Brant & Sherri Oddcast

Brant Hansen is from small-town Illinois, and is a self-professed nerd, diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult. He's a fan of C.S. Lewis and toast. "Producer Sherri", also a radio veteran, is from Pittsburgh, has one of the world's great laughs, and demonstrates incredible patience with Brant. Both are believers in Jesus, but have difficulty fitting in with modern American church culture. Together they have a daily radio show that is syndicated across the country, with segments ranging from the latest animal news, to interactions with listeners, to discussions about how messy life can be, and how good God is. You can find articles written by Brant at, and you can follow him on Twitter: @branthansen

2050 The Lacking Ubiquity Of Xylophones.

Topics:  Forgiveness, Ecuador, People In the Bible, Your Epic Story, Dad Bod, Following Jesus, Game Show, HOA. BONUS CONTENT: We’re Ok, Neighbor App   Quotes: “They’re missing out in Ecuador.” “Your wife will find you attractive if you provide protection and security.” “God is looking for us to love Him freely.” “Yosemite Sam had the same problem…”


2049 Batten Down The Proverbial Hatches

Topics:  AI Lawyers, Hospitality, Who Jesus Hung Out With, Shock Jock, Prayer/Jail, Masterclass, Little Spiritual Songs BONUS CONTENT: Hospitality Follow-up, Brant & Sherri Appearances   Quotes: “Fake applause is a feature that I’m offering right now.” “Jesus doesn’t give blanket affirmation.” “I’m so confident I’m stringing it out.” “It’s just general knowledge.”


2048 Agnus Dei: The Cinnamon Toast Crunch Guy

Topics:  Breaking Animal News, Enemy Mode, Tom Brady Announcer, Soup Study, Reunion Bands, Social Media, God/Free Will, As God Sees Them, rush Hour, Eternal Life, Amazon Singing BONUS CONTENT: Dallas Willard & Discipleship   Quotes: “I have to be for people even when they insult me.” “Saying words on the air is hard.” “…and then the soup.” “There’s a way to do this and it’s not that.”


2047 I Wish I Had A Team

Topics: Who Jesus Is, Fantasy Football, Honor Your Parents, Parents Growing Up, Religious Movies, WWJD, Middle School BONUS CONTENT:  Listener Emails, Upworthy Poem   Quotes: “Bob Goff does a great job.” “Why don’t we question the culture.” “It was a Trapper Keeper knock-off.”


2046 A Positive Spin On This Garbage

Topics: MasterClass, Believe In Jesus, Who God Uses, Shock Jock, Peak Procrastination BONUS CONTENT: God & Free Will, Kingdom of Heaven   Quotes: “Believing IN and ABOUT Jesus are two different things.” “Within that lake is an island.” “Let me tell you about the Philippines, you guys.” “We’re still being formed. I’m becoming a different person, NOW!” “I’m not the guy. This is not the show.”


2045 I'm Gonna Stop Someone With The Orange Apron On

Topics:  Spudgers, Prayer, Politics/Anxiety BONUS CONTENT:  Politics/Anxiety Follow-up, Executive Function,  Brant Speaking Engagements   Quotes: “Talk to God about what you’re doing in life together.” “Have you tried solitude?” “Hurt people hurt people.”


2044 Nick Higgins Says It Pops

Topics:  Politics/Anxiety, Trust God ,Rucking, Cardio Drumming, Jesus/Scripture, No Distractions, DIY, Ranch Eggs BONUS CONTENT: What I Actually Believe, Prayer   Quotes: “Jesus’ way is just better.” “Your daily anger can be not so daily anymore.” “To be like Jesus I need to be bathed in scripture.” “Turn your mind to gratitude.”


2043 Shock Jock Of Heartwarming Maternal Instinct News

Topics:  Encouragement, Miming The News, Marriage/Thank You BONUS CONTENT: Falling, His Own Church   Quotes: “Narcissists aren’t constantly thanking each other.” “You don’t want to give up right before it explodes.” “The research community, of which I am now a part.” “The English Language is know for synonyms.”


2042 You Should Have Chiseled Something

Topics:  Politics/Anxiety, Bridge Underwater, Hansen 2038 BONUS CONTENT: Sopranos’ Documentary    Quotes: “When things are tumultuous, that’s when the whole faith thing matters.” “You really can be at peace.” “Jesus’ kingdom is about real security.”


2041 NEW SONG: I’m Right About Everything

Topics: Seasons, Follow-Through, Breaking Animal News, Politics/Anxiety, Encouragement BONUS CONTENT: Breaking Animal News, Wacky But True   Quotes “Those who refresh will be refreshed.” “In this case it’s owls.” “Being outraged is actually a burden.” “Whatever you do with anger you can do better without it.”


2040 The Citronella Siren Call

Topics:  Gratitude, News, Love Your Neighbor, PSL Hot-take, Politics/Anxiety, Breaking Animal News, Keep Going, NFL Idea, Refreshers BONUS CONTENT: Brant Speaking Engagements   Quotes: “We do want to get to a place where we can be quiet and focus just on what’s in front of us.” “Decide to be merciful to the people nearest to you.” “God’s not worried.”


