Breath Of Fresh Heir Podcast

Breath of Fresh Heir Podcast is a Kingdom of God constructed podcast that discuss real topics that the Body of Christ deal with; with different perspectives from the 3 Hosts on the show. Chopped with guests, hot takes in the Christian community, this podcast tackles all subjects with the word of God being our opinions; yet being bold and honest while stripping away religious and self-righteous responses. Buckle up your seatbelt and open your ears to hear what Joint Heirs with Christ sounds like.

The Entanglements of the Church Part IV

For a brief moment, the world took their eyes and attention off of Covid-19 for a 13-minute table talk with Will Smith & Jada Pickett-Smith as they spoke about a previous entanglement Jada had with R&B singer August Alsina. Before we go any further, BOFH isn’t here to gossip about what Jada, Will and August did. That’s not the intention of this podcast, but if you have been rocking with BOFH you know that we take a topic and relate the core of that situation to the church. Providing questions and answers to situations some may find difficult discussing in a church setting.


The Entanglements of the Church Part 3

For a brief moment, the world took their eyes and attention off of Covid-19 for a 13-minute table talk with Will Smith & Jada Pickett-Smith as they spoke about a previous entanglement Jada had with R&B singer August Alsina. Before we go any further, BOFH isn’t here to gossip about what Jada, Will and August did. That’s not the intention of this podcast, but if you have been rocking with BOFH you know that we take a topic and relate the core of that situation to the church. Providing questions and answers to situations some may find difficult discussing in a church setting.


The Entanglements of the Church Part 2

For a brief moment, the world took their eyes and attention off of Covid-19 for a 13-minute table talk with Will Smith & Jada Pickett-Smith as they spoke about a previous entanglement Jada had with R&B singer August Alsina. Before we go any further, BOFH isn’t here to gossip about what Jada, Will and August did. That’s not the intention of this podcast, but if you have been rocking with BOFH you know that we take a topic and relate the core of that situation to the church. Providing questions and answers to situations some may find difficult discussing in a church setting.


The Entanglements of the Church Part I

For a brief moment, the world took their eyes and attention off of Covid-19 for a 13-minute table talk with Will Smith & Jada Pickett-Smith as they spoke about a previous entanglement Jada had with R&B singer August Alsina. Before we go any further, BOFH isn’t here to gossip about what Jada, Will and August did. That’s not the intention of this podcast, but if you have been rocking with BOFH you know that we take a topic and relate the core of that situation to the church. Providing questions and answers to situations some may find difficult discussing in a church setting.


Should the door of the Church Be Open (Part 3)

At the taping of this podcast, the world is going through a pandemic and a needed up rise for racial injustice; however, in the midst of it all, the church in the way it has traditionally been effective isn’t able to be effective based on churches being closed. There’s been backlash and disparity between whether churches can be open in this climate due to the pandemic, and there has been backlash to why churches are closed. There has also been division between the body of Christ itself on the position of opening churches or keeping them close. They have had spiritual leaders call the churches that have remained closed faithless, and other spiritual leaders call the churches that have remained open unwise by putting people in danger. This podcast will be the first in a series called, “The Faith of the Church”.


Should the door of the Church Be Open (Part 2)

At the taping of this podcast, the world is going through a pandemic and a needed up rise for racial injustice; however, in the midst of it all, the church in the way it has traditionally been effective isn’t able to be effective based on churches being closed. There’s been backlash and disparity between whether churches can be open in this climate due to the pandemic, and there has been backlash to why churches are close. There has also been division between the body of Christ itself on the position of opening churches or keeping them close. They have had spiritual leaders call the churches that have remained closed faithless, and other spiritual leaders call the churches that have remained open unwise by putting people in danger. This podcast will be the first in a series called, “The Faith of the Church”. We will call part 1: “Should the door of the Church Be Open”. We are addressing the position of keeping the church open versus the position of them staying closed, based on faith. A pastor that has received national recognition based on his stance during this pandemic resides in Louisiana by the name of Tony Spell. Pastor Spell is the senior pastor for Life Tabernacle Church in Central, Louisiana. Pastor Spell was arrested on March 31 and charged with six misdemeanors for violating the order, but he has vowed to continue holding services.


