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Broken & Found

Author: Coulter Sarah

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Hey, I'am Sarah Coulter.

I guide young women to be equipped, love, educated with knowledge through the word in the bible, and lifestyle. That's why I offer weekly podcasts, "brokenandfound" where you can get equip, tips, my pass life on how I overcame different area in my life, ideas, love. You can contact me at Support this podcast:
56 Episodes
Reverse!AhYIHBld_2qFgRNEvZsY28VFJj1E?e=og64V3 Click on this link to go over my notes Broken & Found is a weekly podcast to elevate the kingdom of God by releasing biblical truth and lifestyle. To build a foundation by giving understanding in human trafficking, motherhood, relationship, suicidal, and much more. Next podcast 5/15/2020 @ 10:00 PM CT LOCATION Facebook: BrokenandFound Instagram: @healingbrokenness Now @brokenandfound PODCASTS Anchor: --- Support this podcast:
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh --- Support this podcast:
Listen to the podcast from anywhere in the world to become equip, educate, overcome your habits and win like a champion by defeating the devil. P.S. don’t fool yourself by just Hearing the words, Instead be a doer of the word by taking action. ▶️ clink on link for the full episode #peoria #nothingtohardforgod #newpodcast #hardtime #womenoffaithandprayer #godisalwaysontime --- Support this podcast:
Listen to the podcast from anywhere in the world to become equip, educate, overcome your habits and win like a champion by defeating the devil. P.S. don’t fool yourself by just Hearing the words, Instead be a doer of the word by taking action. --- Support this podcast:
Part 4: Giving Up is not an option • • • • 👇🏽 Listen to the podcast from anywhere in the world to become equip, educate, overcome your habits and win like a champion by defeating the devil. P.S. don’t fool yourself by just Hearing the words, Instead be a doer of the word by taking action. --- Support this podcast:
Thank you for taking the take to listen! Part3: There’s nothing too hard for God • • • • 👇🏽 Listen to the podcast from anywhere in the world to become equip, educate, overcome your habits and win like a champion by defeating the devil. P.S. don’t fool yourself by just Hearing the words, Instead be a doer of the word by taking action. ▶️ clink on link for the full episode part 2 #peoria #nothingtohardforgod #newpodcast #hardtime #womenoffaithandprayer #godisalwaysontime --- Support this podcast:
Thank you for taking the time to listen! Listen to the podcast from anywhere in the world to become equip, educate, overcome your habits and win like a champion by defeating the devil. P.S. don’t fool yourself by just Hearing the words Instead, be a doer of the word by taking action. Following the podcast also on Facebook and Instagram and @healingbrokenness Inbox me for questions and prayers! --- Support this podcast:
Thank you for taking the time to listen to the podcast, prayer that God will move in your life. Listen to the podcast from anywhere in the world to become equip, educate, overcome your habits and win like a champion by defeating the devil. P.S. don’t fool yourself by just Hearing the words Instead, be a doer of the word by taking action.  Podcast:clink the link  book: --- Support this podcast:
Hey, I'am Sarah Coulter. I'am a boutique owner, mixed media designer, and soon-to-be an author, online academy. Where I create art that helps the community to be inspired and encourage as I bring in comfortable unique clothing. I offer e-course. PDF, art, Patreon, live video for BIble study. Sarah is very patient with people to help understand why a person needs help, as I guide young women to be equipped, love, educated with knowledge; through the word in the bible and lifestyle. I care about the work that I produce and helping other to be free from sin by having an understanding of who they are, my lister must see growth in there life as you take action to develop your relationship with God and to know how to stop bad habits that make you feel stuck or repeated Cycles. I love getting new feedback or seeing someone reaching out, on how well an episode helps them. That's why I offer weekly podcasts, "brokenandfound" where you can get equip, tips, my pass life on how I overcome different areas in my life, ideas, love, etc. So, each episode on the podcast God deliver me from. Now I have the opportunity to help you, I don't know how long this will go on by just doing podcast or live video but I do know God is faithful; who no, probably next time you will see me traveling helping young pees face-to-face. Let us get started on this journey with me! You can contact me at or Instagram: @healingbrokenness Patreon: Podcasts location:, Facebook @brokenandfound Thank you! Oh. make sure you like, comment, and share with others. Sarah.  Make sure you click on the link to read over my notes --- Support this podcast:
The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. ( Proverbs 22:3) 1. This is who I am * acting with or showing care and thought for the future 2. This is what I became * lacking in knowledge or expertise As I being to studing these words in the Bible and the dictionary, it made me reallized how its very important to listen to God when the Holy Srits show you or tell you about a paricular thing or person. A prudent is someone that do not walk in danger when they see it, this can be before or after a relationship. The reason why I say before or after because, most of the time if you are meeting someone the first time. The biggest thing the devil will darw in on how someone look, this can get you into a place to just fous on how handsome a guy look and ignore whats important; then you wonder how you get to the point in that relationship were you see how he dost repeact you, this can happend so quickly if you are caugth up in that may feel or look good to you. 1. before a reationshiop you have to make sure they both fully undrsand the friend zoon, and to being to site boundary so you can know were this relationship stand specially if you find yoursfle attracacted to him or not. 2. Next, is to hold yourself accountable. If not, you are telling this guy "do what you want''. A simpl see danger but they continue to walk into it. why is this? 1. lack of self-worth 2. low Self-esteem 3. not feeling love 1. Cristabl Clack “your presence is heaven” 2. Instagram page @healingbrokenness 3. Facebook page to see amazing things --- Support this podcast:
Bible verses: 1. Lemeentation 3:22-27 and 2. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 --- Support this podcast:
Also the video available on Facebook at broken and found --- Support this podcast:
I want to invite you on a journey from brokenness to healing! Are you tired of feeling disappointed and feeling misunderstood? Maybe you continually repeat cycles that lead you to feeling empty, lonely, or even trapped in unhealthy relationships? You don’t have to struggle and settle anymore! In this book, The House of Many Souls, you will find principles God has taught me in my journey that will empower you to walk with God and allow Him to mold and shape you into the woman He has called you to be. I will share with you in different stories about my life, quotes, relationships, and even child abuse that God has allowed me to learn to help me get to the root of being healed. I believe to find any kind of lasting healing, you must deal with your brokenness from the root, not the top layer. This is what you will find within this book. The House of Many Souls addresses specific topics in which we must find healing and each of these topics God has worked with me and has shown me some powerful ways of escape and healing. We are going to explore the different lifestyles of a perversion mindset, by going through the distinct steps to help you understand the why and the power we can find in Christ to deal with the areas of our lives that can prevent us for being everything we were made to be. (The House Many Souls) is now available on Amazon. --- Support this podcast:
. 16 Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with ythe law, that it is good. 17 So now zit is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. 18 For I know that nothing good dwells ain me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. 19 bFor I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want, cit is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. 21 So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. 22 For dI delight in the law of God, ein my inner being, 23 but I see in my members fanother law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. 24 Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from gthis body of death? 25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin. --- Support this podcast:
I have the keys

I have the keys


Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. KJV: King James Version --- Support this podcast:
Proverbs 3:5-6 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall [a]direct your paths. --- Support this podcast:
Motivation For tonight: being in your comfort zone will kill you from your destiny.... God didn't put you on this earth to make Space instead, He put you here for a purpose so make sure you do that and stop waiting for that "perfect time".. --- Support this podcast:
Link for the whiteboard: Listen to the podcast from anywhere in the world to become equip, educate, overcome your habits and win like a champion by defeating the devil. P.S. don’t fool yourself by just Hearing the words, Instead be a doer of the word by taking action. #peoria #nothingtohardforgod #newpodcast #hardtime #womenoffaithandprayer #godisalwaysontime --- Support this podcast:
Part 4: Giving Up is not an option • • • • 👇🏽 Listen to the podcast from anywhere in the world to become equip, educate, overcome your habits and win like a champion by defeating the devil. P.S. don’t fool yourself by just Hearing the words, Instead be a doer of the word by taking action. --- Support this podcast:
• • • • 👇🏽 Listen to the podcast from anywhere in the world to become equip, educate, overcome your habits and win like a champion by defeating the devil. P.S. don’t fool yourself by just Hearing the words, Instead be a doer of the word by taking action. --- Support this podcast: