Buggin' w/ Alliiebug

Welcome to Buggin' w/ Alliiebug! This is an empowering talk show where your host, Alliie Crawford, shows you how to take on life like a boss, grow your business, content streams and yourself. Follow me: @alliieofthebugs on instagram

BWA Ep. 46 SSSniperwolf SSScandal

Hey guys and girlieeees! 🥰 hope you all had a great last couple weeks because mine have been all over the place! I’ve been working twice as much as usual and getting less sleep lol not to mention streaming when I can. For a while I was kind of lost on content pertaining to my podcast until I thought, “hey why not talk about the things I like watching on YouTube including some of the tea channels tips they cover that interest me snd possibly my friends?” So…. SURPRISE! In addition to guess speakers on the show I’d like to include a new set of Episodes ( still with the same episode numbers because like why start a bunch of series I won’t finish? Lmao) so these will heavily focus on pop culture news, streaming/gaming drama/events and some local tea! Lmk what you think of this change by submitting an email to my business email: asklifeofalliie@gmail.com but and have a great week my lovely Bugaroos! I’ll see ya next week✌🏽♥️🐛


BWA Ep. 45 “Stop The Seggsulization Of The Youth”

Hey bugs! This episode is intense and talking about some pretty hard hitting stuff. I think it is a topic that is important and does require some conversation about it as well as approaching this situation with respect, non-judgement and maturity. Let me know what you think in an email to asklifeofalliie@gmail.com


Ep.44 Getting On/Off-track/Awareness

Hey bugs! This episode was a more casual approach back into weekly uploads, as it fits the perfect theme of me coming back from vacation and trying to get back on track with everything in my life including work, education and my relationships with both the people closest to me and those that I have let those relationships drift away. Just left me feeling really bad about not really taking time to sit and reflect on a lot of things that I feel like I could’ve done or said differently and now is affecting how I treat people going forward. I think awareness is a powerful thing that we as humans are able to do at least some of us lol and it’s important to use that as a positive benefactor and succeeding in achieving the goals you’re setting in your own personal and professional lives. I hope this episode provide some insight for those seeking it and I’m open to any feedback positive or negative which you could do so by sending a voice clip or question using the features on Spotify! Look forward to seeing your responses and super grateful for everyone that chooses to listen to this podcast and share it with friends♥️🐛 - with love, Alliie.


BWA Ep. 43 Colorism: A Necessary Discussion | Ft. Professor Liquid

BWA Colorism: A Necessary Discussion | Ft. Professor Liquid Good Morning everybuggy!! I hope all is well with everyone who sees this! Today’s episode is a little more on the serious side talking about a very sensitive topic: “Colorism” I do want to warn you there are some things that are going to be talked about that may result in some strong emotions being felt and I do ask that you keep comments and responses and voice responses appropriate and respectful here I try to promote awareness, information and resources along with healthy commentary and debates. I will not tolerate any hate speech or forms of such in any way shape or form! I hope you enjoy this episode is it to the while to put together, be sure to like and share with friends as it helps my content get seen by more and more amazing people like yourself! Thank you♥️


BWA: Post-Move Life Update

BWA: Post-Move Life Update My Links: https://wlo.link/@alliiebug


BWA: Ep. 40 “Scheduling Your Content”

BWA: Ep. 40 “Scheduling Your Content” Blogpost I was reading from: https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-schedule-tweets/ My links: https://wlo.link/@alliiebug


BWA 39: Engaging w/ Viewer’s

BWA 39: Engaging w/ Viewer’s • My Links: https://wlo.link/@alliiebug • [Source: https://enlightio.com/questions-to-ask-viewers-on-twitch]


BWA EP.37 “Twitter Space Series: Importance Of Mods”

BWA EP.37 “Twitter Space Series: Importance Of Mods” here’s a minisode highlighting my Twitter space from your morning discussing the importance of having good mods, their roles, expectations & responsibilities.


BWA EP. 36 “Couponing, Savings Clubs & More”

Hey guys I decided to make an episode all about how to save your coin while doing your shopping by clipping coupons and signing up for savings clubs and memberships.


BWA Ep. 34 “Cooking for the workweek • Meal Planning”

BWA Ep. 34 “Cooking for the workweek • Meal Planning” | By: Alliie Crawford | Links: https://wlo.link/@alliiebug | Owner of Bug’s Baubles & SSB | Sources: https://amandacrowell.com/2017/01/21/stress-free-meal-planning/ and https://www.google.com/search?q=why+is+meal+planning+through+a+work+week+so+stressful&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


BWA Ep. 33 “AfroLatina/Mixed Race Haircare”

