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Author: Tyler Ho & Enrique Concor

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兩個空有夢想抱負,勇於創夢的待業青年在Bros Bond討論

由 Tyler Xingran 主持Ho 和 Enrique Concor帶來精彩歡樂的聆聽。


A passionate duo with literally no job and no stable income discusses a dazzling spectrum of topics, ranging from life living abroad to the spookiest scary stories to starting Onlyfans to adjusting and settling in a new place now called home—genuinely fantastic listening hosted by Tyler Xingran Ho and Enrique Concor. Let’s enjoy some real silly goose time together.

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25 Episodes
EP16【第二季最終回:夢裡什麼都有BROSBOND’S DREAM - the last episode of the season 2】 —————— 大家好 我們是Brosbond 近日發生了令人震驚且惋惜的地震事件,想問一下大家的心情還好嗎? 2024.04.03 地震當下,泰勒第一次到花蓮旅遊,本在前往太魯閣國家公園的路上準備著,突然之間,經歷了此生未有過的恐怖,倒塌的建築物僅在一個街口距離的恐慌感令人感到窒息。爾後連續數百次的餘震也使人不敢入睡。 而和安也心繫著在台灣的家人朋友,還有喜愛Brosbond的你們的安危。 爲了不被悲傷的消息所蠶食,哪怕是暫時轉移視線的時間,所以選擇如期在今天上傳了第二季的最後一集。 希望看影片的朋友們 也不要因爲悲傷的消息而心累,但因為可能會有餘震,也還是要隨時保持警覺。 (影片拍攝時間距離今天已經四個月左右了) ————— 第二季第16集! 大家常做夢嗎?今天和安和泰勒統整了大家的投稿,和安實在不懂為什麼臺灣人這麼會做夢?!一起來聽聽看大家的夢境,有恐怖的、有趣的、色色的(?)夢,還有預知夢,千萬不要錯過精彩到不行的第16集,而這也是第二季的最後一集啦!大家趕快一起來做夢吧! Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - Do you dream a lot? Do you think dream is related to reality? Some dreams do come true. Tyler and Concor are gonna share their dreams in this episode. They have also received a lot of terrible, funny, horny and incredible dreams from their fans. Just tune in to the last episode of season 2. Sweet dreams! Powered by Firstory Hosting
EP15【他「大」在我家!He Pooped in My House!】S2 《邦德兄弟情》第 2季第15 集! 泰勒和和安 將繼續帶給大家歡樂啦!今天帶來了有趣的問題集錦,總共有305題,兩隻活寶將隨機挑選並回答其中的問題。一起來聽聽看吧,他們的笑聲和意想不到的見解。在我們在《邦德兄弟》上等大家呦~對了,這有趣問題集錦的連結在這邊呦! - Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - Join Tyler and Concor on Brosbond S2 EP15 as they dive into some fun and spontaneous questions! Listen in as they randomly pick and answer intriguing questions, bringing you laughter and unexpected insights. Tune in for a light-hearted and entertaining conversation between two friends on Brosbond! Powered by Firstory Hosting
哈囉!這是喜劇小捲毛賀瓏廣播圈外人終於踏入空中啦!大來賓、大尺度、大爆料每週日晚上八點,中廣流行網我的訪談節目「瓏賀哩共」,歡迎聽哇共!☆瓏賀哩共: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 嘿,歡迎來到 Brosbond 的 EP14【OMG JACK !!】S2 今天,我們請來了搞笑風趣的宋傑克同學~ 節目中我們聊到了他在台灣服兵役的經驗,並深入探討了一些很有趣的「假設性問題」。例如,「500 萬美金換:停止和女朋友說話,你願意嗎?」以及「哪一個更糟:你的禮物被轉送,還是永遠不被使用?」今天是充滿歡笑、有趣故事的氛圍,所以放鬆一下,與泰勒、和安,和傑克一起度過一段輕鬆的時光吧! - Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - Hey there, welcome to Brosbond's EP14 S2! Today, we've got the hilarious Jack on board. We're chatting about his time in the Taiwanese military and diving into some quirky 'what ifs.' Like, 'Would you stop talking to your girlfriend for 5 mil?' and 'What's worse: regifting your gift or it never getting used?' It's all laughs, stories, and good vibes, so kick back and join Tyler, Concor, and Jack for a chill time! Powered by Firstory Hosting
