BluiMafia Podcast

Blue collar guys and guests talk about life, politics, and philosophy in humorous, honest, unrestrained conversations. We do our damnedest to emulate the candor, charm and wit of our blue eyed forerunners- Sinatra, John Wayne and Churchill- whilst discussing topics from everyday toils to news headlines to the meaning of life. We loathe political correctness so check your sensitivities at the door, grab yourself a drink, sit back, relax and enjoy the weird, wonderful world of the BluiMafia.

Ep. 25 Net Neutrality lite

Rob and Joe provide a rough introduction to the raging debate of Net Neutrality. Also some UFC talk. Sit back and enjoy with some Strike Force Energy!!!   Check out our friends at the Sofa King Podcast.


Ep. 24 You Are NOT the Indian!

Today we delve into the meaning of a meme. If that isn’t enough we give you the definition of the word pedagogy and multiple mispronunciations of the word. We also talk about Fauxcahontas and her academic acumen (parts 1,2, and 3),


Ep. 23 We call it Trump Juice!

It’s time to talk about Trump Juice! Also, we explore Roy Moore and all the levels to the recent accusations of sexual assault leveled at monsters, sad pervs, and non-chivalrous dudes. Then there’s some Iphone X drama and Barstool gets cucked by ESPN. Enjoy.   We want to welcome our first sponsor Strikeforce Energy. Get your 20% discount by using the promo code BLUIMAFIA. Check out our friends on the Sofa King Podcast.     


Ep. 22 Saving Harvey

Rob and Joe discuss an article in The Independent that explains how Islam may provide a solution to sexual assault or the subsequent article that is like, “Nah!” And whether corporal discipline is part of the prescription or not. Then we have a word of the day and Abraham Lincoln’s ties to the Alt-Right and a little history? Sit back and d [...]


Ep. 21 Rapping and Breeding with Octopi and Harvey Weinstein

On this episode, Rob and Joe dive headfirst into the Harvey Weinstein scandal and all its fallout- Breaking! Harvey is a scumbag! Then they discover the magical and abhorrent procreation of the octopus. All of this wonder is topped off by some Tesla talk, Cali fires update- more like a mention- and a rap battle. Seriously. Grab a drink, relax and enjoy.   Check us out at    Check out our friends 


Introduction: American Extremism Series (Get Woke Edition)

Rob is here to introduce the next chapter of the BluiMafia experience. The Get Woke Edition of the BluiMafia will feature series on themes or topics with each episode an in-depth examination of specific subtopics constructing a whole narrative that is both informative and enlightening. The first offering is the American Extremism series which will examine the divide in the U.S. and the groups that are both part cause and part symptom. We will get into the depths of ideology with groups from the Religious Right to Antifa. Sit back, pay attention and enjoy.  


Ep. 20 CNN Does Some Real Journalism?!!!

Rob and Joe are astonished to find a truly well-researched article from… CNN!!! Plus masculinity lost in parks and prank calling PP. And a school shooting nobody seemed to care about… Grab a drink, sit back and enjoy. Check us out Check out our friends  School Shooting School Shooting CNN does journalism.


Ep. 19 Dear Micro-Aggressed Snowflakes, You Hella Funny!!! :)

Today the boys talk about the moral equivalency of wearing racist symbols and burning the flag and at what point speech warrants a physical reproach. Then they delve into the brilliant right wing extremism app that European law enforcement seemed to have confused with another terrorist group. Oh, they also roast ridiculous microaggressions that offend today’s stalwart youth. Sit back, relax and enjoy… and definitely, drink. Micro Aggression Crazy App Nazi Punch


Ep. 18 Trump Drinks the Gay Frog Water and HIV Positive Blood Donations?!

Rob and Joe hold an intervention for Trump to save him from his Twitter and the gay frog water. Then they enjoy Hillary explain her election loss while debunking a conservative site’s Fake News headline about HIV laws in CA. There is also the Utah Nurse who was arrested by a poorly endowed, sexist cop. Grab a drink, sit back, relax and enjoy this verbal acid trip. Check us out at Check out our friends at Hillary Explains Hillary Explains Hillary Explains Hillary Vox


Ep. 17 Tragedy in a Freezer and in Boxing.

Rob and Joe bring you live commentary on the GGG and Canelo fight and the UFC Fight Night simultaneously. They also get into riots in St. Louis, a tragedy in a freezer and a libelous article in Salon. Grab a drink, sit back and enjoy. Check us out BluiMafia Check out our friends Sofa King Podcast Freezer Tragedy Philly covers Freezer Tragedy St. Louis Riots Salon libels Savage Boxing Disgrace< [...]