Should the door of the Church Be Open? (Part 1)

At the taping of this podcast, the world is going through a pandemic and a needed up rise for racial injustice; however, in the midst of it all, the church in the way it has traditionally been effective isn’t able to be effective based on churches being closed. There’s been backlash and disparity between whether churches can be open in this climate due to the pandemic, and there has been backlash to why churches are close. There has also been division between the body of Christ itself on the position of opening churches or keeping them close. They have had spiritual leaders call the churches that have remained closed faithless, and other spiritual leaders call the churches that have remained open unwise by putting people in danger. This podcast will be the first in a series called, “The Faith of the Church”.


Losing Your Faith part 2

This episode talks about Marty Sampson and Pastor Joshua Harris renouncing their faith in Christianity. The Crew discuss different questions concerning faith and the disconnect that leads to spiritual leaders departing.


Losing Your Faith Part 1

This episode talks about Marty Sampson and Pastor Joshua Harris renouncing their faith in Christianity. The Crew discuss different questions concerning faith and the disconnect that leads to spiritual leaders departing.


The Transgendered Church Part III

This conversation is inspired by Dwayne Wade’s son or daughter, depending on your perspective. This is in no way a podcast to gossip or slander a child or the parent of the child, but an informative podcast to address questions Christian have that are scared to address. *This podcast isn’t to disrespect the transgender community, but to create dialogue that will be a bridge for understanding. I truly believe Jesus was a bridge, but in his connection he didn’t compromise his Father’s will. That’s the pulse of this podcast. A bridge that displays the standard of the Kingdom of God.*


The Transgendered Church Part II

This conversation is inspired by Dwayne Wade’s son or daughter, depending on your perspective. This is in no way a podcast to gossip or slander a child or the parent of the child, but an informative podcast to address questions Christian have that are scared to address. *This podcast isn’t to disrespect the transgender community, but to create dialogue that will be a bridge for understanding. I truly believe Jesus was a bridge, but in his connection he didn’t compromise his Father’s will. That’s the pulse of this podcast. A bridge that displays the standard of the Kingdom of God.*


The Transgendered Church Part I

A Transgendered Church This conversation is inspired by Dwayne Wade’s son or daughter, depending on your perspective. This is in no way a podcast to gossip or slander a child or the parent of the child, but an informative podcast to address questions Christian have that are scared to address. This podcast isn’t to disrespect the transgender community, but to create dialogue that will be a bridge for understanding. I truly believe Jesus was a bridge, but in his connection he didn’t compromise his Father’s will. That’s the pulse of this podcast. A bridge that displays the standard of the Kingdom of God.


Carnal Church II: Pastor David Wilson part 3

The Carnal Church part II: Pastor David WilsonPastor David Wilson is the senior pastor of Bibleway Ministries. On October 16, a viral video shows the Pastor performing a sex act on a woman. As the video went viral, it was discover that Pastor Wilson was with someone that wasn’t his wife. It was also stated by one of Pastor’s Wilson family, that the video wasn’t him.


Carnal Church II: Pastor David Wilson part 2

Pastor David Wilson is the senior pastor of Bibleway Ministries. On October 16, a viral video shows the Pastor performing a sex act on a woman. As the video went viral, it was discover that Pastor Wilson was with someone that wasn’t his wife. It was also stated by one of Pastor’s Wilson family, that the video wasn’t him.


Carnal Church II: Pastor David Wilson

Pastor David Wilson is the senior pastor of Bibleway Ministries. On October 16, a viral video shows the Pastor performing a sex act on a woman. As the video went viral, it was discover that Pastor Wilson was with someone that wasn’t his wife. It was also stated by one of Pastor’s Wilson family, that the video wasn’t him.


Kanye And The Church -Special Edition!

There’s different layers that people agree with and disagree with concerning Kanye. From sociologists for the black community; him jumping on stage saying Taylor Swift shouldn’t have won the award, Beyoncé should have, saying “George Bush doesn’t like black people”, to wearing the MAGA hat and support of President Trump. The statements he made about slavery being a choice, and now him releasing a Gospel album called ‘Jesus is King’. 1. Christians that are also activists, are they correct in their dislike for Kanye? There are some people who feel he let them down because he wore a MAGA hat, his politic point of view, is their hurt for that valid? 2. Do you believe Kanye is giving us a look at not only the hypocrisy of America but Westernized Church? Expound. 3. Kanye said something that hit me, He said the most racist thing someone ever told me was I have to make a decision based on my race… Have the black community, better yet the black church is letting Kanye down in his walk as a believer based on the black communities’ tendency to support the black culture over God? 4. Is Kanye getting extra grace because he is a celebrity or is he getting extra judgement because he is a celebrity? 5. What perspective do you take on Christians who are trying to find fault in Kanye saying he’s a Christian and doing the Sunday Services? 6. What’s the disconnect between Kanye and traditional church? I see majority of young pastors celebrating Kanye becoming a Christian and older pastor finding skepticism, why the friction? 7. Is Sunday Service criticism based on biblically mandate or is it based on fear from spiritual leaders losing control? 8. Is the Christian community exploiting Kanye by trying to invite him to come to their church? 9. What has Kanye being a believer reveal to you and what has it reveal about the state of the church? The pros and cons?


