Blood, Sweat & Silver

Taking a vampire fiction novel from idea to Amazon, and everything in between.

Welcome to Blood, Sweat & Silver

Episode 1 of the official podcast of The Afterliving, vampire fiction author Fernando Rivera’s debut novel. In this episode, Fernando and co-host Matt Steele introduce the podcast series, which will feature roundtable discussions on family & culture, religion, horror, and LGBTQ elements in media, all while diving into the creative and technical processes behind self-publishing.


The Afterliving Lore Primer

Brand new to The Afterliving? Been a while since you've read it? This episode is a primer to the supernatural world ahead. **SPOILERS ABOUND**


Self-Publishing, From Idea to Amazon

Author Fernando Rivera and co-host Matt Steele reveal the motivation and process behind writing The Afterliving, plus the step-by-step approach to self-publishing a vampire novel in digital and physical media. **SPOILER FREE**


LGBTQ Representation in Media

Author Fernando Rivera and co-host Matt Steele discuss LGBTQ elements in The Afterliving and the need for authentic Queer representation in literature, television, and cinema. Guests include Luis Selgas (Como Caído del Cielo) and Steven Daniel Brun (Lucifer). **SPOILERS ABOUND**


Of Family & Culture

Author Fernando Rivera and co-host Matt Steele dissect how family and culture contribute to the Afterliving world, and how fact often inspires better fiction. Guests include British actress Lauren Baldwin (L.A. Macabre) and Latinx comedian Cyndi Melendez (This Is Us). **SPOILERS ABOUND**


Vampire Jesus and You

Author Fernando Rivera and co-host Matt Steele examine the parallels between the Afterliving and Christianity, and the religious significance of vampires, werewolves, and witches. Guests include actor Matthew Bridges (American Horror Story, Season of Love) and writer/producer Mat Hayes (Cognitive, Jane the Virgin). **SPOILERS ABOUND**


And the Category is...Vampires!

The Afterliving author Fernando Rivera and co-host Matt Steele discuss everything "vampire," from American folklore to Hollywood features, with actor/writer/producer and horror expert Daniel Montgomery (Creep LA, Jane The Virgin, Goosebumps: Welcome to Deadcast). **SPOILERS ABOUND**


The Retrospective

In this bonus episode, author Fernando Rivera goes on location in London where British listener Mike Hoffman presents his unanswered questions in a special Blood, Sweat & Silver retrospective. **SPOILERS ABOUND**


In Closing...

Thanks for listening to the official podcast of The Afterliving, the debut novel by Fernando Rivera. Stay subscribed for information on the upcoming sequel, as well as future episodes of Blood, Sweat & Silver. **Special thanks to Rail Productions in Burbank.**


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