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CE5 Minneapolis

Author: Paul Riedner

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A team of researchers in Minneapolis will be conducting human initiated contact protocols called CE-5: Close Encounters of the 5th Kind to prove that we are not alone. Follow this unfolding story about how to use consciousness, meditation, and coherent thought sequencing to communicate with cosmic civilizations. Stories will include actual audio from the field while observing anomalies in the sky like UFO and encounters on the ground with extraterrestrials, intelligent beings, celestial beings, light beings, ET or aliens (if you like that term).
13 Episodes
#13 The Quantum Field

#13 The Quantum Field


After presenting on the disclosure project and CE5 at his college reunion, Paul shares what he learned.  Takeaways: - Using video clips from Sirius was effective to cover the vast area of research that CE5 draws upon. - Keep an eye on the overall importance of this work. Don't allow the central catalyzing feature, the military industrial complex's plan to mobilize the population against an alien threat, to get lost in the inspiring topics of consciousness, PSI abilities, remote viewing, UFO's, extraterrestrial beings, etc.  - Incorporate as many relevant, everyday examples to keep from getting too abstract. People like tangible stories and simplified experiments they can try for themselves. For example: cloud bursting. - Marry the mechanics of the quantum vacuum, that Nassim Haramein describes, into discussions of how we are all connected and how we co-create our world as feedback/feedforward points of reference into the basis of reality in this universe.  Paul shares an encounter he had when visualizing the smallest fabric of the universe and how it carries thought. This exercise of imagining the actual mechanism that connects everything in the universe and how our intentions travel and effect the vacuum was a real breakthrough and provided an exciting breakthrough or quantum leap in Paul's contact work and study.  Youtube: Modern Knowledge interview with Nassim Haramein Nassim Haramein's - Resonance Project Dr Masaru Emoto - Water crystals Experiment How to do Cloud Busting (or bursting) National Press Club May 9th 2001 Disclosure Project Conference Sirius the Movie & the Disclosure Project of Dr Steven Greer ET Contact Tool (CE5 protocols, mediations, magnatometer, tones, etc) ET Networking App (web application for connecting with others in the community) Go to our website and enter your email for updates regarding new episodes and ways to interact with us.  
#12 Gatekeepers

#12 Gatekeepers


Teammates Paul & Kevin strategize about how to best present this information. Paul is giving a talk at his class reunion in Northfield, MN at Carleton College and leading a CE5 in the college's arboratum.Paul also shares a story about a local controversy in Northfield concerning free speech, when a the owners of the Contented Cow, a popular tavern in Northfield, invite Jim Fetzer to participate in a new speaker/forum series called "Cow Talks" to discuss important political leaning topics.Links to topics discussed:
An encounter at Joshua Tree with beings that communicate by making clicking sounds is recorded. We come to learn that there is a shared history between these beings and humans that is very serious and is not remembered or acknowledged by humanity. Another encounter is shared during a break in the Joshua Tree Forest where Jeremy Cloake connects during a UFO sighting, to three small extraterrestrial who are communicating with us through a magnatometer to relay important information, again about the Merkaba. UFO, ET, Alien, Merkaba, Extraterrestrial,
Jeremy Cloake meets a very powerful being called Jubu while training in Joshua Tree with Dr Greer. Paul shares the incredible story of how this being connects us to the universe. Jeremy Cloake is a musician, instrument maker, and teacher from New Zealand. All of the music from this episode was created by Jeremy. For more information go to    
Paul interviews Britton, a psychic medium who was on the same ambassador training expedition at Joshua Tree. Britton shares some useful tips for interfacing with your guides, who may just be transdimensional beings. She talks about how to utilize silence to foster that connection further and how she first came to officially recognize their involvement in her life. During the ce5 training, Britton taught Paul a very effective way to generate strong feelings of love in order to invite and engage ET's into your life or ce5 practice.  Paul also shares an update about the team. Listeners in the Minneapolis/St Paul region are invited to a meet and greet event on Sunday, June 7th. Email the team at for more details. We are looking forward to a subsequent night of ce5 in the field with interested parties. 
#8 Ship Sounds

#8 Ship Sounds


Paul shares his evidence recorded during his Joshua Tree Expedition. Episode also contains listeners stories. More info about CE-5 protocols can be found at CSETI or at Sirius Disclosure.   Please rate, subscribe for free and review on The show is also available on  
#7 Humanity

#7 Humanity


This is first episode of the post-ambassador training era for Paul. He is back in Minneapolis trying to figure out just what happened out in Joshua Tree. This storyline has to do with the state of humanity and the internal battle Paul had to deal with to begin acknowledging the reality that mankind has failed to build a respectful, peaceful, civilization on Earth.   After reacting to a day's worth of reality checking from Dr Greer, Paul feels the need to defend humanity. After all, the world and our society wouldn't look so bad if not for a group of powerful men who have derailed our progress in nearly every way.   This episode puts humanity front and center. What do you think our civilization looks like from an outsider's perspective? What signs are we showing that we are ready to join the intergallactic community when we can't keep from killing each other, denegrating each other, profiting off of another's hardship, etc. What would the world look like if the controllers of this planet had an awakening that turned them around to a vision of peace and progress?
A firsthand look (listen) into an ambassador training CE-5 with Dr Steven Greer and the Center for the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (    This was recorded in the Joshua Tree National Park area of California. This episode takes the listener through the intial stages of the CE-5 protocol including: configuring the circle, principles of team cohesion, sky orientation, equipment and how it is used to communicate with extraterrestrials, examples of the use of sharing to create bonds and build trust, history of the sanskrit puja ceremony, and a guided meditation in circle.   The next episodes will explore the actual contact, as well as personal inner and outer work associate with it.   More info about CE-5 protocols can be found at CSETI or at Sirius Disclosure. Please rate and review on The show is also available on Please subscribe for free for future episodes on
During a very special trip to California to attend Dr Steven Greer's ambassador to the universe training, Paul interviews Dr Kathy Forti. Kathy was a clinical psychologist before a near death experience changed her life's work. She share's with Paul an incredible experience from her youth involving an extraterrestrials that return during her week-long training with Dr. Greer.   Topics include remote viewing, meditation, star gates, the solar system, consciousness assisted technologies, and others.   Following her near death experience, mulitdimensional beings helped her design and develop a revolutionary new healing device that utilizes mathematics and sacred geometry to heal cellular DNA. Visit for more info.   Music from the episode is from Rhymesayers Entertainment, an independent hip hop label based in Minneapolis. We believe in holding up examples of good people in good companies and hope you will support them as we seek and support more pillars in the community that you can trust. Special thanks to Leon J at Slam Academy, for the help utilizing Ableton Live for producing this podcast. More info about CE-5 protocols can be found at CSETI or at Sirius Disclosure. Please rate and review on The show is also available on Please subscribe for free for future episodes on
#4 People

