Breaking Down the Wall

Learning is an everyday occurrence in our lives. We learn at our workplace, we take time to study at home, we even "learn" during our leisure time. Every moment of the day we have an opportunity to grow by learning something new. Breaking Down the Wall takes you on a journey behind that wall while allowing us to learn and grow from daily events, from all angles. At Breaking Down the Wall we discuss topics ranging from typical classroom instruction, mentoring, to even our own life experiences. We uncover tools and concepts, have stimulating conversations with great people who want to share their stories, and we create an open learning world for everyone who listens. We offer viewpoints to quench your thirst to learn and to help create learning moments for every day. We help you Break Down the Wall... Tune in to every episode where we will provide you, the listener, with inspiration and content designed to entertain and enlighten. Enjoy, and Keep Breaking Down the Wall

Lessons From Dad - Reflections on Life

On December 30, 2020, I lost my dad...  It has not been easy, as those who have lost a close family member can tell you.  Losing a parent, especially during COVID, made his death difficult, Alzheimer's made our journey impossible to grasp...In our Season Two Premiere of Breaking Down the Wall, I share a few lessons I learned from my Dad, many can relate as they may have learned similar lessons from their Dads.  In this episode, you will experience the world of my Dad, Earl Banks.  You will hear a few stories of a simple man who raised a family through hard work and dedication.  Some samples of his favorite music,  stories of the giving soul that was my Dad.  These experiences are just the tip of the iceberg from a man who gave so much to so many.We all learn every day, even when we are not looking for a lesson.   Earl Francis Banks (1934 - 2020) - Rest in Peace DadSupport the show (


A Visit from Saint Nick - The Holiday Special

As we end our first season, our top-notch staff tracked down a very special guest for our timely interview.  Here it is, our Holiday Special with the Big Guy in Red!!  Santa is a big fan of Breaking Down the Wall, eager to take a moment these last few days before his big night to "Zoom" in for a quick talk.  I was able to ask key questions,  and he did not disappoint.  We found how the elves are dealing with the last-minute preparations, how Santa was still able to speak with the children and heard a touching story about a special call Santa received.  We even found out how to get OFF of the Naughty List!! Santa had a very special message for any wannabe Santa Helpers and talked about his famous Santa Camp with a special group from the New England Santa Society on Facebook ( us for a special chat with Santa, and don't forget the milk and cookies!!Support the show (


Is Virtual Learning Failing our Students?

We see it in the news every day, the pandemic has caused problems... it is the understatement of the year.  Education has suffered as almost 40% of all school districts have reverted to virtual learning and even more have adopted a blended version.  It is in these times we need answers to the question...  How can you help your child gain an edge when faced with a virtual environment learning challenge??  Does your future star employee have skills that can be born out of difficult times??  Can you set your children up for success and not with your checkbook??  Is virtual learning failing our students??  In previous episodes, we explored ways to work from home, outlined steps to better prepare for learning virtually, and we have discussed learning tips for everyone.  In this special episode, we touch upon the "future" and set a goal for some who may see the method to this madness that we are about to outline in a sort of tale.  It is not at a "Christmas Carol" or at an "It's a Wonderful Life" level, but it is sure to entertain and provide knowledge in the process.Listen in as we venture into the year 2027, seven years removed from the pandemic to outline a future that could be.  Hear the tale of a group of interviewees looking to be the next voice of Breaking Down the Wall...   Our tale is based on fiction but holds its truth in hard cold facts. Check out this special episode of Breaking Down the Wall, we might have a little insight that may lead you to a better future...Support the show (


RECAST: FMIMH Ding, This is your Captain Speaking...

Five Minutes Inside My Head (FMIMH) RECAST:Moving up valuable podcasts people enjoy is important to us at Breaking Down The Wall.  When a story, concept, or idea is important, it should be played, over and over again.  Our minds are programmed to receive information based on what state it is in.  No, not like Colorado, New York, or Virginia... I mean the state of mind. Customer service is critical, GOOD customer service is heavenly and is a staple to being number one.  With that said, when we ever get back to business as usual... in our new normal, how will you adapt and treat your customers?? Listen to this... Support the show (