2039 Doubling Down On Chiseled Good Looks

Topics:  Politics/Anxiety, Worry, Hansen 2038, Social Tip BONUS CONTENT: Trusting God With Our Reputation   Quotes: “You are authentically who you are.” “You CAN capture your thoughts.” “Speaking of toxic…”


2038 If We Know What We’re Doing, We’ve Lost Ourselves.

Topics:  Politics/Anxiety, Day After Labor Day, Disciples, Miming the News, Costco/Sam’s, Motorcycle Club, Wisdom, Masterclass, Love Your Neighbor BONUS CONTENT: Podcast Titles   Quotes: “Don’t cash in his gift of peace.” “Our culture is all at once all the time.” “I can’t keep up with you guys.” “If you have hope in God, you’re golden.”


2037 Kingdom of God/Transcribing Bob Dylan

Topics:  Gratitude, Talking on the Phone, Experts on Stage, Team Building, Meekness, Jesus/Arguments, Phone Ban, Masterclass, Meet Expectations, Wisdom, 4-year old Museum, You’re Welcome Here, Success, Breaking Animal News, Love People Around Me   Quotes:  “I want to know how I’m coming across.” “Decide to be compassionate to the people closest to you.” “The young people get me.” “We’re all students and Jesus is the teacher.”


2036 Oreos & The Ottoman Empire

Topics:  Jesus/Arguments, Shock Jock, Ask About South Africa BONUS CONTENT: Ask About South Africa Follow-up   Quotes: “You can now flip it from side A to side B.” “I am now an expert after one book.” “When it comes to discourse in the public square…” “Jesus is not into coercion.”


2035 Terrorized Chickens

Topics:   Hansen 2038, Best Day of the Year, Day Ruined, Managing Our Image, Shock Jock, Pray For Your Enemies, Appendix, Success in God’s Eyes, Google Reviews, Jesus Brilliance BONUS CONTENT: Moses Mic Drop, Wacky or Sad   Quotes: “I’ve even lost interest in myself.” “There should be room for me.” “If you’re using the word suffocate a lot…” “We have a great chance to pray for people.”


2034 Come Back, Sherri

Topics: Kids/Screen time, Dogs Sleeping, Wolves, Favorite Bible Story, Creativity, Ego, Ready to Learn, Masterclass BONUS CONTENT: Listener Question - Psalm 15, Being Late   Quotes: “This is all new the parents are dealing with.” “It’s all about Him.” “Once you say it you have to stick with it!”


2033 A Daily Chuck E. Cheese Commitment

Topics: Fashionable People, BMW in the River, Christian Public Sentiment, Ambulance Study, Identity In Christ, Word to the Wise, 7 Colognes, Masterclass, Discipline, PL Hot-Take   Quotes: “They’re very sure of themselves and they’re very wrong.” “I want you to see peace, joy, fun, and love.” “I’m a Jesus Guy.” “The words of the wise bring healing.”


2032 Sean Connery Repertoire Of Jokes

Topics: Reminding Each Other, Masterclass, Super Yacht, Deep Fried Mars, Daily Bread, Spiritual Growth, Auntie Ann’s Scented, Forgiveness, Tree Species BONUS CONTENT: Could It Be This Simple   Quotes:  “I need to hear about God’s goodness over and over again.” “Get your Super Yacht outta here.” “You can rejoice and be glad.” “Deep frying destroys the purpose.”


2031 A Whole Lot Of Speechifying

Topics:  Breaking Animal News, AI on Radio, Narcissists, Masterclass, Social Tip, Sermon on the Mount, National Days, People of Hope BONUS CONTENT: Narcissists and Anger Follow-up   Quotes: “We make mistakes because we’re humans.” “If you engage a fool in his folly you’re gonna be in trouble.” “These skills are honed?” “Where are they Little House on the Prairie?”



Sherri, I appreciate how you brought up the passage in James that discusses the evolution of sinful behavior. Spot on! James 1:13-15 ESV [13] Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. [14] But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. [15] Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

09-11 Reply


Santification was the word that came to mind while you two were discussing not having a sudden moment of conversion, yet knowing who Christ was for some time. I always felt like I knew Christ as my Father who saved me when I was a child (don't know when that began), yet that "moment" that felt like the turning point in my understanding of who He truly is and my desire to know Him on a deeper level wasn't until my early 30's. Great episode, as all of them are. Thank you all for being here for us.

09-29 Reply


LOVED the deep dive on this topic. Thank you for bringing the light-hearted as well as the serious topics.

07-30 Reply


I really appreciated the "What I'm think'in bout" segment. I can definitely see the correlation between the story of Job and our world today as you described. However, I wouldn't be able to equate Job with all humans. First being that there were many people in that text, and we would need to place symbolism to all of them. Secondly, Job would represent the faithful believers, as the church only, those two follow no one just Christ. Because if we equate Job as all humans, we then would have to dismiss the promises of God to punish those who reject God and his mercy (Matt 25:31-46). Anyhoo, just what I'm thinking bout. 🧐 Keep up the great work you two! You are such a blessing and always bring laughter and thought-provoking topics. -C

05-24 Reply


The conversation about the Irish Blessing and how Heather feels the Holy Spirit present in those moments, and why we get teary-eyed, reminded me of Philippians 4:8-9. Wonderful interview, thank you for having her on.

04-13 Reply
















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