Buzz: Book Marketing Made Easy

Each week you'll learn three quick tips to help you navigate the highs, lows, and unknowns of getting your book out and into the world. Hosted by Dara Beevas and Roseanne Cheng of Wise Ink Publishing.

Episode 11: Social Media Tips for Authors

Love it or hate it, social media is a powerful marketing tool for authors. In this episode, Dara and Roseanne talk about the great ways (and not-so-great ways) authors are using social media to market their books.


Episode 10: Growing Your Email List

Cultivating an email list is one of the most overlooked (and effective) marketing tactics for authors. In this episode, Dara and Roseanne talk about building a solid email list and using it to your advantage.


Episode 9: Bookstore Outreach 101

Partnering with your local bookstores for signings and events is easier than you think. In this episode, Dara and Roseanne talk about the most effective ways to do that, for your launch and beyond! 


Episode 8: Crowdfunding Your Book Dos and Don'ts

To crowdfund or not to crowdfund... is that your question? In this episode, Dara and Roseanne talk about how to use a crowdfunding platform such as Kickstarter to create a successful movement around your book. 


Episode 7: Setting Your Book Marketing Goals

How important is goal-setting when it comes to book marketing? Very important! In this episode, Dara and Roseanne talk about what it means to set an impact goal and create a purpose-driven marketing plan around it. 


Episode 6: Reaching Out to Media

Publicity is often one of the most challenging parts of book marketing, especially for indie authors. In this episode, Dara and Roseanne talk about effective ways to pitch yourself to the media and get your book noticed. 


Episode 5: Book Marketing Must Haves

Google "book marketing" and you'll find thousands of pages of resources. It's overwhelming! In this episode, Dara and Roseanne talk about their must-have book marketing tools for every author's toolkit. 


Episode 4: Pitching Yourself as a Speaker

You probably hear it all the time-- you should be speaker! But how do you pitch yourself to an organization (and integrate book sales into your fee? Dara and Roseanne break it down in this episode. 


Episode 3: Direct Sales Strategies

Many authors think about bookstores and Amazon when putting together their marketing plan. But, as you'll learn in this episode, your direct sales strategy could be even more impactful. Listen as hosts Roseanne Cheng and Dara Beevas discuss the opportunities and advantages that can follow a direct sales strategy.


Episode 2: Optimizing Your Amazon Presence

No matter how you feel about it, there's no question Amazon has changed the landscape of book publishing.  On today's episode, hosts Dara Beevas and Roseanne Cheng provide three valuable tips on how to best navigate this landscape without becoming overwhelmed or wasting your time and energy.


Episode 1: Creating Your Book Marketing Plan

For the first episode of this series, hosts Roseanne Cheng and Dara Beevas provide three tips on the topic every author is excited about - marketing! Joking aside, it doesn't have to be an overwhelming experience. In fact it can be somewhat enjoyable if you're being proactive about the process.   


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