Canadian Wealth Secrets

<p>Canadian Wealth Secrets Podcast [Formerly Invested Teacher Podcast]</p><p><br></p><p>Are you wondering whether your financial plan is going to lead to that wealthy Canadian lifestyle you envision for your future?</p><p><br></p><p>Over the last 5 years, former mathematics teachers and serial entrepreneurs Kyle Pearce and Jon Orr have been implementing alternative wealth building and income tax strategies that have allowed them to transition from high net income to high net worth. </p><p><br></p><p>Now, they seek to share these Canadian Wealth Secrets to empower the creation of a financial future that allows you to live a truly wealthy life; a life on your own terms.</p><p><br></p><p>Canadian Wealth Secrets is a show focused on growing wealth to strengthen all five (5) pillars of a good life including health, family, finances, work, and play. We seek to ensure that you have a foundational financial plan in your life including Canadian investment, tax, and insurance strategies so that you can focus more of your time and attention on the other important pillars of life. </p><p><br></p><p>Tune in every Wednesday as we uncover unknown strategies that allow you to protect your profits from income taxes, safely compound your investments more predictably, and help you take your high net income and create a wealthy lifestyle while creating a legacy that lasts. </p><p><br></p><p>Before you can start on your own unique wealth building journey, you have to determine what a wealthy life looks like for you. </p><p><br></p><p>Get started by listening to Episode #38: Clarifying Your Life’s Why So You Can Achieve Your Dream Lifestyle.</p><p><br></p><p>Canadian Wealth Secrets is an informative podcast that digs into the intricacies of building a robust portfolio, maximizing dividend returns, the nuances of real estate investment, and the complexities of business finance, while offering expert advice on wealth management, navigating capital gains tax, and understanding the role of financial institutions in personal finance.</p><p><br></p>

From Business Burnout to True Traction: An Entrepreneurial Roadmap for Scaling Your Greatest Investment

Do you ever feel like your passion for entrepreneurship is leading you down a path of burnout?In this episode, we take a trip into Ian Murray's journey from young Canadian entrepreneur to successful, burned out business owner and the steps he took to help overcome this challenge. His experiences navigating long hours, health crises, and the importance of finding balance offer valuable insights for anyone struggling with the demands of entrepreneurship or their careers.Hit play on your podcast...


Crossing the Corporate Veil: Tax Planning For Canadian Business Owners

Are you tired of the salary vs. dividends debate for Canadian incorporated business owners? In today’s episode, we’ll dig deeper into the land of personal and corporate tax minimization strategies to uncover some Canadian Wealth Secrets to tax-free or tax-optimized income from your corporation.As incorporated entrepreneurs and investors, we are tirelessly working to optimize our businesses to increase income and reduce expenses - typically re-investing our profits back into our own busin...


The Truth About “Infinite Banking” or “Bank On Yourself”: Is It Too Good To Be True?

Have you heard about the financial strategy known as The Infinite Banking Concept and wonder whether it is too good to be true or whether it is a good fit for you?While we are huge advocates for utilizing participating whole life insurance in a similar fashion to some of those shared by “Authorized Infinite Banking Practitioners,” there are many misconceptions and misinformed individuals whose incomplete understanding of Infinite Banking and how permanent insurance policies in Canada can and ...


The Accountant Entrepreneurs and Business Owners Have Been Searching For: An Interview with Bob Gauvreau

Ever wonder how one Canadian CPA firm could manage to disrupt the accounting and income tax preparation industry while you’ve been working with what feels like a glorified bookkeeper? Join us as we dive deep into the journey of Bob Gauvreau, CEO of Gauvreau Accounting Tax Law Advisory to learn how his firm has quickly evolved into the largest one-owner CPA firm in Canada. Throughout this episode, Bob shares his entrepreneurial journey as he continues to transform the accounting industry ...


How to Grow Your Net Worth While Strengthening Your Financial Foundation

Are you confident that your financial foundation is solid enough to weather any market storms that your risk-on assets might endure, or do you feel like a black swan event leaves you feeling uncertain of your financial future?In the volatile financial landscape we live in, achieving a balance between growth and stability is important to most, but achieved by few. This episode addresses the importance of striking this delicate balance to ensure your financial foundation remains resilient and i...


