Broads You Should Know

The podcast about amazing and noteworthy women from history! A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules; Broads You Should Know shares the stories of those Broads who have helped shape our world.

Sarah Biffin - Limbless Renassiance Painter

Born without arms or legs, from her youngest days Sarah Biffin was not content to sit around bemoaning her difficulties - she got right to work! Sarah taught herself to sew, use scissors and write letters using her mouth! She was so skilled, in fact, that when a sideshow owner Emmanuel Dukes, discovers her abilities, he quickly convinces her to join up with his traveling sideshow and is able to charge very high prices for passersby to stare with awe at "the astonishing curiosity”, “the limbless wonder” and “the 8th wonder”. Under Dukes' tutelage, Sarah dives into the world of painting and is so remarkably good at it, that soon they are selling her miniature portraits for three Guineas a pop! Sarah's massive talent eventually attracts local nobility and even the royal courts and she's able to build a notable artistic career. Her rise to fame and the rocky path that follow are almost as interesting as her origin store. Listen now to hear more about Sarah Biffin's incredible life and work. — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced and edited by Sara Gorsky, with original music by Darren Callahan.


Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner — Holds the Most US Patents of Any African-American Woman

This week, Sara brings us Mary Kenner! Coming from a family of inventors, Mary wasted no time and went to work on her own first invention at six years old. She invented throughout her life, and received her first US Patent in 1957 for the Sanitary Belt - a precursor to the sanitary napkin! To this day Mary still holds the record for the most US Patents awarded to an African American woman - FIVE! — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced and edited by Sara Gorsky, with original music by Darren Callahan.


Elizabeth Packard - Fighter for Women's and Asylum Patient's Rights

Therese Oneill, author of the awesome book Unbecoming a Lady: The Forgotten Shrews and Sluts That Shaped America, joins Sara to discuss a Broad we have long been wanting to cover - the incomparable Elizabeth Packard! When Elizabeth's Reverend jerk of a husband has her committed to an insane asylum, (for disagreeing with his preaching, nonetheless!) Elizabeth bided her time patiently, working with Dr. McFarland on what she believed would be a path to quick release back to her family. However, the charade of the doctor soon became clear, and after losing her privileges, Elizabeth was relegated to the poor wing of the hospital where she witness atrocious patient treatment, even torture. After her eventual release, home imprisonment by husband and subsequent trial to prove her sanity, Elizabeth began a long journey not only to regain her family and rebuild her prospects (after said husband stole her every penny and moved the children far away), but she also began a new fight - for the rights of asylum patients, and the rights for women and their property under the law. Her story and her accomplishments are remarkable - listen now for her incredible story! — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced and edited by Sara Gorsky, with original music by Darren Callahan.


Nancy Dowd — Breakout Female Screenwriter of the 70’s

This week, guest Darren Callahan brings us the story of screenwriter Nancy Dowd! After graduating from Smith College, Nancy enrolls at UCLA determined to forge a career writing for film. Not only does she succeed, she ends up writing some of the most renowned films of the 70s and 80s, and even winning an Oscar for her first feature script COMING HOME, but while the original script was entirely her own, she had to share that Oscar with two other writers. Listen now to find out how that film created a rift between her and Jane Fonda that would last a lifetime, and why much of her writing since has been credited under pseudonyms, and sometimes even uncredited! — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced and edited by Sara Gorsky, with original music by Darren Callahan.


Broad Opinion: A Tribute to Joan Davis - the Broad That Started It All

Another light went out of the world this week when we lost lost Joan Davis. "Ms. Davis" was Sara's High School History Teacher and was, arguably, THE BROAD THAT STARTED IT ALL! That's right, this podcast might never have come to being if it weren't for Ms. Davis. Teaching outside that standard curriculum and armed with Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States: 1492-Present, Ms. Davis made a profound impact teaching Sara and all of her students the importance of exploring history OUTSIDE of the viewpoint of the victors, the winners and the oppressors. That version of the story is not the full version - to understand fully how and why things in this world happened the way they did, you must understand the whole picture. It's not glossy, not beautiful, and often very unpleasant, but it's one of the most important things we can do for ourselves and for the future. Thank you, Ms. Davis, for your incredible work as a public school teacher. Your impact will continue to be felt for many years to come, and Sara thanks you for all you did to bring history to life and transforming us all into history (and herstory) lovers. — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced and edited by Sara Gorsky, with original music by Darren Callahan.


