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Boss Better Now with Joe Mull

Author: Joe Mull

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A fun, energizing show for BossHeroes who can use a regular dose of advice, humor, and encouragement.
119 Episodes
A manager wrote to me recently with this question, I've got an employee who joined our team last year, and she does a great job, but she calls off a lot. Each time is for a perfectly good reason. Her son was sick, then her furnace died, then her dad had a fall. You get the idea. She's a single mom like I was, so I want to be understanding and support her. I know how hard it is to juggle everything alone. She tries hard and she cares about doing a good job, but she's not reliable and it's creating a variety of issues on my team. Have any advice? Signed, Frustrated in Philly? Well, Frustrated, I do, in fact, have some advice. Here we go.
When the Coronavirus closed schools and daycare centers across the country, working parents everywhere faced a crisis. How do I go to work, homeschool the kids, take care of a house that we can't leave, and keep everyone from killing each other? While in quarantine, it was a demanding multitasking mess. In response, many companies rushed to help their employees by creating flexible work arrangements and generous leave policies -- and Zoom meetings, a lot of Zoom meetings. But then non-parents started expressing resentment. Several news stories have highlighted the growing frustration among some employees at companies like Facebook and Salesforce, that accommodations, benefits, and flexibility has disproportionately benefited parents over non-parents. Non-parents are complaining that they too would like more time away from work, but the absence of parents is leaving them to shoulder more of the load. Faced with these new circumstances. Non-parents at work are saying, "Hey, no fair." I'll tell you what's really going on here and why it has nothing to do with parenting leave policies or workload in this episode of Cultivating Commitment. Can I get a rock and roll riff with some flashy opening credits, please?
For eight consecutive years, I partnered with a local hospital to deliver a leadership development workshop to the residents there going into their fourth year. The fourth year of residency at this hospital required those early career physicians to supervise others really for the first time in their careers. As part of that morning spent together, I'd facilitate a series of exercises and discussions to get these young leaders thinking about what the younger residents will need from them as supervisors, and every year during this exercise when I'd ask participants to describe the leadership style they believe works best, inevitably someone would say the following, my boss last year was terrible, so I learned what not to do. My plan is to do the opposite and be the kind of boss I'd want to have. Believe it or not, this is deeply flawed thinking when your charge is to lead people. I'll tell you why right after this commercial break. Just kidding, we don't have commercials. Play our theme song.
If you've been in the workforce for any amount of time, you've probably heard a boss say something to an employee that just made you cringe. Maybe it was an inappropriate remark or an off-color joke or something to belittle or demean the employee. Sadly, even smart bosses do dumb things from time to time. In fact, there are a couple of common boss phrases that we need to eliminate from our repertoire because they do harm the very moment they leave your lips. I'll tell you about three of these and what to say instead, in about 18 seconds from right now.
I want you to imagine that you've just sat down at a restaurant for a dinner out with your family. Now, imagine that the waiter came to the table, introduced himself, and then announced what you would be having for dinner. How would you react? You'd probably be shocked, right? And you'd probably object. "No, I'm not having the steak because I'm a vegetarian." Now, imagine that when you started to speak up, the waiter cut you off and said, "Listen, I know that you don't know me very well, but I know what I'm doing, and this is the way it's going to be." At that point, you're outta there, right? I mean, you're gone. Believe it or not, leaders stepping into new roles do exactly this over and over again when they implement change too quickly and without the support of the people working there. Grab your doggy bag and follow me as we fix the biggest mistake leaders make with a new team or in a new role. Check, please!
Here's a question that comes up a lot - especially among newer managers. Can bosses be friends with employees? Answer: Sure they can! Believe it or not, it happens all the time. Perhaps the better question to ask should they? For my money, asking this question is a little like asking if you can and should eat an entire 24-pack of string cheese at once. Can you? Sure, I guess. But if you do, some very uncomfortable things are probably going to happen not long after. Friendships between bosses and employees are the topic of the day - so don't touch device.
Are you finding it harder than ever to concentrate? Is your brain filled with nonstop chatter about what you should do or remember? Plus, maybe it’s time to make a to-DON’T list. That’s what’s ahead now on Boss Better Now.
It turns out there’s not just one kind of burnout, there’s actually six. We’ll tell you what they are and why understanding them matters. Plus, how does a small boss fish in a big company pond improve morale with little power to make change? We’re starting now on Boss Better Now.
You’re the boss and you’ve just discovered that two team members are dating. What do you do? Plus, stop working on vacation! Let’s get after it now on Boss Better Now.
Do you spend time with other leaders talking about the challenges of being a boss? Plus, how do you fill positions and keep morale up for employees in a high-stress, low-pay job? We discuss it all now on Boss Better Now.
The Employalty Keynote

The Employalty Keynote


It's here! Employalty: How to Ignite Commitment and Keep Top Talent in the New Age of Work - my first new book in five years, has arrived. It's launch week! And, as a very special presentation for you, our loyal BossHeroes, I'm sharing my Employalty Keynote. Let's go!
So exactly what does it take for an employee to describe their leader as a great boss? Plus, these Gen Z workers today are just so different...or are they? Join me now, on Boss Better Now.
An argument can be made that it’s more important to keep a good employee than to try and find a new one. That’s why today we’re reviewing 5 questions every boss should periodically ask their employees. Plus, do you know what coaching actually sounds like? You’ll hear it now, on Boss Better Now!
How do you get off on the right foot with a team that's been done wrong, and is not likely to trust? And what if the prior boss, who caused some of these issues, was still going to be around? We're unpacking it all now, on Boss Better Now.
One of the biggest reasons employees quit is something that almost no one at your company is talking about. Plus, do you have an employee who you wish had a bit more giddy-up in their step? Let’s dive in now on Boss Better Now!
You know all that time and effort you spend trying to help team members improve on their weaknesses? It may be a waste of time. Plus, the settings you need to change on your computer to accomplish more, suffer less, and stay sane. That’s what’s ahead now on Boss Better Now!
There’s a silent killer of morale and retention that’s been ever-present in workplaces for years. I’ll tell you what it is in an exclusive excerpt from my new book Employalty. Plus, stop being so hard on yourself. Oh, and we have a really big announcement…there’s so much happening now on Boss Better Now.
This week you get an exclusive sneak peek at my new book, as we’ll be talking about one of the biggest reasons employees everywhere are leaving employers. Plus, what are some ways to help team members cut down on bringing you non-urgent matters repeatedly that they think you need to address immediately? That’s what’s ahead now on Boss Better Now.
Are there times when you feel like you’re being clear but the people around you don’t get what you’re trying to say? We’ve got some help for you ahead. Plus, if you want your employees to take more ownership of their work and do more critical thinking around it, you may need to change how you assign that work. Play that theme music now on Boss Better Now.
Sometimes you have to change your plans to reach your goals. That’s the real work of resilience and one of the many brilliant insights shared by today’s guest. It’s happening now on Boss Better Now.
Comments (1)

Kathy Parry

Joe Mull is spot on with his Boss Better tactics and insights. Fun and informative! This is win!

Jan 4th
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