BWA Ep. 33 “AfroLatina/Mixed Race Haircare” Hey Bugs! This one was highly requested by my kings, kweens & everything’s in betweens who have different, more thick/curly hair, and looking for more resources, information and tips on maintaining healthy, silky and moisturized hair♥️ [Sources: https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/co-wash#what-is-co-washing | https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiQgfW_7tn7AhWW3sgKHeh0CKYYABAAGgJxdQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbOD2ww3ay_IYTjZnON76oBP_scjKIQeTegNyMcI3IpgsbTg681BsKOaNxGNJJSb9cajdaslo-G_ZPvndz7UMqK5PSpe7tgRWW61TSnJpzN3WYn9n_UV7lk1VozPO4I1YCdP-3ShCnBluX4T3DQ&sig=AOD64_2jI2udVRa8tZIUPemBs1wmRHKUvQ&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjoxe2_7tn7AhUeK1kFHV7tC2wQ0Qx6BAgIEAE | https://www.byrdie.com/beeswax-for-hair-5093744]


BWA Ep. 32 “Find A Hobby”

Hey there Bugs! It’s a ya girl Alliiebug back with another insightful episode about Hobbies! What is a hobby you enjoy doing or would love to learn? Let me know! Here’s my socials: https://wlo.link/@alliiebug [Sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobby • https://www.skilledatlife.com/why-hobbies-are-important/ • https://www.ncchomelearning.co.uk/blog/importance-of-hobbies/amp/]


BWA Ep. 31 “5 Unique Facts + 4 tips for dry skin”

BWA Ep. “5 Unique Facts about your skin + 4 tips for dry skin” **BUG OF THE MONTH: execuwutieTTV ** Special Shoutouts to my mods for being amazing in the Bugaroo community, VIPs, Subs & Followers♥️! {Skin care is a range of practices that support skin integrity, enhance its appearance, and relieve skin conditions. They can include nutrition, avoidance of excessive sun exposure, and appropriate use of emollients.} My links: https://wlo.link/@alliiebug [Cited Sources: https://www.dulyhealthandcare.com/health-topic/10-interesting-facts-about-your-skin • https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dry-skin/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20353891]


BWA Ep. 29 “Turn your trolls into FREE content”

BWA Ep. 29 “Turn your trolls into FREE content” Hey Bugs! I got some inspo by a lovely troll on my TikTok commenting on a short zepeto video I posted, imagine that! Lol anywhoooo I also thought about how my streamer and content creator friends deal with these same types of “people” and thought providing a different POV would help provide some productive ideas. Hoping you find enjoyment listening. Links: https://wlo.link/@alliiebug


BWA Ep. 27 “5 Cleaning Hacks + Cleaning advice”

BWA Ep. 27 “5 Cleaning Hacks + Cleaning advice” In this episode I go over some really helpful cleaning hacks I’ve learned based on previous experiences. Email me topic requests here: mailto:asklifeofalliie@gmail.com Links: https://wlo.link/@alliiebug


BWA EP. 26 “Is it easier to give up or let go?”

BWA EP. 26 “Is it easier to give up or let go?” This was a special episode inspired by a conversation I had on stream today with a viewer after a tarot reading. I hope you enjoy and sorry it is so short! Links: https://wlo.link/@alliiebug


What Happened?: Update on my life/move

Something different than my other episodes, clearing the air about what happened to me.


BWA Ep.23 “Time Management, Organization & Planning your content”

BWA Ep.23 “Time Management, Organization & Planning your content” Hey there Bugaroos! So this week we’re diving deep into the topic of segmenting your streams into sections and planning out your content as a means to create excitement around your streams, upcoming events & new content drops! Don’t forget to keep an eye out for my e-book coming this June! Links: https://wlo.link/@alliiebug


BWA Ep.22 “Building Communities & Promoting on multiple platforms”

BWA Ep.22 “Building Communities & Promoting on multiple platforms. Links: https://wlo.link/@alliiebug Welcome back guys to another episode of Buggin’ With Alliie! This week we’re talking about building communities, growing your audience & really exploring promoting yourselves on multiple social media platforms! Doing all of these things will intern result in an increase of not only viewership the followers, people seeking your content out which should motivate you to create not only more but various different types of content to capture the various different types of people that are consuming the content you’re putting out. Learning how to do your own market research will help benefit your brand tremendously! Send me an email and let me know how this is help to you and if you have any questions or ideas for future episodes! You can email me at: mailto:lifeofalliie@gmail.com


BWA Ep.21 “Bug’s Biz Ebook Overview”

BWA Ep.21 “Bug’s Biz Ebook Overview” | Here’s some payment options I use to make sales and create invoices: (make your own shipping labels and get discounts!) https://goshippo.com • Making a storefront via a blog? Try: https://woocommerce.com/storefront/ • Square POS solutions: https://squareup.com/us/en • Payment apps: Zelle • Venmo • Cashapp • PayPal | Care to follow me elsewhere? Here’s my links: https://wlo.link/@alliiebug | Contact Me!📧 lifeofalliie@gmail.com or asklifeofalliie@gmail.com


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