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Calvary Chapel Canberra Podcast
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Calvary Chapel Canberra Podcast

Author: Calvary Chapel Canberra

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A podcast of the weekly services at Calvary Chapel Canberra
66 Episodes
In this episode, we dive into "The Power of Patience" as described by Jesus in Luke 21:19: "In your patience possess ye your souls." Learn how to synchronize your faith with God's timing, endure trials with grace, and trust the process that leads to true spiritual growth. Patience is not just a passive act—it's an essential aspect of faith that brings us closer to salvation. Join us to discover how patience transforms our souls, protects us from poor decisions, and helps us stand firmly in God's promises.
Today we're blessed to hear from Rev David Kent on the theme "Be Transformed" from Romans 12
Today we continue in our series "Heaven to Earth" where we explore the final piece "The Ark of The Covenant". The place where the presence of God dwells.
In this episode, we explore the depth of Christ's sacrifice and how He became our eternal high priest. We dive into the Old Testament tabernacle, the significance of the veil, and how Jesus' death on the cross grants us direct access to God's mercy. Learn why this message is crucial for every believer's faith journey.
Father's Day Service 2024 with Guest Speaker Rev Troy Wickett
In this episode, we explore the Altar of Incense within the Tabernacle and its significance in our spiritual lives today. Discover how the incense symbolizes the prayers and worship that ascend to God, creating a divine connection. We'll also discuss the importance of repentance and how it plays a critical role in our relationship with God. Tune in to gain insights that will deepen your prayer life and bring spiritual breakthroughs.
Join us today as we dive into part 5 of our tabernacle series where we talk about the Table of Shewbread.
Today we delve into the significance of the Golden Candlestick (Menorah) in the Tabernacle, a profound symbol of spiritual enlightenment. Discover how the Holy Spirit, represented by the oil in the Menorah, is the only source of light that guides believers from the natural into the supernatural.
To enter the Outer Court one had to pick up the curtain, and bow down to enter in. When we approach unto our God, we must humble ourselves. There is only one way to enter the Kingdom of God—through Jesus our Saviour and Mighty God! John 10:9 - I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
What happens when faith is tested by fire? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego's story shows us the power of unwavering trust in God. Despite facing a fiery furnace, these three men stood firm, declaring, "Our God is able to deliver us, but if not, we will not bow." 🌟🔥
The Tabernacle provides a powerful blueprint for our spiritual journey, teaching us the importance of humility, repentance, and divine connection. In this episode, we explore the pathway to God's presence through the Brazen Altar and the significance of the Tabernacle in our faith walk.
Today we delve deep into the divine blueprint of the Tabernacle, exploring its significance as a physical manifestation of God's presence among His people. Discover how the Tabernacle was not just a tent, but a shadow of heavenly things, pointing to Jesus Christ and the path to salvation.
Understanding Radical Conviction helps us recognize the depth of our commitment to our beliefs. True conviction isn't just a passing feeling—it's a profound, unwavering commitment to stand firm in faith, regardless of the challenges. Embrace radical conviction and let it transform your spiritual journey.
Today we dive deep into the distractions and burdens that can hinder our relationship with God. Reflecting on the biblical stories of Saul, David, and others, we explore how the accumulation of worldly "stuff" can obstruct our spiritual growth and intimacy with God. Whether it's material possessions, pride, or the busyness of life, these elements can become idols that distance us from our true purpose.
Today we go back to a previous message taught my Pastor Jonathan downs in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic on the title and theme "The Danger of a Misplaced Loved"
Whether you are seeking healing, deliverance, or a deeper spiritual connection, understanding the power in Jesus' name is crucial. Join us as we explore this profound topic and discover how calling on His name can bring about real change in your life.
Today we hear a powerful message from the archives called "The Place where Imperfection and Power Collide" from a sermon spoken in November 2023.
This sermon explores the beauty and certainty of our heavenly home, offering comfort and encouragement to believers facing life's hardships. Let this message renew your spirit and strengthen your faith as we look forward to the joy and peace of eternity with God.
Discover why confronting sin and staying committed to our faith is essential. With powerful insights and practical advice, this episode will inspire you to live a life of true devotion.
Obedience or Convenience" through the story of Felix and Paul from Acts 24:24-27. Learn how Felix's choice to wait for a convenient time led to missed opportunities and spiritual peril. Discover the importance of prioritizing God's call, embracing inconvenience, and stepping out of your comfort zone to fulfill your spiritual growth and purpose.