CC Greenville Messages

Weekly Sunday and Wednesday messages from Community Chapel of Greenville. CC Greenville is located in Simpsonville, SC and features teachings from Pastor Rit Varriale, Sr.Weekly Sunday and Wednesday messages from Community Chapel of Greenville. CC Greenville is located in Simpsonville, SC and features teachings from Pastor Rit Varriale, Sr.

Acts 13:42-52 - Is God Done With Israel, P3 - 44-Acts

Pastor Rit continues his series in the Book of Acts. This is part 3 - Is God done with Israel?


Daniel 8:1-27 - 27-Daniel

Pastor Rit continues in the Book of Daniel. Tonight he covers Daniel chapter 8 where we are that Daniel receives another vision.


Acts 13:42-52 - Is God Done With Israel, P2 - 44-Acts

Pastor Rit continues his series in the Book of Acts. This is part 2 - Is God done with Israel?


Daniel 7:1-28 - 27-Daniel

"The following message was recorded Wednesday, August 21st, 2024. Pastor Rit continues in the Book of Daniel and finishes Daniel chapter 6. We see how God preserves Daniel in the lions den. And now, here's Pastor Rit ..."


Acts 13:42-46 - Is God Done With Israel, P1 - 44-Acts

Pastor Rit continues his series in the Book of Acts. This morning Pastor Rit shares from Acts chapter 13 verses 42 through 46. This is part 1 - Is God done with Israel?


September 2024 Communion - Communion

John Michael McCauley shares from 1 Corinthians 11 on how we need to take care not to treat the Lord's Supper lightly.


Love Life Greenville - Other

Pastor Kiley Waldrop from Love Life Greenville joins us to encourage us not to become dull of hearing, thus not maturing from the milk of the Word to the solid food where we can then discern both good and evil! Community Chapel of Greenville has adopted this week for targeted prayer against abortion in Greenville, SC, our state, and our nation.


No Room for Offense - Other

Pastor Jonathan shares on how a Christian is supposed to handle offenses.


Acts 13:20-41 - 44-Acts

Pastor Rit continues his series in the Book of Acts. This morning Pastor Rit shares from Acts chapter 13 verses 20 through 41. This morning we finish Paul's first sermon in the Book of Acts.


Daniel 6:10-28 - 27-Daniel

Pastor Rit continues in the Book of Daniel and finishes Daniel chapter 6. We see how God preserves Daniel in the lions den.


Family Meeting - Other

Rebuke and correction is never fun ... but it is biblical! Pastor Rit shares on the need for rebuke and correction within the church and cautions our own church to not involve themselves in the things of others, for it is ""like one who takes a dog by the ears"" (Prov 26:17).


Daniel 6:1-12 - 27-Daniel

Pastor Rit continues in the Book of Daniel and starts Daniel chapter 6. See that because of Daniel's faithfulness that God raises him to a position of prominence in the Darius administration. But, we also see how elements in the administration weaponize the judicial system to entrap Daniel. Sound familiar, huh!?


Acts 13:26-35 - 44-Acts

Pastor Rit continues his series in the Book of Acts. This morning Pastor Rit shares from Acts chapter 13 verses 26 through 35. We continue reading Paul's first sermon in the Book of Acts.


Acts 13:16-25 - 44-Acts

Pastor Rit continues his series in the Book of Acts. This morning Pastor Rit shares from Acts chapter 13 verses 16 through 25. Paul shares the Gospel by using the history of Israel.


Daniel 5:1-31 - 27-Daniel

Pastor Rit continues in the Book of Daniel and covers Daniel chapter 5. Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. Your days have been numbered, you've been weighed, and your kingdom has been divided from you. This is the message Daniel gives to King Belshazzar. And it is a warning to you and I.


Acts 13:13-15 - 44-Acts

Pastor Rit continues his series in the Book of Acts. This morning Pastor Rit shares from Acts chapter 13 verses 13 through 15. John Mark leaves for Jerusalem and the Apostle Paul and team end up in Antioch Pisidia.


Daniel 4:1-37 - 27-Daniel

Pastor Rit continues in the Book of Daniel and covers Daniel chapter 4 and we see how King Nebuchadnezzar is humbled.


Acts 13:1-12 - 44-Acts

Pastor Rit continues his series in the Book of Acts. This morning Pastor Rit starts Acts chapter 13 and we see the focus moves from the Apostle Peter in Jerusalem to Barabas and Saul in Antioch.


Daniel 3:1-30 - 27-Daniel

Pastor Rit continues in the Book of Daniel and covers Daniel chapter 3 where we see Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah cast into the fiery furnace.


Acts 12:1-24 - 44-Acts

Pastor Rit continues his series in the Book of Acts. This morning Pastor Rit finishes we are in Acts chapter 12. We see how God frees Peter from prison.


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