Busy Addults

<h2>A Podcast About Dungeons & Dragons and Other Nerdy Things</h2><p><strong>Do you like Dungeons & Dragons? Do you like Pathfinder? What about other nerdy things?</strong></p><p>Well we’ve got the thing for you! As Busy Addults, we do our best to make time to talk about all things nerdy, including building characters in D&D, our favorite campaigns and even arguing about stupid rules.</p>

Episode 23 - Let's Kickstart Some Stuff!

We're huge fans of Kickstarters and we need to share It's no secret that we love backing Kickstarters here on the Podcast. We want to tell you about some of our favorite projects that we are currently backing. Everything from The Avatar RPG (which is crazy awesome, roleplay heavy system based on the Quickstart Guide we received, to the Herbalists Primer, a complete guide to all things plants for all sorts of RPG systems. A couple of other tidbits included in this episode, we talk about the new leaked D&D projects and bundles (thanks Amazon) as well as our awesome FREE holographic sticker! Listen to the podcast to find out how to get yours! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 22 - Theme Party!!!

Everybody loves a theme! On this weeks episode of Busy Addults, we're creating our favorite team based off of a specific theme. This could be pop culture, all bard party or some other crazy combination of things that pops up in our insane minds. Now a quick disclaimer. These are not optimized parties. We don't usually do min/max optimized parties to begin with, so we definitely had fun with this one and we hope you do too! Let us know what themed party you'd love to play in or have played in. We have a blast hearing about all these crazy ideas and we feed off of them. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 21 - Class Review: Cleric

And now we have the Cleric! Also known as the heal bot of the group, the Clerics are the healer of the group. When the party goes down, they look to the tired healer to mend their wounds to keep the fight going. However, they are much more than the surface level support. They play well as tanks and support characters to compliment almost all types of group. As we go through the classes, as always let us know your favorite sub class and characters you've played or played with! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 20 - Class Review: Bard

Next Up, we have the Bard! You all know the Bard. Charismatic, musically inclined, the face of the party! Everyone loves them when they're around and we're here to talk about what we really love about the class in general and our favorite subclasses. As we go through the classes, as always let us know your favorite sub class and characters you've played or played with! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 19 - Class Review: Barbarian

We're starting a series! First up, the Himbo... That's Rae's term and if you don't know it by now, you need to listen more of our episodes. But we're starting a new series of class reviews talking about each class in the 5e PHB in alphabetical order. We'll talk about the main class features, what they tend to be and our favorite sub classes. If we have any experience playing the class, you KNOW we'll talk about them. Monkey loves making characters, so I'm sure you'll hear a lot from him for some of his favorite characters he wants to play. As we go through the classes, as always let us know your favorite sub class and characters you've played or played with! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 18 – Anime in 5e?!?!

We all know you've tried to build your favorite anime character. Well know you have a really robust, customizable 3rd party supplement for 5e to create your favorite anime characters or ideas. This is in no way a sponsored episode. Drake saw Anime 5e by Dyskami on Kickstarter and just HAD to get it since we're all Anime fans and Yahka has been dying to build Broly. We love the system and the flexibility of how to create your own custom characters, races, classes, weapons, items and more. However, the insane amount of flexibility adds to the complexity and that is where we find it lacking. Dyskami is making updates to it to make it easier, which is amazing. But listen to our views on the system, what Monkey has created and what we would do to make it work for our group. If you backed it as well, let us know what you think of the system! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 17 - In Person Player Etiquette

So you're going back to in person gaming.... We know, this past year has been rough for everyone. Maybe you haven't left your house the entire time. Maybe you never noticed a change in your life. Either way, it's time to start to talk about doing in person D&D like we all love. However, you may need a brush up on your etiquette! That may mean your personal skills or hygiene. Maybe you forgot how to play because you never went to online play in this crazy age. Well, we're here to help you get ready for your next BIG game! Tell us what piece of etiquette advice you have for your other players/DM's and just in general! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 16 - Time To Spice Up Your Roleplay!

You gotta spice up the room people, let's get this roleplay going! No, not THAT ROLEPLAY, you sick bastards. We're talking about Table top roleplay, such as different voices for different characters, props, maps, in game items and all of the fun little baubles that make your players and DMs squeal with excitement! Ok, maybe it'll work for that other stuff too if you're into it, but seriously, we love in game items and props like bags of coins for a bounty, maps, notes and other really cool stuff. Same thing with voices! Our poor DMs have to remember 20 different voices and we APPLUAD all of you that are able to do it. You're insane and we love you. Tell us about what cool things have you or your groups done to spice up the roleplay around the table. We love to hear about that stuff! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 15 - Party Time!!! Tel us about it!

We have a short one today everyone, so talk to us! We're talking about party compositions, fun party combos, one shot ideas with all bards and a ton of other stuff. We kept this one short to see what you all thought, so hit us up on the socials and let us know YOUR party comps! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 14 - Homebrew vs Modules!

Do you like creating a world for your retarded cats to destroy, or use someone else's? Let's face it, players will inevitably wreck your homebrew story in one way or another. Whether that is killing a very important person to the story, going to all of the wrong towns or juts ignoring the impending doom that looms over the land by attacking all of the goblins in the area. In comes the modules! To be fair, our group has never ran a module before. HOWEVER, they are great for herding your retarded cats (read as players) into the story and as long as they don't try to kill the bad guy off the bat (looking at you Strahd), it will run extremely well. We'd like to run homebrew instead of modules, but we're always open to trying new things! So let us know on all the socials what your favorite homebrew and modules are and what you suggest we try! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 13 - Make Stuff Up! Homebrew Time!

