Calendar Call

A Judicial Branch Podcast hosted by Mike Bowler. By listening to this podcast, attorneys can earn MCLE credits in Connecticut. Stay tuned for new Podcasts!

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

<p><strong>Episode 98 – Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Paul Bourdoulous talks with Sandra Lugo-Gines, Program Manager for the Superior Court Operations Division about the Americans with Disabilities Act with a specific focus on Title II and public services offered by the Connecticut Judicial Branch. Paul and Sandra discuss what the ADA is, the scope of disability, and the requirements of the Judicial Branch to comply with Title II. Additional topics include common services provided, requests for accommodation, service animals, and more.</p> <p><a href="">Title II</a></p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p><a href="">Rehabilitation Act of 1973</a></p> <p><a href="">Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990</a></p> <p><a href="">Centralized ADA Office</a></p> <p>Email: <a href=""></a> or Call: 860-706-5310</p>


Basics of G.A. Practice

<p><strong>Episode 97 – Basics of G.A. Practice</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Matthew Berardino talks with Attorney Robert Dwyer about the basics of practice in Connecticut’s Geographical Area Courts. Matt and Attorney Dwyer discuss numerous topics including an overview of the process involving clients in criminal court, arraignments, protective orders, and plea bargains. Additional topics include diversionary programs, trials, jury selection, and more.</p>


Recent Changes to CT Paid Leave

<p><strong>Episode 96 – Recent Changes to CT Paid Leave</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Matthew Berardino once again engages in talks with Chief Executive Officer of the Connecticut Paid Leave Authority, Erin Choquette, about the recent updates to Connecticut Paid Leave. Matt and Erin discuss changes to municipalities, family violence, and employees of tribal governments and businesses. Matt and Erin also talk about recovering overpayments and the employers requirements.</p> <p><a href="">P.A. No. 24-5</a></p>


Pretrial Services and Diversionary Programs

<p><strong>Episode 95 – Pretrial Services and Diversionary Programs</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Paul talks with Robert Cristiano, Regional Manager in the Court Support Services Division about pretrial services and diversionary programs. Paul and Robert discuss what the pretrial services process entails, the many different diversionary programs offered, and resources that are available. </p> <p><a href="">Special Sessions and Diversionary Programs</a></p>


Attorney Succession Planning

<p><strong>Episode 94 – Attorney Succession Planning</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Matt talks with Attorney Elizabeth Rowe, First Assistant Bar Counsel, about attorney succession planning. Matt and Attorney Rowe discuss the first steps to winding down a practice, the types of retirements for attorneys, and options to consider when retiring. Additional topics include duties to former clients, plans for unexpected events, common mistakes, resources available, and more.</p> <p><a href="">Retirement FAQ’s</a></p> <p><a href="">Rules of Professional Conduct</a></p>


Attorney Regulation and Discipline

<p><strong>Episode 93 – Attorney Regulation and Discipline</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Paul talks with Attorney Christopher Slack, Statewide Bar Counsel and Attorney Brian Stains, Chief Disciplinary Counsel, in the Legal Services Unit of the Connecticut Judicial Branch. Paul and Attorney’s Chris Slack and Brian Staines discuss an overview of the Legal Services Unit as well as the process when an attorney has been grieved. Additional topics include advice to attorneys to avoid getting grieved, most common complaints and violations, and more.</p> <p><a href="">CT Practice Book</a></p> <p><a href="">Rule 1.15</a></p>


Municipal Liability

<p><strong>Episode 92 – Municipal Liability</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Matt talks with Attorney John Diakun, City Attorney for New Britain in the Corporation Counsel’s Office about municipal liability. Matt and Attorney Diakun discuss topics including what entails municipal liability, common issues, and exceptions. Matt and John talk about the many nuances of liability including defects, qualified immunity, and much more.</p> <p><a href="">Sec. 52-557n</a></p> <p><a href="">Sec. 10-220</a></p> <p><a href="">Sec. 13a-149</a></p> <p><a href="">42 U.S. Code § 1983</a></p>


Name, Image, Likeness (NIL) Pt. 2

<p><strong>Episode 91 – Name, Image, Likeness (NIL) Pt. 2</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Matt talks with Attorney Nate LaVallee in part 2 of the NIL podcast. Part 2 topics include practical advice for attorneys regarding NIL, issues regarding income and reporting requirements, as well as disclosure laws. Additional topics include NIL and Title IX, upcoming rule changes, and more.</p> <p><a href="">House v. NCAA</a></p>


Name, Image, Likeness (NIL) Pt. 1

<p><strong>Episode 90 – Name, Image, Likeness (NIL) Pt. 1</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Matt talks with Attorney Nate LaVallee, Deputy General Counsel for UConn, about the evolving area of law concerning Name, Image, and Likeness rules for student athletes.Matt and Nate discuss what NIL is, the legal history of NIL, and cases that jump started NIL in college sports. Part 1 topics also include what states are doing regarding NIL laws and policies, NIL requirements across the board, collectives, and more.</p> <p><a href="">O’Bannon v. NCAA</a></p> <p><a href=",and%20benefits%20unrelated%20to%20education.">NCAA v. Alston</a></p>


Appellate Briefing

<p><strong>Episode 89 – Appellate Briefing</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Matt talks with Attorney Luke Matyi, Assistant Clerk for Supreme and Appellate Courts about Appellate briefing. Matt and Luke discuss various topics including the Appellate process, changes to the rules, and content and formatting. Additional topics include reasons for return, deviation, and self-help resources.</p> <p><a href="">CT Practice Book</a></p> <p><a href="">Self-help Resources</a></p>


The Great Writ

<p><strong>Episode 8 – The Great Writ</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Paul talks with Attorney Arnold Amore, Assistant Public Defender for the CT Innocence Project, Post-Conviction Unit about Habeas Corpus, commonly referred to as The Great Writ. Paul and Attorney Amore discuss what a Habeas is, the difference between an appeal and Habeas petition, and ineffective assistance of counsel cases vs lapse plea cases. Paul and Attorney Amore also talk about common mistakes that lead to ineffective assistance of counsel claims, what happens over the course of a Habeas proceeding, the role of the Public Defender in the Post-Conviction Unit, and more.</p> <p><a href="">Artl.S9.C2.1 Suspension Clause and Writ of Habeas Corpus</a></p> <p><a href=",_Connecticut_Constitution#:~:text=Section%2012,-Text%20of%20Section&text=The%20privileges%20of%20the%20writ,case%2C%20but%20by%20the%20legislature.">Connecticut Constitution, Article 1, Sec. 12</a></p> <p><a href="">Amdt6.6.5.1 Overview of the Right to Effective Assistance of Counsel</a></p> <p><a href="">Magna Carta: Muse and Mentor</a></p> <p><a href="">Habeas Corpus FAQ</a></p>


Healthcare Advance Directives

<p><strong>Episode 87 – Healthcare Advance Directives</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Matt talks with Probate Court Administrator, Judge Beverly Streit-Kefalas, about Healthcare Advance Directives. Matt and Judge Streit-Kefalas discuss the purpose of advance directives, execution requirements, and issues clients might face. Additional topics include incapacity, revocation, conservators, and more.</p> <p><a href="">CGS 19A-570 through 580(i)</a></p> <p><a href="">Rule 1.14</a></p> <p><a href="">Rule 1.2</a></p> <p><i><a href=",+70+N.J.+10,+355+A.2d+647+&hl=en&as_sdt=8006">In Re Quinlan, 70 N.J. 10, 355 A.2d 647 (1976)</a></i></p> <p><i><a href="">Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, 497 U.S. 261 (1990)</a></i></p> <p><i><a href="">Bush v. Schiavo, 885 So. 2d 321 (2004)</a></i></p>


Office of Victim Services

<p><strong>Episode 86 – Office of Victim Services</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Paul talks with Mary Kozicki, Director of Victim Services for the Connecticut Judicial Branch. Paul and Mary discuss the many services within OVS including the Victim Compensation Unit, the Victim Services Unit, the Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners Program, the Fiscal Administrative Unit, and the Training and Education Unit. </p> <p><a href="">OVS Homepage</a></p> <p><a href="">CT SAVIN</a></p> <p><a href="">Victim Services Unit</a></p>


Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act (CUTPA)

