CPS CORRUPTION seems to be a major problem in the U.S. People are losing their kids at an alarming rate and in some cases for no good reason at all. Tonights show will feature CPS' corruption. It appears its all about the money and not the walfare of the kid(s). In this case their is a beautiful little girl and her mom and dad are fighting to get her back home where she belongs. Please listen to their story and call the show with advice and comments. Lets help put this family back together.
ST. LOUIS - As the world discussed the implications of Michael Brown's death, his mother sat alone in a plush hotel room full of people, silent, stoic and staring at her phone as she awaited word from the grand jury. When the word came, attorney Benjamin Crump fielded the phone call. "The jury was not inclined to indict on any charges," he said. Lesley McSpadden, Brown's mother, screamed and sobbed. After months of press conferences and speeches and testimony before the United Nations, Lesley McSpadden now had few words. A button pinned to her chest read "Indict Now." The white knit hat with photo of her son pulled tight on her head called for "Justice for Mike Brown." CALL 3478267800 TO HAVE YOUR SAY ON THE RADIO SHOW.
CPS CORRUPTIONseems to be a major problem in the U.S. People are losing their kids at an alarming rate and in some cases for no good reason at all. Tonights show will feature CPS' corruption. It appears its all about the money and not the walfare of the kid(s). In this case their is a beautiful little girl and her mom and dad are fighting to get her back home where she belongs. Please listen to their story and call the show with advice and comments. Lets help put this family back together.
"I am not convinced the police weren't behind my grandson's murder. They started harrassing him when he was 12 years old after my son was arrested and charged with 2nd Degree Murder. He was writing about the police harrassing him on Facebook, and he told me they had taken his California ID. That was about 2 weeks before he was killed. He told me that the Police harassed him every-time he walked out of his door. They were harrassing him because my son, who was wrongfully convicted of 2nd Degree murder, filed appeals naming the Police and saying they committed perjury. Kerry was killed about two weeks after my son filed an appeal to the 9th Circuit Court. They put the same Homicide Investigator over Kerry Junior's case that lied on the stand to convict my son. Instead of looking for who killed my grandson they stepped up their harrassment of me. Why? One or both of the people with my son when he was killed are police informants."
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE SYSTEM DOES TO MUCH OR IN ALOT OF CASES NOT ENOUGH TO HELP CHILDREN. TONIGHTS EPISODE WITH DELVE INTO TWO SUCH CASES. EMILY WARD AND STEVE MAVROS ARE MY SPECIAL GUESS ON TONIGHTS SHOW. Emily Ward and Steve Mavros tell you all about their experience with CPS and the corruption and pain that they are still having to deal with. Child Abuse in America Children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect. Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving more than 6 million children (a report can include multiple children). The United States has one of the worst records among industrialized nations – losing on average between four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect. 14% of all men in prison and 36% of women in prison in the USA were abused as children, about twice the frequency seen in the general population. 7Children who experience child abuse & neglect are about 9 times more likely to become involved in criminal activity.
Steve Mavros "I've seen corruption from many sides, from CPS to the police, to friends being shot by those who are supposed to protect and serve. If you want to ask anything feel free to call in for a funny show."
Steve Mavros "I've seen corruption from many sides, from CPS to the police, to friends being shot by those who are supposed to protect and serve. If you want to ask anything feel free to call in for a funny show."
Todays guess are Tom Dent and Dinah Vargas from the Peace and Justice Center in Albuquerque New Mexico.
THE WEST MESA MURDERS Police suspect that the bodies were all buried by the same person or persons, and may be the work of a serial killer sometimes referred to as the West Mesa Bone Collector. Authorities also believe that the murders are closely linked to the annual state fair, which attracts large numbers of prostitutes to the area in the fall. Two men who initially attracted police attention in connection with the murders were Fred Reynolds and Lorenzo Montoya. Reynolds was a pimp who knew one of the missing women and reportedly had photos of missing prostitutes; he died of natural causes in January 2009. Lorenzo Montoya lived less than two miles from the burial site; in 2006 there were reportedly tire tracks leading from his trailer to the site. In December 2006, Montoya strangled a teenage prostitute at his trailer; he was shot to death by the prostitute's boyfriend A Woman thats very concern with missing people in the Albuquerque New Mexico area and what she believes happened to the missing women that society has forgotten about. Well she is here to remind us and to shed some light on what really went down, who is involved and who should be sitting in jail as a convicted serial killer(s). This persons Identity will not be given to protect her.
