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Brainforest Café

Author: McKenna Academy of Natural Philosophy

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In the Brainforest Café, Dennis McKenna discusses a wide range of topics related to philosophy, plant medicines, psychedelics and consciousness in nature. Guests are invited from diverse fields such as anthropology, neuroscience, and spirituality to explore various aspects of the human experience.

Some of the topics that are covered in the Brainforest Café include the history and the role of plant medicines in traditional healing practices and the potential benefits of psychedelic-assisted therapy for mental health. The Brainforest Café also explores the cultural, social, and political implications of psychedelic use.

Dennis McKenna shares his own personal experiences with plant medicines, offering insights and reflections on his own journey of self-discovery and transformation. The Brainforest Café is a thought-provoking and engaging exploration of the intersection between science, spirituality, and culture, and offers a valuable perspective on the potential of plant medicines to transform our understanding of ourselves and the natural world.
15 Episodes
Wade Davis is an ethnographer, writer, photographer and filmmaker whose work has taken him from the Amazon to Tibet, Africa to Australia, Polynesia to the Arctic. An Explorer-in-Residence at the National Geographic Society from 2000 to 2013, he is currently professor of anthropology and the BC Leadership Chair in Cultures and Ecosystems at Risk at the University of British Columbia. Author of 24 books, including One River, The Wayfinders, Into the Silence, and Magdalena, he holds degrees in anthropology and biology and received his Ph.D. in ethnobotany, all from Harvard University. Primarily through the Harvard Botanical Museum, he spent over three years in the Amazon and Andes as a plant explorer, living among fifteen indigenous groups in eight Latin American nations while making some 6,000 botanical collections. A professional speaker for 30 years, Wade has spoken from the TED main stage on five occasions, delivered the CBC Massey Lectures, and lectured at 200 universities and some 250 corporations and professional associations. Davis is an Honorary Member of the Explorers Club, Honorary Vice-President of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, a recipient of 12 honorary degrees, and a Member of the Order of Canada, among other distinctions. In 2018, he was made an Honorary Citizen of Colombia. Named by the National Geographic Society as one of the Explorers for the Millennium, he has been described as “a rare combination of scientist, scholar, poet and passionate defender of all of life’s diversity.” His latest book, Beneath the Surface of Things, became a national bestseller within days of its release by Greystone in April, 2024.
Lee Kaiser was born in Milwaukee Wisconsin in the 1980’s and is a wildlife ecologist who has lived in various communities throughout the Americas. He has worked on permaculture projects, natural building endeavors, hosting and organizing events and retreats, performing surveys for conservation investigations, agricultural and natural medicine initiatives, conducting artesanal essential oil distillation, taking part in music production, volunteering in educational workshops, and generally participating in cultural, scientific, and international exchanges. Lee met Dennis in 2016 when they both were in Minnesota, and their mutual interests in Amazonian and Andean ecology and ethnography have kept them in contact over the years. He currently lives with his partner in Argentina, and has primarily lived over the last decade in Colorado, Minnesota, Perú, and México. His travels and experiences in foreign lands as well as living with people from many different cultural backgrounds have allowed for him to dive deep into a broad range of fields and settings, while also staying plugged into some broader networks of connectivity and interdisciplinary explorations.
Dr. Bruce Damer is a scientist working in the field of Astrobiology with his passion being working on the mystery of the origin of life and where life might arise in the universe. Back at our ESPD conference in 2022 he 'came out of the psychedelic scientist closet' in his talk 'Its High Time for Science'. This talk, at which I was sitting in the front row, sparked a movement that has today led to a new organization: the Center for MINDS (Multidisciplinary Investigation into Novel Discoveries and Solutions). MINDS is modeled on MAPS and seeks to go beyond psychedelics in therapeutics and bring online practices and tools to use them to catalyze creativity, in science, tech, design and even leadership. McKenna Academy was there at the very beginning of MINDS and I am sure we will hear about where it is today, and a bit about its deep history back to the 1950s and 60s.
Deborah has published over 40 books through her publishing house Synergetic Press, Ltd. in global ecology, regenerative agriculture, ethnobotany, psychedelics, and social justice, since establishing it in 1984. In 1986, she was on the team that designed and built a large-scale closed ecological system, Biosphere 2, developing the publications and educational programs for the complex. In 1990, she started The Biosphere Press, an imprint of the Biosphere 2 project, producing a dozen books and a classroom curriculum for children on biospheres and biomes. While at Biosphere 2, Deborah met Richard Evans Schultes, the grandfather of contemporary ethnobotany. She went on to publish his two books of photographs he made documenting people’s use of plant medicine in the NW Colombian Amazonia. Deborah is a director and VP of the U.S. non-profit, the Institute of Ecotechnics, based in Santa Fe, New Mexico at Synergia Ranch. The Institute owns the RV Heraclitus, an 84-foot ferrocement Chinese Junk design that sailed 270,000 miles around Planet Ocean, with two years up the Amazon on an ethnobotanical expedition inspired by Schultes (1980-1982). Deborah currently lives at Synergia Ranch organic farm and retreat center where she lives, contributes to the farm operations when she can, and continues publishing books.
Joshua Bloom was born and raised in Hackney, London, to a Filipino mother and Jewish father. He grew up in a culturally rich area, sandwiched between Hackney's infamous ‘Murder Mile’ and Stamford Hill, home to Europe's largest ultra-Orthodox Jewish community with over 100,000 residents. Much of his early years were spent exploring the local parks and Hackney Marshes nature reserve, where he developed a deep fascination for the flora and fauna, particularly birds. This love for nature naturally led him to pursue studies in Microbiology and Genetics, driven by a desire to comprehend the inner workings of organisms at a fundamental level. Following his university education and a stint in a genetics lab, Joshua embarked on a significant chapter in his life. For two years, he dedicated himself to working at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Camden, an area known for its struggles with substance abuse. Reflecting on this period, he often describes it as a "PhD in real life." The experience exposed him to individuals born into tragic circumstances, with little hope for a way out. It also shed light on the shortcomings of mainstream medical approaches to helping the less fortunate, sparking his interest in the potential of psychedelics for treating addiction and PTSD. In the subsequent years, Joshua explored the world extensively, immersing himself in different cultures. He transitioned into freelance photography, focusing mainly on capturing the beauty of nature and landscapes. It was during this time that his curiosity about consciousness deepened, fueled by a couple of near-death experiences and altered states of mind. This journey culminated in the completion of a master's degree in neuroscience and psychology, although he firmly believes that firsthand experience surpasses all. Twelve years ago, Joshua made a significant life change by moving to Switzerland to pursue a career in IT. Although this choice was made for practical reasons, to pursue a career in IT. He also collaborated with charities and NGOs that share a vision for a better future in harmony with nature. Today, he is the creator of "Reality in Bloom," a website and podcast that explores topics ranging from nature and consciousness to reality and psychedelics. In recent years, Joshua has taken up marathon running for its health benefits and stress management. This newfound passion (or mid life crisis as his wife would call it!!) has now brought him to the starting line of one of the "Toughest footrace on earth": The Marathon Des Sables, a grueling 250km race through the Sahara Desert. He eagerly anticipates this mammoth challenge as he prepares to embark on this extraordinary journey later this week.
Michael Coe, PhD, is an applied ecologist and ethnobiology research fellow at the French National Institute for Research and Development (IRD) and Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE) in Marseille, France.  Michael is working to help promote the revitalization of ethnobiology at academic institutions in the United States, to help provide a global synthesis on the sustainability and   of non-timber forest products, and to help Indigenous-led efforts aiming to facilitate sustainable ayahuasca management in the Peruvian Amazon.
From Zen to Psychedelics

