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Brazen and Brave
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Brazen and Brave

Author: Kelley Rowland

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This podcast encourages women to be brazen and brave in their walk and relationship with God. I will share stories, offer encouragement, and provide a safe place to connect so we can learn and grow together! 

105 Episodes
I love Luke Chapter 2. Several times in this Chapter the text says that Mary "treasured up, pondered on, and marveled" about the things of Jesus. I believe we have a lot to learn from Mary and we dig into that in this episode. Checkout www.kelleyrowland.comSupport the Show.
In this episode I talk about how we can take the Great Commission to our Closest Circle. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming when we think about the great responsibility that The Great Commission carries to: Go, Make Disciples, and Baptize. After learning that the word "Go" more accurately means "Going" from Priscilla Shirer's study on Jonah, it allowed me to see our call in a new light. The Great Commission isn't a task that we do, but the way that we live. What an honor it is to show the lov...
Friends!!!! I want to offer a glimpse into my recently published book - REVEAL: Discovering God's Purpose in Your Pain. In this episode I read the chapter "Why Us". You get to hear my words in my voice so I'm sorry in advance for the tears! I'm so blessed to have an amazing and supportive community!! Thank you for being a part of this journey. If you want to read the rest of the chapters you can get your copy here!!!. Support the Show.
Often times in life we want to be chosen for a promotion, to lead a team, and to be blessed by the Lord. I believe with my full heart that being chosen for these things comes from a willingness to serve and to do the small tasks first. In this episode I encourage people to "raise their hand" and do the small things first, so that the Lord can trust us with the big. I hope this encourages you today! Support the Show.
Finally! I published my book REVEAL: Discovering God's Purpose in Your Pain and I want to share a few lessons that I learned. Here is what I share: Importance of walking in obedience Take action and be consistent Ask for help Face trauma in order to heal Expect God to reveal himself to you I hope you love this episode and I'd love for you to support REVEAL. You can snag a copy here. Support the Show.
In Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus let us know that "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." As Christians we are called to be workers and share the good news and Word of God. In order to lead people to Christ, we must lead with kindness and compassion just as God has shown us kindness and compassion. In this episode we talk about a formula I pulled from Andrew Murray's "With Christ in the School of Prayer." Having compassion isn't always easy, but with these steps we can enlarge our heart a...
I had the pleasure of interviewing broker and mortgage specialist Stefani Boyd. In this interview we dive into how her teenage pregnancy shaped the kind of life she wanted to live, and how she learned through serving the homeless during the pandemic that it only takes one to make a difference. You don't want to miss this insightful conversation where I was truly inspired. To learn more about Stefani's services you can visit her website. Support the Show.
Friend be encouraged that God has a good, pleasing, and perfect assignment for you. In this episode we talk about being encouraged to carry out that assignment and how to not let the world get in your way. Support the Show.
Lesson from Acts 16 Part 2: Paul and Silas teach us to pray, worship, and focus on God's purpose in our storms. Support the Show.
Lesson from Acts 16 Part 1: You have an impact and your life change change immediately. Support the Show.
God shared an important reminder with me this week that I want to share with you. Even when life is hard and our circumstances do not feel good, we can be good because He is good. Support the Show.
Have you ever stressed about getting Christmas just right as a Christian? If so you are not alone! In this episode I talk about a conviction God placed on my heart, and share some encouraging Scripture if you find yourself unsure about the commercialism that Christmas has become, because at the end of the day God desires our heart and for us to put Him first. The rest will follow. :) Support the Show.
Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane is one of my favorite passages in Scripture. I feel deeply connected to Jesus and He shows us the importance of connection and friendship. May we learn from the disciples in this passage and be the kind of friends that Jesus desired in His sorrowful time of need. To learn more about my upcoming book go here. :) Support the Show.
God showed up in my life big time this week. Like the earth shattering, tear jerking, heart pounding kind of moment. In this episode I share 4 major lessons that God put on my heart. Support the Show.
I really love this episode and I hope you do to! In this episode I break down the parable Jesus shared in Mark 4. I encourage you to listen to this episode and figure out where you fit in the examples that He shared. Decide where you want to be and take action to get there! To learn more about my upcoming book go here. :) Support the Show.
Have you ever been hurt when your closest friends and family do not support your goals and dreams? It can be confusing and quite frankly it sucks. Did you know that Jesus experienced the same thing? I found so much encouragement from Jesus's words and I hope you do to! Learn more about my upcoming book here! Support the Show.
If I am being honest, the first time I heard Sermon on the Mount it through me for a loop. I read it recently and this time around I was encouraged in new ways. I hope this message and the message Jesus has for us encourages you as well. Want to get on the waitlist for my upcoming book? Sign up here! Support the Show.
Let's be honest. Life is full of hard times that are completely outside of our control. That is why I believe we should choose to do hard things. Yes I said it. Let's choose to do hard things! When we do we will grow mentally, physically, and spiritually, and we will be better prepared to tackle what comes our way. Support the Show.
I am BACK and so energized to bring fresh content to you. It seemed fitting to return with an episode that has helped me get back on track with the calling God has ordained over my life. In this episode we talk about how God has called you to a purpose and how that purpose is irrevocable! It will not always be easy but it will be worth it. Here is the link to the sermon I referenced at Echo Life Church. Also, if you'd like to join the waitlist for my upcoming book, Reveal, you can sign up her...
Comments (1)

Kimberly Toombs

I love listening to your podcast. It puts me in such a good mood and is so relatable. It also gives me a different outlook on life. It's refreshing to hear other people deal with what I do. I needed this positivity in my life. Thank you!

Mar 21st