2020 In Review - What We Learned from Breaking Down The Wall

All good things must come to an end and the Season Finale of Breaking Down The Wall is no different... Welcome to the last episode of 2020.  As we prepare for a new year and a new podcast season, we wrapped 2020 up with a little bow and say goodbye...  In our first year-end recap, we bring to you the best of what we learned back with a summary in the immortal words of our guests.  We begin our journey with UMass Lowell professor Bill Vales and the lessons we learned from early in this pandemic and the struggles of Online Learning in College.  We had a lovely revisit with Cate Rafferty of Cate Rafferty Consulting about her valuable insight into Leadership Training, giving us great information from both sides of this valuable learning tool for effective leadership.  We finished our 2020 recap with the best takeaways from Networking with Venture Catalyst Marg Bouse and finally Story Telling with Dr. Karen Dietz.So goodbye 2020 as we get ready for a new year!! It is Season Finale time !!Support the show (


Online Learning in a College Environment - Five Months Later, an Encore

Back in April 2020, we spoke with Professor William "Bill" Vales.  Five months have passed and it appears information delivered back then is the key to the future of Online Learning.  We revisited the episode, extracted key elements of the discussion, and added commentary to tie the concepts into today's world.Listen to the keys to success for delivering AND taking an online session.  The information is valuable to anyone who is, working in the workforce, taking college classes, high school, or even in elementary school.  Teachers are challenged and as an expert in the virtual training world, we can help today's teachers grow and keep pace with the students of today.Let's all help to Break Down the Wall!!Support the show (


Change Management Hasn't Changed, Has It?

Over the years the term "Change Management" has come to mean many things. From organizations to employees, we all see change differently. The origins of Change Management has been disputed over the years, but one thing remains the same... change is difficult, uncomfortable, and goes against human nature. Join us for a brief history of Change Management and a deep dive into the three steps or phases of change... The model is still in use today, every successful change needs a plan and needs a message as to why change is needed. From building a strong message and foundation, time must be taken to understand the need to change. Balance and timing need to be accounted for in affecting change. Change for the sake of change is not a reason and will take a team out of balance. Seeking the new balance and buy-in from your team is a must. To be a leader, we must show benefits, show empathy, and guide teams effectively and carefully with facts and truth.Sharpen your tools in your kit and Keep Breaking Down the Wall! Support the show (


Five Minutes Inside My Head - Ding, This Is Your Captain Speaking...

Happy Labor Day, it is a time when we think about the people who serve us daily... your coffee barista, service station attendant, store clerk, even our pilots. We as a people seem to forget to be human when working with others... Time to be civil?? Well at least let's celebrate the working people, ALL working people, and enjoy each other.Support the show (


Five Minutes Inside My Head - Contract Training - For the Cheap?

Today's business needs to be cognizant of cost. Who am I kidding, every business has been tight with their money and today in this world it is just as true. Not all businesses are in this boat, many just don't know the real cost of a (contract) contractor, well maybe some of them don't...Every contractor is faced with a challenge in this world today. Contractors seek to improve the bottom line of clients while building a strong platform for both businesses. In my field, it is all about creating a level of sustained learning for my clients. Providing a high-quality learning program takes time and patience if you want to build a world-class, direct, and impactful learning event for your employees. Do you need to see a change in effort with your staff? Would you like to have your employees respect your leadership and guidance? If you answered "YES" to these two questions, then you need to look for a training/learning provider who cares enough about their business to care enough for your business.Good, Fast, Cheap... Pick Two!!Listen... and Keep Breaking Down The Wall!!Support the show (


Five Minutes Inside My Head - Elementary My Dear Teacher (Hybrid Learning)

Some have the skills, most need to develop (or improve) our skills. Today's teachers, facilitators, and trainers are forced to provide a new style of providing learning - Hybrid Learning.It is not as easy as some of us make it seem. Training today has its challenges and has put improved delivery of teaching on the map. Common sense will dictate the best way to approach this challenge. Adjusting to a new era of training?? We simply must simplify and go back to what we know the best...A brief encounter with a young teacher spawned our latest episode of Five Minutes. After our conversation, I thought about our approach and where I, or should I say WE, as professional trainers could help the American School System. In this episode, we supply three simple tips for providers of learning, even those teaching Elementary School. Join us for an uplifting message and insight based on a chance encounter with a young teacher. These three tips will help us all, Break Down The Wall!!Support the show (