From Zen to Psychedelics


Erik F. Storlie, PhD, entered graduate school at Berkeley in 1962 intending to become a medievalist. Experience with cannabis, peyote, mushrooms, and LSD prompted an interest in Zen and the synergies between meditation and psychedelic medicine. He is retired from teaching meditation and mindfulness at The University of Minnesota and has published two memoirs that speak to sixty years of meditation and psychedelic exploration: Nothing on my Mind: Berkeley, LSD, Two Zen Masters; and Go Deep and Take Plenty of Root.
Tom (Tomás) Pinkson has been walking the Warrior Wisdom path far longer than most of the readers of this book have been walking. In it, he shares the wisdom distilled from a lifetime of seeking to understand himself and his place in the realm of shamanic and indigenous practices. In the course of his long life, he has learned from the great medicine teachers, including LSD, ayahuasca, peyote and magic mushrooms, and those who have been the keepers and stewards of this psychedelic gnosis, ranging from indigenous elders to spiritual leaders in Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, psychotherapists, and fellow seekers such as Ralph Metzner, Huston Smith, Ram Dass and others. Tomás has been a beacon of hope and a compassionate guide for others seeking to follow the path of Warrior Wisdom, helping them to find their own way in their personal quests. While he has pointed the way for many to find their way, he shows up always as a humble learner; not a leader, but a fellow traveler, ever open to the marvelous mystery of being.Brother Tomás has traveled far on the road to Warrior Wisdom. Here, he shares the experiences gleaned from that long journey. He has much to teach us, and we all have much to learn.
Dr. David E.Nichols is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the chemistry and pharmacology of psychedelic substances. In 1993, with the collaboration of colleagues, Dr. Nichols founded the Heffter Research Institute, realizing his vision of a privately funded Institute as the most effective mechanism for bringing research on psychedelic agents into the modern era of neuroscience. Since its founding it has emerged as a leading force advancing psychedelic research in numerous institutions.
God on Psychedelics

God on Psychedelics


Don Lattin is an American journalist who has been exploring the interface between psychedelics and religion in America since the end of the 90s. His books include "Shopping for Faith: American Religions in the new Millenium" (co-authored with Richard Cimino & Jose Basse, 1998); "Following our Bliss: How the Spiritual Ideals of the Sixities Influence Our Lives Today" (2003); "Jesus Freaks: A True Story of Murder and Madness on the Evangelical Edge" (2007); and "The Harvard Psychedelic Club: How Timogthy Leary, Ram Dass, Huston Smith, and Andy Weil Killed the 60s and Ushered in a New Age for America" (2010); "Changing our Minds: Psychedelic Sacraments and the New Psychotherapy" (2017). His most recent book is "God on Psychedelics: Tripping Across the Rubble of Old Time Religion" (2023) which explores the emerging integration of psychedelic mystical experiences into mainstream religious practices. He has been an adjunct faculty member in the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley, and for two decades was a staff writer covering religion, spirituality and psychology at the San Francisco Chronicle. In addition to his published books, his work has been widely published in many US magazines and newspapers. Don kindly took time from his busy schedule at the MAPS Psychedelic Science Conference in Denver last June 2023 to record this Interview for the Brainforest Café.
Dr. Ryan is an astute observer, commentator and fellow experiencer of the human condition. Unlike most of us, his insights into the existential human situation undermine conventional wisdom, and are often profoundly unsettling. This approach is reflected in his best selling book, “Sex at Dawn” (2010) which calls into question nearly everything we think we understand about human sexuality. His latest book, “Civilized to Death: the Price of Progress”, takes on the very notion of Civilization and what he terms the Narrative of Perpetual Progress. From the book’s description: Most of us can feel that something’s off—balmy December days, face-to-face conversation replaced with screen-to-screen zomboidism, a world at constant war, a political system in disarray. We hear some lies so frequently that they begin to feel like facts: Civilization is humankind’s greatest accomplishment. Progress is undeniable. We’re lucky to be alive here and now. Well, maybe we are and maybe we aren’t. Civilized to Death counters the idea that “progress” is inherently good, arguing that the progress defining our age may be analogous to an advancing disease. The ideas Chris Ryan unpacks in this book have reframed much of what I assumed to be true about civilization and the evolution of our species. It has been a most unsettling experience, as much as it has been edifying, stimulating, and enlightening.
Dr. Barbara Thiers is the director emerita in the Division of Plant Research and Conservation at the New York Botanical Garden. Prior to her retirement, she was the Patricia K. Holmgren director of the William and Linda Steer herbarium, the world's third largest herbarium, housing over 7.9 million collections of algae, broophytes, fungi, and vascular plant. She applied her interest in herbarium science and information technology to develop the CV Star Virtual herbarium, which contains a searchable database of digitized herbarium specimens. She is also the editor of the Index Herberorium, the guide to the world's approximately 3300 herbaria. Dr. theers is widely recognized for her contributions to efforts to digitize the world's natural history collections. In 2020, to help educate the public as to the importance of herbaria and botanical history, she published a beautifully illustrated book entitled herbaria the quest to preserve and classify the World's plants, published by Timber press. She is past president of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists and past president of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections. She's a member of the Board of the Natural Science Collections Alliance and member of the External Advisory Board of ID Bio the National Collections Digitization Hub.
P. D. Newman specializes in the historical and current use of entheogenic compounds, mystical, magical, and initiatory context. He is the author of the groundbreaking work Angels in Vermilion, the philosopher Stone from D to DMT, and the forthcoming titles Theurgy In Theory and Practice, Myster Mysteries of the Ascent to the Divine, and Tripping the Path of Souls. Native American Shamanism in the Mississippi Valley, both a keen researcher and a dedicated practitioner, Newman, has been immersed in the study and practice of alchemy, theurgy and Shamanism for over two decades.
A conversation with Graham Hancock.
A conversation with Shauheen Etminan & Jonathan Lu.