CamBro Conversations

Learn how to pursue the best version of yourself across different areas of your life with weekly discussions with people who practice what they preach. Previous guests include Chris Williamson, Nir Eyal, Joe Delaney, Zuby, Rob Lipsett, TM Cycles, Daniel Priestley, Dr Stu McGill, Rory Sutherland, Sahil Bloom, and more.

257) Solo - 13 Lessons from £1.1M of Sales

Today’s conversation is a solo episode, but it’s not a Q&A. It’s a special episode reflecting on the biggest lessons and insights from making over £1.1M of sales during the last financial year between April 2023 and April 2024. I’ve worked full time in sales now for over a decade after graduating from University in June 2024. Along the way I’ve worked in B2B and B2C sales as well as building my personal brand, social media channels, and this wonderful podcast. This episode has 13 of the lessons I’ve learnt on how to successfully make sales and many of these will be immediately actionable for you to implement whether you run your own business, work in sales role in an organisation, or just know sales matters to your success and you want to work on it. I have many other big lessons, insights and templates I’ve saved and written into my presentations and trainings I’ve delivered to individuals and sales teams over the last 18 months as an adhoc sales consultant. However I am now going to offer this far more broadly and am building out the best video content for my sales masterclass. If you want to learn more on how we can work together to improve your sales skills and results then DM me ’SALES MASTERCLASS’ on LinkedIn or Instagram. Last but not least the link is in the show notes for if you want to join my Podcast listeners community where we discuss episodes, guests, ideas, goals and much much more. Connect with Col: Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Email List - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


256) David Stephen - Building Wealth through Property & Home Improvements

Today’s conversation is with David Stephen. David is the Managing Director of DX Home Improvements, a Property Investor and Entrepreneur. Expect to learn David’s journey from working in retail to cofounding and growing DX Home Improvements to a multi million pound business, starting a real estate company in Dubai, and building his own property portfolio. This was a serious deep dive into David’s story and you’re going to get a real look into the mindset, behaviours, choices, and plans of someone building relentlessly towards his goals. If you’re the type of listener who loves CamBro Conversations and tunes in weekly then you’re really going to value the section where David shares the work he has done on his mind and body to prime him for excelling as an 8 figure business owner. I’ve learnt a lot in my back and froth conversations with David both on and offline during my time in Dubai during March and May and I’m excited to share this almost 2 hour episode with you. One of the biggest drivers behind starting the podcast was my love for great conversations. That’s why I’m starting a space on Patreon where listeners can come together and create a powerful community. It’s a place where we can discuss episodes, guests, share insights, memes, goals, wins, experiences, and more. But more importantly, you’ll connect with like minded people. Other people like you who are all interested in the same things as you and want to help you pursue the best version of yourself. Join the community to get access to discussion threads, exclusive insights for what's coming up on the podcast, and more. Think of it like crowdsourcing your personal growth and joining me and a tribe of like minded go getters. The link is in the show notes for Connect with David: Insta - LinkedIn - Connect with Col: Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Email List - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Support me: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


255) Frankie Lee - Break Negative Patterns & Shift Perspectives

Today’s conversation is with Frankie Lee. Frankie is a Podcast Host and the owner of ⁠⁠ We hosted Frankie on the show back in January and it was great to get together in person in Dubai this time and record a power hour of energy, reflection and insights. It’s a bit frightening that we are almost half way into 2024, but time is passing quickly. If you’re not where you wanted to be at this stage of the year with your goals for brain, body and business it’s not too late but you need to change direction or shift gear soon to achieve what you really want. Frankie’s strap line on his own podcast strap line is “Break patterns, flip perspectives” and today’s episode is going to help you do exactly that in your own life. One of the biggest drivers behind starting the podcast was my love for great conversations. That’s why I’m starting a space on Patreon where listeners can come together and create a powerful community. It’s a place where we can discuss episodes, guests, share insights, memes, goals, wins, experiences, and more. But more importantly, you’ll connect with like minded people. Other people like you who are all interested in the same things as you and want to help you pursue the best version of yourself. Join the community to get access to discussion threads, exclusive insights for what's coming up on the podcast, and more. Think of it like crowdsourcing your personal growth and joining me and a tribe of like minded go getters. The link is in the show notes for Connect with Frankie: Insta - ⁠⁠ Content Removal - ⁠⁠ Connect with Col: Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Email List - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Support me: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


254) David Robson - 13 Laws for Social Connection

Today’s conversation is with David Robson. David is an award-winning science writer specialising in the extremes of the human brain, body and behaviour. I had the pleasure of hosting David earlier this year to cover the power of the mind to shape our outcomes using the Expectation Effect, this time round we discuss David’s latest work and book “The Laws of Connection - The Transformative Science of Being Social”. It has become clear from multiple studies a greater sense of connection is consistently linked to greater health and longevity. Social activities reduce psychological distress, protect us from infection, and lower the risk of Alzheimers and heart disease. When people feel they have strong social support, they also perform better on tests for problem solving and creativity. These benefits sound almost too good to be true if all it takes is for us to unlock more and deeper social connections, but that is exactly what David’s work and book has found. Expect to go through the fascinating science behind the effect of social connections, and how we can be better at being social utilising David’s 13 laws of connection. Many of these are small changes with a huge positive ripple effect and I’m excited to share them with you and hear which ones you immediately take action on. Please make sure you hit the subscribe or follow button and if as you’re listening you think this episode could benefit a friend or colleague then please do copy and paste the link and share the podcast. Lastly, if you are someone who wants to unlock the power of podcasting to grow your personal brand, your network, and your business this year then My Podcast Masterclass is for you. I’ve built the perfect video learning platform for you to start, scale and sustain your own podcast using my systems and processes to host the best guests in your niche, to record like a pro, and to market and distribute your content to the maximum eyes and ears. The link to join my podcast masterclass is in the show notes - http://mypodcastmasterclass.thinkific... Connect with David: Website - Twitter - LinkedIn - Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


253) Joseph Valente -The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of an Entrepreneur

Today’s conversation is with Joseph Valente. Joseph is the CEO of Trade Mastermind, business mentor, bestselling author and winner of the top-rated BBC show The Apprentice in 2015.  Expect to learn Joseph’s journey to becoming an entrepreneur and growing his first business, the experience of winning the Apprentice and working with Lord Sugar, why he was the first winner of the show to buy out Lord Sugar and go it alone, lessons from the eventful failure of Impra, and what it has taken to build back both himself and his business Trade Mastermind. Joseph has gone from being expelled from the classroom to billionaire boardrooms and shares his insights, lessons and perspectives along the way.  Today’s podcast is supported and sponsored by Clean Foods Meal Prep. The removal of over 90 minutes of cooking and meal prep each week has been a big win for me, while the meals are tastier and more varied ingredients than I would manage cooking them myself. And the meals are cooked fresh each Saturday and midweek in Glasgow before being delivered across the UK. Visit today and use CAMBRO to save 15% on your order.  Connect with Joseph: YouTube - Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


252) Adam Ashe - From Pro Rugby Warrior to Business Leader

Today’s conversation is with Adam Ashe. Adam is a former pro rugby player for Glasgow Warriors and a Scotland International, the Co founder of Puresport, Investor and Consultant. Expect to learn Adam’s path to playing at the top level in Pro Rugby, the role models along the way and key experiences which shaped him, the true highs and lows of pro sport and the injuries which Adam handled along the way. Adam’s rugby journey along would have made a great episode, but the reason this conversation was such a good fit for this podcast is his insights and advice on finding how to transfer his passion and skillset outside of sport to the world of business, family, coaching and more. I interviewed Adam’s cofounder at Pure Sport, Grayson Hart back in August 2021 on episode 83 so it was great to hear the role Adam played in the foundations of what is now a globally recognised brand.  This conversation is a unique insight into how Adam has continually reinvented himself and applied himself wholeheartedly across multiple areas. I loved recording this episode and I know you will love listening, so please make sure you’ve hit the subscribe or follow button and if there’s a friend or colleague or family member who would also enjoy this episode then please do copy and paste the link to them to join the CamBro listenership. Last bit of news before the music plays, for those of you with ambitions to start and scale your own podcast you may know I have my Podcast Masterclass Video course which it’s been amazing to see 5 of my students already blast past 8 episodes which is one of the big common stumbling blocks for podcasters. The video course has a small cost attached to it and I know some of you may be on the fence, so I’ve built a free email course to give you the launchpad to start your own show and use some of my insights to build it on strong foundations. If you’d like to enrol in the free email podcast launch course, then DM me on LinkedIn or Instagram the word “LAUNCHPAD”. Connect with Adam: LinkedIn - Insta - Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