Ep. 16 The Roadmap

Rob is here to talk about some exciting new developments for the show. Our hilarious insightful conversations will continue but there are more types of shows to come. Your heart will palpitate at the prospect of Interviews, the Get Woke Edition and the Bluimafia: Heroes and Scumbags series (the name was decided on posthumously for the latter). Get ready for a whole new level of information and awesome. Grab a drink, relax and enjoy this wildly informative and yet boring entry into the canon of the BluiMafia Podcast. Check us out at Check out friends Sofa King Podcast


Ep. 15 DACA and the “Virtuous” Marginalization of Potential Americans.

Rob and Joe discuss DACA and the congressional incompetence on immigration and it’s inequity towards illegal and legal immigrants. They also rant against social media censorship and cowardly trolls who block after commenting to disallow conversation. And then there is a little tangent on ignorant praise for other beliefs while harboring disdain for the values and beliefs that nurtured and benefited the very virtue signaling genius who has turned on them for the sake of condescending to the people around them and feeling good about their own transcendence that is grounded in an utter lack of empirical data. In other words, the basis of social justice warriorism.  Take a drink, sober up and enjoy.   DACA may help or hurt.


Ep. 14 Joe Explains Horizontal North and South.

Rob and Joe have some fun talking about their favorite war movies and the ridiculous outrage over the new HBO series, Confederate. Then Joe does something magical that begins with explaining that New York is part of the south… Yeah. Grab a drink, sit back, relax and enjoy. Check us out at Check out our friends at Confederate Controversy HBO  


Ep. 13 What News Isn’t Fake News?!

Rob and Joe react to the MayMac fight while enjoying the First Take crow eating and Snoop Dogg’s intelligent and eloquent critique of the fight. They also talk about the heroic relief efforts of the Houston floods, floods in India and the horrific mudslide in Sierra Leone. Then they get into the News epidemic- whether it is outright Fake News or the bias in all the media- decrying the lack of a news source with diverse agendas and honest open dialogue other than aggregators like Drudge Report or Apple News. Grab a drink and then another and another and enjoy. Husband heard his wife being cut in half in a lift moments after giving birth Check out our friends at the Check out the the excellent www.breake [...]


Ep. 12 Driving with Rob and Joe

Rob and Joe discuss kneeling for the National Anthem and social activism’s motivations. They also give their Mayweather vs. McGregor final predictions. All of this served with a review of Dunkirk! Sit back and enjoy!   Check out our friends


Ep. 11 Ramble on My Wayward Joe, There Will Be Confusion When We Are Done.

This episode features Rob and Joe on a tangential journey through the nightmare of Antifa, Boston Free Speech Rally, Dora the Explorer, UAE geography lessons, Silicon Valley’s suppression of free speech and a lot of potentially offensive comments if you don’t have a sense of humor. We also reviewed Dunkirk- kinda. Grab like ten drinks, sit back and enjoy the random world of the Bluimafia. Oh, and check out our friends at the,51.7118315,7z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0×3e5e48dfb1ab12bd:0×33d32f56c0080aa7!8m2!3d23.424076!4d53.847818


Ep. 10 Racists in Virginia and Harvard get Conor McGregored!

Rob and Joe spar with the moronic ideas of the white nationalists who escalated the rally in Charlottesville to a disaster and how both the extremes on the right and left are poisoning the national atmosphere with violence and idiocy. Then there is the Conor vs. Malignaggi saga topped off by Harvard’s progressive re-segregation? It’s a fun one. Grab a drink and enjoy. Check us out at Check out our friends at


Ep. 9 Teen Vogue for Killer Kids

Rob and Joe discuss killer kids on Netflix and what Teen Vogue has deigned worthy of discussion for the young fashion connoisseur- it has nothing to do with fasion at all. Then they meander into other wonderful topics that you’ll have to hit play to find out about. Enjoy… As always, check out our friends at


Ep. 8 Family Guy and Fat Shame

Rob and Steve hold the fort down and talk about how fat people die first in the coming Zombie Apocalypse. They also critique the funniest adult cartoons and learn that ISIS is not a terrorist organization?! Sit back, relax and don’t be Joe. Enjoy… Check out our mentors and friends  ISIS Is Not a Terrorist Group | Foreign Affairs


Ep. 7 Rob Goes Dr. Phil to Learn about Joe.

Rob and Joe sit down for a sleepy discussion of things and who Joe is. They are joined by a very strange Dr. Phil to liven the party up. It’s weird, it’s wonderful, it’s the BluiMafia Podcast! Check out our friends at 


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