Bold Cup of Coffee - The Brew Original is a website & community that is all about healthy and helpful dialogue in a world full of conflict & disagreement. Covering a variety of topics on belief, culture, and life with a wide range of guests from varied backgrounds, educations and experiences. Our hope in this podcast is not simply to dialogue, but also strive to see if there is a better way to dialogue. A place where people can have deep conviction and speak with confidence, while still being open to be challenged and listen with a critical and open mind. The pot is brewing, so let's sit down for a bold cup of coffee. ***Formerly known as The Alliance Podcast. *Intro music supplied by Valesco:*

045 Is The Church Equipped To Deal With Mental Health?

Drake De Long-Farmer sits down with Robert Vore & Steve Austin and tackles the topic of mental health and the church. Vore and Austin highlight some of the areas we have missed the mark, some encouraging trends emerging, and ultimately some wisdom in how the Church could be an influential voice and play a huge part in a movement towards health and wholeness. Head to to find out more about their podcast and the work both Robert and Steve are doing in this space.&nb [...]


044 Finding Health in Ministry and Leadership with Hol Metrics

Drake De Long-Farmer sits down with Chad Varity from and talks about the need for a serious look into burnout in ministry and leadership, the steps towards real and tangible health, and the passion behind how holmetrics is trying to play a small part of that effort. finding_health_in_ministry_and_leadership.mp3File Size: 97092 kbFile Type: mp3Download File SUBSCRIBE TO THE BREW PODCAST:ITUNESGOOGLE PLAYSTITCHER [...]


043 Holistic Health with Jen VanSteenbergen

Holistic health and spirituality: scary or necessary? Charlotte O is joined by speaker and past Bold Cup contributor Jen VanSteenbergen to discuss health, yoga, intentionality and more! Check out all that Jen is up to by heading to holistic_health_with_jen_vansteenbergen.mp3File Size: 77400 kbFile Type: mp3Download File SUBSCRIBE TO THE BREW PODCAST:ITUNESGOOGLE PLAYSTITCHER [...]


042 You're A Heretic!

Kevin Seguin, Brian McNarry, and Drake De Long-Farmer sit down and tackle the controversial use of the label heretic. Attempting to answer the question of why we are so quick to use it, the online effect of dialogue, and when it isn't appropriate to use and when it is. This is a bit longer of an episode but one that digs deeper into some turbulent waters of healthy and helpful dialogue. Don't forget to engage in the conversation here in the comment section and on our facebook page. W [...]


041 The Science Of Climate Change. Fact or Fiction?

Steven McCurdy interviews Katharine Hayhoe, an evangelical environmentalist who has experienced her share of opposition. A Nobel Prize winning atmospheric scientist we get to drill deep on the science behind climate change and tackle some of the biggest oppositions she faces when discussing this topic. No matter your feelings on the discussion, this made for a interesting conversation. the_science_of_climate_change_-_fact_or_fiction_.mp3File Size: 79459 kbFile Type: mp3Download File [...]


040 Clifford Myers: Christian/Comedian

What's the difference between a Christian Comedian and a Christian who is a comedian? Newly minted Editor-in-Chief Kevin Seguin caught up with comic Clifford Myers in this week's episode of Bold Cup of Coffee's The Brew podcast to find out.Clifford Myers moved to Hamilton, Ontario in 2008 after studying theology at Heritage College & Seminary in Cambridge, Ontario and film production studies at the Toronto Film School. He proceeded to expand his interests by transitioning  into s [...]


039 What Your Pastor's Wife Wants You To Know

In this girls-only episode, Char interviews the wives of two Bold Cup team members about expectations, roles in ministry and what it's like to be a pastor's wife.  what_your_pastors_wife_wants_you_to_know.mp3File Size: 89562 kbFile Type: mp3Download File SUBSCRIBE TO THE BREW PODCAST:ITUNESGOOGLE PLAYSTITCHER [...]


038 The Jesus Feminist with Sarah Bessey

Charlotte and Steven had the opportunity to speak with speaker and blogger Sarah Bessey. We had the opportunity to chat about Christian feminism & her recent viral hashtag #thingsonlychristianwomenhear. We also talked about her book "Out of Sorts: Making Peace with and Evolving Faith. We think that you will find this conversation helpful and thought-provoking.You can find Sarah and all her content at sarah_bessey.mp3File Size: 43905 kbFile Type: mp3Download [...]


037 The Biggest Choice Of A Leader: An Interview With Carey Nieuwhof

We sat down with Carey Nieuwhof and discussed the topic of leadership. More specifically burn out, what leads to burnout and one of the biggest choices every leader needs to make. It was an amazing conversation that we believe you will be encouraged and challenged by from someone who has not only lived through it, but found success as well. To check out more from Carey, head to't forget to subscribe & stay on top of every episode and head to b [...]


036 The Sin Of Certainty: An Interview With Dr. Pete Enns

Biblical interpretation if often a touchy subject, but it doesn't have to be. In this episode, we talk with Dr. Pete Enns about why he thinks literalism isn't an authentic way to read the Bible. As always, Pete has a way of challenging us to re-think some of the methods we've come to read the Bible. You can find Dr. Enns and all his work at't forget to subscribe & stay on top of every episode and head to to find more content like this and click [...]


