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Bob 'n Joyce Talk HR 'n OD

Bob 'n Joyce Talk HR 'n OD

Author: Bob Stapleton and Joyce Wilson-Sanford

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The Bob 'n Joyce Talk HR 'n OD podcast, hosted by Bob Stapleton and Joyce Wilson-Sanford, is for Human Resources and Organizational Development change-makers committed to bold work in an era that calls for the skills, values and partnership of these two disciplines. Bob and Joyce are former HR and OD C-suite executives who share their successes, failures, and hacks. They believe that it's an exciting time for this work and give specifics around acquisitions, policy nightmares, and grand moments. This podcast is to support your work and to take a moment to step away from the daily chaos. Come on in, grab a snack, and welcome!
166 Episodes
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce address the challenge of moving from personal or organizational lethargy to vitality. Good leaders can sense the pulse of an organization and find ways to move the needle on the cultural vibe. So the question becomes how do you engage employees in order to make the shift? Here are a couple of areas we mused on: Responding to, ‘Well, it is what it is.’ Combating the malaise of boredom at work. The importance of leaning into the discomfort through dialogue (versus measuring it through stay surveys). The power of putting a name on what’s happening. Joyce and Bob get feisty and gritty about what they believe is an oft ignored but important aspect of a healthy organization. Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce muse on the merits and limitations of setting goals. Goal setting can both energize and move you to action but can also discourage and demotivate. It begs the question as to how you accomplish the former and avoid the latter. This topic is timely given the 2024 Paris Olympics and the stories athletes share about how they became the best in the world. The recurring theme is the power of goal setting that propelled them to become the best. The conundrum is to tap into that kind of goal setting and avoid that which distracts and bores. Some take-a-ways include: * Good goal moves you past your fear. * Goal setting creates purpose and a path towards the next and that is a good thing. * The power of collaboration and ownership when setting goals. * Jettison goals that don’t inspire. This is a courageous act and not failing. * The danger of goals handed down from above. So come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce, go through a recent post where the author describes leadership attributes that makes a person worth following. While there are many leadership models, this one focuses on affinity, the ability to connect with others based on mutual respect and trust. The behaviors and attributes described in today’s podcast serves as a guide to assess how we are doing. Come listen to learn where you are nailing it and where you just might see an opportunity to be a better leader. Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce rift on the importance of an organization’s culture being seen and understood. Our definition of culture is the way that a group solves problems, make decisions, and gets the work done. When these norms or assumptions no longer work, making your culture tangible and seen, is the first step to cultural change. To do this, we share ideas on how you can lead a conversation to make the unseen seen by having groups discuss these dimensions on a continuum of how things happen around here: Conflict – Direct and blunt or indirect and polite Tolerance for ambiguity – order and completeness or raggedy and chaotic Awareness of time – Fixed or fluid Emotions – expressive or controlled Perspective on the business – data/finance or intuition/art Freedom – Hierarchical or egalitarian Dress – Formal or informal Communication – Explicit and direct or implicit and indirect Great stuff here so… Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce share a list of OD values created by a team Joyce worked with several years ago. The list resonated with them but what matters more is if they ring true to you. These values are not exclusive to OD practitioners and apply to all of us who lead and we all lead at something. You probably won’t find these values on the ODN website or in an academic leadership article. This list is borne out of hard work, determination, and yes, screwing up. Our hope is after listening, you take a moment to reflect on the values important to doing your best work. Here are a few of ours: Embrace humor. Don’t take yourself too seriously and know when you are up on your high horse. Reside on the boundary. Know when you are kissing ass and betraying your work. Shrug when you screw up. Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce discuss the importance of HR/OD abandoning worn out approaches and rules that no longer cut it. In fact, past practices too often stifle creativity and employee engagement. The role of OD is to “supersize” the capacity and potential of their workforce. Sounds too idealistic and soft? We think not. Taking this on demands courage and patience. Warning: We get irritated and a wee bit sarcastic in today’s podcast. Despite this… Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce speak out about stuff that irritates the heck out of them. Leaders too often fail to treat employees respectfully, especially at times that matter most. It is almost as if common sense and decency go out the window. Here is some of the stuff that irritates them: The arrogance of viewing employees as problems to be solved versus as the solution Letting people go without respect and compassion Those who manage and manipulate and call it leading Managers who ‘do to’ versus ‘doing with’ employees Get ready to get irritated!
