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Two cunning entrepreneurs pitch brilliant business ideas to one another and rejoice in their newfound fortunes. We're the Scrooge McDucks of giving no clucks.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

31 Episodes
This is it, the finale, we're down to the bitter end here and today we find out... WHO IS GOING TO BE CROWNED THE BEST OF BUSINESS!!!!Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Think you're the real winner? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, to his porch with a nice frosty glass of vinegar to celebrate a job well done.P.S. Eric will listen to your case about how you're the real winner, but like, he probably won't agree with you. Never know though.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
"U-nye-way-loh-nee-way!" No one could know what it means, but I know that someone will rest easier with their own Security Furby! Need to get your parcel from point A to point B across those hostile badlands? Look no further than Wasteland Transport!Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give your thoughts on rebuilding the finest guzzoline machines? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, into the mirrorverse where you too will become the Business Master, it's all Business Masters there.P.S. Any of us would love to talk about sick wasteland rides, only Eric wants to talk about the dreaded Long Furb.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Your precious handmeats will never have to meet the steakmeats again when you're shoveling them into your facemeats with DINNER GLOVES!! After your delicious meal take a breather and relax in Dreamland with Kirby's Dreamland Vapes and eJuices!Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give your thoughts on the types of meats not currently listed? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, in the Thunderdome, he's doing very well this year. Strong contender for the title.P.S. Eric genuinely does not want a list of meats, send them to him anyway, not photos though ya weirdo.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
FEEL THE STEAM OFF YOUR MELTING FACE WITH THE AQUAMAN STUNT SPECTACULAR!!! Too much? Not your vibe? Maybe you want someone to sit you down and actually walk you through whatever happened in Fargo? The Fargo Plot Explainer is for you, pal.Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give us your thoughts on jet skis, whale sounds, and the midwest? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, on a very normal street, towards a very normal job, on a very normal day, which till change your life forever.P.S. Corey asks that all whale sounds sounds be submitted in a .voc file as it's the only file type that captures whale sounds the right way.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
"Listen. There's a lot going on here. I think we're blackmailing the rich through extravagant parties? Also there's a watch that plays games. Who even knows anymore."- EricLike what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give us your thoughts on blackmailing the rich? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, by looking within yourself. You'll find him there. Wearing you like a well-tailored suit.P.S. Please don't send us your actual plans to blackmail the rich. We admire your entrepreneurial spirit but we don't need to be implicated in MORE crimes.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dracula's on Eric's dang back today and he owes him so here we go with Dracula's Sad-A-Pult! Corey has an exciting new partner for his new herbal medicine line, Resident Herbal!Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give us your thoughts on where you can throw your feelings? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, as you work together to solve a series of terrible murders, Poirot-style.P.S. Don't throw your feelings away like Dracula does, hold them, live them, embrace them in your precious moments here on earth or wherever you're listening from.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Boil it, mash it, stick it in a stew! What other food preparation could you need! Try The Gamgee Method and never look back! Look, we all want to know how we'd fare as prey, whether to man or beast (or both!). Find out with Mantracker Boot Camp (no affiliation to SnakeCo)!Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give us your thoughts on PO-TA-TOES? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, on a romantic honeymoon in the Alps. Neither of you know the couple but it seemed impolite to turn down the offer.P.S. Eric really honestly begs you to give him your thoughts on PO-TA-TOES. He just thinks they're neat.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sometimes you just need to get away for a while to somewhere with no extradition treaties and who better to help plan that relaxing beach vacation than Raymond Reddington? Are you an ageless unfathomable entity that exists beyond the scope of human comprehension? Some might think you're a god because they lack the eye to see you, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve the arms to hold you. Find those arms through Lovecraft's Lovecrafting.Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to still give us your thoughts on monster lovin'? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, on a bus. Any bus.P.S. Eric is accepting monster lovin' fanart at this time.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Less safe by a wide margin than the Kurgan, it's Gun Kata Fitness! Does the Jersey Devil get lonely? Not with Cryptid Mingle it won't!Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give us your thoughts on monster lovin'? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, to the legendary House of Ska, where he trombones his way into historyP.S. Eric really honestly begs you not to give us your thoughts on monster lovin'.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
There's uh... well... boy howdy it's a week. Golly is it a week.Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give us your thoughts on biased market surveys? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, as he walks the Planes of Eternity. Wear comfortable shoes.P.S. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like 1-10 scales?Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This week roving bands of anarchists rove throughout the continent helping people develop beautiful thriving gardens while definitely not trying to capture actor Nick Cage. Also hey, are you small, little, just a lil bean, just a real smol guy, just a teeny fella? TIME TO FEEL BIG. Little cans make for BIG HANDS with Andre's Big Boy Beers.Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give us your thoughts on the best way to communicate to cats? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, in whatever sort of boat you'd like, he'll be able to swim faster. Jesus christ he swims so fast.P.S. pspspspspspsMusic by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Boring old home thermometer? Throw it in the trash! You've got Nick Cage to tell you the temp now. Dragon-resistant farmers market more your speed? Come on and visit The Shire.Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give us your thoughts on the the weather with all the emotions at once? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, on IG, but not the one you're thinking of. Not that one either. Look if you know, you know.P.S. We all love the weather, or hate the weather, or are indifferent to it. Clouds contain multitudes.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This week Nick Fury comes out of retirement to DECIMATE Jackson Galaxy's career with spy toys for cats while bodies swell with HARD MUSCULAR STRENGTH as The Kurgan comes out swinging with a new fitness regime.Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give us your thoughts on the smell of the warm spring air just before a thunderstorm? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, at a safe distance (no distance is safe).P.S. Eric is all about those pre-thunderstorm sniffs.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This week consider the existence or werewolves, the ease with which they might wrangled into roles as barbers, and whether or not that'll be a more profitable venture than the most profoundly chilling name generator you can imagine. Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give us your thoughts on the the secret message you can hear if you play all Eric's songs backwards in the right order? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings.You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures.You can follow Chris, The Business Master, to his yacht in the Mojave desert which has been PROFOUNDLY booby-trapped.P.S. Eric insists that there is no secret message in his songs, honestly there really isn't don't waste your time looking.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Build-A-Brand Podcast is back with a new season! This week we start strong with either a child prison or summer camp (depending on your attitude towards duotangs) and a kit that'll let you answer "Who Ya Gonna Call?" with a resounding "No one, I hate strangers and phones". Like what you hear? Hate what you hear? Want to give us your thoughts on the mole folk in the Under Earth? You can find us here:You can follow the show on Facebook at can follow Corey @geektionarium on IG for wonderful drawings. You can follow Eric @wishingwalrus on IG for seasonal cat pictures. You can follow Chris, The Business Master, if you can find him before he finds you. P.S. Eric begs you not to tell him of the mole folk, he's heard quite enough.Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Season 2 Trailer

Season 2 Trailer


The boys are back to build some brands, but there's a new wind howlin' over Build-A-Brand Manor...Season 2 coming soon!Music by Andy Ray Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Eat and chill out as much as possible at Shaggy's Chill Out Hotel with All-You-Can-Eat Buffet! Trick your kids with Troll Cleaners! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
KO BO with Little Mac's Rope-A-Dope Soap! Go fast in style and scent with Sonic Garden Sneaks! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The inescapable, beautiful truth of the Emperor of Mankind's Psychic Social Network! The The Super Bowl Bowl! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Toss a coin to your butcher! Make your children the best possible children at Johnny Cage's Rising Stars Daycare! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.