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Box Printer

Box Printer

Author: James Fidler

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Box Printer
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Today, playing card products are more than just popular with elderly customers. Instead, these playing cards are trending in the market and are loved by many teenagers as well. Of course, that doesn't mean those customers will simply get and purchase any playing cards they can find in stores. Instead, they will indeed check how the products look first. You can get those customers to pick up your products with an appealing custom playing card box. But how do you design a box that gets the most attention from your customers? Here are some unique ideas you should try when designing the right box for your playing cards!An Authentic Brand Design On Custom Playing Card Boxes Is a Must!You’re playing cards must be unique in order to stand out on the shelves. In this context, your boxes should be branded authentic. Yes, it is a MUST! What is the reason?Authenticating your custom playing card boxes is an essential part of what makes your products look more unique than others. By doing this, you can easily attract the attention of customers in the market. Moreover, we know how many people always like to see something unique. Therefore, customers will not resist your products if you set them apart from others.But how do you create this authentic brand design?Choose a Color Theme That Matches Your Brand's LogoThe matching combination we are talking about here doesn't mean you should use exactly the same thing. Instead, you can combine colors such as blue and red or black and gold.Use the right Patterns to Complement Your Brand ImageFor example, if your brand uses green packaging, you can also apply a green color to your boxes.Provide All the Necessary Elements for BrandingWell, this is very important. You should provide branding basics such as:·        Brand name·        Logo·        Tagline·        Contact details·        And even brand storyApplying an authentic brand design to your wholesale card boxes will not only let you catch everyone's attention. Even better, these boxes will definitely help you promote your brand without saying a word.Make Your Card Packaging Boxes Look More Fun and InterestingDo you know the purpose of people who purchase playing card products? To enjoy and spend a memorable moment with friends and families, right? Therefore, it is wise to make your card packaging boxes look fun and interesting in order to convince them to purchase.Your boxes will look more convincing in the eyes of your customers by designing them with the following:·        Vibrant color combinations·        Eye-catchy graphics and images·        The transparent window shape makes the product look more attractive and authenticIf you are worried about how customers will perceive your products, making your boxes look fun, and interesting is the way. Without any doubt, they will pick your playing cards over any other on the shelf without a second thought.Choose an Eye-Catching Font Style for Your Playing Card BoxesWhen advertising your products, you must provide complete product details. Details make it easier for customers to make decisions. For this reason, you should choose an eye-catching font style to provide important information in your playing card boxes. After all, no one wants to read product descriptions in difficult fonts. Thus, ensure to choose a trendy yet legible font style to make your customers want to pick up your products.In SummaryAn attractive presentation of your playing cards can help you win over your customers. Designing your custom playing card box with the above unique packaging ideas is the best way to get maximum attention. You can contact MyBoxPrinter today to start designing your boxes!