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Brand YOU Economy Podcast


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Leverage Your Life’s Purpose
29 Episodes
Follow Your Curiosity  ~Elizabeth Gilbert~  Well Hello There My Friend! I know it’s been a while since I’ve last tickled your ear buds. So please don’t give me up, gotta have some faith in the sound, it’s the one good thing that I’ve got! Anyway, I won’t let you don’t down in this episode so […] The post BYE029: The Making of a Super Soul Comeback appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
Don’t Cry Because It Is Over. Smile Because It Happened.  Dr. Seuss Well Hello There My Friend! Welcome to this Special “Year End” Edition of.. The Brand You Economy Episode #28. Can’t thank you enough as always, whether you are a first time listener or budding fan of the show, for wanting to spend some time […] The post BYE028:The Gift of Closure BYE-BYE 2015 appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
Believe That You Make A Difference ~Marie Forleo~ Hello My Friend, I know it’s been a while but I’ve got lots of exciting things to share with you in today’s episode especially revolving the HOT TOPIC of “LIVE STREAMING” and how it has recently been disrupting the world of Social Media, not to mention Podcasting…. […] The post BYE027:How Live Streaming Is Taking Brands To New Levels appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
Alone We Can Do So Little; Together We Can Do So Much ~Helen Keller~ Hey There My Friend, Welcome To Episode #26 of The Brand You Economy! Thank You so much for wanting to spend some time with me today. Im so excited about Today’s episode, because I’d like to talk to you about a […] The post BYE026: The Story Behind Podcast Movement appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
You Are Never Too Old To Reinvent Yourself ~Steve Harvey~   Hey There My Friend, Welcome Back! Hope you had a FUN-TASTIC 4th of July! I sure did as I celebrated my 1 year anniversary debuting this show! YAY! Can’t Thank You enough for deciding to spend some time with me today and for being […] The post BYE025: Create A Kick-Butt Civilian Life with Bill Nowicki appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
(S)HE WHO IS BRAVE IS FREE ~SENECA~ Hey There My Friend! Welcome to this VERY Special Patriotic Edition of the Brand You Economy.  Not only am I excited to be celebrating with you, as a Proud America, Our Nations Independence Day, but I am also Celebrating “The Brand You Economy’s” Very 1st Birthday! YAY! This […] The post BYE024:Happy Independence Day First Birthday Celebration appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
It’s Not Resources But Resourcefulness That Ultimately Makes The Difference ~Tony Robbins~   Hello My Friend! As always….Thank You so much for checking out the show and deciding to spend a little time with me Today. My Special Guest, for this week’s episode, happens to be nicked named “Mr. 2 Legit 2 Quit” because he […] The post BYE 023: Stepping Outside The Comfort Zone with Niel Guilarte appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
You Can Either FIT IN or STAND OUT. NOT BOTH. ~Seth Godin~ Hey There My Friend! Thank You so much for deciding to spend some time with me Today! I have a question to ask you. Ever read a book that has either completely changed your life or maybe left a lasting impression on you? […] The post BYE 022: Why You Should Read To Lead with Jeff Brown appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
“You Will Only Be Great At The Things You Love To Do, Don’t Pursue A Career In Something You Hate To Do” ~Dave Grohl~ Foo Fighters Hey There My Friend, Welcome Back To Another Episode of The Brand You Economy #21. You are about to meet an Amazing Man! It’s None Other Than…Shannon J. Hernandez […] The post BYE 021: Leveraging Credibility with Your Brand with Shannon J. Hernandez appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
Grab a Cup of Coffee…Tell Me What’s On Your Mind. ~Russ Johns~ Welcome Back My Friend To Another Episode or shall I dare say……I’m BACK for another Episode of the Brand You Economy. Did you miss me? I sure hope so! Just in case you haven’t hooked yourself up yet, be sure to GET YOUR […] The post BYE 020: How To Take Your Next Step, Next with Russ Johns appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
Give Yourself Permission To Follow Your Heart ~Maura Sweeney~  Hello There My Friend! Welcome to Episode #19 of the Brand You Economy! As always “Thank You” so much for deciding to spend some time with me Today On This Good Friday. Whether this is your 1st time checking out the show or you are finding […] The post BYE 019: Living Happy Inside Out with Maura Sweeney appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
If You Find A Way To Add Value To The World, You Will Always Be Able To Make Money Somehow ~Tony Robbins~ Hey There My Friend! Welcome to Another Episode of the Brand You Economy! As always “Thank YOU” so much for deciding to spend some time with me today. Whether you are a 1st […] The post BYE 018: Are You Living OR Existing with Kimanzi Constable appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
The Secret Of Change Is To Focus All of Your Energy Not On Fighting The Old But On Building The New ~Socrates~   That’s Right “Hang On” My Friend and Welcome to another episode of the Brand You Economy its Number “Sexy at Seventeen”. I’m so thrilled to have you here and want to thank […] The post BYE017: The Cosmic Alignment Advantage appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
“What You Do Comes Out of Who You Really Are” Hello My Friend! Welcome Back to another edition of the Brand You Economy podcast. This happens to be “My Sweet 16 Episode” and I’m so happy to be celebrating it with you. Let me tell you, you are in for a treat because this episode […] The post BYE 016: Being Real Risky & Raw with Nicole Welch appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
Manana Starts Today! ~Sandra Elaine Scott~ Award-Winning Author, Sandra Elaine Scott is a Transformational Speaker, Corporate Trainer and Life Coach who specializes in helping individuals turn their “Some Day” dreams into “Today’s” reality.  Her well-loved book “In Memory of a Saint: Lessons from My Mother I Didn’t Pay Attention to Until She Died”  became a […] The post BYE 015: Affirmations To Jumpstart Your Heart, Mind & Soul appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
 Miracle Is A Shift In Perspective From Fear To Love ~Gabrielle Bernstein~ Five Actions Steps To Living A Life w/Intention #1.) Focus your attention on a daily basis to “The Word or Phrase” you have chosen as your year’s intention. Give It Energy! Remember that attention energizes, and intention transforms! So wherever your attention goes that’s […] The post BYE 014: Five Actions Steps To Living A Life w/Intention appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
When You Want Something, All The Universe Will Conspire In Helping You Achieve It ~Paulo Coelho~  #ManifestingMiracles2015 Hello My Friend! Thank you so much for joining me today and for taking time out of your holiday season to spend time with me. I sincerely appreciate it and I’m hoping you are having an Ah-Maze-Zing 2014 […] The post BYE 013: New Year’s Resolutions Are SO 2008 appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
Only Those Who Will Risk Going Too Far Can Possibly Find Out How Far One Can Go! ~T.S. Eliot~     I’m so excited to get the chance to share with you some exciting news regarding an upcoming event, called Podcast Florida being held in my home town of Orlando, Florida and a Great Opportunity […] The post BYE 012: Feeling HOT! HOT! HOT! for Podcast Florida! appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
“If You Miss Your Real Journey, You Miss Your Real Life” ~ JV CRUM, III ~   JV Crum, III is a best selling author, world-renowned business coach, and mentor. He became a self-made entrepreneur millionaire in his twenties and is an investor who has built and sold companies. He’s a visionary strategist and is […] The post BYE 011: Success Begins with Awareness with JV Crum, III appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.
I Love People And The Hustle ~Gary Vaynerchuk~ Let me ask you this question: Have you thought about taking your professional skills to the next level by creating your own side hustling business while you are still in the grind? Maybe you’re thinking about it and don’t know where to start? Or maybe you need […] The post BYE 010: It’s All About the Side Hustle with Nick Loper appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.