Camp Here & There

Camp Here & There

Tune in to the loudspeakers of a small midwestern sleep-away camp plagued by supernatural terrors and natural disasters. Sydney Sargent, resident camp nurse, cheerfully reports on all the terror we must face with a big smile. Let's hope there's nothing weird about that! Episodes air every Thursday at midnight EST. Note: Camp Here & There contains mild horror elements and mature themes. It is not intended for audiences under 16 years of age. For behind the scenes material and exclusive content, check out our Patreon. With your support, you can help us produce the show: Join our public discord to get in on the fun and meet new friends: Visit our website for episode transcripts, news updates, and merchandise:

FILE 33-34. The Muse of the Elephant / The Elephant in the Room

Audio data from various sources, detailing events which occurred at SITE10 on day 978 and 979.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY1 work history• ENTITY3 knowledge of affairs• ENTITY1&ENTITY3 dynamicMINOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY1&ENTITY2 dynamics and perspectives• ENTITY4 weaknessesIMPORTANT NOTES:• As per my duties as AGENT7, resident spoilsport, I must stopper the brewing celebrations by reminding my entire cohort that ENTITY1'S JOURNALS ARE NOT ADMISSIBLE AS EVIDENCE IN OUR COURT. Remember: confessions not given under oath are as good as hearsay. As far as we can legally claim, the words ENTITY4 read out might as well have been his fanfiction.• ... but God damn if this doesn't feel good.• And hey, it seems like ENTITY2 now understands a fraction of his situation. A complication, but not necessarily unlucky — I imagine he'll be inclined do some of our investigating for us.• In the meantime, I'm sure we're on the same page about our next steps. I just hope ENTITY4 doesn't manage to catch a flight to Arkhangelsk before we catch up to him; I don't know that I can handle another transglobal train ride. Especially if you take us underwater again.Performances by Ryan Henning, Nicholas Belov, Blue Mayfield, and Susan Dohan.Original music created by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 32. The Pyre of the Muse

Audio data from various sources, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 on day 978.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY1 & ENTITY2 relationship developmentsMINOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY3 armaments & accessibility thereof• ENTITY10 devious plans?IMPORTANT NOTES:• Since you've clearly established your unwillingness to remove AGENTS15&16 from their assignment to this case despite their overwhelmingly inappropriate behavior, I may have to take things into my own hands and strand them in some impossibly far reach of space.Disclaimer: Camp Here & There is intended for audiences aged 16+. The story deals with mature themes and graphic horror which may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.Performances by Blue Mayfield, Nicholas Belov, Tom Antonellis, Gianni Matragrano, and Susan Dohan.Original music created by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 31. The Nurse is Building a Pyre

Audio data from various sources, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 on day 977.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY2 perspective & demeanor • Grief and turmoil between ENTITY1 and ENTITY2MINOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY4 behavior • ENTITY2 historical recollectionIMPORTANT NOTES:• Were celestial bodies affected by the limn? This is a line of research I frankly can't believe we've never considered. • This job gets harder and harder with every recording.Performances by Blue Mayfield and Nicholas Belov.Original music created by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 30. The Basket Case of the Nurse's Building

Audio data from various sources, detailing a private conversation which occurred at SITE2 on day 977.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• Relationship dynamics between ENTITY1, ENTITY2, ENTITY6, and ENTITY7• ENTITY6 & ENTITY7 pre-limn recollectionsMINOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY4 perspective (or line of sale)• ENTITY3 capacity for actionIMPORTANT NOTES:• The specifics of what the limn removed from the memories of ENTITY6 and ENTITY7 are becoming more clearly sketched, but we are still left to wonder precisely how they understand ENTITY1’s final year of tertiary education.Performances by Nicholas Belov, Emily Safko, Ty Coker, and Ryan Henning.Original music created by Will Wood.SIGN UP FOR CAMP LILAC: LILAC FUNDRAISER: LIST OF NAMES IN OUR MUSE CHANT: WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 29. The Eggs of a Basket Case

Audio data from various sources, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 on day 976.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY4 knowledge of & perspective on the limn & involved parties• ENTITY1 attitude & goalsMINOR INSIGHT INTO:• SITE2 policy• ENTITY4 conception of realityIMPORTANT NOTES:• It’s ENTITY1, right? We all know it’s ENTITY1.Disclaimer: Camp Here & There is intended for audiences aged 16+. The story deals with mature themes and graphic horror which may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.Performances by Nicholas Belov, Blue Mayfield, and Ryan Henning.Original music created by Will Wood.Sounds sampled from Matthew12Nightmare and MWLANDI. WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 28. The Meantime with Eggs

Audio data from various sources, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 on day 975.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY2 culinary capacity• ENTITY0 knowledge & motivationsMINOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY1 knowledge of SITE3• SITE3-SITE1 connection?IMPORTANT NOTES:• Hypoxia again. The obvious conclusion is that SITE3 extends below SITE1. I also consider this strong evidence for the existence of ANOMALY0.Performance by Blue Mayfield.Original music created by Will Wood.Sounds sampled from F.M.Audio, 32cheeseman32, Halleck, tjoppie, and benboncan. WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 27. The Clock of Meantime

Audio data from various sources, detailing… some things ENTITY2 said on day 974.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY1 history & memory• ENTITY2 deep knowledgeMINOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY1 celestial aptitude• Relationship of ENTITY1 & ENTITY2IMPORTANT NOTES:• By my marrow, you can be so reckless sometimes. You swore up and down he wouldn’t remember! Performances by Blue Mayfield, Nicholas Belov, and Ryan Henning.Original music created by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 26. The Hunt of the Clock

CONTENT WARNING: climactic emotional tensionAudio data from various sources, detailing a private meeting which occurred at SITE2 on day 974.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY1 motivations & perspective• ENTITY2 motivation & perspectiveMINOR INSIGHT INTO:• Perspective of ENTITY7• SITE2 catastrophe protocol• ENTITY2 perspective on ENTITY7IMPORTANT NOTES:• The mover part of me says emotional pressure incites confessions, but the human part of me wants to recommend that AGENT15 or AGENT16 pop by and recommend these people a good therapist.Disclaimer: Camp Here & There is intended for audiences aged 16+. The story deals with mature themes and graphic horror which may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.Performances by Blue Mayfield and Nicholas Belov.Original music created by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 25. The Hatred of the Hunt

Audio data from various sources, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 on day 972.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• Perspective of ENTITY2• ENTITY12 culture and background• Relationship history between ENTITY1 and ENTITY2MINOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY0’s Chthonic camp infiltration (??)• SITE 1183776’s potential historical collapseIMPORTANT NOTES:• Is Britain no longer an island? • ENTITY1 appears to know more than us regarding this matter, at least based on his bolstering. If this is not cause for suspicion, then I am not sure what is.Disclaimer: Camp Here & There is intended for audiences aged 16+. The story deals with mature themes and graphic horror which may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.Performances by Blue Mayfield, Tom Laflin, and Nicholas Belov.Original music created by Will Wood.Covered music performed by Keymatic.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 24. The Casket of Hatred

CONTENT WARNING: Discussions of lack of autonomy, emotional responsibility, relationship troubles, and a heavy argumentAudio data from various sources, detailing a private meeting which occurred at SITE2 on day 972.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• Relationship of ENTITY2 and ENTITY11• Developing relationship of ENTITY1 and ENTITY2MINOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY2 perspective and experience• ENTITY11 opinions on ENTITY1IMPORTANT NOTES:• It’s files like these which make AGENT23’s whimsical naming conventions seem particularly offensive. These are people’s lives we’re documenting, not soap opera episodes.Performances by Blue Mayfield, Nicholas Belov, and Crystal Lee.Original music by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 23. The Wood of the Caskets

CONTENT WARNING: Exploration of death, mortality, and existentialismAudio data from various sources, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 on day 971.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY5 motivations and intentions• ANOMALY7 modus operandi• ENTITY2 values & opinionsMINOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY7 & ENTITY9 relationships to ENTITY2 & EMTITY5• ENTITY2 newfound perspective• ENTITY3 newfound perspective(?)• ENTITY1 pedantry regarding necromantic artsIMPORTANT NOTES:• I understand that prophylactic measures are not your style, AGENT1, and that you’re concerned with maintaining a pristine crime scene, but I urgently feel that we should put a stop to ENTITY5 before it seriously damages what little integrity this reality has left. It’s only a matter of luck that it hasn’t accomplished anything sickening yet.Performances by Blue Mayfield, Mikee Joaquin, Corey Wilder, and Ty Coker.Original music created by Will Wood and Keymatic.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 22. The Secrets of the Woods

CONTENT WARNING: Manipulation, religious exploitation and religious themes, tense emotional interpersonal conflict. Audio data from various sources, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 on day 970.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY4 spiritual beliefs and intentions• Relationship of ENTITY4 and ENTITY2MINOR INSIGHT INTO:• Relationship of ENTITY4 and ENTITY1• Sitewide perception of ENTITY2• Sitewide ability to perceive ENTITY2's writingIMPORTANT NOTES:• So. ENTITY4 seeks to understand the limn. Join the club, I suppose. I’d say these revelations warrant a repositioning on the suspect list, except that certain members of our cohort have informed me that my habit of changing the entities’ numbers is “annoying.” I suppose that, for the sake of those who struggle with protocol, ENTITY4 will remain ENTITY4.• That said… if what he said about the clocks is to be taken at face value, he’s on the verge of earning himself an ENTITY1 slot in a completely new case.Performances by Nicholas Belov, Blue Mayfield, Ryan Henning, Emily Safko, and Ty Coker.Original music created by Will Wood.Sounds sampled from Motion_S. WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 21. The Boys of Secrets

Audio data from various sources, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 on day 969. (NICE AGAIN -AGENT23)MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• Behavior and motivations of ENTITY4• Behavior and inner machinations of ENTITY2• History of ENTITY1 and ENTITY2MINOR INSIGHT INTO:• Surroundings of SITE2• Relationship of ENTITY1 and ENTITY6• Relationship of ENTITY6 and ENTITY2IMPORTANT NOTES:• The confusion surrounding ENTITY2’s writing is infuriating. Is this worth investigating? Or is it just another little obscurity trickling out from the most distant, tangential roots of the limn? There’s no way to know with an investigation like this. It’s like reality itself is trying to sabotage our system with junk data.Performances by Nicholas Belov, JV Hampton-VanSant, Blue Mayfield, and Emily Safko.Ambient sounds sampled from Klankbeeld, and Cormi. Original music created by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 20. The Trees of Boys

Audio data from various sources, detailing a private meeting which occurred at SITE2 on day 969. (NICE -AGENT23)MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• status & thought process of ENTITY1, ENTITY9, and ENTITY12• relationship dynamics between ENTITY1, ENTITY9, and ENTITY12• freudian behavior of ENTITY1MINOR INSIGHT INTO:• SITE 2 procedure and policies• relationship dynamics between ENTITY2 and ENTITY3• relationship dynamics between ENTITY2 and ENTITY9IMPORTANT NOTES:• AGENT23, even from across the train, I can sense that dirty joke percolating in your wicked little heart. Please offer me the fragmentary dignity of holding back just this once.Performances by Nicholas Belov, Corey Wilder, and Tom Laflin.Original music created by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 19. The Anxiety of the Trees

Audio data from various sources, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 and SITE1 on day 968.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• Thought process and mindset of ENTITY1• Thought process and mindset of ENTITY2MINOR INSIGHT INTO:• Continued incompetence of AGENT15 & AGENT16IMPORTANT NOTES:• I believe this is the first time ENTITY2 has visited SITE1 since the limn (and may I note, the fact that ENTITY5 built its altar there cannot be a coincidence.) The proximal effects ENTITY2 described remind me of hyperoxia.Disclaimer: Camp Here & There is intended for audiences aged 16+. The story deals with mature themes and graphic horror which may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.Performances by Blue Mayfield, Tom Antonellis, Gianni Matragrano, and Nicholas Belov.Original music created by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 18. The Hive of Anxiety

Content warning: descriptions of bugs dyingAudio data from various sources, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 on day 967.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• Abilities & behaviors of ANOMALY36• Relationship between ENTITY1 & ENTITY3• Recall ability & memory details of ENTITY2MINOR INSIGHT INTO:• Fear responses of various personnel• Abilities & behaviors of ENTITY9IMPORTANT NOTES:• You’ll have to forgive me for struggling a bit with the final clip. It involved audio data which I went to rather extravagant lengths to record, only to find that AGENT23 had recorded one of her “programs” onto the same tape.Disclaimer: Camp Here & There is intended for audiences aged 16+. The story deals with mature themes and graphic horror which may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.Performances by Blue Mayfield, Corey Wilder, Susan Dohan, and Nicholas Belov.Original music created by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 17. The Hallucination of the Hive

Audio data from various sources, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 on day 966.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY4 intentions & machinations• ENTITY1 thought process & perspective• ENTITY2 thought process & perspectiveMINOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY3 administration style• ENTITY11 & ENTITY13 motivations & behaviors• BeesIMPORTANT NOTES:• Oh, finally.Performances by Blue Mayfield and Nicholas Belov.Original music created by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 16. The Reality of Hallucination

Content warnings: auto-cannibalism, brief mention of throwing up.Audio data from various sources, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 on day 965.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• Recollection ability & memory details of ENTITY2• Mental landscape of ENTITY2MINOR INSIGHT INTO:• ENTITY1 familiarity with celestial magic• Properties & effects of ANOMALY9• Possible confirmation of the continued existence of ENTITY0?IMPORTANT NOTES:• When we inevitably end up bringing our court to bear against AGENT15 & AGENT16, I motion to submit this file as evidence of their boundless imprudence.• And yes, I will testify against them.• I mean, really. Responding to contact from a suspect, in-person, without so much as warning you beforehand. The madmen! The mind boggles to imagine the sundry breaches in decorum they surely committed in conversation with ENTITY1.• Forgive me, AGENT1, but I'm having a hard time letting this go. I keep telling you those morons are going to send the entire operation toppling one of these days.• Please at least tell me you'll discipline them for this. I need to sleep at night.Performance by Blue Mayfield.Original music created by Will Wood.Sound effect "Cuckoo Clock, Breaking Down, A.wav" by InspectorJ.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 15. The Toilet of Reality

Audio data from various sources, detailing a private meeting which occurred at SITE2 on day 965.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO:• status & thought process of ENTITY1, ENTITY11, and ENTITY13• relationship dynamics between ENTITY1, ENTITY11, and ENTITY13MINOR INSIGHT INTO:• SITE 2 procedure & policies• communal perceptions of ENTITY2• communal perceptions of ENTITY4IMPORTANT NOTES:• It almost feels irresponsible to just sit back and watch while actual human beings just enter SITE5. Do you think we should tell them? Or should we just let them figure it out on their own?Performances by Nicholas Belov, Crystal Lee, and JV Hampton-VanSant.Original music created by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov


FILE 14. The Stones in Toilets

Audio data from a single source, detailing the events which occurred at SITE2 on day 964.MAJOR INSIGHT INTO: • SITE2 attitudes towards ENTITY2• relationship between ENTITY2 & ENTITY11• behaviors & relationships of ENTITY12MINOR INSIGHT INTO: • SITE2 policy & procedure• ANOMALY9 function & geographyIMPORTANT NOTES: • AGENT23’s latest office betting pool is over the identity of the goo thief. ENTITY4 is the favorite among my colleagues, but I think you’ll agree with my inclination that the “calling card” is not its style. Other popular picks are ENTITY5 and even ENTITY2. If I were a betting man, my money would be on ENTITY10. It seems to know its way around goo.Performances by Blue Mayfield, Tom Laflin, Nicholas Belov, and Crystal Lee.Original music created by Will Wood.WEBSITE (transcripts available) @ mayfieldandbelovTWITTER @ mayfieldnbelov

following the news of season 2 getting into production, my obsession is back alive and boiling


following the news of season 2 getting into production, my obsession is back alive and boiling

02-17 Reply
this episode really isn't helping with how tired i am

Lien Lee

this episode really isn't helping with how tired i am

11-16 Reply
I'm looking forward to coming back. Goodbye Sydney.


I'm looking forward to coming back. Goodbye Sydney.

06-08 Reply
"Nine plus four is not five!" 😂😂😂😂
  the whole convo


"Nine plus four is not five!" 😂😂😂😂 the whole convo

06-07 Reply
I'm getting sleepy


I'm getting sleepy

06-06 Reply
















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