<p><strong>Episode 85 – Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act (CUTPA)</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Matt talks with Attorney Scott Madeo at the Department of Consumer Protection and Attorney Jeremy Pearlman at the Division of Enforcement and Public Protection. Matt, Scott, and Jeremy discuss the complaint process, investigation, and enforcement. Additional topics include the hearing process, state vs. private actions, jurisdiction, and the statute of limitations. </p> <p><a href="">CUTPA</a></p> <p><a href="">CGS Sec. 42-110</a></p> <p><a href="">Per Se CUTPA Violations</a></p> <p><a href="">Department of Consumer Protection</a></p>


Small Claims

<p><strong>Episode 84 – Small Claims</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Paul talks with Attorney Yujia (Julia) Xia, Program Manager for the Superior Court Operations Division, about the process of small claims, the scope that is covered, and the differences between traditional civil matters and small claims actions. Included in this podcast is a brief history of small claims in CT, the Online Dispute Resolution Program, updates and changes, and more.</p> <p><a href="">CGS Sec. 47a-21 Security Deposits</a></p> <p><a href="">2023 CT Practice Book Ch. 24, pg. 289 Small Claims</a></p> <p><a href="">Small Claims FAQ’s</a></p>


Temporary Restraining Orders and Civil Protection Orders

<p><strong>Episode 83 – Temporary Restraining Orders and Civil Protection Orders</strong></p><p>This month on Calendar Call, Matt talks with Johanna Greenfield, Deputy Director of Court Operations for the Family Division, and Rebecca Schmitt, Deputy Director of Court Operations for the Civil Division about temporary restraining orders and civil protection orders respectively. Matt, Johanna, and Becky discuss distinct situations for filing a TRO vs a CPO, the application process, and possible relief outcomes. Additional topics include coercive control, stalking, resources for applicants, and much more.</p><p><a href="">CT Gen. Statutes on Orders of Protection and Relief</a></p>


Office of the Heathcare Advocate

<p><strong>Episode 82 – Office of the Healthcare advocate</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Matt talks with Attorney Sean King, General Counsel at the Office of the Healthcare Advocate, about the duties and services of the OHA, common issues, and health insurance denials. Matt and Attorney King discuss recent legislation, other comparable state agencies, and resources for consumers.</p> <p><a href="">P.A. 99-284</a></p> <p><a href="">P.A. 22-47</a></p> <p><a href="">H.B. 6669</a></p> <p><a href="">OHA</a></p>


Cannabis Erasure

<p><strong>Episode 81 – Cannabis Erasure</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, Paul talks with Attorney Ralph Dagostine, Deputy Director of Criminal Matters for the Connecticut Judicial Branch, about Cannabis Erasure. Paul and Attorney Dagostine discuss the new law, automatic erasures versus erasures by petition, and various nuances. Additional topics between Paul and Ralph are what happens to the record, clean slate, and more.</p> <p><a href="">CGS Sec. 21a-279c</a></p>


Connecticut Paid Leave

<p><strong>Episode 80 – Connecticut Paid Leave</strong></p><p>This month on Calendar Call, new co-host Matthew Berardino engages in talks with Chief Executive Officer of the Connecticut Paid Leave Authority, Erin Choquette. Matt and Attorney Choquette engage in discussions about the similarities and differences between FMLA and CT Paid Leave. Matt and Erin discuss requirements, the application process, the appeal process and more.</p><p><a href="">S.B. 1179</a></p><p><a href="">P.A. 19-25</a> as amended by <a href="">P.A. 19-117</a> (sections 232 through 235)<br></p>


Connecticut Parentage Act

<p><strong>Episode 79 – Connecticut Parentage Act</strong></p> <p>This month on Calendar Call, new co-host Paul Bourdoulous engages in talks with Professor Douglas NeJaime of Yale Law School on the Connecticut Parentage Act. Paul and Doug discuss parentage in Connecticut before and after the CPA, the Uniform Parentage Act, and the many different parent-child paradigms the CPA entails. Other topics include the history of what brought this act forward along with other states that have adopted similar laws. </p> <p><a href="">Public Act No. 21-15</a></p> <p><a href="">Uniform Parentage Act</a></p>


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