Transformational Toolkit & Business Storytelling with Dr Karen Dietz

Today's world needs communication that works! Employees and managers need to be actively listening to their staff, their clients, and use common sense. Tools provide the platform, but the change must come from the person and must be communicated effectively. Leaders must be willing to grow with their staff, teams must communicate. Dr. Karen Dietz, an award-winning author, and speaker joined us to discuss the world today and the changes it requires. From utilizing the tools in the Transformational Toolkit to understanding the theory behind Business Storytelling, or should we say "story listening"; Dr. Dietz takes us on a journey as we explore the needs of every leader. Learn when to tell a change story and when to change the story. Understand the reason for a vision or purpose and how to build one to renew your goals and direction.Join us for this insightful and interesting discussion and learn how Dr. Dietz decided to create the Toolkit (available at Listen to the steps Dr. Dietz outlines to accomplish what you need to transform your message and to bring storytelling to your team.Check it out and Keep Breaking Down the Wall!Support the show (


Another Five Minutes Inside My Head - Online Learning & Kids

As this crazy world spins, we hang on and hope for the best.  During my podcasts, we venture into the land of unknown armed with knowledge and designs for the future of learning.  In this edition of "Another Five Minutes Inside my Head", you will hear an amazing story about a Chef, her proteges, and their learning... online. Join me for another five minutes and see what the world can do when we just move forward...Support the show (


Networking and Education Innovation with Marg Bouse

Getting noticed in the business world when looking for a job is not easy. It becomes more difficult as we age and when we become laid-off from a company.  Marg Bouse, a mentor, and venture catalyst has been a friend of mine and co-worker for over ten years, she shares her insight and discusses her brilliant LinkedIn "networking" post.In this episode, we discuss her approach to networking and mentors who have guided her.  Marg provides a glimpse into her desire to "serve" and how all that came about.  Throughout our chat, we uncover the learnings so far in the COVID age with online learning, how the business world could have a positive impact on the future of learning, and share our thoughts on the up ad coming new age of workers.  We will even supply a few words to grow by... So stop reading and join us as we Break Down The Wall!Support the show (


RECAST: Episode 102 - Leadership Training with Cate Rafferty

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!!! Thank you for the notes of encouragement from those looking to hear the Podcast with the Cate Rafferty, owner of Cate Rafferty Consulting.  Our stimulating conversation was well received and contained key points from early in the COVID pandemic that still holds true today.  Recorded back in April of 2020, Cate and I explore the next chapter in developmental training in the business world and with leadership training.  We hope you enjoy this encore presentation of our talk.Support the show (


Five Minutes Inside My Head - Through Rose Colored Glasses

We all look at the world through rose-colored glasses during certain times of our lives.  We want to believe that with every bad, that some good will appear.  It is more important today with the challenges we face to keep that glowing optimism.  We start each day with this hope and with the faith that things will get better.  Compliments... occur rarely and sometimes when fully unexpected.  Compliments can be veiled, shown through emotions, but typically delivered in words. These compliments surprise, but when received, are well taken.  It is even better when the compliment arrives years after the original event, these types of compliments are even better.When preparing a training program, about 80 to 90% of the effort is in course preparation and content development. Instructional designers and course developers are the primary people focused on this task.  However, there is a growing number of "learning professionals" who wear the developer and the presenter hat.  Yes, the facilitator needs to be an expert in the field, or at least very knowledgeable of the content, BUT we cannot allow the facilitator to stand in for an expert and "make things up". THIS is not a very good "fake it until you make it" moment. A fully structured training program with "scripts" is in order.  Fully documented to support the facilitator.So when a former employee from your past sends an email citing your delivery of this previous concept that he brought to life, you must share the story...Support the show (


Five Minutes Inside My Head - A Career Rebirth

As we grow old, we question many things around us. We ask somewhat stupid questions and sometimes enlightening and insightful queries. It wasn't that long ago when I asked myself the most important one after a layoff... So, did you follow your dream?? Signs to change your life, your career, or even direction can come from different places. It can be a phrase somebody utters, a picture in a storefront window, it could be a subtle moment in a movie you used to dampen your brain before bed...It can be a scary thought, venturing out to recreate yourself. It is also good that the pandemic has served to push that along as well. Ready or not, your next decision could be impactful. Join me for another Five Minutes to see if motivation comes your way. How much did they pay you to give up on your dreams? Support the show (


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