#4 People


Paul starts by sharing some listener feedback, as well as an article written by a member of the facebook community The CE-5 Initiative."CE-5 & The Development of The Senses"CE-5 is about making contact with other life out in the cosmos, yet I also think it is about making contact with yourself at the same time! I think that the people who are visiting us during CE-5, they are teaching us. They engage our senses in many ways, often purposefully subtle, and by us learning to observe subtleties, our senses develop enhancement like a muscle being trained. It's becoming more and more clear to me, that CE-5 is part of an art, a skill of observing. Becoming more observant, through the use of the physical senses and even spiritual ones. That's greater awareness, through observance. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is experiencing what seems like super senses... you can see a fruit fly moving across the room. Or see that smallest of things on the ground as you walk. You can smell the subtle properties of things, even from at a distance. You can hear the activity around you in a similiar enhanced way. Even sense of touch, or third eye PSI sense. It's all being trained when you do CE-5, I feel! So be a good student.I think if you are to have a greater awareness beyond the self, beyond this one planet - you have to train your senses to go deeper. You will start to see the dance of all the parts... all sense can merge into a beingness, in a single moment, all the parts of sense, cooperating together to convey even deeper understanding and concepts that go far beyond the capabilities of words. There is so much sense out there, whether it is your own, or that of someone else, or even of the trees and air. It's all sensing.So next time you go out and do CE-5, don't just focus on the ETs, focus on your senses. They are your bridges to the senses of all life apart from you. Immerse in them, experience them, observe them without bias.William King This episode highlights an interview with Minneapolis based actor Adam Glatzl. Adam is one of the founding members of the CE5 Mpls team. Originally from New York, he first conducted CE5 with a very well established team in the New York region.   Adam brings a lot of great energy, insights, and perspectives to the conversation regarding what this work is about, how to think about synchronicity, his first contact experience, and a fun discussion about other areas of that align with contact work.   Links to topics discussed in this episode: Artwork of Alex Grey Ambassador Trainings with Dr Steven Greer Deepak Chopra Dr Steven Greer Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project Richard Dolan - A.D. - After Disclosure Carleton College   Music from the episode is from Rhymesayers Entertainment, an independent hip hop label based in Minneapolis. We believe in holding up examples of good people in good companies and hope you will support them as we seek and support more pillars in the community that you can trust. Special thanks to Leon J at Slam Academy, for the help utilizing Ableton Live for producing this podcast. More info about CE-5 protocols can be found at CSETI or at Sirius Disclosure. Please rate and review on The show is also available on Please subscribe for free for future episodes on
#3 The Genesis

#3 The Genesis


The show begins with Paul sharing his plans for this podcast with his wife. Together they consider the implications of being open and honest about Paul's experiences and beliefs. Paul gives a quick peek into the team's first meeting at the Seward Cafe in Minneapolis, introducing Kevin, Adam, and Mike to the show. Finally, the show's genesis is explained: helping the global community of CE5 initiative followers make contact, engage more openly with their communities, and organize field research teams. Music from the episode is from Rhymesayers Entertainment, an independent hip hop label based in Minneapolis. We believe in holding up examples of good people in good companies and hope you will support them as we seek and support more pillars in the community that you can trust. Special thanks to Leon J at Slam Academy, for the help utilizing Ableton Live for producing this podcast. More info about CE-5 protocols can be found at CSETI or at Sirius Disclosure. Go to iTunes to submit questions on the customer review page to be asked to Dr Greer when Paul attends the ambassador training in California in April.
#2 The Cloud

#2 The Cloud


The show begins by bringing the disclosure project to the present day, incorporating consciousness and meditation. Paul explains to his parents what his new project is about and why CE5 interested him far more than mere disclosure of ET presence. A clip from the documentary Sirius, explains the concept behind CE5, read by the film narrator Thomas Jane. Then Paul bears it all, telling the true story of his first ever attempt at conducting human initiated contact. The story is told sequentially and in a fashion that explains exactly how to follow the protocols and what is happening in the mind and body.   Music from the episode is from Rhymesayers Entertainment, an independent hip hop label based in Minneapolis. We believe in holding up examples of good people in good companies and hope you will support them as we seek and support more pillars in the community that you can trust. Special thanks to Leon J at Slam Academy, for the help utilizing Ableton Live for producing this podcast. More info about CE-5 protocols can be found at CSETI or at Sirius Disclosure.   Go to iTunes to submit questions on the customer review page to be asked to Dr Greer when Paul attends the ambassador training in California in April.
#1 The Back Story

#1 The Back Story


The show begins by telling how Paul first heard about the Disclosure Project. An army dive buddy, James, explains the National Press Club event in 2001. A trip down memory lane to a story about saturation divers in the navy and what they are hiding in the depths of the ocean. Paul interviews regular citizens in Minneapolis to begin a community dialogue about the truth behind the UFO phenomenon. Music from the episode is from Rhymesayers Entertainment, an independent hip hop label based in Minneapolis. We believe in holding up examples of good people in good companies and hope you will support them as we seek and support more pillars in the community that you can trust. Special thanks to Leon J at Slam Academy, for the help utilizing Ableton Live for producing this podcast. More info about CE-5 protocols can be found at CSETI or at Sirius Disclosure.