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Episode 153: 06 24 2024 The Final Push - New Season to Begin

 Original file.A new season will begin on Saturday.Many people who are tired in their Christian walk are now becoming grumpy and bitter - we need to watch for them...lead them to being encouraged and refreshed.The church is not always teaching the Gospel...the sheep are hungry.The Lord called you out of the World for you to make a difference in the World. We present our own "character" to the world but it is not who the Father made us to be. God wants the mature person of us when He returns...not the hidden one tucked away.- absolute design of the planets - orbits - Universe by God...all topics in the future studies, and more.When we reach a point of soundness in Christ, vain imaginations have no more hold on us...we are mature...purposeful and faithful.Species identification is not guaranteed with cloning...evil spirits desire a vessel and will jump into a cloned being.We have gone beyond the point of no return with global changes as of Yesterday. We will see evidence soon.Because of the collapse of the earth's magnetic field, this planet has six times had a spike in radio carbon particulates...We are entering into that 7th time, as the same process is happening now.


Episode 151: 06 21 2024 You are the Door Holiness Enters - Global Update

 Original file.Michael mentioned Geological issues tonight...and the importance of having a solid understanding of what is happening so we can help others when they do. People unaware will be subject to psychological sickness from the shock they experience.Michael will introduce much information in future broadcasts and in the KD Files. Make sure you are able to access them from the Website.You are the determiner of what is around you...peace...holiness...wherever you are you carry that anointing.The most precious of times are of those that are most difficult. These are times when you grow closer to your Savior.Let the Lord defend you. Being right is defending yourself.The objective is to be pleasing the Lord, not self or man.


Episode 149: 06 19 2024 Geological Updates - Walk Forward In The Principles Of Christ

 Original file.Michael reviewed some of the Geological happenings and gave information of what kinds of weather we can expect. Hot, cold, fires, ash, smoke...coastal living difficult...Please watch the fires in Mexico for COTWhen you make a choice, pride can enter in and alter how you see the truth, should your choice be in error....Blind Pride is when we choose something because we believe another saying it...and have not the knowledge firsthand.In the days to come, there will be those who would advise spraying the sky's to protect us from the heat of the Sun...and the people who do not know the reasons will bless the project.Walk forward in the things you know and be a good Steward of the Word of God.


Episode 148: 06 18 2024 God Is In Complete Control

 Original file.It's important we know God doesn't try to do anything. God cannot fail - ever! You were appointed, a peculiar people, chosen.We can no longer afford to compete. Competition is of the world.All of this that is happening is for you!


Episode 147: 06 17 2024 The Day Before Tomorrow - Spiritual Insights - Q and A

 Original file.Michael encouraged us tonight to trust the Spiritual insights we are given and to be bold and speak what the Holy Spirit gives you expressly...changing nothing. Do not sell it.What the Lord gives freely we are also to give freely. Do not bottle up the lightning you have within you.Every prophecy that complemented the world in order to compromise a position has failed.- Israel is on a 24 hr attack plan to overcome Hamas and Hezbollah...Tomorrow all things could be different in this world.Are you prepared for what the Scriptures say?When men do something they leave behind a trail of death.Russian nuclear subs are being positioned in optimal launch positions.Massive interruptions are coming...before the beast comes a system comes.The Rant archive came before this broadcast.


Episode 146: 06 17 2024 The Rant - Make Yourself Ready

 Original file.Michael came on as a pre-talk rant about what was in the news today...about the heat...about future talks on politics and to be ready for Spiritual insights that the Lord gives His own...and that have never failed. Men have become lovers of self...over loving God.Do not engage in the Spirit of be right...self pity, etc....An animal is coming - all who believe in Christ , be ready.Tomorrow will be an onslaught re: Israel


Episode 145: 06 16 2024 Just Let Go - Let It All Go And Trust The Lord

 Original file.Psalms 37: 23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Don't leave the wrong gift behind when you go. "The Lord knows what HE is doing." Trust God Get ready for 2 glancing blows -(everything goes upside-down Tuesday)


Episode 143: 06 14 2024 No more Elephants in the Room - Family Room Chat - Q and A