EP13【奇聞逸事報導 News that Sparks Minds】S2 歡迎來到由泰勒和和安主持的《邦德兄弟》第13集! 今天,我們收集了一些引人入勝且發人深省的新聞故事,歡迎聽眾/觀眾們也一起參與思辨與討論! 讓我們一起探討這些獵奇到具爭議性的頭條新聞,從「素食者因肉類表情符號森77」到「飲用水恐是恐龍的尿液」,以及「用筷子吃義大利麵」—系列玄幻軼事,《邦德兄弟》將探索敏感且具爭議性的問題,同時鼓勵你深入挖掘、反思,也許甚至質疑你認為自己所知道的一切! 警告:可能的副作用包括深思熟慮的領悟、與朋友無法控制的辯論,以及對用筷子吃義大利麵的新發現之愛,這集真的有趣,不聽/不看?實屬可惜! - 邦德兄弟官方Email: 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Tyler’s Instagram: Concor’s Instagram: - Welcome to Episode 13 of "BrosBond" with Tyler and Concor! Today, we've gathered some intriguing and thought-provoking news stories, inviting our listeners/viewers to join us in contemplation and discussion! Let's delve into these curious and controversial headlines, from "Vegan Cries Over Meat Emojis" to "Water Possibly is Dinosaur's Pee," and even "Eating Pasta with Chopsticks" — a series of fantastical tales. BrosBond will explore sensitive and controversial issues, encouraging you to dig deeper, reflect, and perhaps even question everything you thought you knew! Warning: Possible side effects may include mind-bending realizations, uncontrollable debates with friends, and a newfound love for pasta eaten with chopsticks. This episode is truly intriguing, so don't miss out! 補充資料 恐龍尿尿 Dinosaur's pee 肉類表情 Meat Emoji 教授說「那個」被檢舉 Professor suspended for saying a Chinese word 筷子吃義大利麵Eating pasta with chopsticks Powered by Firstory Hosting
EP12【慶祝10萬問與答 100K Q&A】S2 歡迎收聽/收看由泰勒和和安主持的《邦德兄弟》第2季第12集! 今天我們要來滿足大家的好奇心,以問答環節慶祝我們終於在Instagram上突破10萬名粉絲啦! 從「你做過最尷尬的事是什麼?」到「Tyler到是同志還是直男?」最辛辣瘋狂的提問,我們將毫無保留地將實話全都抖出來! 無論你是單純想來八卦一下還是也想沉浸在我們微微迷你網紅掀起的網路聲浪中,都請收聽/收看這場關於真相的問答特別節目,讓我們開始這場真相派對吧! - Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - Welcome to Episode 12 of BrosBond with Tyler and Concor!  We're celebrating our 100K followers on Instagram with a hilarious Q&A session! From "What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?" to "Is Tyler gay or straight?"—we're serving up the unfiltered truth! Whether you're here for the gossip or just want to revel in our mild internet fame, tune in for a wild ride of truth bombs and shenanigans. Let's get this truth party started! Powered by Firstory Hosting
EP11【恭喜發財 Hope You Get Rich】S2 歡迎收看/收聽《BrosBond邦德兄弟》! 快來與東道主泰勒和和安一起以時尚的方式慶祝龍年吧! 在這一特別集中,泰勒和和安將帶您踏上環球之旅,探索豐富多彩的新年慶祝活動。作為慶祝活動的一部分,兩活寶邀請你也一起加入一場熱鬧的印度撲克遊戲,在這場激動人心的鬥智斗勇中,策略與機會相遇。 快拿起你的幸運紅包,準備好與《BrosBond邦德兄弟》一起迎接龍年吧!絕對是一集充滿歡笑和大量文化歡樂節目。 - Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - Welcome to Brosbond! Join your hosts Tyler and Concor as they celebrate the Year of the Dragon in style. In this special episode, Tyler and Concor are going to take you on a journey across the globe to explore the rich tapestry of New Year festivities. As part of their celebration, Tyler and Concor invite you to join them in a lively game of Indian Holdem, where strategy meets chance in a thrilling showdown of wits. So grab your lucky red envelopes and get ready to ring in the Year of the Dragon with BrosBond! Tune in for an episode filled with laughter, learning, and a whole lot of cultural connection. Powered by Firstory Hosting
