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Boy with a thought

Author: Sarthak Jain

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India's leading podcast on lifestyle design. My name is Sarthak Jain and I sit down every single week to share with you some tools and techniques to help you design your life and help you become more productive and purposeful in your life.
91 Episodes
With 9-5 Jobs and College, it is very difficult for us to do EXTRA in the limited time of the day. This video provides you with a framework and step by step guide to build your productive day. --- Send in a voice message:
Breaking into Product Management job is very difficult. This entire job process can be cracked by dividing the process into different funnel steps and taking actions at funnel levels. Here is my small attempt to share with you a framework that you can follow to increase your chances of cracking a product management job. --- Send in a voice message:
Do you have what it takes to be the Product Manager? Are you confused about pursuing the career in Product Management? Here is my take from my PM experience that I want to share with you. Hope this will help you understand if PM is a thing for you or skillsets that you might need in future to excel in a PM role. --- Send in a voice message:
An average human being makes 35000 decisions per day. In order to change the trajectory of life, we can break down every goal into small decisions. Listen to this episode to understand how to increase your "Decision success Rate" through career example of Novak Djokovic. --- Send in a voice message:
Because of some recent incidents in the past, people are talking a lot about depression. Here are my 2 cents on depression and why I believe that Depression might not need a cure. I believe it needs something else. Listen to this episode to find out what exactly we need to help people in depression survive. --- Send in a voice message:
" In order to do our best work and live a purposeful life, we need to be intentional with how we spend our time. " This is a quote from the book Deep work by Cal Newport. Inspired from this quote I started learning about this concept called "Digital Minimalism". Implemented in my routine as well. In this episode, we talk about why we need digital minimalism? and 3 techniques to be a digital minimalist including Low information Diet, Scheduling and batching for tools optimization and many more. Listen to this episode and share your thoughts with me. --- Send in a voice message:
1 in every 14 people suffers from social anxiety. Remember the first day of school, the job interview, or when you are about to go on stage. That fearful and nervous feeling is anxiety. Some people happen to experience it in more intensity like going to the social gatherings, talking to someone, going on a date. So listen to this episode, you will understand the factors behind anxiety and how we can take control of our anxieties with the help of SET theory (Social Effectiveness Therapy) So listen to it, and tell me your thoughts on it! Cheers. --- Send in a voice message:
Do you know why the Bronze medal Olympic winners are much happier than Silver medal Olympic winners? Or why do you think even in the age of best technological advancement, better living conditions, better transportation, still we are the most unhappiest generation? Well In this episode we will break down the fundamental reason why we are so unhappy and I will provide you with a 3 step framework that you can use to be comparatively happier than before. So listen to this episode and share your thoughts on this. --- Send in a voice message:
Almost all of us regret on some or the other decisions that we took in our life. It could be as small as buying a product on Amazon or as big as regretting our career decisions or decisions on choosing our partners. In this episode, I talk about why do we even regret on our decisions? What is this "Emotion of regret". And 3 simple tips from lifestyle design to live a life with no regrets. Listen to this episode and share your thoughts with me. --- Send in a voice message:
While entering into the year 2020, the past decade was really great. From the smartphone revolution to Millenials raising voice against climate actions. The world has shifted. What about you? Are you moving forward or are you stuck? In this episode, I will share with you the biggest reason because of which we are stuck and not moving forward. The phycology behind complaining and finally How can we stop complaining and start doing things. PS : I have a bad throat so apologies for the voice. ;) --- Send in a voice message:
If you are among those, who constantly wait for the weekends than you have already lost. You really need to listen to this episode because In this episode we will discuss phycology behind why we love weekends so much. Why we need to change our mindset of living by the weekends. And finally, some simple tips that we can use to make our weekdays as exciting as our weekends. --- Send in a voice message:
Instagram is hiding likes. I know most of you would be aware of this biggest news of the entire social media history. From the past few months, they are testing this feature in various countries like brazil, japan, Canada. But the bigger question is why is Instagram bringing this change? Well in this episode we are going to talk about why these are big social media giants planning to hide likes from the posts? How it will impact all of us, which includes society, individuals, brands, and influencers. And why we all should be super excited about it, which means how we can use it for our benefits. --- Send in a voice message:
How did you feel when you got rejected form your job interview? What happened to you when you got rejected by the girl you had a crush on? In this episode, you will get to know story behind feelings of rejection since early human age, some research findings on how we humans respond to the rejections and finally some takeaways to handle rejections in your life in a better and positive way. --- Send in a voice message:
Imagine that this week is your last week to be alive on this planet. Will you still spend hours to complete your favorite Netflix series before you die because that's all you got? No Right.  Listen to this episode to understand the Philosophy behind Time Management. --- Send in a voice message:
Who is not stressed out? Whether its our stressful job or a relationship, A family episode or just concerns of future. We all our stressed out. Now during my course of conversation with lots of people, I asked them why are you so stressed? And there response was either it was the Boss at the job, or spouse in the marriage or girlfriend or boyfriend in a relationship or the kids and so on. Also upon asking if they have a solution for stress, they all said no. That's when I entered into researching about it. Out of curiosity I wanted to know if we are correctly understanding our stress causes. Because without finding the correct cause, it would be very difficult to find the correct solution for it. So this is exactly what we are going to talk about on this week's show where you will learn what exactly is the root cause of your stress and some scientifically proven techniques that will help you to remove stress from your life. --- Send in a voice message:
Lifestyle design is about designing your life the way you want it to be.  It gives you the freedom to spend your time in doing things you like. Listen to the whole episode and find out why it can help you find the meaning of your life. --- Send in a voice message:
Have you ever bought some stuff all because it would look great on Instagram? Can you eat your meals without posting it on Instagram or Instagram Stories? Well, these are valid indicators of Instagram addiction.  This episode talks about why Instagram is so addictive and how it is ruining us.  It also includes the research work of Nir Eyal which talks about reasons for Instagram addiction. --- Send in a voice message:
Why do you believe in god even when you haven't seen him? Why is a 4$ artwork sold for 2000% above its actual price? Why do people believe in religions? Well this podcast is the answer to all these questions and also explains the science behind stories, what stories do to your brain, from Phycological and Biological standpoint. Must Listen. --- Send in a voice message:
How you can really find commitment in your work. --- Send in a voice message:
Obsession is an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind. --- Send in a voice message: