
Welcome to Boredtodebt πŸ‘‹, we're passionate about entrepreneurship and mentorship & our goal is to help anyone who wants to start a business or has already incorporated but are stuck or perhaps need some motivation. We'll discuss old and true business tactics as well as new and buzzworthy ones. We'll discuss many facets that make up a business, as well as case studies, and much more. Thanks for joining us on this amazing journey! 😁

In order To Be Successful In Business, You Have To Be In Business

I read this sentence somewhere but I cannot remember when. At first, I didn't understand what it meant until I started my own business. What I think it means is, once you start a business, you'll find other businesses that can help you with your business; either by partnership or synergy.


The Importance of Really Knowing Your Target Audiences

If you ask any business owner, they'll tell you that their product or service is for everyone, wrong! It's important to know who's your target audience. Are they male or female, their race, household income, level of education, etc. This data makes it a whole lot easier for marketing agencies to create ads that will be the most effective. If you're interested in receiving a worksheet that helps you Define Your Business & Target Audience, please email me at


How To Stop Wasting Your Time As An Entrepreneur

We face too many distractions on a daily basis. The first thing we do when we wake up in the mornings is to grab our cell phones and start answering emails or going to social media feeds. It's important to dedicate the first and last hour of your day to yourself.


The State of Local - What Every Local Business Needs to Know in a Digitally Powered World

In this podcast, I discuss how marketing has changed. I also talk about the traditional buying decision model and the process leads go through before they purchase your product or service. There are multiple channels that impact a customer's journey: -Awareness -Findability -Reputation -Conversion -Advocacy We're a digital marketing agency in which we can help you in the entire process to ensure that none of your leads are going to the competition. We're a full-stack Digital Marketing Agency in Miami, FL and we can help you with: -Facebook Ads & Google Adwords -SEO -Local SEO -Business lIstings -Reputation Management -and more! For a free online marketing report card send us an email at -Website -Ads -Socal -Reputation -Listings Chavez Enterprise Inc - a Full Stack Digital Marketing Agency


Before You Join A MLM Listen To This

So someone has invited you to a meeting that promises to be a great opportunity. They tell you that you can become your own boss and even work from home. Make an extra buck with minimal effort. Invite others to this great opportunity. Congratulations, you just joined a pyramid scheme!


12 Signs You Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset

"Entrepreneur' is a word being tossed around a lot lately. But what exactly makes up an entrepreneur? I read and review an article from that talks about this topic. Come listen and tell me if you agree.


Business Plan Update

A couple of episodes back I published a step-by-step guide on how to build a business plan. This episode is an update on my own personal business plan.


Excerpt: Why You Shouldn't Quit Social Media

Facebook and other social media platforms have changed. Many people aren't as excited to check their feed and have even decided to quit social media altogether. Social Media platforms do not provide us with strict rules or guidelines as to what to post and share. This article suggests ways in which we can become better at sharing content that has more value and less crap.


Happiness Is Our Choice

A quick story of a cafeteria lady who hated her job. Don't wait to be fired or for a door to be forcefully closed for you to do what you've always wanted to do.


It's Friday Night & I feel Alright

Before owning my own business and in my 20's and living in Miami, I used to party hard on Fridays! Now that I'm a family man and own a business, ain't nobody got time for that! πŸ˜‚


Jacob Copeland's Commitment

During Jacob Copeland's commitment ceremony his mother stood up and left him after he chose to attend University of Florida. Listen to how we react and how we relate it to entrepreneurship.


Coworking Vs Home Office

Looking for a business space? Perhaps a coworking space is the right fit for you. Check out my experience as I visited several different ones in my area.


Why You Need To Be On YouTube

YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine and website in the world! Listen to why you, a business owner or entrepreneur, needs to be on YouTube!


Udacity Scholarship

This year has started off great...I've been awarded a scholarship to work on my Front End Developer skills.


Stop The Research And Do It!

Are you're doing too much research πŸ”Ž and not enough action? I also talk about how your job is not your business πŸ‘”, and lastly, I talk about Croquetas 🍟... Don't miss it.


Jan 26, 2018

In this exercise we define the purpose of your business and ask questions like, "what problem are you solving?". We also take a look on how to position your brand with questions like, "what makes you different?" For a copy go to my blog at


Gary Vee Social Media Debate

Listen to how Dayana and I dissect an interesting debate between Gary Vaynerchuk and some guy on the morning news show of Fox 5. The topic is about social media in which Gary is for it and the other gentleman is completely against it. Come listen how we, as entrepreneurs, analyze this video and learn valuable lessons from it and how these topics can affect your business.


Working On The Business Plan

Today I started my business plan and retouched some key components from yesterday's episode. I talk about 8 key parts of a business plan and described my discoveries.


Business Plans: A How To Guide

A business plan is an essential tool to the success to any business from inception to frequent re-visits to ensure your not only start a business correctly but also maintain on track.


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