CSC Talk Radio

CSC Talk Radio is heard daily across America bringing our commonsense approach to listeners. Join us as we take on big government, mega-corporations and environmental extremists. From the stock market to the stock yards, from greedy oil companies to the everyday concerns of our listeners, no topic is too hot to handle.


3369 – April 25, 2024 – PEASANTS, PAUPERS and PENCIL PUSHERS – Melody Cedarstrom of Discount Gold and Silver Trading ( joins Beth Ann today, and in doing so re-unites “The Two.” Call Melody at 800-375-4188 to get prepared so you don’t have to scared. She can probably beat the price you got online! The post PEASANTS, PAUPERS and PENCIL PUSHERS appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


Dirty Through and Through

3457 – August 27, 2024 – Dirty Through and Through – Corruption is rampant in this nation. The nature of man is to want power and when you have a “Lot of power” – you are apt to fall to the temptation to commit FRAUD – LIE – GASLIGHT – CHEAT – whatever it takes to hold your power. Lord ... The post Dirty Through and Through appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


Incompetence or Indifference

3427 – July 16, 2024 – Incompetence or Indifference? Daniel Turner joins us to talk about the attacks on rural America by the Sierra Club for the lies of Climate Change. FBI? Incompetence or Indifference? Expect Emotions but do not mistake them for weakness. Americans need to circle around Trump and Lift him up as he has been lifting and ... The post Incompetence or Indifference appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


The ‘New Way Forward’ is the Old Way of Tyrants

3470 – September 13, 2024 – The ‘New Way Forward’ is the Old Way of Tyrants – Chinese spies LOVE the Democrats. It’s a tangled web for sure. Chinese military technology is being used in Los Alamos! (the home of the atomic bomb!) The DNC (knowingly?) accepts $$ from spies all the time. China has a HUGE presence in NYC. ... The post The ‘New Way Forward’ is the Old Way of Tyrants appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


I Remember, I Am Not Distracted

3468 – September 11, 2024 – I Remember, I Am Not Distracted – Mindy Patterson of The Cavalry Group joins Beth Ann today to remember 9/11 and to discuss the debate and other topics of interest. I Remember, I Am Not Distracted Watch the show on Facebook: (20+) Facebook Home – CSC Talk Radio The post I Remember, I Am Not Distracted appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


We Need a Family Intervention

3467 – September 10, 2024 – We Need a Family Intervention – Dear Family, it is with a heavy heart that I come to you. I am representing our family, and I regret that I must be the bearer of some bad news, horrible news, painstakingly shameless news. I need to ask you for your help. Our uncle is very ill, ... The post We Need a Family Intervention appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


This Country Belongs to YOU!

3466 – September 9, 2024 – This Country Belongs to YOU! – It’s time we got to the truth of things. Let’s lay it out plain and simple… The United States of America is YOU! You hold the power in your hands… it is YOUR right to Bring America Home© You are NOT the enemy because you believe in Freedom ... The post This Country Belongs to YOU! appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


Facts of Life

3465 – September 6, 2024 – Facts of Life – There are certain FACTS OF LIFE that simply cannot be denied… and we just have to “deal with that fact!” Some facts are good and some facts “just are.” It’s a fact of life that no matter how tough it is to potty train a child… he or she will ... The post Facts of Life appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.



THEIR WORDS MEAN NOTHING!  I received a text yesterday stating, “Don’t you think our public officials should be held criminally liable if they are found to violate our Bill of Rights? A direct violation of their vow to uphold the constitution when taking office? The Vow Should Mean Something. A good show for you might be to show the different ... The post THEIR WORD MEANS NOTHING! appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.



