Building My Photography Business

Welcome to Building My Photography Business, where I discuss the steps I've taken to grow my photography business from $0 to $30k in 2 years as a side hustle to my full time job. Listen to me plan my coming year with marketing tactics and good old fashioned hard work.

Meeting the happy couple for the first time

A very short chat about a meeting I was on my way to. I hadn't met the couple before, but they are getting married in July. The meeting was primarily about meeting the couple, but also to run through a few of the logistics for the big day. A very successful meeting. Thanks for listening. Make sure you shoot through any questions.


Photographing bridal preparations, some quick tips

Just thought I'd take a few minutes to talk about preparing your bride and groom for the morning of the wedding and making sure that things flow as the photographer.


Building my photography business to $30k this year

Document, don't create. Follow along with me as I share stories about how I have grown and continue to grow my photography business.


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