Calvary Chapel Bremerton - Sunday Service

Listen to Rick Beaudry, Pastor of Calvary Chapel Bremerton, teach the Word of God cover to cover, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse. Be edified and built up in your faith with solid Bible teaching. New episodes on Mondays in the Pacific Standard Timezone.

2 Corinthians 5:1,10 -The Martyrs Hope- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2025-02-23

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores the Christian hope in death through the lens of 2 Corinthians 5:1-10, reflecting on recent martyrdoms of Christians in The Congo. He examines how death for believers means transitioning from our temporary earthly bodies to eternal, glorified bodies prepared by God in heaven, comparing this to changing clothes rather than an end. Drawing from biblical examples and personal insights, Beaudry discusses how Christians can face death without fear, knowing they will receive rewards at Christ's judgment seat and experience deeper relationships with God and loved ones in eternity.


2 Corinthians 4:7,18 -The Treasure- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2025-02-16

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores 2 Corinthians 4:7-18, examining how God uses our brokenness and suffering to reveal His power through us, comparing believers to clay pots containing the treasure of Christ within. He challenges the prosperity gospel mindset, explaining that suffering is a normal part of the Christian life and an opportunity for God's light to shine through our weaknesses. Through personal stories and biblical examples like Gideon and Paul, Beaudry demonstrates how yielding to God's power and purpose while maintaining an eternal perspective helps us triumph in trials, ultimately bringing glory to God through our broken lives.


2 Corinthians 4:1,6 -The Face Of God- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2025-02-09

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores how we reflect God's glory through our lives by examining 2 Corinthians 4:1-6. Drawing from the story of The Elephant Man, he illustrates how God transforms us from feeling like societal outcasts into beloved children who reflect His light. Through powerful examples of early Christians like Stephen and Paul, Beaudry shows how maintaining unwavering faith and allowing God's light to shine through us can impact those around us, even in the face of persecution and trials.


2 Corinthians 3:12,18 -Changed- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2025-02-02

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores how looking to Jesus transforms us, focusing on 2 Corinthians 3:12-18. Through Christ, we receive a changed hope that shifts our trust from ourselves to Him, a changed heart that enables genuine transformation from within, and a changed holiness that gradually conforms us to His image. The message contrasts this divine metamorphosis with modern technological attempts at human transformation, emphasizing that only Jesus can provide true, lasting change that prepares us for eternity.


2 Corinthians 3:1,11 -Living Epistles- Pastor Rick Beaudry

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores how we become living epistles - walking testimonies of God's transformative work in our lives. Drawing from 2 Corinthians 3, he contrasts the external nature of Old Testament law with the internal change brought by the Holy Spirit, emphasizing that true ministry comes from God's sufficiency rather than human credentials or abilities. Through personal stories and biblical examples like Moses and Paul, Beaudry illustrates how God often uses the humble and broken to demonstrate His power, writing His truth on human hearts rather than tablets of stone.


2 Corinthians 2:12,17 -Always Triumphant- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2025-01-19

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores what it means to be "always triumphant in Christ" through an examination of 2 Corinthians 2:12-17. He explains how God provides an open door for sharing the gospel that cannot be silenced or censored, even in the face of persecution or threats, comparing believers to participants in a Roman triumphal procession spreading the "fragrance of Christ." Drawing parallels between ancient Rome and modern challenges to religious expression, Beaudry emphasizes that true triumph comes not from worldly success but from faithfully sharing the unadulterated word of God, even when facing rejection or opposition.


2 Corinthians 1:12,24 -A Clear Conscience- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2025-01-05

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores how maintaining a clear conscience requires living with excitement for Christ's return, eagerness to do God's will, and a desire to exalt Him above all else. Drawing from 2 Corinthians 1, he discusses how the Apostle Paul faced criticism and slander but remained steadfast because his conscience was clear before God. Beaudry emphasizes that our sufficiency comes from Christ alone, not our own abilities, and encourages us to walk by faith rather than sight, even through life's difficulties and challenges.


2 Corinthians 1:1,11 -Trusting In God- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-12-29

From Pastor Rick Beaudry's sermon "Trusting in God" (2 Corinthians 1:1-11), we learn about finding comfort and strength through life's difficulties by trusting in God's control. Through an examination of Paul's experiences with suffering and persecution, Pastor Beaudry explores how God uses our trials to transform us and bring us closer to Christ. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical examples, he emphasizes that suffering is not a sign of God's absence but rather an opportunity to experience His comfort and grace, reminding us that God promises to never leave us as orphans and will provide the strength to endure.


Luke 2:1,20 -Peace- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-12-22

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores the concept of peace through the lens of the Christmas story in Luke 2:1-20, explaining how Jesus provides three distinct types of peace: prophetic peace through fulfilled prophecies, peace with God through reconciliation, and the peace of God that surpasses understanding. Drawing parallels between ancient prophecies and current events, he emphasizes how understanding biblical prophecy can bring comfort and stability in turbulent times. Reflecting on the challenges of modern life, from technology addiction to family pressures, Beaudry reminds us that true peace comes not from external circumstances but through a relationship with Jesus Christ, encouraging us to keep our minds focused on Him rather than the chaos of the world.