251) Mackenzie Haldane - The Truth About Making Millions Dropshipping

Today’s conversation is with Mackenzie Haldane. Mackenzie is an e-commerce entrepreneur, who at the age of just 22 years old has changed his financial trajectory through drop shipping. Expect to learn how Mackenzie applied his dedication to excellence in sports to excel in business, the secrets behind product selection and selling in drop shipping, why investing in something financially alters your relationship and focus with it, why it matters more what you’re working on than just how hard you’re working, and much more. Mackenzie has been on an incredible journey so far and I’m excited to share his story and insights on a podcast for the very first time. This is the first release of our most recent Dubai tour where we recorded two other great episodes. The reaction to last week’s 250th episode special sharing the big lessons from the archive has been incredible and I know you’re going to get a lot of value from this conversation. Show your support for the podcast and Mackenzie’s first appearance by sharing this episode to your Instagram story, into the group chat, or direct to a friend. This episode is brought to you by MyPodcastMasterclass, the video learning platform I’ve built to help you start, sustain, and scale your own podcast. Over the last 4 years, I’ve grown the show to the top 1% globally and along the way it’s unlocked opportunities for my business, my personal brand, added incredible contacts to my network, and so much more. Most podcasts that start fail, over 90% don’t make it past episode 8 and many that do never build a consistent high quality show with the guests they want. My podcast masterclass will give you the foundations, systems and processes to smash through those early barriers and build an impactful podcast in your niche. The link to enrol is in the show notes at ⁠ Connect with Mackenzie: Insta - Youtube - Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


250) Special - 15 lessons from 250 Episodes

Today’s conversation is a special solo recording to celebrate hitting the milestones of 250 episodes. I have collated a range of the moments, insights and lessons from the brilliant guests I’ve been able to host over the last 250 episodes. And what a bank of episodes I have been able to choose from. It’s been quite a journey. Over 4 years since Episode 1. We’ve poured a lot in to the last 250 episodes,  it’s almost 300 hours or 18,000 minutes of recording. And there’s been a lot more time invested behind the scenes. Contacting guests, Scheduling, the deep research which my podcast is known for, editing, publishing, the social media promotion, sharing, and interacting. It’s been a huge project and I’ve learnt so much. I’ve picked just 15 Lessons to share with you today from guests including Sahil Bloom, Chris Williamson, Richard Dickson, Dr Julie Gurner and many more. Thank you for your part in the last 250 episodes whether you’re new here, have listened to a few episodes, you dip in and out or you’ve been here from day 1, I appreciate you. To help me celebrate this milestone, please make sure you’ve hit the subscribe or follow button and I’ll ask that you take the time to share your favourite episode from the archive with a friend or to your instagram story or linkedin feed. The support doesn’t go unnoticed and I’m working hard to keep delivering you the best possible episodes, guests and production and have invested heavily again in the show with another week of recording in Dubai. We aren’t slowing down, thanks for your support. Let’s go. Today’s podcast is brought to by Vybey. vybey is an international nutrition company at the cutting edge of unlocking peak performance for brain and body.  To help you unlock peak performance for brain and body too, you can use the discount code CAMPOD for 15% off at ⁠ Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


249) Solo Q&A - My Mentors, Political Idiots, Alex Hormozi & Career Plan Change

Today, the guest is me and I answer the Questions sent in by the listeners over Instagram and on my email list. These include my thoughts on mentorship, being present when in company, 3 things to consider when starting a business, what I’d do differently if I was 16 again, living like Alex Hormozi, and much more.  We are within touching distance of 250 episodes and I’ve just booked the studio to record it before I fly to Dubai. It’s going to be a special where I reflect on the biggest lessons of the last 250 episodes and I’m actually over prepared with ones I want to share with you. I’m often asked what I’ve learnt from so many interesting guests, this is the first time I’ve distilled it down in one place. Make sure you’re subscribed and ready - it’ll be studio quality so if you’re not already please do hit subscribe on YouTube this week too. Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


248) Don Cameron - Building a Life of Freedom as a Crypto Entrepreneur

Today’s conversation is with Don Cameron. Don is the cofounder of Crypto Glasgow and a voice you will have enjoyed hearing from on the podcast before. This time round, we go into Don’s journey and his perspectives. Expect to learn how to make the most of the learning opportunities and time in your day job, the necessity of trying different businesses until you find the right one for you, how Crypto can appear to be an overnight success but takes longer than you think, how the right sources can rewire your mind, why you need to pause for reflection and celebrate success, and much more. Many of you will have enjoyed the episodes with Crypto Glasgow when we’ve discussed the fundamentals of the market, particular coins, and the importance of being resolute and strong during the different market cycles. This episode is a chance to get inside the mind of someone who has built their dream business, hit significant financial milestones and is striving for more for their Brain, body and business in 2024. Today’s podcast is supported and sponsored by Clean Foods Meal Prep. The removal of over 90 minutes of cooking and meal prep each week has been a big win for me, while the meals are tastier and more varied ingredients than I would manage cooking them myself. And the meals are cooked fresh each Saturday and midweek in Glasgow before being delivered across the UK. Visit today and use CAMBRO to save 15% on your order.  Order before 2pm on a Saturday for Monday delivery or Midnight on a Monday for Thursday delivery. Connect with Don: Insta - YouTube - Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


247) Josef Rakich - Unleashing Wealth & Fitness Success

Today’s conversation is with Josef Rakich. Josef has generated over $25M+ online and helped over 180,000+ people though his fitness app, while his software business Macroactive has made more than $100M in revenue for clients. One of the OG fitness online fitness personalities, it was great to interview Josef while I was back in Dubai during March. Expect to learn how Josef’s life could have bene very different if he didn’t get onto the right path, the accelerators and milestones in his journey to the multi million dollar businesses we see online. Josef’s made some huge decisions to grow his businesses and we get into the mindset he’s built to achieve massive success with his the two most important areas to him - Wealth & Fitness. Today's podcast is sponsored and supported by Factory Weights. The link will be in the show notes to and you can get 10% off your order using the code COL10 at check out. Connect with Josef: Insta - Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


246) Dr Meg Jay - Bettering Mental Health in the Over Prescription Epidemic

Today’s conversation is the return of Dr Meg Jay to the podcast. Dr Meg Jay is a clinical psychologist, best-selling author and TED talk phenomenon. Last time out we spoke about her book ‘The Defining Decade’ and equipped you to make the most of your next 10 years. Her new book "The Twenty Something Treatment" is a lifeline for a demographic who are struggling most with over diagnosis and over prescription for their mental health. Expect to learn Meg’s sage insights and advice on skills over pills, the challenges of navigating love and intimacy, how to think more introspectively, how to make real friends, and even how to find purpose. Those of you enjoyed the episode with David Robson on the power of the expectation effect and the nocebo effect will be delighted to hear us talk about how to handle nocebo effect in depth. Buy Dr Meg’s New Book - Connect with Meg: Insta - Website - Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


245) Rory Sutherland on Tax, TikTok, Property Ponzi Schemes, & Hate Crime Bill Madness

Today’s conversation is with Rory Sutherland. Rory is one of the world’s leading consumer behaviour experts, the Vice Chairman of Ogilvy Advertising and an author. If you’ve heard Rory before you already know you’re in for a treat and if this is your first encounter with Rory then welcome to the party. This podcast starts at pace and doesn’t slow down and you can expect to hear about a whole host of topics including fame, how the media sets out the importance of a story, why the tax system needs to take context into account, how the UK property market is so flawed, Tiktok fame, the latest government overreach with the Hate Crime Bill in Scotland, and so much more. Today’s podcast is sponsored  and supported by Kal Recovery. You can grab your KAL Pod from KAL Recovery and get 10% off by using the code CAMBRO and get free delivery in the UK. Connect with Rory: Twitter - LinkedIn - Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


244) Oliver Anwar - 12 Timeless Lessons About Self Development Success

Today’s conversation is with Oliver Anwar, Elite Health Coach To CEOs & Entrepreneurs. Oliver Anwar was an early guest on the podcast and is someone I’ve got to know really well online and in person over the last 5 years. He’s built a real expertise and helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and top performers optimise their health, fitness and performance. He’s built 100,000+ followers over Twitter and Instagram sharing insights on how to look great, feel great and be great. While catching up in Dubai last month, we sat down to share some of the timeless self development lessons we’ve bought learnt over the last few years. You can expect to hear about a whole host of areas including the number 1 skill you need to develop, how to best use social media, why no one cares how nice you are, how to attract a better standard of partner, and much more. This episode is brought to you by MyPodcastMasterclass, the video learning platform I’ve built to help you start, sustain, and scale your own podcast. Over the last 4 years, I’ve grown the show to the top 1% globally and along the way it’s unlocked opportunities for my business, my personal brand, added incredible contacts to my network, and so much more. Most podcasts that start fail, over 90% don’t make it past episode 8 and many that do never build a consistent high quality show with the guests they want. My podcast masterclass will give you the foundations, systems and processes to smash through those early barriers and build an impactful podcast in your niche. The link to enrol is in the show notes at Connect with Oliver: YouTube - Twitter - Insta - Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


243) Benjamin Dennehy - UK's Most Hated Sales Trainer Shares his Sales Secrets

Today’s conversation is with Benjamin Dennehy. Benjamin is the UK’s Most Hated Sales Trainer and today we unlock his sales secrets which you can action. Expect to learn where the title of UK’s most hate sales trainer comes from, and how Benjamin built his brand, business and service to escape a life he didn’t want to live. I ask about the biggest mistakes sales people make, why sales isn’t treated like a profession, how to be trusted rather than liked, the fundamentals of a good cold call, and just how Benjamin is so good at bouncing back questions to direct conversations where he wants them to go. This episode is packed with sales insight, but will also help you when it comes to understanding your psychology and that of those around you, and some great career and business advice from Benjamin on living life on your terms. This episode is brought to you by MyPodcastMasterclass, the video learning platform I’ve built to help you start, sustain, and scale your own podcast. Over the last 4 years, I’ve grown the show to the top 1% globally and along the way it’s unlocked opportunities for my business, my personal brand, added incredible contacts to my network, and so much more. Most podcasts that start fail, over 90% don’t make it past episode 8 and many that do never build a consistent high quality show with the guests they want. My podcast masterclass will give you the foundations, systems and processes to smash through those early barriers and build an impactful podcast in your niche. The link to enrol is in the show notes at Connect with Benjamin: LinkedIn - Sales Matrix - YouTube - Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


242) Zuby - Winning in the Age of Victimhood

Today’s conversation is with Zuby. Zuby is a rapper, coach, author and podcaster. The first in our Dubai podcast series and Zuby’s second appearance on the podcast. This time round, expect to learn why multiculturalism does not need to fail despite the mess of its current guise, how to operate in an environment where victimhood and weakness are glorified and championed, the issues facing society because we have become debased from our roots, gender identity in women’s sports, and why Independent media and personal responsibility can be forces for good as the pendulum swings back from peak woke. We mention Zuby’s current project of his third book and we sent the 30 minute taxi back from the studio talking more about it. That will be a great opportunity for a third podcast with Zuby, but until then enjoy round 2. Connect with Zuby: Twitter: Insta: YouTube: Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