Pray It Away: Mental Health in the Church

Mental Health in Church (Johnny Young Jr. P.HD, PsyD & Felisha Young, PsyD) Solution Counseling Services 1. Why is there a stigma behind mental health in the church? 2. Why do we tie counseling into not having faith in God? 3. Have we become so conscious about the spirit leading that we have neglected the soul and what are the affects of neglecting the soul? 4. What do you say to believers who calls mental health a demonic spirit and that person has to be rebuke?  5. Where does the line draw between demonic vs. mental illness? 6. Why does the church separate mental health from the church? 7. What are the barriers in the black church that effect our souls from prospering?  8. How do we remove this stigma with mental health  9. Does mental health looks different for men and women in the church? 10. What’s the resolution?


Christianity and Public Correction: Are we going too far?

Christianity and Public Correction: Are we going too far? Galatians 2:11 – 2:14 Growing in the Christian community has been believers who have YouTube channels, social network accounts and ministries build on publicly correcting other believers. · Are we perverting the intent behind Galatians 2:11 – 14 and is it being done to brand ourselves? · The intent of Galatians 2:11 -14 was rooting in love. Love for others who were following Peter and his actions, and those actions were becoming a stumbling block (Barnabas). · Is public correction causing more discord in the body than it’s building? Where is the balance? · Should there be a protocol for public correction and are we following it? · Due to technology is the body removing proper spiritual authority to publicly correct? Are we usurping the fivefold ministry? · The balance of correction and being judgmental. What is that balance? How to spot a judgmental Christian? There fruit, majority of their conversation focus on the negative and rarely speak from a position of grace, understanding, forbearance, and love. · How can the church prepare believers to properly understand which correction is acceptable and the correction that needs to be bind? · At what point do we correct the corrector?


What Did I Sign Up For? Meagan Good And The Church

Meagan Good was recently on D.L. Hughley show talking about her new movie, “The Intruder” and doing that interview they talked to her about how her husband feels (Pastor Devon Franklin) about her sex scenes and she also explains why she avoids “church folks” and doesn’t always goes to church with her husband. · Is the church ready for a sex symbol or a secular actor? · Is she putting her profession over her belief? · Are not extending grace to Meagan to allow the Holy Spirit to grow her and forcing her to be what we want her to be? · Is Devon Franklin covering allow his wife to grow? · Is Meagan being mature about this situation? She understands her emotional side, she is loving them from a distance… She didn’t say she stop going, but she doesn’t go all the time. Is she making the right choice for her growth? · Should we protection our spirit · Is the judgment for Meagan centered around who her husband is or center around her being a sex symbol? · Do we give people the proper ability to grow in the Holy Spirit or do we judge them for not being who we want them to be?


Is the church letting people down? The Church vs. Tweet

Tweet said she’s sick of church. Seeing people being hypocritical. Tweet and her daughter talk about how pastors & Elders in there DMs, and their ultimately resolution was staying away from the "church". Are People are using the church as a business now? Is this just Church Hurt 1. I heard this quote: Church: The only place in the world where people leave because of hurt. Job: The only place in the world where people stay no matter what hurts they go through. Is there truth in that statement? 2. Is the issue as believers, we throw everything in with the bad without created boundaries? My issue is: the people not the Pastor, or Pastor not the clothes? 3. Talk about a situation where you thought about leaving the church? 4. Why do believers give up on church so quickly? 5. Hypocrisy is the issue. Fashion show. Drama and not allowing people to be who they are. Is that true? 6. Do people who leave the church simply want a pass to sin freely without judgement or is the hypocrisy tiring for most? 7. You can’t get a family, because all you get the bible. Who are you? You have made your Identity the bible. 8. Is people leaving church due to lack of grace for leaders or lack of integrity by leaders? 9. What steps can the church take to ensure we keep believers active in local churches? 10. Is the increase of church members and not disciples the issue of people leaving the church? 11. Is the main issue people leave the church is due to a strong relationship with Jesus? Their house is built on sand?


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