Building Bilingual Families

How is YOUR family learning a second language going to change the world? We share the stories of families opening a world of possibilities to their kids through learning a language together. We get honest about struggles of not having kids speak back their second tongue. And we give you the tools as either a native or non-native speaker to help your kids grow over the long-haul. Join Adrienne Babbitt and Juan Mendoza, leading the way in the movement of the Family Language Exchange brought to you by Learn with Me Languages.

Move Abroad with Kids and Learn Spanish: Interview with Elisabeth Alvarado of ”Spanish Mama”

How does a North Carolinian girl who ‘isn’t good with languages’ end up falling in love with both a Peruvian man and Spanish? In this fascinating episode I chat with Elisabeth Alvarado about the ins and outs of adapting to a new language when traveling to a foreign country. Elisabeth is the author behind Spanish Mama, who is now living her dream life with her family in Peruvian jungle.  Some of the advice she shares about raising bilingual kids may surprise you. Take a listen to our conversation.


The Success after the Silence

When trying to raise her children to be bilingual proved to be a challenge, Corrie Wiik realized it was the method of how she was teaching her children Spanish that wasn’t working. Once she made some changes she started to notice a different outcome. In today’s Building Bilingual Families Podcast, we interview Corrie about finding success in the right teachings and what happens after a “silent period.” Every child experiences the silent period as they absorb their parents native language before they begin to speak. Corrie explains that learning a second language is no different. Check out Corrie's Blog and Llamitas Spanish Shop at Get your FREE speak Spanish Every Day Guide and find out more about the Family Language Exchange at


El inglés es la clave.

Desde niño entendió la importancia de poder comunicarse con el idioma universal con otras personas para poder ayudarlas. Tiempo después, comprendió el valor del  bilingüismo en el ámbito laboral. Apesar de los desafíos que encontró en el  camino de su autoaprendizaje del idioma ingles, Edwin  no se dió por vencido y ahora de la mano con su familia, abre una línea de comunicación internacional construyendo puentes!! Obtenga su 'Guía para hablar ingles todos los días' gratuita en ¡Gracias a mi coanfitrión Juan Mendoza por ayudarnos con esta increíble entrevista!  


Second Language Super Food for your Child

Could a second language be like 'brain food' for your child's development? Today on the program we have Rebecca Jordan, a mother to a bilingual two-year-old daughter and also an Assistant Professor at Appalachian University, with her PhD. in Early Childhood Development, Special Education, and Literacy. She shares how Spanish is actually is a superfood for her child, and the far-reaching impacts it can have on future literacy and cognitive functions. If you are interested in learning Spanish or English through our Family Language Exchange program, or if you would like to get your FREE copy of the Speak Spanish Everyday Guide, go to (el guía es en español también)


[Spanish Episode] Gramática de la vida real: Abi Cisneros

La gramática es ese punto de quiebre para muchas personas, siendo estudiante y durante años, Abi se cuestionaba acerca de los métodos tradicionales de enseñanza del inglés. Ahora, formando parte del programa, encontró lo que necesitaba. Construyendo puentes y lazos de amistad ha podido aprender inglés entre amigos. Su 'Guía para hablar ingles todos los días' en


Super Sticking Power: Interview with Julia Weatherby

When Julia Weatherby traveled to Germany for work, she was shocked by the amount of German she remembered from simple things her mother taught her as a child. Those authentic interactions had 'super sticking' power. As a mom, she thought she would teach her son German, but that changed when she stepped into the Mi Casa es Tu Casa music class in Austin.  Now they're learning Spanish & building bridges! Get your free 'Speak Spanish Everyday Guide' at


Language Intentionality: Interview with Nicole Gillmore

We have the great opportunity to interview Nicole Gillmore who is a member of our program and also an Adjunct Spanish Instructor at North Greenville University.  She talks about being intentional with the study of language and coins the phrase "Spanish Intentionality"  Enjoy!


Argentina a Itay: Entrevista a Valentina Bartolomeo

Valentina introdujo un tercer idioma a sus hijos cuando se mudó de su tierra natal de Argentina a Italia. Como profesora de inglés, comparte sus ideas sobre el aprendizaje de idiomas y cómo el intercambio de idiomas ha ayudado a sus hijas. Habla sobre Family Language Exchange y se puede encontrar más información en


Episodio 2 Español Construyendo Familias Bilingues-Nuestra Historia (Cont.)

Este es el segundo episodio que continúa nuestro viaje de iniciar un movimiento y convertirnos en una familia bilingüe. ¡disfrutar!


Episode 2 English Building Bilingual Families-Our Story (Cont.)

This is the second episode that continues our journey of starting a movement and becoming a bilingual family.  Enjoy!


Episodio 1 Español Construyendo Familias Bilingües-Nuestra Historia

Este es el primer episodio que detalla nuestro viaje de comenzar un movimiento y convertirnos en una familia bilingüe. ¡disfrutar!


Episode 1 English Building Bilingual Families-Our Story

This is the first episode that details our journey of starting a movement and becoming a bilingual family.  Enjoy!


The Real Story of Our Family's Bilingualism

What made me think, as a native English-speaker who didn't know more than 'Hola,' that I could raise my kids to be bilingual? It was a dream that was almost never realized, until I found the spark of real 'connection' with native speakers. In this podcast, we share the stories of real families with the goal of becoming bilingual. The first two episodes are our family's journey!  Resources mentioned in the show are at:


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