241) Rob Henderson - The Truth about Social Class & the Family Unit

Today’s conversation is with Rob Henderson. Rob is a US Air force veteran with a PHD in Social Psychology from University of Cambridge and most recently the best selling author of Troubled: A Memoir of Foster Care, Family, and Social Class. Last time I spoke with Rob was March 2023 and we covered a lot of his background growing up in the Foster care system before joining the military and studying at Yale and Cambridge.  This time round, we go a layer deeper after the release of his brilliant book and memoir.  Expect to learn unique and powerful insights on social class, the family unit, young male syndrome, luxury beliefs, human nature, and social psychology. If you’ve heard my previous episode with Rob or indeed heard one of Rob’s interviews on another show, then you already know you’re in for a treat for the next hour. Please make sure you’ve hit subscribe as next week I will start to release the first of my Dubai podcast series including 70 minutes with Zuby. If you enjoyed this episode then please let me know @col.cambro on Instagram or via my email list which is linked in the show notes. Connect with Rob: Substack - Twitter - Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


240) Steven Clark Reveals the Truth About Property & Financial Freedom

Today’s conversation is with Steven Clark. Steven is a Property Developer, Investor, Mentor and Educator as well as the Co-Host of the Scottish Property Podcast Expect to learn how Steven freed himself from a life of working offshore through property, the mistakes he made along the way which you can avoid, and the importance of knowing your internal driver for doing the hard work when it really matters. You’ll also hear about striking the balance between investing in yourself and satisfying your material desires, how to define success, and why stopping working and retiring completely is a curse not a blessing. Today’s podcast is supported and sponsored by Clean Foods Meal Prep. The removal of over 90 minutes of cooking and meal prep each week has been a big win for me, while the meals are tastier and more varied ingredients than I would manage cooking them myself. And the meals are cooked fresh each Saturday and midweek in Glasgow before being delivered across the UK. Visit today and use CAMBRO to save 15% on your order.  Order before 2pm on a Saturday for Monday delivery or Midnight on a Monday for Thursday delivery. Connect with Steven: Insta - Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


239) Solo Q&A - Energy Drains, Childhood Dreams, Hidden Truths & Fake Friends

Today, the guest is me and I answer the Questions sent in by the listeners over Instagram and on my email list. These include my thoughts on fake friends and building the right circle, hidden untold drivers that keep me going, the essence of happiness, my childhood career aspirations, and much more. Today’s podcast is brought to by Vybey. vybey is an international nutrition company at the cutting edge of unlocking peak performance for brain and body.  There is a wide range of products to support your needs and goals including the nutrition packed meal shake, greens powder, lions mane mushroom nootropic, and the new brain care coffee alternative. Some of the most replied to instagram stories I’ve posted have been when I share the Lions Mane Mushroom which I use as a cognitive enhancer for my focus, productivity, and depth of work. I can say with certainty I feel great and fully dialled in with daily use.  Building the podcast alongside progressing my corporate sales career is stretching on time, but I won’t sacrifice the quality of my nutrition. vybey’s greens powder is another big part of the puzzle for me. I’m not eating enough fruit and veg, and let’s be honest you will be the same. It provides me with all the nutrients I need and covers all my bases at an affordable cost compared to the other products on the market in this space. To help you unlock peak performance for brain and body too, you can use the discount code CAMPOD for 15% off at Connect with Col: Instagram: Email List - Support me:


238) Overrated or Underrated - Marriage, Hyrox, Saunas & more - Chris Burns & David Hatt

Today’s conversation is the return of our round table discussion with Chris Burns, owner of Savage Scholar Consulting and David Hatt, Founder of MTN.  It’s been two years back in episode 117 in March 2022 we last recorded in the overrated/underrated format. This time round, we looked at a range of concepts, habits, restaurants, and more to debate whether they are overrated or underrated. There's some controversial opinions, lots of laughs but plenty of valuable insight. You can expect to hear about Marriage, Crypto, Star Wars, saunas, nasal breathing, Hyrox, and much more. Today’s podcast is sponsored by Factory Weights. Use the link in the show notes and COL10 to save on your order Connect with Chris: Instagram - ⁠⁠ Email - ⁠⁠ Connect with David: Instagram - ⁠⁠ MTN Coaching - ⁠⁠ Connect with Col: Instagram: ⁠⁠ Email List - ⁠⁠ Support me: ⁠


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