Canada Obscura

Canada Obscura is a weekly podcast hosted by Canadian weirdos Mary and Shelley. This Canada-centric podcasts brings you the horrific, creepy, and mysterious aspects of the Great White North.

Ending of Canada Obscura 💜

Hey everyone, we have decided to end Canada Obscura because we could not continue to dedicate time and effort to it as it deserves and that means you have not been getting the quality content you deserve. This journey has been nothing short of absolutely amazing, and we're so so so grateful to you following us and being here with us and for letting us do this silly show week after week. We hope you've enjoyed it, we hope you learned some stuff about Canada and about us, and we hope you take love for Canada with you. Thank you so much for being so wonderful, we love you so very much. We hope you've enjoyed this ride, take care of yourselves, and stay weird. 💜💜💜


Episode 52 - He Don't Give A Damn 'Bout His Reputation

Amby can do what he wants to do. Join us this week as Shelley tells us about the Oak Island Treasure and some of the potential explanations behind it. Mary talks about the life and times (and disappearance) of Ambrose Small, millionaire, scammer, womanizer, and theatre mogul of the 1900s. Super light trigger warnings this week - mentions of potential murder. That's it. Weird, right?


Episode 51 - The Man, The Myth, The Creepy Fraudster

 When in doubt, take 'em out. This week, Mary tells us about the terrifying tale of a haunted Ikea couch. Shelley shares the life and times of Albert Johnson Walker - bookkeeper, fraudster, murderer.  Trigger warnings for: identity theft, fraud, murder, potential rape, abuse, and incest.


Episode 50 - 50 BIG ONES, BABY!

WE DID IT, WE HIT 50 EPISODES!! We want to thank you so much for joining us on this year-long, ridiculous ride we've been on, and for putting up with all of our endless bullshit. Here's to many more episodes to come! Join us as we celebrate by playing two games - Monster Superfight and Worse Way To Die. Also, Mary is drinking, so you should be drinking too.  Worse Way To Die does get kind of gruesome/gory, so trigger warnings for that. Enjoy!


Episode 49 - The Bieber of Yesteryear

Mozart was totally the heartthrob pop star of the 1700s.  This week, Shelley tells us the long and convoluted history of the haunted Club Le Cinq in Montreal, Quebec. Mary details the gruesome torture and cannibalism of two elderly victims at the hands of Guy LeBlonde in North Bay, Ontario. Strong trigger warnings for: assault, sexual assault, torture, mutilation, cannibalism, mental health discussion, suicidal ideation, discussions of medications.


Episode 48 - Lobster League vs The Crustacean Caper

We need lobster vigilantism to restore marine justice! This week, Mary shares with us about the ghosts haunting the Drumheller house in Calgary, and the supposed evidence of their existence collected. Shelley tells us about the lucrative lobster larceny cases that keep happening in Calgary and keep going unsolved.  Trigger warnings include brief mention of accidental death/suicide and potential animal cruelty. Much lighter one than our usual this week!


Episode 47 - Coming for N'Sync's Brand

And... doing a bad job of it. This week, Shelley shares with us the legend of the Loup-Garou, the French-Canadian version of the Werewolf. Mary tells us about the horrific death of Iana Kasian at the hands of her fiance and former graphic novelist, screenwriter, and director, Blake Leibel. Very strong trigger warnings for: mutilation, discussion of mutilation, torture, and murder.


Episode 46 - Bittersweet Sugar History

 Who knew the history behind sugar could be so dark? This week, Mary takes a step off the beaten path and debunks the “video evidence” of the Rake, a monster invented by creepypasta and apparently spotted in Gaspésie, Québec. Shelley shares with us the dark history of the Redpath family, the sugar moguls that have supplied Canada with sugar since 1854. Trigger warnings include: murder-suicide, gun violence, mental health discussion, and details of gun wounds.


Episode 45 - 24 Karat Magic in the Ass

This booty is an ATM machine! This week, Shelley gives us a double feature of the hauntings of Saskatchewan Hospital and the Souris Valley Mental Health Hospital, both former mental health institutions in Saskatchewan. Mary tells us the bold tale of Leston Lawrence who stole $190,000 worth of gold from the Royal Canadian Mint in the most ingenious of ways. Trigger warnings this episode include: mental health discussions, torture in the name of medical treatment, conditions of abuse.


Episode 44 - Scumbag, Bad Egg, Stinker, Scrote

Noun, a man who behaves dishonourably, especially towards women.  This week, Mary tells us about the Shuswaggi Lake Monster of Shuswap Lake, BC (now with added video footage!). Shelley brings us back one more time to the Massey family, this time to the (justified) murder of Bert Massey by his live-in maid. Trigger warnings this week include: attempted sexual assault, discussions of sexual assault, and murder. 


Episode 43 - He Has 'Fuck You' Money

What's that boy? This is the longest episode yet? Wow! This week, Shelley tells us about the history and the hauntings of Hatley Castle in Victoria, B.C, built by the ridiculously rich James Dunsmuir. Mary goes into deep detail about the murder of Lin Jun at the hands of Luka Magnotta, including the airing of his murder (and rape and consumption) and the subsequent terrorizing of the public and running from the law. Very, very strong content warnings for: murder, sexual assault, assault, necrophilia, cannibalism, dismemberment, racism, animal cruelty, drug abuse, mental illness, mental illness discussion, and everything related to the above. Please, listen at your own discretion. We love you and want you to be okay. 


Episode 42 - I Put The Sass In Sasquatch

He's out for a walk, mind your own business, wouldja? This week, Mary tells us about the latest and clearest sighting of a Sasquatch in Squamish, BC, and whether or not the mystery has been debunked. Shelley shares with us the mysterious disappearance of Wendy Ratte, and the unbelievable mess of accusations, admissions, reveals, and legal battles surrounding the case. Trigger warnings: murder, assault, descriptions of murder, mental illness discussions, in-depth mentions of DID, MPD, and Schizophrenia. 


Episode 41 - Legalese, Blah Blah Blah

Look, there's just so much of it. Can we get a Cliffsnotes version, please? This week, Shelley tells us about the Great Amherst Mystery, filled with the poltergeist haunting of Esther Cox. Mary shares with us the murder of Lynne Harper and the decades-long subsequent legal battle surrounding accused murderer (and friend of Lynne) Steven Truscott. Trigger warnings include: strangling, rape, sexual assault, murder, discussion of decomposition. We don't go into too much detail, but it is mentioned.


Episode 40 - The Next Alfred Hitchcock

Guillermo del Toro, who? This week, Mary tells us all about the death (and haunting!) of Tom Thomson, one of the famous Group of Seven. Shelley shares with us Mark Twitchell, the infamous Dexter killer (and self-titled filmmaker).  Trigger warnings include: assault, murder, dismemberment, suicide, and stuff of the like.


Episode 39 - A Screwed Generation

We'll never be able to afford property, will we. This week, Shelley tells us about the Gibraltar Point Lighthouse in the Toronto Islands and its gruesome history (and hauntings!). Mary shares with us the confusing and mysterious murder of Blair Adams. Strong content warnings for: murder, torture, sexual assault, assault, descriptions of assault, dismemberment, mutilation, etc. I'm sure I missed some, but you can probably extrapolate the type of stories we're sharing this episode.


Episode 38 - The "Fuck It" Episode aka Our Bad Reviews of Horror Movies

Well folks, it was bound to happen sooner or later. This episode is a detour from our usual format and instead of stories, we're talking about our favourite (and hated) horror movies. We are both spread thin and this week we've had to rely on a less preparative topic. Thank you for letting us get silly!  General warnings for horror movie discussions and spoilers.


Episode 37 - Lost in the Void of Time and Space

What day is it? What year??? Mommy I'm scared. This week, Shelley tells us about the famous (albeit haunted) Keg Mansion in the heart of Downtown Toronto. Mary talks about the spectacular movie-fodder priceless artifact heists of John Tillmann, as well as his unbelievably shitty nature. Trigger warnings for abuse and assault.


Episode 36 - We're Going With a Theme, Here

We're mixing it up a bit starting this week, but don't worry! We're still sticking to the theme of this podcast being a fuckshow of a fuckshow! This week, Mary tells us about the spooky happenings in the historical Deane House, and Shelley goes over some of the details of the mysterious death of Elisa Lam (and of course, expect a lot of debunking). Trigger warnings for mentions of domestic violence, drowning, the discovery of a body, and discussions of mental health.


Episode 35 - The Butthole of Danger

Highway to the... danger hole? This week, Shelley tells us about the incredibly cool underwater lakeside resort ruins existing in the depths of Lake Minnewanka, Alberta. Mary's story, however, is of the first (known) serial killer of Canada, Clifford Olson, who was not only a horrific monster who murdered and raped 11 children, but caused plenty of legal controversy as well. Very strong trigger warnings for: rape, child sexual assault, murder, abuse. We talk about how he did his deeds in this one, so please be safe. 


Episode 34 - Lots to Think About

**EDIT 2/5/2019 - Looks like Anchor had a distribution issue. Should be fixed now and available on all platforms. Sorry for the wait!** Layers and layers of discussion... just like an onion! This week, Mary tells us all about the Baldoon Mystery of Wallaceburg, Ontario. This one has everything - ghosts, hauntings, witchcraft, oh my! Shelley shares with us the brutal murder of 6-month-old Nikosis Cantre at the hands of 16-year-old Jacqueline Henderson, as well as her history of trauma and abuse. Strong trigger warnings for: child abuse, child sexual abuse, self-harm, mental illness, brutal murder of an infant, rape, and drug abuse.



I'm so sorry to see you go.If you ever need help , I'm here.Dont know much, unless it's podcasts or Life Stories, but I can give a lot of time.Come back ANYTIME to grace our phones with your voices.Thank You.💜💜💜

01-15 Reply

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