Homebrew items, places, races, weapons.... So if you've been a fan for more than a few episodes, you'll know we are a homebrew family at Busy Addults, so we wanted to explore some of it with you. In this episode, we want to go over some awesome homebrew items and builds that we think would work out REALLY great for some of our campaigns. If you're not familiar with such amazing homebrew things or your DM just wants to use official works from Wizards, check them out and convince your DM to stop being lame and have some fun! It is a fantasy world with dragons and magic after all. While you're at it share your favorite, or least favorite, homebrew things. Those could be weapons, items, builds, worlds, campaigns or anything else you can think of. We'd love to hear it! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


One Shot - A Strange Place In The Taffy Mines

Ever wanted to be in a horror world created by psychos? Well we did and WHAT KIND OF WORLD DID WE CREATE?! In this world, we live in the taffy mines underground, where all currency has been replaced by something.... unconventional, but somehow Kohl's Cash is still viable? Also, "nose tricks" and "hand stands" have become necessary skills. We've got our guest, The Frenchman, on for this one as him, Rae, Monkey and Yakha create this new world on the fly using the rules created by @FLoaBComic on Twitter for his game, You Awaken in a Strange Place. In this game, you create the world and every skill being used for it's entirety, at character creation. Feel free to create your own worlds and share them with us! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 12 - Gimp Characters! Who Needs Min/Max?

We're not Min/Max players, but please listen... Min/Maxing characters is for those that want to get EVERYTHING they can out of heir characters, however that isn't fun to us. We enjoy the characters that have flaws, that contribute to not only the fights, but also the story. When we make Gimp characters, we're creating a narrative for the story and helping the DM flesh out their world even further. On the flipside though, don't make your character so flawed that they hurt the party with no benefits at all. Instead, be the perfect soldier as long as your party truly needs it. Either way, HAVE FUN! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 11 - The French Have Arrived!

It was bound to happen... We have a guest on today's episode! We've brought on our friend, The Frenchman, to join us and tell us his story of D&D, video games and other nerdy times in his life. THIS MAN is hilarious and we truly miss playing D&D with the French bastard. Look out for a fun One-Shot featuring Rae, Monkey, Yakha and The Frenchman in a crazy, randomly generated world in a Taffy Mine world where Kohl's doesn't exist, but their Kphl's cash does? Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 10 - Let's Talk About World Buidling!

The DMs have spoken! So you want to know how the Busy Addults DMs build their worlds, prepare for their sessions and deal with murder hobos. As DMs, you've gotta think on your toes when a player wants to do something incredible (or incredibly stupid). How do you prepare your campaign worlds, characters, sessions and for the inevitable player going off track? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter @BusyAddults ! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 9 - Awesome One Shot Ideas!

POP CULTURE ONE SHOTS! Do we have to say more? Alright, I guess we'll say more. Rae posted on our Busy Addults Twitter the question: What random piece of media/pop culture do you really want to run a one shot of? And you answered with some of your favorite worlds, such as Fallout, Gundam, Buffy, The Witcher, fighting the top 3 memes of all time and way more! So, we took it and ran! We talk about about some of our favorite one shots, pop culture worlds and what we would absolutely love to play. If you missed out, make sure you're following Busy Addults on Twitter to put in your two-sense in the next community question. If you have your own ideas for episodes, let us know! We would love to hear them. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 8 - Everyone Gets A Class!

We're talking about Multi-classing boys, girls and goblins! Multi-classing has been a huge part of D&D and Pathfinder over the years, but with 5e, is it really necessary? I mean, sure you can pump that Ranger up with a nice dip in Rogue (or really anything), but do the pros out weigh the cons of losing that capstone ability? And what about for role playing? Did your fighter all of a sudden unlock these magical abilities one night, or is it something they learned how to do after years of studying? Or can you just all of a sudden control things with your mind because why the hell not? Let us know what you think and what your favorite multi-class over the years has been over on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 7 - D&D Community, WTF?!

The D&D Community is CRAZY! You can decide if it's crazy good or bad. So this episode is coming out a bit late, but here we are talking about great and ridiculous the D&D Community can be. Tasha's Cauldron of Everything came out in November and man did it shake things up. If you don't know about all the controversial "discussions", you're not a part of THAT community, so thank you for being great. Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Episode 6 - Holy Cantrips!

Who doesn't love a good cantrip? Cantrips are a HUGE part of every spellcaster's identity. Some are almost a necessity and we weigh in on what our favorite cantrips are in Dungeons & Dragons 5e. Not really much to talk about here except we all know what the Warlock is going to pick.... Let us know what your favorite, or least favorite cantrip is, because everyone has an opinion and we want to hear it! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


One Shot - Merry Lichmas

Merry Christmas from the Lich of Youville! In this one shot, Rae takes the gang, plus a guest, to the wonderful village of Youville (copyrights be damned). A terrible wizard has taken over the roll of (reverse?) Santa Claus and the people of Youville give him presents to appease him and to protect the town. After 100 years of this, he is about to ascend to immortality by becoming a Lich and kidnaps one of the townspeople to become his wife. So the crackpot team of Barendd Mistletoe, Xavier Tinselbottom, The Candy Man and Twinkletoes Tinseltits go to save the girl and stop the Lich from taking over the world! Enjoy the episode and don't forget to subscribe, like and follow us wherever you're listening!


Dirty Bear

This is a great episode for new DMs that are wondering what you all do. Thanks from a future DM.

08-25 Reply

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