In this episode, our guest, Andrea Derler, shares how people analytics empowers HR and leaders to align HR strategy with business goals like never before. Organizations are increasing under greater pressure to increase employee engagement and performance outcomes. Join us today to learn how people analytics can unlock the untapped value of your employees. Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome _About Dr. Andrea Derler Andrea Derler, has been leading research projects in the HR field in both U.S. and European companies for over 10 years and has been with Visier, a Canadian software company and a leader in the People Analytics domain, since 2021. In this interview, she will provide a practical introduction to the discipline of People Analytics, share the hottest HR trends of 2024, and offer insights into current case examples from the HR and people analytics practice. _
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce share thought-provoking question for leaders and HR/OD practitioners. Some questions come from Gallup consulting, and the rest from Joyce’s own writings. Asking a powerful question is a valuable tool for providing insights, shifting perspectives (in a good way), and revealing blind spots. They can also irritate the dickens out of you. Come join us as we rift on each and provide our thoughts on where and when to use them. We blend humor, a bit of sarcasm, and brilliant insights that will make you both smile and grimace. Spoiler Alert!!!! Here is the list of Joyce's touchstone Leadership Questions: — Would you do the same job for half the salary? — Do you have something preposterously important you want to get done? — Do you think about ‘better’ or ‘different’? — Do you look forward to developing, thinking with, being demanding of, infusing with enthusiasm, your direct reports? — Does the idea of contact with the core of your business excite you or bore you? —Do you take reality into serious consideration but not bow to it? —When people see you coming, do they want to do good work and after you leave, do they want to do their best work? — Do you often realize that you owe your privileged role to every person in your company and does it make you determined to make them proud of you? Some of these I know grabed your attention and interest so... Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce rift on the merits and relevance of creating self-organizing communities. Whether it be in the fabric of an organization’s culture or a one-time intervention, taking a decentralized approach for problem solving, co-creation, and vitality works. In this episode we asks as many questions as we answers so buckle up because we need you on this topic. We touch on: How self-organizing unleashes tapped down energy and promotes engagement. The importance of trust that communities will get it right Working through the panic that this might just not work How to embrace a decentralized approach in a hierarchical, top-down organization. Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce delve into the practice of setting norms of behavior for meetings. Norm setting is a game changer for effective engagement but too often doesn’t work. We provide tips and ideas on how to establish norms that work. Why is this an important topic? • Many meetings are waste of time and talent. • Meetings done well are where real work gets done. • Norms are a powerful intervention to promote a productive culture. Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce sit down with Terry Morgan, an accomplished executive known for his change leadership as a CEO, CIO, interim executive, and technology consultant. Terry has led large scale transformations at companies including Food Lion, Delhaize, and Lowe's Home Improvement. Terry shares insights for navigating significant change with a thoughtful approach resulting in successful, high impact outcomes. Some of those insights include: • Ways to address resistance to change • Why taking risk is necessary and the importance of mitigating it • The flywheel of things to consider when leading big change • The importance of getting stakeholder involved in the change process This episode is packed with good stuff so……Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome! About Terry Morgan Principal, Morgan Advisory Services, LLC. Mr. Terry Morgan is a seasoned senior executive with deep and diverse experience in industry and consulting. He retired as the CEO of Macro Integration Services, Inc. and has been the sole principal of Morgan Advisory Services, LLC ( since 2010. He has over 40 years of industry and consulting experience in strategic planning, technology, retail services, business process improvement, cost optimization, and general management. After his grocery career as the Global CIO of Delhaize Group, he served interim executive roles via Morgan Advisory Services at Extended Stay America (Interim CIO), Belk (Interim CTO), AMTdirect (Consultant and Board Member), Delhaize America (Interim CTO, Interim Office of the CIO), Lowe’s (Interim CIO, Interim CISO, and Interim SVP of Technology – Canada). In most cases, he hired the permanent replacement as well as ran the function. Mr. Morgan has served in a volunteer mentoring capacity with Rowan County Times Two Mentoring and Queens College. He has his MBA from the Fuqua School of Business with an emphasis in Finance, his BS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a major Business Administration and Accounting and is a Certified Management Accountant.
