CDC Featured Podcasts

A listing of featured podcasts from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC.

The Importance of Flu Vaccine for Children

This podcast highlights the importance of all children - including those with special health care needs - receiving flu vaccinations.


ME/CFS in Children and Young People

An overview of Myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in children and young people, the diagnosis, symptoms, treatments, challenges, and the current resources for healthcare professionals and families.


Blood Clot Prevention

Blood clots are serious but they can be prevented. This podcast highlights the risk factors for blood clots, signs and symptoms to watch out for, and where to go to learn more.


Ovarian Cancer Podcast Series - Rhode Island Overview Episode

The Ovarian Cancer Podcast Series are short discussions with Iowa and Rhode Island state health department staff about why they participated in CDC's project to learn about the best ways to increase the number of ovarian cancer patients who are treated by a gynecologic oncologist. Project award recipients discuss the work they did, notable successes, and sustainability of this work moving forward.


Transitioning Back to School or Early Child Education

Dr. Karen Remley, Director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities provides useful tips to make the return to school or early child education easier for your child. She also provides information about an easy-to-complete emergency information card to keep in your child's backpack.


El cáncer no espera y usted tampoco debería esperar.

Este pódcast explica la importancia de hacerse las pruebas de detección de rutina.


Responding to a Campylobacter Outbreak Linked to Pet Store Puppies

Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer (EISO), Martha Montgomery describes responding to an outbreak of multidrug-resistant Campylobacter in people linked to contact with pet store puppies.


La importancia de la vacuna contra la influenza para los niños.

Este podcast destaca la importancia de la vacuna contra la influenza para todos los niños, incluso aquellos con necesidades de atención médica especiales.


Think Fungus: Fungal Disease Awareness

A podcast aimed to increase awareness about the risk of fungal infections, including of symptoms of these infections, which can be similar to COVID-19, and to increase awareness of our upcoming awareness week, Fungal Disease Awareness Week (September 21-25, 2020). "Think fungus" if you have symptoms of a serious infection that is not getting better with treatment and talk to your doctor about the possibility of a fungal disease.


Radiation Myths and Truths: The Chernobyl Disaster

This podcast focuses on radiation myths often found in media and entertainment and provides factual information to help educate the public on protective actions to take in the event of a radiation emergency.


Blood Clots and Travel: What You Should Know

This podcast is designed to help people reduce their risk of blood clots during long-distance travel of four hours or more.


The 12 Ways to Health Holiday Song

This song (sung to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas) describes how to stay safe and healthy during the holidays and all year long.


Sickle Cell Disease: Give Blood, Save a Life

This podcast highlights the importance of blood donations from African Americans to help people with sickle cell disease who might need one or more blood transfusions.


Preventing Tick Bites and Tickborne Diseases

This podcast will help health care providers identify patients who are at increased risk of getting tick bites and provide tick bite prevention recommendations, tick removal instructions, and guidance for tick bite prophylaxis.


Prevenga la neumonía (Prevent Pneumonia)

Este podcast explica lo que es la neumonía, sus síntomas y cómo prevenirla.


Cradles to Crayons

Employers learn best from their peers when it comes to what they are doing and what works. This interview features Cradles to Crayons, a small, nonprofit social assistance organization in Boston, Massachusetts, sharing workplace heart disease and stroke prevention successes and tips.


Medidas de seguridad para las lentes de contacto (Contact Lens Safety)

Las lentes de contacto son una alternativa conveniente a las gafas, pero su cuidado y uso inadecuados pueden causar infecciones, las que a su vez pueden producir daños en los ojos. Este podcast habla sobre medidas de seguridad para las lentes de contacto.


Active su cuerpo (Activate Your Body)

A medida que las personas envejecen, hacer actividad física se vuelve más difícil. Este podcast habla sobre la importancia de hacer ejercicio con regularidad para los adultos mayores.


Detenga la obesidad temprano (Stop Obesity Early)

Aproximadamente uno de cada 10 niños que ingresan al kinder son obesos. Este podcast habla de los riesgos asociados a la obesidad en niños y adultos, como también sobre la importancia de hacer ejercicio y tener una alimentación adecuada.


Seis consejos para ayudar a prevenir la propagación de los norovirus (Six Tips to Help Prevent the Spread of Norovirus)

El doctor Aron Hall, un epidemiólogo de los CDC que se especializa en los norovirus, ofrece seis consejos para ayudar a prevenir su propagación.


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