Discover God's Healing Power in Your Life!
Discover the principles that lead to favor, wisdom, and being a part of God’s plan.
Pat Robertson shares 26 favorite Psalms that will bring you comfort, peace and joy. Let them remind you of God’s strength and protection, and His everlasting love for you.
Throughout history, God has used dreams to inspire men to solve problems, create art, and discover scientific breakthroughs. In this new teaching, Gordon Robertson teaches you how to identify which dreams are from God, how to understand the meaning of your dreams, and how to respond when God speaks to you in dreams, plus much more.
CBN partnered with a leading research company and asked thousands of people throughout the United States what question they would ask God, if they had the chance.
During His lifetime, Jesus performed miracles that changed the world, and He shared the secret to that power with us. In his new DVD, Gordon Robertson teaches on the most powerful prayer in history.
In this latest DVD, Life Beyond the Grave, Part II, Gordon Robertson introduces you to people whose lives have been forever changed by their encounters with death. You willll hear their vivid descriptions of heaven, and their urgent warnings about hell.
In this teaching, Pat Robertson reveals the plan God has for America and what we can do to have the blessings of heaven showered down on ourselves and our nation.
In this latest teaching, Pat Robertson shares with you the three lifetime blessings he has asked of God: wisdom, favor, and anointing.
In this teaching by Gordon Robertson, you will learn how to have intimate conversations with God and discover His divine purposes for your life.