⭐️此集影像檔比Podcast會多一個環節喔!⭐️ EP10【最可愛情侶Louis & Ada, The Cutest Couple Part 2】S2 快來跟泰勒和和安一起來《Brosbond邦德兄弟》 玩耍,本節目是延續EP09 S2特邀嘉賓 Louis 和 Ada 的下集,這對令人會心一笑,感到溫暖快樂的異國戀準夫婦,快來看/收聽當他們玩遊戲和真心話時,會有多搞笑吧!路易還傳授一些有用的法語小知識,包括「小法棍」還可以怎麼使用😳文化、遊戲,以及語言的交流,不容錯過! ---------------------------- Ada : Bonjour Louis! 我是路易 : 從0開始學法⽂|路易教你旅遊⽇常會話 : --------------------------- Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: Join Tyler and Concor on the Brosbond podcast for the second half of an entertaining episode featuring special guests Louis and Ada, a delightful couple. Fun games including “would you rather" scenarios are a must watch/listen. Stick around for a cultural twist as Louis imparts some useful French lessons. It's a blend of laughter, games, and cultural exchange that you won't want to miss! Powered by Firstory Hosting
📣本集節目由【NordVPN】贊助播出 Brosbond優惠專屬連結: Brosbond專屬優惠碼【brosbond】 凡透過專屬連結購買 2 年方案就免費加贈 4個月。 另外有免費30天試用期內隨時取消服務。 #NordVPN -------------------- EP09【最可愛情侶Louis & Ada, The Cutest Couple Part 1】S2 歡迎來到《Brosbond邦德兄弟》!🎙️ 泰勒和和安 回來了,這一次他們帶來了受到超多朋友喜愛的 YouTuber 情侶檔,來自法國的Louis ,以及來自台灣的Ada 。趕快點進來收看/收聽這一集,Louis和Ada可是噴了超多辛料,也分享了很多平常不為人知的另一面呢!其中包括作為一個動漫狂的Louis是怎麼評價Netflix 最新推出的《航海王》動畫,以及Ada認為擁抱自己的身體是多重要與畢生需要學習的課題,各位,這一集保證是營養混著幹話的美妙融合。趕快加入Brosbond 和最新的嘗試:與來賓一起錄節目!一起度過一個讓你微笑的美好時光吧! 🌟 ---------------------------- Ada : Bonjour Louis! 我是路易 : 從0開始學法⽂|路易教你旅遊⽇常會話 : --------------------------- Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: Welcome to Brosbond! 🎙️ Tyler and Concor are back, and this time they've brought the charming YouTuber couple, Louis from France and Ada from Taiwan. Prepare yourselves for laughter as they spill some spiciness in the Brosbond challenge. The hilarious stories, Netflix's "One Piece" animation, and a dose of body positivity make this episode a delightful blend of fun and insight. Join the Brosbond crew and their international guests for a feel-good time that'll leave you smiling. Tune in now! 🌟 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
EP08【聖誕快樂 Happy Xmas】S2 泰勒和和安就像調製文化雞尾酒一樣,融合了台灣和秘魯的節日氛圍!他們一起歡樂地分享屬於彼此文化的節慶傳統,還爆料了在家庭聚會中最不該問但卻最好奇的辛料!快來聽他們解開為何八卦、風聲和傳聞是我們應該避免的節慶小心機。這集真心歡樂,快點進來享受吧! 🎙️🎄✨ - Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - In EP08 - "Happy Xmas," Tyler and Concor blend Taiwan and Peru's holiday vibes like a cultural cocktail! They spill the cocoa on festive traditions and reveal the secret recipe for surviving family gatherings—spoiler: it's drama-free!  Join the laughter as they unwrap why gossip, drama, and scandals are the holiday grinches we should avoid. It's the merriest podcast episode you never knew you needed! 🎙️🎄✨ Powered by Firstory Hosting
EP07【我是混蛋嗎? Am I the Asshole?】S2  第2季第7集:泰勒與和安踏上了道德迷宮和自我發現的旅程,一切都圍繞著一個有趣的問句:“我是混蛋嗎?” 想像一下:「拒絕外公遺願的我是混蛋嗎?」 沒錯,跟我們一起深入研究一些故事與情景,保證會讓你大笑到豬叫、同意加搗蒜,甚至還可能質疑你自己的人生選擇。 泰勒和和安也提出了一些現代社會中常見的疑問,例如“先做愛後戀愛的人算混蛋嗎?”當他們分享考倒自己日常難題的經驗時,跟著兩位活寶一起嘗試解開複雜性並需要思考「到底算不算混蛋?」的旅程吧! Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: Step into the intriguing world of EP07, where Tyler and Concor embark on a journey through moral mazes and self-discovery, all centered around the ever-relatable question: "Am I the asshole?" Picture this: "Am I the asshole for saying no to my grandpa's dying wish?" Yes, we're delving into scenarios that'll have you laughing, nodding, and maybe questioning your own life choices. Tyler and Concor spill the beans on relatable situations like "Am I the asshole for first having sex and then building a relationship?" Buckle up for laughter and wisdom as they share their own experiences with these everyday conundrums. It's not just a podcast; it's a journey to unravel the complexities and ponder, "Am I the asshole?" Powered by Firstory Hosting
哈囉!這是喜劇小捲毛賀瓏廣播圈外人終於踏入空中啦!大來賓、大尺度、大爆料每週日晚上八點,中廣流行網我的訪談節目「瓏賀哩共」,歡迎聽哇共!☆瓏賀哩共: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— EP06【邦德補習班 Brosbond Buxiban】S2  歡迎來到邦德兄弟的第2季第6集! 泰勒和和安這次化身為你們愛的可愛教師,作為多語言使用者,他們將分享在學習新語言的旅程中所遇到的有趣故事,以及為什麼「學語言不需等到完美再開口,說了、錯了、就對了」! 各位!難的來了!他們也將挑戰「有史以來最難發音的單字」有些單字真的是難到無法無天欸!在邦德反應環節中,一起看兩寶充滿曲折,搞笑的錯誤發音,以及邦德兄弟標誌性的漫天長笑吧!要上課囉~同學們趕快進教室吧! 🔥📚 Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: EP06【邦德補習班 Brosbond Buxiban】S2  Welcome to Season 2, Episode 6 of Brosbond! This time, Tyler and Concor transform into your favorite adorable teachers. As multilingual enthusiasts, they'll share amusing stories from their journey of learning new languages. Discover why "you don't have to wait for perfection to start speaking a language—speak, make mistakes, and you’ll get it right!" Get ready for a challenge, folks! They'll also tackle "the hardest words ever to pronounce." Some words are so challenging it's almost outrageous! Join the Brosbond React session for a dose of twists, funny mispronunciations, and the iconic laughter that defines the Brosbond experience. Class is in session—students, hurry into the classroom! 🔥📚 Powered by Firstory Hosting
EP05【和安阿嬤的妓院?Grandma’s Brothel!】S2 在這一集中,和安將爆料他的阿嬤在秘魯擁有一家提供特殊服務且生意興隆的終極大秘密!泰勒雖沒有那麼酷炫的阿嬤,但也分享了步入社會後,自己最討厭排斥的工作內容,今天這集將是一場意想不到的關於家族歷史和diss眾多職業的過山車派對。 在“邦德反應”的環節,這對活寶也將挖掘來自忠實聽眾/觀眾的有趣分享。看看人們「如果絕對無虛承擔後果,會最想對老板說什麼?」準備迎接聽眾毫無保留的、瘋狂的和非常幽默的自白吧哈哈哈! 收聽這一期的節目,享受兩人的玩笑、出其不意的情節,以及從開播以來始終失控的笑聲,播客節目也可以是一場喜劇秀!🎙😂 Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: Join Tyler and Concor in this hilarious episode as Concor drops a bombshell – his grandma's got a unique business venture! Get ready for jaw-dropping revelations and side-splitting laughter as Tyler spills the beans on the job he despised the most. It's a rollercoaster of unexpected family histories and workplace nightmares. In the "Brosbond React" segment, the duo dives into the unfiltered submissions from their audience. Find out what people would say to their bosses if there were absolutely no consequences. Tyler and Concor are here to turn your day into a comedy show! Get ready for EP5, where secrets are spilled, jobs are trashed, and the audience takes center stage in the laughter-packed Brosbond React! 🎙😂 Powered by Firstory Hosting
