When are humans at their best creatively?It’s all in the mind! We’ll explore what sparks the brain into creativity; key triggers and how this impacts the brain long term for things like solving problems and innovation, which is all from the creativity suite. Helping you understand the potential of your brain and when to let those creative juices flow!This podcast series explores the wider context of creativity and innovation; What is it? Who has it? Why that matters and how it will impact our futures. We’ll be joined by inquisitive, creative minds from different walks of life to those who need convincing they fit this description at all.Whatever your understanding or view, these podcasts will help you navigate your own thoughts on the subject and give you enough fuel to light your imagination and take action, whatever you do in life.
In our last episode of this series, we are going to explore what makes a conducive environment to create and innovate.We are joined by Carlene Jackson, Founder, and CEO at Cloud9, who brings leadership insights into how to foster an environment that allows for openness in company culture to achieve the best of human potential“If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play.” John CleeseThis podcast series explores the wider context of creativity and innovation; What is it? Who has it? Why that matters and how it will impact our futures. We’ll be joined by inquisitive, creative minds from different walks of life to those who need convincing they fit this description at all.Whatever your understanding or view, these podcasts will help you navigate your own thoughts on the subject and give you enough fuel to light your imagination and take action, whatever you do in life.
So at this point in the series, we’ve discussed what creativity is, who has it, creativity versus tech, and in our last episode how it shows up.Today, we are looking at what blocks our creativity; like the impact of stress, lack of time, or our own limiting beliefs.We hope to help mitigate the risks that stifle your creativity and understand the potential of your brain.This podcast series explores the wider context of creativity and innovation; What is it? Who has it? Why that matters and how it will impact our futures. We’ll be joined by inquisitive, creative minds from different walks of life to those who need convincing they fit this description at all.Whatever your understanding or view, these podcasts will help you navigate your own thoughts on the subject and give you enough fuel to light your imagination and take action, whatever you do in life.
How are AI and other technical advancements impacting human creativity?Wow, I’m not sure one podcast is enough for this topic. Technological advancements are moving so fast, that of-the-box thinking is already out of date!We are joined by Ross Stevenson in this episode, who has spent the last 15 years working closely with some of the biggest names in tech. today.We’ll be looking at how we’ve already been living with AI and how to utilise it in your work and life as it continues to become more mainstream.It turns out, the future is most definitely human!This podcast series explores the wider context of creativity and innovation; What is it? Who has it? Why that matters and how it will impact our futures. We’ll be joined by inquisitive, creative minds from different walks of life to those who need convincing they fit this description at all.Whatever your understanding or view, these podcasts will help you navigate your own thoughts on the subject and give you enough fuel to light your imagination and take action, whatever you do in life.
In episode two, we are joined by Karl Elwood, a wine merchant, who also runs a business network group. We'll be demystifying creativity and innovation and how it goes way beyond artists and authors. “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” —Maya AngelouMaya Angelou was an American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years. She received dozens of awards and more than 50 honorary degrees. This podcast series explores the wider context of creativity and innovation; What is it? Who has it? Why that matters and how it will impact our futures. We’ll be joined by inquisitive, creative minds from different walks of life to those who need convincing they fit this description at all.Whatever your understanding or view, these podcasts will help you navigate your own thoughts on the subject and give you enough fuel to light your imagination and take action, whatever you do in life.
Exploring how creativity shows up. Have you ever wondered about creativity? Do you think this is something other people have and you don’t have it?Welcome! We are delighted to bring you our first ever podcast from Brainy Podcasts, where we focus on the latest neuroscience evidence to support our discussions. Our first series is looking at creativity and innovation, In this episode, we are talking about what creativity is and we’ll be looking at this from the brain's perspective and acknowledging no one brain is the same; we are all diverse when it comes to the brain!