2 questions to ask yourself when it comes to your goals to see if they’re actually going to grow your business  How to do an audit to plug any gaps where your business is leaking  The 3 systems you need dialed in for all of your offers so that you can succeed without burnout What happens if you don’t implement these key systems in your business before adding new things   There are lots of powerful questions in here so get ready to make notes!   Keep bossing it. xo Coach Holly For full show notes go to  ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective: Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook: Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan: Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist: …   Welcome to the final part of the How To Run Your Business Like a Boss series!   Let me ask you this: are your mornings the craziest time of the day?    We are getting up trying to deal with getting the dog outside, putting the kettle on, taking care of your kids, and trying to get yourself ready and focused so that you can get into work…   But you end up ultimately feeling frazzled by the time you sit down at your desk?    Or maybe the end of your day, you're just collapsing into bed just flat-out exhausted?   Well, Embodied Bosses know that they need to manage their day well. They need to conserve their brain space and energy for what really matters so that they can get the results they're looking for in their life, health, relationships, and yes, in their business.    So in today's episode, we're going to round out this series by talking about how you can run your day like an embodied boss.   We’re going to cover: Why a great day truly starts the night before and how to maximise that How to personalise your morning routine to suit what works for you Other things you can consider to keep your days running smoothly What I do to simplify decision making The things that could be sucking away your time and what to do about them How to choose your Top 3 Tasks every day What to do if you start feeling resistance   This is a little bit of a different episode compared to the others in this series and I hope you love it!   Keep bossing it,   xo Coach Holly For full show notes go to  ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective: Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook: Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan: Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist: …   Welcome to part four of the How To Run Your Business Like a Boss series!   Running your business like a boss requires strategy. It requires having a plan. It also requires skillfully managing your time and energy each and every week as a boss, so that you are putting your attention on the boss-level tasks that are actually going to move your business forward.    But I know we can get stuck because we all know that the inbox, the admin, the busy work, the day-to-day in our business can overtake everything and become a big distraction.   Then at the end of the week, we realize we have not made progress towards those big rocks, those highest priority tasks that are going to move our business forward.    So in this episode, we're talking about how you can run your week like a boss and make those higher-valued ceo-level tasks a priority.   We’re going to cover:   What’s a weekly outline, how you use one and examples of how I use my own The importance of your Weekly Prep Meeting A strategy that I’m ruthless at implementing that helps massively with business boundaries Important questions to ask yourself to help you run your week more effectively A break down of what your Boss Score is all about & why you need it to stick to your weekly plan The importance of the review part of a Weekly Prep Meeting & questions to ask yourself   This is what we’ll be doing live together every week as part of The Embodied Boss Collective and it’s going to be so fun to dive into together!   Keep bossing it.   xo Coach Holly For full show notes go to  ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
Get on the waitlist for The Embodied Boss Collective: Get your free copy of The Solopreneur’s Growth Playbook: Grab your 12 Month Boss Gameplan: Download the Weekly Prep Meeting Checklist:  …   Welcome to part three of the How To Run Your Business Like a Boss series!   In this episode, we’re diving into part 2 of my Triple Threat Method - the Monthly Prep Meeting. I want to talk about how a monthly practice, a monthly meeting on your calendar to actually build in a feedback loop for yourself and for self-accountability will help so much!   Having a system like this in place for your business means that your plan doesn't just become another Google doc or Notion page that you're never looking at again but is actually a living, breathing document that you are actively using and checking in with to create progress and momentum in your business.   We’re going to cover:   The check-in process I use for my Monthly Prep Meeting What kids of questions you can ask yourself as you look back on the previous month The consequences of NOT tracking and documenting things in your business on a consistent basis How to check in on your business metrics & revenue each month (without obsessing over them) What to do if you discover you’ve fallen behind on your project goals The last thing you need to do at the end of your monthly prep meeting   This is what we’ll be doing live together every month as part of The Embodied Boss Collective so I hope it gives you some good insights!   Keep bossing it,   xo Coach Holly For full show notes go to  ...  Mentioned in the episode: Get the Behind The Boss Newsletter: DM Holly on IG: Rate & review on Apple Podcasts:
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