EP04【萬聖節快樂 Happy Halloween】S2  歡迎來到 BROSBOND,泰勒和和安將在萬聖節陪你一路歡笑,一起進入超自然世界!開啟令人毛骨悚然的這集,我們將探索有關墓地的故事、奇異的經歷和文化差異! 各位有沒有想過不同文化對墓園的看法有著令人瞠目結舌的差異呢?我們已經為你準備好了精彩故事,這將會是你從未聽過的墓地怪談。 但等等,還有更多喔!泰勒透露了他的「天眼」力量,常會讓他看到根本不應該看到的東西。 所以,帶上一些你最喜歡的糖果,把燈光調暗一點,享受驚嚇和娛樂吧。和邦德兄弟一起度過可怕又美好的時光吧——因為當泰勒和和安聚在一起時,我們從不知道會從陰影中飄出什麼軼事!最後,住大家萬聖節快樂! 🎃👻 Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - Welcome to BROSBOND, the podcast where Tyler and Concor dive headfirst into the supernatural world while laughing their way through Halloween! Join us this spooky episode as we explore spine-tingling tales, bizarre experiences, and cultural quirks about cemeteries that will leave you in stitches. In this episode, Tyler and Concor are unveiling Halloween special, and you won't believe the frights and giggles we have in store. Ever wondered about the eerie differences in how different culture’s view cemeteries? We've got you covered, and trust us, it's graveyard humor like you've never heard. But wait, there's more! Tyler spills the beans about his "heavenly eye" power, allowing him to see things that probably shouldn't be seen at all.  So, grab your favorite candy, dim the lights, and prepare to be both spooked and entertained. Get ready for a ghoulishly good time with BROSBOND – because when Tyler and Concor get together, there's no telling what might float out of the shadows! Happy Halloween, everyone! 🎃👻 Powered by Firstory Hosting
EP03【父母的期望 Parental Expectations】S2  你該做的 vs. 你想做的 本集敘述: 大家好,歡迎收看《BROSBOND》第二季第三集【父母的期望 Parental Expectations】 在今天的節目中,我們將深入探討一些有趣的東西—台灣的傳統習俗「抓周」。 我們將分享一些有趣感人的小故事,其中包括和安的親身經歷,講述傳統和父母的高期望是如何塑造我們的生活,並從而影響我們的人生選擇。從家庭壓力到個人期許,我們真實地面對著實現期望和追隨夢想之間的鬥爭。 所以來吧!吃點零食,喝點飲料,放鬆一下,和我們一起坦誠地聊聊家庭期望、熱情夢想,以及試圖平衡這一切的混亂而美妙的旅程。相信我們,你不會想錯過的! Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: Description: Hey there, welcome to Season 2, Episode 3 of BROSBOND 【父母的期望 Parental Expectations】 In today's episode, we're diving into something close to home – the Taiwanese tradition of "One-Year-Old Catch."  We share some heartfelt stories about how this tradition has shaped our lives and influenced our choices. From family pressures to personal aspirations, we're keeping it real about the struggle between doing what's expected and following our dreams. So, grab a snack, get comfy, and join us for a candid chat about traditions, passions, and the messy, wonderful journey of trying to balance it all. Trust us; you don't want to miss this one! Powered by Firstory Hosting
哈囉!這是喜劇小捲毛賀瓏廣播圈外人終於踏入空中啦!大來賓、大尺度、大爆料每週日晚上八點,中廣流行網我的訪談節目「瓏賀哩共」,歡迎聽哇共!☆瓏賀哩共: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— EP02【政治正確先丟一邊 DROPPING PC】S2 歡迎收看/收聽《邦德兄弟》的這集節目,由泰勒和和安來深入探討觀點、爭議和極難輕易決策的經典難題。 在這一集中,泰勒和和安會大膽地涉足充滿爭議的決策領域。他們一起思考了一個棘手的問題:當一個需要特殊關懷的人騷擾了他人,而受害者決定提起訴訟,這是否算「反應過度」?一個發人深省的討論,深入探討了同理與正義之間交錯的複雜性。 但不僅於此喔!他們還分享了對迪士尼真人版《小美人魚》,尤其針對愛麗兒這個角色選角上的看法。準備好參與激烈的辯論和引人入勝的見解,因為他們也將聊到好萊塢在族裔代表和多元包容性上的動態與文化。 加入泰勒和和安,一同體驗這個充滿觀點的旋風之旅,他們將深入剖析爭議性問題,並以獨特的視角娛樂您。每一個觀點都有份量,感謝收看/收聽《邦德兄弟》! Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - EP02【政治正確先丟一邊 DROPPING PC】S2 Welcome to "Brosbond," the podcast where hosts Tyler and Concor dive headfirst into the world of perspectives, controversy, and the art of making tough judgement call. In this episode, Tyler and Concor fearlessly tackle the tricky topic of controversial decision-making. They ponder the question: when someone who requires special care harasses another person, and the victim decides to press charges, does it constitute as "overreacting"? It's a thought-provoking discussion that delves into the complexities of compassion and justice. But the conversation doesn't stop there! They share their opinions on the casting choices for Disney's live-action adaptation of "The Little Mermaid" and, in particular, the role of Ariel. Prepare for some passionate debates and intriguing insights as they explore the dynamics of representation and diversity in Hollywood. Join Tyler and Concor on this rollercoaster of perspectives, as they dissect controversial issues and entertain you with their unique take on the world. "Brosbond" - where every viewpoint counts. Powered by Firstory Hosting
EP01 【分手那些故事 BREAKUP STORIES】S2 千呼萬喚始出來!《邦德兄弟》第二季終於開播啦! 泰勒和和安可算是終於回歸了!而這一集節目中,他們將談論一些瘋狂,令人媽媽咪呀的分手故事。來~我們一起想像一下:心痛、歡鬧,還有一大堆讓人疑惑“真假?這事真的發生了嗎?”的驚悚時刻。 但新一季節目中有個大不同!泰勒和和安不僅會分享自己的個人故事;他們還會分享觀眾聽眾的人生故事。在深入了解來自聽眾朋友的留言與分享後,他們所經歷的混亂過往以及各種奇耙前任事蹟後,都將在這一集呈現給大家,這一集內容應有盡有,真的超爆瘋狂啦! 所以,如果你也喜歡聽別人的分手故事、不管是令人難堪的互相撕裂,還是爆幹傻眼的抓姦現場,以及一些“不敢相信”的戲劇化結局,請不要錯過《邦德兄弟》第二季的首播節目。 戴上耳機,準備好享受熱鬧、親切、休閒的播客體驗吧! Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - EP01 【分手那些故事 BREAKUP STORIES】S2 Welcome to the epic Season 2 kick-off of "Brosbond"! Tyler and Concor are back, everybody! And this time, they're spilling the tea on some wild breakup stories. Picture this: heartaches, hilarity, and a whole lot of "Did that really happen?" moments. But here's the twist – they're not just sharing their own personal stories; they're diving into the chaos of their listeners' experiences too. From the jaw-dropping comments to the craziest tales, this episode's got it all. Powered by Firstory Hosting
Brosbond's Official Email: Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: Powered by Firstory Hosting
EP08 【最大的戀愛雷點 MY BIGGEST RED FLAG】 歡迎來到播客節目“邦德兄弟”的第 8 集,Concor 和 Tyler 將深入探討約會的有趣之處!加入這對充滿活力的二人組吧!和安與泰勒將分享他們在尋找特別的人時的綠旗、紅旗和約會地雷的標準。從古怪的習慣到對關係的期望,他們以幽默、誠實和帶有一點諷刺的言談方式在約會戀愛的世界中暢行無阻。無論您是經驗豐富的情場老手,還是剛剛涉足約會領域的初生犢,都歡迎收聽“邦德兄弟”,獲取寶貴的見解、有趣的軼事和大量的笑聲正朝你襲來。準備好與 Concor 和 Tyler 一起解開愛情和關係的神秘面紗吧!快來快來~ Brosbond's Official Email: Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - Welcome to EP08 of "Brosbond" the podcast show where Concor and Tyler delve into the intricacies of dating! Join this dynamic duo as they share their green flag, red flag, and deal-breaker criteria when it comes to finding that special someone. From quirky habits to relationship expectations, nothing is off-limits as they navigate the dating world with humor, honesty, and a dash of sarcasm. Whether you're a seasoned dater or just dipping your toes into the dating pool, tune in to "Brosbond" for valuable insights, entertaining anecdotes, and a lot of laughs. Get ready to decode the mysteries of love and relationships with Concor and Tyler as your witty guides! 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
哈囉!這是喜劇小捲毛賀瓏廣播圈外人終於踏入空中啦!大來賓、大尺度、大爆料每週日晚上八點,中廣流行網我的訪談節目「瓏賀哩共」,歡迎聽哇共!☆瓏賀哩共: —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 邦德兄弟 - 第 7 集:“不存在的室友” 描述: 這集真是嚇死人啦~~~ 令人毛骨悚然的邦德兄弟第七集,和安和泰勒談論了超自然領域,分享了他們令人屁滾尿流的個人故事,這些故事會讓你開懷大笑,同時也皮皮挫! 首先,泰勒講述了他奇蹟般治癒了一位芭蕾舞老師而成為現實生活英雄!真是令人難以置信的時刻。接下來,和安揭開了他與一位被附身的憤怒女孩曖昧的過往。究竟他們能否在這場超自然的約會災難中倖存下來嗎?請收聽以找出答案! 但請堅持到最後,因為最令人毛骨悚然的故事尚未到來。準備好一起來收聽/收看“不存在的室友”的可怕故事了嗎?泰勒將分享這段令人不寒而慄的經歷,與鬼魂是如果困擾著一個單純小家庭。 一如既往,邦德兄弟即使在最恐怖的遭遇中也能帶來幽默和友情。與和安和泰勒一起體驗超自然的過山車之旅,充滿歡笑、起雞皮疙瘩和令人難忘的故事,讓您質疑夜晚發生了什麼。 Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: - Title: Brosbond - Episode 7: "The Invisible Roommate" Description: In this spine-tingling episode of Brosbond, Concor, and Tyler talk about the realm of the supernatural, sharing their hair-raising personal stories that will leave you laughing and trembling in equal measure. First up, Tyler recounts the incredible moment when he became a real-life hero by miraculously curing a ballet teacher. Next, Concor unveils the story of his crush-turned-possessed-angry-girl incident. Will Concor survive this paranormal dating disaster? Tune in to find out! But hold on tight because the most bone-chilling tale is yet to come. Prepare yourself for the ghastly account of "The Invisible Roommate." Tyler shares this unsettling experience of living with a ghostly presence that haunts a family. As always, Brosbond brings humor and camaraderie to even the spookiest of encounters. Join Concor and Tyler on their supernatural rollercoaster ride, filled with laughter, goosebumps, and unforgettable stories that will have you questioning what goes bump in the night. Stay tuned for this laugh-out-loud, frightfully entertaining episode of Brosbond - because laughter is the best way to face the unknown! Powered by Firstory Hosting
6EP06 【如何看見鬼魂】 與主持人泰勒和和安一起探索台灣和秘魯的迷信文化。在此集中,他們揭開了一系列莫名很廢卻仍舊有趣的觀念,包括“只要吃兩顆蛋就會死掉”、“貓或狗的眼屎能看到鬼魂”,以及“紅色內褲能帶來姻緣”的有趣信仰。   在整個劇集中,泰勒和康科分享了他們自己的經歷,並邀請聽眾反思這些信念的邏輯性,質疑它們的起源和演變,並反思對維護這些信念的我們所造成的深遠影響。   與泰勒和和安一起享受“如何看到鬼魂”的第 6 集,一起沉浸在台灣和秘魯豐富的民間傳說和有趣的習俗中,揭開文化信仰的面紗,讓我們對這些有趣的迷信有更深入的了解吧! 邦德兄弟官方Email: Brosbond's Instagram: Tyler's Instagram: Concor's Instagram: 小額贊助節目: 留言分享我怎麼看: -       EP06 【How to See Ghosts】 Join hosts Tyler and Concor as they explore the superstitions in Taiwan and Peru. In this episode, they unravel a tapestry of captivating beliefs, including the superstition that "having two eggs will cause death," the belief that "cats or dogs' eye crusts grant the ability to see ghosts," and the intriguing notion that "red underwear can help you find love." Throughout the episode, Tyler and Concor share their own experiences and invite listeners to ponder the significance of these beliefs, questioning their origins, and reflecting on their lasting influence on the communities that uphold them. Join Tyler and Concor on Episode 6 of their captivating podcast, "Here’s how you can see ghosts” as they immerse themselves in the rich folklore and intriguing customs of Taiwan and Peru. Prepare to be surprised as they peel back the layers of cultural beliefs, offering a deeper understanding of these captivating superstitions. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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