 Original file.It is time to talk about the elephants in the room. COT wants to support ministries out there but not be the center of attention. We draw all men unto Christ Jesus.To Speak to Jesus is to speak to the most High.There is a cost to saying Yes to Jesus...and the calling of the Lord. If satan cannot get to you, he will thru those you love.It is important we all have a place of sobriety. Death is a transition and there will be many deaths coming.World events : Propaganda shapes how we see other countries...we can remember that it is the leadership that is the conflict, not the people.Do not be biased for those things you have not handled yourself...take a step back.You are anointed for your calling...Your name represents your calling.Zephaniah 3 - One pure language


Episode 141: 06 12 2024 Trust and Obey

 Original file.Our resolve must be tried. The crucible is unfolding. Fear is not of God. How do you know if its yours to fix? If you don't have the power its not yours to fix. Accept the words of Jesus - let him guide you in what you need to know.We are surrounded by those in the world who have hostile actions in their heart...How will we stand? You are being qualified to declare your purpose thru your decisions.The Lord has given you the ability to know see those spirits of darkness you have overcome and who now flee from you."young men of del moon" "people missing" "The freezing of everything that moves" ....we will see these things. Listen to hear in context.


Episode 140: 06 11 2024 Global Coverage - Goldfish - Bugs- Prodigal Son Analogy

 Original file.Warning - watch aggression - realize who you are and who you are not-Who you are in God and Christ is not founded in flesh.


Episode 139: 06 10 2024 Job 1 - Patience - Motives - When Lives Change

 Original file.Michael Read thru and discussed Job 1 and challenged us as to what really was happening...Job was hedged in by God's protection over himself, family and all things.His motive was in question by Satan...and was proven by what happened when all was lost.Are you the sum total of your "stuff"? By what motive do you follow Christ Jesus?A person with a changed heart and purpose wants to is never an obligation.Darkness is rising...will keeping your stuff prevent you from following Christ? Will you give in to the beast system?You are the weapon to destroy the works of the devil.Re: equator and 1.5 yrs = if a certain condition happens it will be in less than 8 months. (condition not named)Conditions change in your location because you are not seek to move unless you are prompted by the Lord's direction.


Episode 138: 06 09 2024 TRUTH

 Original file.Don't agree with the world - be faithful and obedient to God.Remember what you were delivered from.


Episode 137: 06 07 2024 - Get Ready for A Test

 Original file.Understand the people - pay attention to what they are speaking of, are they speaking about themselves and their stuff or are they speaking about Jesus?


Episode 136: 06 06 2024 Pastor Paul Interview - Michael - Who is Going to Blink - Dreams Recap

 Original file.Black Volcano- Expanded eruption- Glass webbs - everything is heating up- all planets-Coming- fires- heartImportance of Prayer - Time Proves All Things-


Episode 135: 06 05 2024 A I and World Update - God's Reminders

 Original file.Michael was ALL OVER THE PLACE tonight with Q and A and discussion of A I and how it is in place and touching our lives.COT data base will soon be moved over into our accounts. May was the hottest month on record - we will have some normal days for a while...but already the 120 temps are rising up. Radiation levels in rocks verify that the past solar activity lines up in a perfect match to what is happening now...this is the 14th sun cycle and will be devastating and the last.Jupiter is about to change.God is going to remind us hat He is the Creator and we are the created beings. "Vengeance is mine, says the Lord"Any who are followers of those who curse themselves will also reap the curses. You cannot deliver yourself, but surrender it to the Lord and He will.You are your callingSeek to take the Lord's way in all ways. Do everything with the greatest integrity.


Episode 134: 06 03 2024 Everything Will Open - Isaiah 1 - Zeph 2

 Original file.Michael spoke to us about what is brewing already here around us...the consequences of sinful decisions both personally and in our nations...The conditions in the world bring to the surface what is within our hearts...purging time.People need to see the consequences to change their actions and repent.A massive heat plume is opening up in the Pacific ocean...A bad atmosphere is coming that will affect the whole Northern Hemisphere...The Sun will be giving us overwhelming hits...You do not know who you are dealing with if you have no spiritual insight. People speak what is in their heart.When you have unhealed wounds, putrefying sores and bruises will do everything by those wounds.- You are put here to make the do not know yet who you are.


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