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce share 12 principles or truths about organizational change. This list is based on the work of Margaret Wheatley, author, leadership guru, and management consultant. We time-test these truths using our experiences and invite you to do the same. Here is sample of some: 1. Whatever the problem, community is the answer. 2. Diversity is a blessing, not a problem. 3. A leader is anyone willing to engage. 4. People support what they create. 5. Change happens through emergence, not by any other process. Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce meet with Jon Rennie, author, podcaster, and business executive, who shares his unique perspective on what it means to be a good leader . Jon is a former U.S Navy Nuclear Submarine Officer with seven deployments during the Cold War. Today, Jon is President and CEO of Peak Demands, a premier manufacturer of critical components for electrical companies. Jon also hosts his own podcast, Deep Leadership, where he shares lessons gleaned from his thirty years of military and civilian leadership. Jon is also the author of three books on leadership. Whether you are a new or seasoned leader, this podcast is jam-packed full of insights and ideas to take you to the next level. Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this 150th episode, Bob’nJoyce riff on the conditions necessary for an organization to avert decline and irrelevance. All companies, at some point, confront internal and external forces that put their success at risk. Today we lean into Jim Collins’s work on the disciplines required to ‘right the ship’ and get back on track. These ideas are so practical and basic that they are often overlooked when seeking the grandiose silver bullet. Even if your organization is performing well, this topic is as relevant to keep the success on track. So come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome.
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce take on the merits of taking risk in life and work. The problem is that most of us are risk adverse and prefer to play it safe. Our risk-taking premise is that saying yes and getting out on the skinny branches leads to a life filled with possibility and breakthroughs. If true, how does a leader cultivate a company culture that embrace taking risk and yes, making mistakes. Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episodes, Bob’nJoyce explore the dynamic of how a big challenge can bring out our best and accelerate people development. Joyce interviews Bob about his going south (North Carolina) from Maine to help create a division of stores in a new market. Taking on work with unknowns and challenges, expected and unexpected, is both terrifying and thrilling. In this episode, we share interventions and processes that both worked and did not. The lessons are relevant today as organizations and individuals take on challenges in an unpredictable world. Welcome to our island of sanity. Come on in and grab a snack!
In today’s episodes, Bob’nJoyce get real about why they are committed to doing this podcast. They share their ‘Why’ to give context to the topics they choose and their unique perspectives on everything HR/OD. As a regular listener, it is important that you know where the passion for this work comes from. Today, more than ever, OD is an island of sanity in a world in profound disarray. Spending time every week tuning in to Bob'nJoyce is hopefully your island of sanity as you go about making your organization, and the world better. Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce riffs on pervasive workplace exhaustion and what to do about it. The pressure on organizations for high performance has never been greater despite workers being less engaged and motivated. Bob’nJoyce provide 25 practical ideas that gets us moving and out of the doldrums. A couple of them include: • Eating a meal with people that energize you. • Time out lounges and quiet zones. • Slowing down when you feel the need to speed up. • Eliminating work that doesn't matter. And, of course, listening to Bob’nJoyce podcast every week! Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce riff on ways to build resilience in the midst of significant workplace disruption. This includes everything from a major organizational overhaul to the sudden departure of a popular leader. The question is what practical steps can leaders and HR/OD practitioners do to ground employees and maintain business focus. Disruptive change paralyses an organization and its employees. The typical reaction is to avoid risk, hunker down, and keep concerns to yourself. Bob’nJoyce offer practical ideas that helps people and teams get unstuck by providing “islands of sanity,” where safe conversations promotes resilience and a sense of normal. Managing the chaos, without doubt, is one of the most critical roles that HR/OD people play so… Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!