3463 – September 4, 2024 – COWARDS! – In addition to the dictionary definition: A politician who lies to you because they are hiding from the truth of what they stand for or intend to do. Lies are a way of hiding and running away. The Dems NEED to LIE, or no one would vote for them. But there are ... The post COWARDS! appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


Freedom Isn’t Freedom When Your Choices Are Determined

3462 – September 3, 2024 – Freedom Isn’t Freedom When Your Choices Are Determined – By Their Policies – Or “Grow a Pair!” – Beth hosts Martha Zoller in the 2nd and 3rd segments. NO School Choice is not freedom… it has replaced education with indoctrination. A Government that controls every part of your life is not freedom for the ... The post Freedom Isn’t Freedom When Your Choices Are Determined appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


I Have a Burden – Labor Day 2024

3461 – September 2, 2024 – I Have a Burden – Labor Day 2024 – This is a compilation of parts of several recent shows that I thought you might enjoy hearing again. “Work, for the night is coming” “Revenge vs. Justice” ‘The Rule is: Do whatever it takes to protect the oligarchy” “Don’t ask Trump to not be Trump” ... The post I Have a Burden – Labor Day 2024 appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


You Win Some You Lose Some

3460 – August 30, 2024 – You Win Some You Lose Some – But if you don’t get in this fight, you will someday, somehow, lose everything, your children will be slaves, and America will be lost forever! “Stand fast therefore in the Liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke ... The post You Win Some You Lose Some appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


Be Unburdened From The Tyranny That Is

3459 – August 29, 2024 – Be Unburdened From The Tyranny That Is – The policies of the socialists; Kamala – Biden – Obama – Clinton – BUSHES (and Congress)… MUST be removed! Unbeknownst to many in America, because of a GREAT deception – we failed to understand that our Liberty was the frog in the pot being slowly cooked… ... The post Be Unburdened From The Tyranny That Is appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


It’s All About Property Rights, Stupid

3458 – August 28, 2024 – It’s All About Property Rights, Stupid – Mindy Patterson of The Cavalry Group joins Beth Ann today to talk about the left’s attack on YOUR private property. Sir William Blackstone… “So great moreover is the regard of the law for private property, that it will not authorize the least violation of it; no, not ... The post It’s All About Property Rights, Stupid appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


Too Many Cooks

3356 – August 26, 2024 – Too Many Cooks spoil the stew, or the brew, or the broth, or whatever. We need one sane, smart patriot in charge of the government of this country, not a bunch of un-elected, simple-minded, demon-rat bureaucrats. Trump thinks that we may not survive as a country with two dumb presidents in a row. (he ... The post Too Many Cooks appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


They Get So Much JOY From Their HATE of One Man

3455 – August 23, 2024 – They Get So Much JOY From Their HATE of One Man – It’s over… thank goodness it’s over, BUT the real work now begins! I didn’t listen to all the speeches, but I listened to enough to hear that joyous hate that the democrat party displayed during the Democrat national Conven… I mean convention. ... The post They Get So Much JOY From Their HATE of One Man appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


Community Emergency Readiness Training

3454 – August 22, 2024 – Community Emergency Readiness Training (CERT) with Roger Pilkenton of Boone, Cooper, Cole and Moniteau counties of Missouri – But first… Liberty Thought of the Week by Paul Hamby: How divided are we? Is there a cold civil war going on in America? Yes, in some respects. There are issues and strategies we disagree on ... The post Community Emergency Readiness Training appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


Liberty! What Does it Mean to You?

3453 – August 21, 2024 – Liberty! What Does it Mean to You? – “The Cause O America Is, In Great Measure The Cause of All Mankind” Thomas Paine. That would seem to be a great burden to bear upon our shoulders. But we must bring Liberty to our land before we can be that shining city on the hill ... The post Liberty! What Does it Mean to You? appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


The Election is Ours to Lose

3452 – August 20, 2024 – The Election is Ours to Lose – There are many political pundits constantly stating, with their great knowledge and supposed insight, that President Donald Trump needs to stop attacking Commie-la and stick with the issues; the border, crime and inflation AND the bad economy. Several articles have been written and published with similar titles, ... The post The Election is Ours to Lose appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.


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