035 Why We Became Anglican

Bold Cup Team members Drake and Char chat with John and Ferial Trammell of The Tramcast about The Great Switch: their reasons behind becoming Anglican and what that transition has looked like, plus why they started podcasting, the college connection and more!Don't forget to subscribe and stay on top of every episode and head to to find more content like this and click the 'join the conversation' tab and engage with us. We want to hear your voice.  why_we_became_anglican.mp3File Size: 93236 kbFile Type: mp3Download File SUBSCRIBE TO THE BREW PODCAST:ITUNESGOOGLE PLAYSTITCHER


034 Is Cool Church Dead?

Smoke machines, stained glass and what does cool even mean? Char moderates a debate between Bold Cup team members Drake and Kevin about whether or not church should be cool, and priorities for creating worship experiences and building community in different church contexts.Don't forget to subscribe and stay on top of every episode and head to to find more content like this and click the 'join the conversation' tab and engage with us. We want to hear your voice. is_cool_church_dead.mp3File Size: 73405 kbFile Type: mp3Download File SUBSCRIBE TO THE BREW PODCAST:ITUNESGOOGLE PLAYSTITCHER


033 Theology For The Rest Of Us with Kenny Ortiz

We sat down with Kenny Ortiz from the podcast and discussed the idea of theology in a biblically illiterate culture and asking the question: how important is knowing the right theology is? You can find Kenny on facebook at @kennethortiz1982, twitter at @KennethOrtiz.Don't forget to subscribe and stay on top of every episode and head to t find more content like this and click the 'join the conversation' tab and engage with us. We want to hear your voice. ​ theology_4_the_rest_of_us.mp3File Size: 90382 kbFile Type: mp3Download File SUBSCRIBE TO THE BREW PODCAST:ITUNESGOOGLE PLAYSTITCHER


032 An Atheist And A Christian Walk Into A Bar

We sat down with Atheist Philosopher Justin Schieber of and Christian Apologist Randal Rauser of to discuss dialogue in the world of debate, a better way for atheists and christians to dialogue and interact, how they became friends and the book they co-authored "An Atheist and a Christian Walk into a Bar: Talking about God, the Universe, and Everything". an_atheist_and_a_christian_walk_into_a_bar.mp3File Size: 87957 kbFile Type: mp3Download File SUBSCRIBE TO THE BREW PODCAST:ITUNESGOOGLE PLAYSTITCHER


031 Lutheran Satire with Hans Fiene

In a world that is teeming with snark, satire, and sass, Christians often have a hard time mastering the art form to make a positive impact on their surroundings. Occasionally a publication like The Wittenburg Door or The Babylon Bee of today will surface and take a crack at the medium, but too often they struggle to maintain an audience and fizzle out. In this episode, Kevin Seguin from Bold Cup of Coffee sits down with Hans Fiene from Lutheran Satire who has been a constant picture of Christian Satire done right. We talked about satire and snark in the era of Fake News and the effectiveness of teaching the faith with your tongue in your cheek.​You can find more of Hans Fiene's work on YouTube at and The Federalist at lutheran_satire.mp3File Size: 93344 kbFile Type: mp3Download File SUBSCRIBE TO THE BREW PODCAST:ITUNESGOOGLE PLAYSTITCHER


030 Evangelism: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Drake De Long-Farmer, Brian McNarry, and Charlotte O sit down and discuss the state of Evangelism in the 21st century. They look at the good, the bad, and the ugly and explore where we have come, where we are and ask the question of where we could go next. Don't forget to subscribe and stay on top of every episode and head to t find more content like this and click the 'join the conversation' tab and engage with us. We want to hear your voice.  evangelism_ [...]


029 Apologetic Rabbit Trails & Dialogue In A Post Christian World

In this episode, Drake De Long-Farmer (of along with Dr. Randal Rauser (of tackle to subject of apologetic rabbit trails and dialogue in a post christian world as a break out session at the BreakForth Conference. This is the recording of that session. ​​​Don't forget to subscribe and join the conversation by heading to and click the 'join the conversation' tab. apologetic_rabbit_trails.mp3File Size: 9440 [...]


028 Inspire You To Think, Not Simply Tell You What To Think

In this bonus episode, Cole Hatchard sat down with  Dr. Martin Trench discussed the very topic of, "Inspiring You To Think, Not Simply Tell You What To Think." This was quote from Dr. Trench that we tackled in our last episode (A Progressive, A Charismatic, and A Calvinist All Walk Into A Bar) and we thought it would be fitting to share the unpacking of that idea from the very person who first coined it. This is a shorter episode, but we suspect you will get loads out of it.  [...]


027 A Progressive, A Charismatic, And A Calvinist All Walk Into A Bar

This was a great episode as we got to have a variety of voices from inside the Bold Cup team answer the question: why be a part of a team of people that you disagree with?So, in this episode, we literally have a Progressive, a Charismatic, and a Calvinist sit down and talk through why dialogue in the midst of disagreement is so important and why we should strive towards fellowship and conversation with those we disagree with. So join Steven, Kevin, Ken and Drake as we share a bold cup of [...]


026 How Should We Respond to the Conversation of Islam?

​Islam is the second largest religion on earth & these days it is the religion most likely to occupy the headlines. From ISIS and Al-Qaeda to burqas and immigration bans, some worry about a clash of civilizations. But Islam is not simply a religion of political and cultural controversy. It is also increasingly the religion of our neighbors, colleagues, and friends.So how should we respond to the conversation of Islam?In this round-table conversation, Drake De Long-Farmer&nb [...]


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