Gudrid the Well-Traveled - Brave Viking Adventurer

Heather Pringle, author of the upcoming book The Northwomen: Untold Stories From the Other Half of the Viking World, brings us the incredible story of Gudrid the Well-Traveled! Gudrid was born into the Viking world which worshipped the old Norse Gods and their ways, but she was also born into a modern family that had adopted the hip new religion of the age: Christianity. This gave young Gudrid a unique ability to walk the line between the two religions, which would prove to be a giant stepping stone for Gudrid as she became the ultimate world traveler of her time. Traveling was not quick or easy, and helping establish the first known European settlement in North America was even harder, but Gudrid did it all in epic fashion, and when she was pregnant, too! She clinked glasses with Leif Erikson and many other legends of the time, but Gudrid and her adventures across the Atlantic and back, and then all the way eventually to Rome, became so renowned that she appears in not one, but TWO of the surviving Viking Sagas.  Listen now to hear the story of this Viking Wonder Woman and her trips across the globe! Heather also brings us fascinating information about Viking women and culture, and the recent developments in archaeology that have uncovered a whole new understanding of what it meant to be a Viking woman in this time period. It's an episode you won't want to miss! — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced and edited by Sara Gorsky, with original music by Darren Callahan.


Simone Biles - GOAT Gymnast and All-Around Human Being

Simone Biles has made history once more with an incredible performance at the Olympics, breaking records left and right, wowing us (and the judges) with stunning combinations and flawless execution. The past 8 years, though, her work has gone beyond the gymnastics floor and Simone has become a beacon of hope for abuse survivors and an advocate for mental wellness and self-care. She has changed the fabric and foundation of the sport - and not just gymnastics! All of athletics will never be the same because of her. How in the world did Simone Biles become Simone Biles - the GOAT gymnast and all-around human being? Her story is just as amazing and her collection of medals, and Michael Slefinger is here to tell you her whole story. Listen now!  — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced and edited by Sara Gorsky, with original music by Darren Callahan.


Věra Čáslavská — Czechoslovakian Olympic Superstar Whose Anti-Government Protest Got Her Erased from History [Michael Slefinger]

Special guest Michael Slefinger tells us about gymnast Věra Čáslavská. Her meteoric rise to fame surprised the world, her talent was unmatched, and her charisma charmed the entire world, so why has nobody today even heard of her? Find out why in this week's episode of Broads You Should Know! — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye


Broad Opinions: VP Kamala Harris for President

WELL WELL WELL...looks like Sara was wrong in her last Broad Opinion hot take, but in the the BEST WAY! Chloe Skye joins Sara for a NEW hot take, this time - on VP Kamala Harris being the new Democratic nominee and NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!  The excitement is palpable across so many demographics - the hope, and the belief that change is coming and we will have a WOMAN PRESIDENT elected come November is very real, but it's not a sure thing yet. It's more important than ever that we unite our efforts to get Kamala Harris elected. It's not too early, or too late to get started and every voice, every effort, every single moment spent towards it will help us get there. Chloe and Sara talk about what we can do RIGHT NOW to make a difference. They also have a good laugh over JD Vance's (the Great Turd, as Sara calls him) commentary on childless cat ladies; Turns out he picked the wrong demographic to poke - childless cat (& dog) ladies will burn it all down, bro. — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye


Victoria C. Woodhull - First Woman to Run for U.S. President

Victoria C. Woodhull might be one of the most interesting women we've covered on the pod so far! Her story includes not one, but THREE rags-to-riches climbs, a flourishing career as a medium & clairvoyant, and she was the first woman to not only run for President of the United States, but she also the first woman to own a Wall Street Firm AND the first woman EVER to testify before Congress. As you might suspect, her story is also filled with drama and not JUST within the gossip column she published. Let's just say that Harriet Beecher Stowe called her a “vile jailbird” and “impudent witch”. What did Victoria do to earn such vile hatred from the Stowe family? You'll have to listen to find out! — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye


Shirley Chisholm — First Black Woman to Run for President of the United States

This week, Sara revisits the story of Shirley Chisholm, a civil rights leader, politician, and the first Black woman to run for President of the United States of America and first woman to run on the Democratic ticket!  Learn more about this incredible woman who ran her campaign "Unbought and Unbossed" also displayed a truly remarkable response, particularly by today's standards, when there was an assassination attempt on one of her opponent's life. - A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast @ChloeJadeSkye @SamLAEggers — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye


Broad Opinions - "Disastrous Debate" Hot Take

In her new segment BROAD OPINIONS, Sara brings us her hot take on what the news media is calling "Biden's Disastrous Debate Performance", how we should feel about it, and what we should do about it with t-minus 4 months until the election. HINT: It's not the take you might think it'll be. PLUS! Sara brings compelling real-time data on the impact trump's time in office has had on the women of Texas, and the other 13 states with abortion bans. HINT: It's worse than you even imagined. CW: sexual assault, r*pe & forced pregnancy. — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye


Dervla Murphy - Irish Travel Writer Who Bicycled Across the World

Since the age of 10, when she receives her first bicycle, Dervla Murphy dreams of pedaling all the way to India, but her travel plans are put on hold when she becomes caretaker of her mother at just 14 years old. This doesn't stop Dervla from dreaming, though, and when she is released from her caretaker duties 16 years later, her trip to India becomes a reality. Even though it's the worst winter in almost a century, Dervla sets out on Roz, her trusty bicycle with nothing but her passport, a camera, a map, a spare pair of nylon pants and shirt, toothbrush, comb, writing paper, two pens, a copy of Blake’s poems and a pistol. What unfolds next is an incredible trip filled with many challenges, dangers, profound beauty and human connection. It has to be heard to be believed - so listen now to Dervla's story! — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye


The Invisible Battalion — The Female Soldiers of the Ukrainian Army

This week, Sara sheds some light on The Invisible Battalion! While Ukrainian women have been defending their country on the front lines for decades, it wasn't until 2018 that they were actually allowed to serve in combat ranks, thanks, in large part, to a massive campaign known as "The Invisible Battalion," led by the NGO Institute of Gender Programs ( The women leading this movement have opened the door for Ukrainian women's rights, and their powerful campaign also gives us a stark and heartbreaking window into the war Ukrainians have been fighting to keep their homeland since 2014. — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye  


Cornelia Sorabji - First Woman to Study Law at Oxford & Advocate in India

Cornelia Sorabji dreamt long and hard about becoming a lawyer, even though in India in the late 1800's women were just barely allowed to go to University at all, and were NOT permitted to law school or the court system as a whole. Born into a progressive, education-minded family, though, Cornelia was not deterred by these archaic laws - instead she gathers supporters and chases her dreams all the way to Oxford, where she becomes the first woman to study law and the first woman to be admitted to the men-only library. What follows is a difficult pathway trying to weave her way into a men-only profession, but Cornelia is able to build a successful career defending the Purdahnashin (women who weren't allowed to talk to men outside their family) who could not engage the services of male lawyers to defend themselves in cases of wrongdoing, neglect and abuse. Her advocacy for this undefended population and her own success breaking down the male only walls of the British and Indian legal systems, make her an absolutely epic BYSK, but her name and achievements are pretty forgotten. Why? You'll have to listen to find out!   — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye


Verity Lambert — 1st Female TV Producer in the UK Who Brought Doctor Who to Life!

Today, Colin A. Borden brings us the tale of Verity Lambert - the founding producer of Doctor Who!  As an aspiring young writer and director, Verity kept running into the glass ceiling, being told time and time again that there wasn't any more room for another woman. Verity kept at it, though, and when an accident on set means someone has to step in to keep the show together, Verity meets the challenge with aplomb and leaves an indelible impression on the studio department head. Later, when he's looking for someone to try and get a weird show called "Doctor Who" on its feet, he remembers Verity, and she becomes both the first UK female TV producer, and the youngest at the time. Her story is amazing, and this now beloved TV show is a staple in many a home, but it wouldn't have even happened were it not for the tenacious, creative, and get-it-done attitude of Verity Lambert. Listen now for the full story! — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye


Joan of Arc — French Warrior, Blessed ”Maid” and Betrayed Martyr

The Broad, the Myth, the LEGEND! We all know her name, but do you actually know her story? To start with, did you know that wasn't really her name?! Joan was born into a war-torn France at a time when French hope was greatly diminished. How on earth does a thirteen-year-old farm girl travel across dangerous, disputed territory, win an audience with the Crown Prince of France, inspire the entire French army and restore the hope of France, when it would have seemed statistically impossible? And what price would she have to pay for her stunning accomplishments? You'll have to listen to find out! — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye


bell hooks — Profound Writer, Theorist, Scholar and Architect of Modern Feminism

This week Sara brings us one of her personal heroes and feminist icons, the incomparable and prolific - bell hooks! Growing up a segregated Kentucky, Gloria Jean Watkins witnessed firsthand the wake of destruction wreaked by what she would later dub the Imperialist-White-Supremacist-Capitalist-Patriarchy. She spent the rest of her life in a fight against it as a writer, teacher, scholar, intellectual, cultural critic and author, and in Sara's opinion, is the the architect of a modern feminism that is both transformative and accessible to all. — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye


Chrysame of Thessaly - The Priestess Who Took Down an Army

When Cnopus goes to invade Erythrae he calls on an oracle to provide some wartime guidance. This oracle advises he put a Priestess of Hecate from Thessaly in charge of his army. Chrysame is sent forth from Thessaly and she immediately sets to work devising one of the most epic strategies of 11th Century BCE using none other than her Hecate-given knowledge of animals and poisons. So epic, in fact, that her name appears in Polyaenus' Stratagems in War - one of the only women even mentioned in it. What does she do? You'll have to listen to find out! — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye


Mary "La Belle" Moloney - Irish Suffragist Who Silenced Winston Churchill

In 1908, when Winston Churchill shoots his mouth off about women during an election cycle the suffragists in town are not having it, and Mary Moloney puts on her boots, grabs her dinner bell and becomes Churchill's greatest nightmare: A silencer of his voice. Mary rings her bell for a whole week during by elections in Dundee Scotland, following Churchill wherever he goes, winning crowds over in droves and drawing large press attention. Does he ever apologize? Does he win the election or does Mary prevail? You'll have to listen to find out! — A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world! YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast — 3 Ways you can help support the podcast: Write a review on Apple Podcasts Share your favorite episode with a friend or on social Send us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at — Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky. IG: @SaraGorsky Web master / site design: — Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye


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