DAVY: "It's been almost 2 years since Pete Eyre, Copblock founder told me I could no longer write for CB, and then banned me, after I called him out for refusing to remove comments an individual named Justin Bainter was posting on the CB site, detailing my home address, as well as my children's schools, etc. Justin Bainter is an obsessed, very disturbed individual who has been stalking me and my children for well over 2 years now. Bainter is friends with several Rochester, NY Police officers, and as a result has the support and backing of the RPD. I have been a passionate community activist against police misconduct and corruption for the past 20 years. Before that, I accompanied my dad, the late Mario Vara, also an activist against police corruption in the 1980's. Since Pete Eyre banned me from Copblock, Justin Bainter has continued his twisted behavior. Some of you will be interested to know that Justin Bainter runs a new Facebook page called EXPOSING COP BLOCKERS. What an irony. Pete Eyre supported this individual threatening my family, including my minor children, and now Justin Bainter is leading an attack on Copblock, its contributors, and anyone who stands up against police misconduct and corruption."
Valerie Espinoza was elected Commissioner of District 3 of the Public Regulation Commission in November 2012. She began serving her term and was selected to be Vice-Chair of the Commission in January 2013. She is committed to protecting the public interest while engaging utilities to advance efficiency and clean energy sources. She promotes innovation and technological advancement in the telecommunications, water and transportation (train, ambulance and towing) industries and advocates for public safety as a regulator of the Fire Marshall.
Grapski, who is on probation after he was arrested and almost killed for exposing corruption in Alachua County, was asked to come back into the probation office today after he had already been granted permission on Monday to leave the state.Less than 24 hours before he was scheduled to fly out of Florida to Ferguson to continue his public records investigation into the Michael Brown shooting death, PINAC crew member Charlie Grapski was hospitalized against his will after being accused of making violent threats on Twitter.
Sally-Alice Thompson will be walking from Albuquerque New Mexico to Sante Fe New Mexico starting on October 13th. She will be leaving the Center for Peace and Justice at 8am. Sponsored by ABQ Center for Peace and Justice, Common Cause NM, Central NM Move to Amends and the Veterans for Peace. If you or your group would like to support the walk, or walk any length of the route with her, please call 505-450-1268 or 505-268-5073.
DERRICK BROZE ACTIVIST: Detained by police on Oct 7th, 2014. He will be with us live to explain what happened and to touch on other issues that he is involved in. Below is a link that will explain the arrest. There is always video of the encounter with police. http://theconsciousresistance.com/2014/10/derrick-broze-assaulted-by-houston-police-department/2014.
Ethan The Farmer - I am a natural family farmer that has been involved in the fight for natural agriculture and family farms for since 2007. He currently manage a natural farm, and the organization Get To Know Your Farmer. Get To Know Your Farmer operates 51 victory gardens, has 360 member farmers, co-op homesteads and strives to educate the average person on the plight with our food in this country. He has been relentless attacked for speaking out against corrupt government and in favor of honoring the constitution as it is written. His facebook page is www.facebook.com/EthanTheFarmer - the fund raising site is www.gofundme.com/EthanTheFarmer Please stand with me to take back our food, our farms, and our country.
Dinah Vargas: "until victory! nothing less. Our revolution will originate with the individual and we will win without firing a single bullet"
My next show will air on Oct 2nd 2014 at 12pm. I will be having a special guess that day, Blak Smith. Mr. Smith is an author of two books. We will have a two part series giving each book its day in the sun. As the title says, the name is I ain't perfeKt but take it from Me & it's the ride that he took outta the South BX NY in the early days of HIP HOP til today & BEYOND! To get the book directly, go here; http://www.lulu.com/shop/the-blak-smith/i-aint-perfekt-but-take-it-from-me/hardcover/product-18622900.html.
EC Abbotts is a natural family farmer and advocate for the rights of those who choose to farm against corporate agriculture. http://www.gofundme.com/ethanthefarmer
This weeks episode will be about the APD, MAYOR BERRY and our Police Chief GORDEN EDEN. They held a rather classless shooting contest last week in which police officers from all over the country come to Albuquerque to find out who is the better shooter. Many of these police officers have killed American citizens wrongfully and have never been brought to justice for their crime. The contest will award cash and other prices to the people that win. Its a shame that out mayor and Police Chief would allow such a contest to be held here in Albuquerque after the D.O.J. ruled that in many cases APD used excessive force on the public they swore to protect. So if you want to join the please call into the show which will be held 9/16/2014 12:00pm. Thanks