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Building Your Permaculture Property

Author: Takota Coen

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Join farmer, educator, and author Takota Coen as he explores how you can design and develop land anywhere in the world to provide for your food, water, shelter, energy, and other needs in a way that is good for all people, the planet and our future.Takota Coen is the co-author of "Building Your Permaculture Property: A 5 Step Process To Design and Develop Land", an instructor with Verge Permaculture, and co-owner of Coen Farm, a 250 acre award winning permaculture farm, in Alberta Canada.

20 Episodes
Stefan Sobkowiak operates a 12 acre farm of which 6-acres are in a permaculture orchard at Miracle Farms in Quebec. Sobkowiak originally bought the farm as a conventional 12 acre 4,000 tree monoculture apple orchard and immediately transitioned it to organic, but he quickly realized that an organic monoculture merely substitutes inputs from the conventional model. The alternative he created is a diverse polyculture that produces a wide variety of different fruits, berries and perennial herbs for u-pick membership customers. Sobkowiak is also an avid teacher, having taught at the university level and now popularly, through his Permaculture Orchard video, his online virtual orchard tour and his online pruning course.Find out more about Stefan at▶️ My farm ▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
Tim and I talk about why he left his job in big tech to become a blacksmith and homesteader, why you should learn a pre-electricity skill, the essential human need to produce, morality, politics, and what is the one tool we would each grab on our way out of the house after a zombie apocalypse.Find out more about Tim on his website:▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
In this episode I coach one of my students about how to navigate the philosophical, ethical and political implications of keeping chickens in a California city when it suddenly became illegal.▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
Neal Spackman is an internationally recognized pioneer of hyperarid agroforestries. He was cofounder and Director of the Al Baydha Project in Saudi Arabia, where he lived and worked with tribes of bedou to convert deserts into savannahs. He founded the webinar series Sustainable Design Masterclass, and has taught and consulted in the Middle East, Africa, and the Americas. He is passionate about the connection between ecologies and wealth. He his the CEO of Regenerative Resources CO.Find out more about Neal at▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
James Corbett is an award-winning investigative journalist, who has lectured on geopolitics at the University of Groningen’s Studium Generale, and delivered presentations on open source journalism at The French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation’s fOSSa conference, at TedXGroningen and at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto. He is the founder of The Corbett Report, an independent, listener-supported alternative news source that operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.Find out more about James at:▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
Ludovic Bourdon works with organizations like Ecosia to help design and develop permaculture aid projects throughout Africa.Find out more about Ludo's work here:▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
Judith D. Schwartz is a journalist based in Vermont who looks to nature for approaches to solving global challenges. Her most recent book is The Reindeer Chronicles and Other Inspiring Stories of Working With Nature to Heal the Earth (Chelsea Green Publishing.)Find out more about Judith's work at▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
▶️ Join Ben Falk and I for a Free Online Summit https://www.mypermacultureproperty.comBen and I talk about his plans to revise his book "The Resilient Farm and Homestead", what it's like living on a permaculture property for almost 2 decades, the increase of "COVID Refugees" to the permaculture space, why we should all be naked more, our favourite plants, and so much more.Ben Falk developed Whole Systems Design, LLC as a land-based response to biological and cultural extinction and the increasing separation between people and elemental things. Life as a designer, builder, ecologist, tree-tender, and backcountry traveler continually informs Ben’s integrative approach to developing landscapes and buildings.Find out more about Ben's work at:▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
▶️ Join Mark Shepard and I for a Free Online Summit https://www.mypermacultureproperty.comMark and I chat about why permaculture went from "permanent agriculture" to "gardening on steroids", P.A. Yeomans Scale of Permanence, design process, and much more.Mark Shepard is a Permaculture farmer, homesteader, author of Restoration Agriculture: Real World Permaculture for Farmers, and Water for ANY Farm. Teacher, Restoration Agriculture system designer & installer.Find out more about Mark's work at▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
Dan and Takota talk about how a lack of a living, adaptive process is holding permaculture back from reaching its fullest potential, and what we can all do about it.Dan Palmer is a design educator, author and podcaster living in NZ. As well as helping run a permaculture design firm called Very Edible Gardens, Dan is a co-developer of a holistic decision making and living design process.Find out more about Dan's work at▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
In this episode Takota and Kevin talk about:The prevalence of toxins like VOC's, formaldehyde, and molds in our homes and other built environmentsEarly warning health symptoms to watch out forStrategies to identify, eliminate, reduce or mitigate toxins that might be affecting your healthKevin Mullen is the Founder and President of Empire Kitchen & Bath and Empire Custom Homes. After developing an acute chemical sensitivity following the 2013 Calgary flood, Kevin had to change many things in his life to foster a healthier lifestyle. He began questioning the health impacts of the products used in the construction of homes and the potential effects on homeowners. Find out more about Kevin and his work at▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
In this episode Curtis and Takota talk about, how he got into farming, why he left the "left" but the "left" didn't leave him, the prevalence of the martyr mindset in farmers, the danger this poses everyone, how to break out of this paradigm, what permaculture got wrong, what permaculture got right and so much more.Curtis Stone is a farmer, author, speaker and consultant. His area of expertise is in quick growing, high value annual vegetables for direct consumer market streams. His book, The Urban Farmer demonstrates organic intensive techniques with a focus on business and systems to streamline labour and production. He offers a new way to think about farming. One where quality of life and profitability coexist.Find out more about Curtis at▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
In this episode of Building Your Permaculture Property I speak with Tad Hargrave about right livelihood, ethical business, and why a small business is an essential part of every permaculture property.Tad is a self described hippy who developed a knack for marketing (and then learned how to be a hippy again). For over a decade, he has been touring his marketing workshops around the world, bringing refreshing and unorthodox ideas to conscious entrepreneurs and green businesses that help them grow their organizations and businesses (without selling their souls).You can find out more about Tad at\▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
In this episode of Building Your Permaculture Property I speak with Nicole Masters about her new book "For the Love of Soil".Nicole Masters is an independent agroecologist, systems thinker, author and educator. She is recognized as a knowledgeable and dynamic speaker on the topic of soil health.Her team of soil coaches at Integrity Soils work alongside producers in the U.S., Canada and across Australasia. Supporting producers who work with over 1.2 million acres to take their operations to the next level in nutrient density, profitability and environmental outcomes.She is one of a growing number of people who are facilitating a rapidly expanding world of quality food production and biological economies.Her book titled “For the Love of Soil” showcases examples of the tools and principles producers are using to regenerate their soils. Describing a step-by-step triage of actions, so that you too can regenerate your land.Link to her new soil course the book on on Audible:▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
In this podcast Don Ruzicka and I chat about the past, present and future of regenerative agriculture, the missing connection to the land that plagues our culture, the red herring of carbon credits, and much more.Don and his wife Marie were early adopters of Holistic Management and Organic agriculture. Over the course of 25 years they transformed their 640 acre farm from a debt ladened degenerative farm to a prosperous regenerative one. Don is now retired. He has been my mentor, friend and hero for almost 10 years.▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
In this podcast my colleague, co-author and friend Rob Avis shares his insights, on peak energy/food, intermittent fasting, bioregional diets and how a permaculture approach to your diet can help you to heal yourself, and heal the planet.Rob and his wife Michelle are the founders of the globally-recognized and award-winning design, consulting, and education company, Verge Permaculture. For the past decade they have helped more than 1000 students and a growing number of clients to design and/or create integrated systems for shelter, energy, water, waste and food, all while supporting local economy and regenerating the land. I often refer to Rob as an Amateur Holistic Nutritionist, and if you watch the video you will see why!In this podcast Rob shares his wisdom on:His health transformation from a "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Diet"How insulin was the original root cellar and why it makes you eat until you hate yourselfBioregional Probiotics: The most important thing you can grow in your own back yardWhy peak oil, peak energy, peak phosphorus could equal peak foodIntermittent fastingHow a pig is a cross between a coconut tree and olive treeThe prime directive of permaculture Selfishness intelligence: how do we meet our needs while enhancing the biosphere.How he ate his way into not wearing glasses anymore, and eliminating his hypoglycaemiaHis 5 step process for experimenting with his personal optimal dietAnd so much more!▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
Economist Mark Anielski sits down with Rob Avis and Takota Coen to talk about the economics of well-being.Mark Anielski (B.A., BScF, MScFE) is an economic strategist specializing in measuring the well-being and happiness of nations, communities and businesses. Mark holds three degrees from the University of Alberta: Economics (1981), Forest Science (1984), and Masters of Science in Forest Economics (1991). For ten years (2003-2012) he was professor of corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship at the University of Alberta’s School of Business. He has lectured internationally on the economics of happiness and well-being in Canada, the US, China, Tahiti, The Netherlands and Austria.Mark is the author of the best-selling, award-winning book The Economics of Happiness: Building Genuine Wealth (2007) and his new book An Economy of Well-being: Common Sense Tools for Building Genuine Wealth and Happiness (2018). The Economics of Happiness was published in China in 2011. In 2008, his book won the gold medal in the Conscious Business and Leadership category at the Los Angeles Nautilus Book Awards. The book also won a bronze medal at the Axiom Book Awards in New York in the category of economics.▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
Takota Coen and Rob Avis discuss why permaculture is the best solution to any conspiracy, real or imagined.▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
In this podcast I talk with Sally about her most recent book Nourishing Diets: How Paleo, Ancestral and Traditional Peoples Really Ate. Sally's past work on traditional diet brought me back from a year of vegetarianism, and has been incredibly influential on my newfound health. But her new book takes it to a whole new level. Going back into diary accounts from the pre-industrial Europeans and the first explorers to have contact with traditional peoples in the Americas, Africa, and Australia she paints a compelling picture of their diet, impeccable health and how they managed their land holistically. Never before have I read such an inspiring account of what is possible when the health of land and the health of its people are viewed as one. Sally shares her wisdom on:What the most universal human diseases is (I guarantee you have it)The insidious origins of our iconic food pyramidThe importance of fat, salt, and carbs in our dietWhy our government and educational institutions are so antagonistic to traditional diets and optimal human healthThe "natural selection of the wise"How wilderness is a "dirty" word in traditional culturesAnd so much more!​Sally Fallon Morell is founding president of The Weston A. Price Foundation (, a non-profit nutrition education foundation dedicated to returning nutrient-dense food to North American tables. She is also the founder of A Campaign for Real Milk (, which has as its goal universal access to clean raw milk from pasture-fed animals.  She is the author of the best-selling cookbook Nourishing Traditions (with Mary G. Enig, PhD); The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care (with Thomas S. Cowan, MD); Nourishing Broth (with Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN); and Nourishing Fats.▶️ My farm▶️ My consulting and book https://www.buildingyourgulch.comSupport this podcast at —
Join farmer, educator and author Takota Coen as he explores how you can design and develop land anywhere in the world to provide for your food, water, shelter, energy, and other needs in a way that is good for all people, the planet and our future. Takota Coen is the co-author of "Building Your Permaculture Property: A 5 Step Process To Design and Develop Land", an instructor with Verge Permaculture, and co-owner of Coen Farm, a 250 acre award winning permaculture farm, in Alberta Canada. Find out more at Support this podcast at —