1 Corinthians 16:13,24 -Maranatha- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-12-15

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores 1 Corinthians 16:13-24, examining five imperative commands: watch, stand fast in faith, act like men, be strong, and let all things be done with charity. He warns against modern theological compromises and doctrinal errors while emphasizing the importance of staying true to Biblical teaching, using examples from current church trends and his own pastoral experiences. Through stories of church growth, personal encounters, and Biblical analysis, Beaudry demonstrates how true Christianity becomes an "addiction" - creating strong habits, requiring larger doses of God's word, and developing spiritual dependency - while concluding with a powerful reminder of Christ's return (Maranatha) and the urgency of choosing to love Jesus.


1 Corinthians 16:1,12 -The Open Door- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-12-08

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores how Jesus opens doors for us to serve Him, focusing on three key areas: contribution, communication, and cooperation. Through personal stories of his journey into ministry and running a business, he illustrates how God provides opportunities to give financially, share the gospel, and work together as a church body. Drawing from 1 Corinthians 16:1-12, he emphasizes that while these open doors often come with adversaries and challenges, they're opportunities for faith to grow and for God's work to be accomplished through willing servants.


1 Corinthians 15:50,58 -Death Swallowed Up- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-12-01

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores the profound meaning of 1 Corinthians 15:50-58, examining how death will be "swallowed up in victory" through Christ. He unpacks four key themes: our future transformation through resurrection, our ultimate triumph over death through Jesus, the importance of maintaining thankfulness, and how our faith will be tested as we await Christ's return. Drawing from both Old and New Testament scriptures, Pastor Beaudry reminds us that our current struggles are temporary, and our labor for the Lord is never in vain as we look forward to receiving our immortal, glorified bodies.


1 Corinthians 15:35,49 -Our New Bodies- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-11-24

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores the biblical promise of transformed resurrection bodies, drawing from 1 Corinthians 15 to explain how our current earthly bodies will be replaced with incorruptible, glorious spiritual bodies modeled after Christ's resurrected form. He contrasts our present bodies' limitations and struggles with the dynamic capabilities of our future heavenly bodies, which will be free from sickness, aging, and death while remaining distinctly recognizable. Throughout the message, Pastor Rick weaves personal experiences with physical ailments and spiritual growth to illustrate how our current bodies serve as temporary vessels while we await our perfected, eternal bodies promised through salvation in Christ.


1 Corinthians 15:29,34 -Awake To Righteousness- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-11-17

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores the profound implications of believing in the resurrection through an examination of 1 Corinthians 15:29-34, challenging us to consider why we would baptize, endure abuse, or live righteously if Christ had not risen from the dead. Drawing from historical accounts of early Christian persecution and contemporary challenges to faith, he emphasizes how the hope of resurrection enables believers to endure trials and maintain their convictions in an increasingly hostile world. The message calls for Christians to "awake to righteousness," reject lukewarm faith, and live boldly for Christ rather than compromising with cultural pressures or seeking comfort in gray areas.


1 Corinthians 15:20,28 -Order Out Of Chaos- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-11-10

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores God's ability to bring divine order from chaos through the lens of 1 Corinthians 15:20-28. He walks us through three key aspects: the salvation order established through Christ's resurrection, the sequential order of resurrection events from Christ's first fruits to the tribulation saints, and the sovereign order that culminates in God's ultimate victory over death and chaos. Drawing from both Old and New Testament scriptures, he illustrates how Jesus will eventually restore perfect order by defeating all enemies, including death itself, and establishing His millennial reign before the final eternal state. The message weaves together prophecy, hope, and practical application, reminding us that despite current chaos, God's perfect order will prevail through Christ's completed work.


1 Corinthians 15:12,19 -A Living Stone- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-11-03

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores the centrality of Christ's resurrection to the Christian faith, examining seven consequences if there were no resurrection: Christ not rising, preaching being in vain, faith being empty, witnesses being liars, remaining in sin, dead believers being condemned, and Christians being most miserable. Through an analysis of 1 Corinthians 15, he contrasts the living hope found in Christ's resurrection with temporal political promises and worldly systems, challenging us to build our lives on Jesus as the "living stone." While acknowledging current political and social challenges, Beaudry emphasizes that true hope lies not in political solutions but in the reality of Christ's resurrection and promised return.


1 Corinthians 15:1,11 -The Resurrection Evidence- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-10-27

In this sermon, Pastor Rick Beaudry discusses the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ as presented in 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. He highlights three key pillars: the wisdom of God, the word of God, and the testimonies of witnesses, including Paul's own encounter with the risen Christ. Pastor Beaudry emphasizes that the resurrection is central to the Christian faith, providing believers with hope and assurance of eternal life. He challenges listeners to reflect on the authenticity of their faith, encouraging them to examine their belief in the resurrection and the transformative power of Jesus.


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