How to Get a Free Lottery Ticket & Financial Security Blanket: A Deep Dive Into Critical Illness Insurance

Imagine you were able to pay each month for a lottery ticket that would pay out a large sum of money to support you financially in the event that you became critically ill over the next 15, 25, or even 50 years and if you are lucky enough to never need that large sum of money, you get all of your money back?While there are many rabbit holes to dive down when it comes to financial tools including savings, investments, and insurance, there is one insurance tool that provides a pretty amazing li...


Overcoming Your Entrepreneurial Impostor Syndrome, Self-Doubt and Negative Thinking

What if I was to tell you that all of the stress we feel in our lives is caused by our inner saboteur voices and our own negative thinking? What if I also told you that our own intentionally trained positive mindset actually cultivates our sense of peace, satisfaction, ease and flow?While many of us know that our own mind can have a massive impact on how we feel at any given time on any given day, the question certainly begs: how can we intentionally train our minds to think positively t...


Secrets to Selecting Your Financial Advisory Team For More Wealth and Less Income Tax

Are you overlooking the power of practical experience in financial advisory roles? Join Kyle and Jon as they share some Canadian Wealth Secret Sauce related to selecting the right guidance, evaluating solution providers, and navigating the complexities of client suitability in this week’s episode.In today's fast-paced and complex financial landscape, finding someone you can trust may feel daunting, but what if that was just the beginning of the “real work?” Whether you're a successf...


Should I Always Contribute To My RRSP To Minimize Income Tax?

Navigating the complex world of retirement savings in Canada and wondering if RRSPs are the right choice for you?This episode is crucial for anyone looking to secure their financial future in Canada. With RRSPs being a central part of retirement planning, understanding their nuances and tax implications is essential, especially given the ever-changing economic landscape. Whether you're just starting out or looking to optimize your existing retirement plan, this discussion offers insights dire...


Diversifying Your Entrepreneurial & Investing Experience On Your Wealth Building Journey With Raj Loganathan

Have you ever wondered how a seasoned entrepreneur transitions from start-up to start-up, and what unique insights they gained along the way?In a world where career transitions, entrepreneurial risks, and technological advancements are increasingly common, understanding the journey of someone who has successfully navigated these changes can offer valuable lessons for your own professional and personal growth.You’ll learn:Gain insights into how storytelling and personal experiences can be powe...


Salary or Dividends? How Should I Pay Myself To Minimize My Tax Burden?

Are you tired of paying more taxes than necessary when withdrawing money from your corporation?As a business owner, effectively managing your finances and understanding the tax implications of withdrawing money from your corporation is crucial. Whether you're considering salary or dividend payments, or looking for ways to shelter money from taxes, this podcast episode is tailored to your needs.Unlock the secrets to smarter financial decisions for your business – listen to this insightful epis...


Maximize Capital Flexibility & Minimize Income Tax When Designing Your Wealth Building Strategy Inside Your Canadian Corporation

Are you wondering if incorporating your Canadian business is the wealth-building powerhouse you expected, and how to navigate the complexities of corporate wealth management and tax saving strategies?This episode directly addresses the dilemmas faced by incorporated Canadian entrepreneurs and business owners, delving into effective wealth management strategies within a corporation. It's particularly relevant if you're seeking to maximize your company's financial potential while minimizing tax...


Become a Lazy Canadian Millionaire Investor. Learning Passive Income Secrets from Jim Chuong.

How can you retire early and gain time freedom you’ve been after since you started your wealth building journey?In today's fast-paced world, achieving financial independence and early retirement is a coveted goal for many, but it often feels out of reach.In this episode we speak with the Lazy Canadian Millionaire Investor: Jim Chuong. Jim retired at the age of 40 after building his investment and real estate portfolio to levels that allow him to live off of the cashflow. Jim’s here to he...


Create Your Own Canadian Pension Plan So Good That Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) Members Will Be Jealous!

Are you tired of hearing how amazing the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) is, leaving you feeling left on the sidelines for a comfortable retirement just because you’re a pensionless T4 employee, Canadian business owner, or entrepreneur?For the few industries that still provide Canadians defined benefit pension plans (DBPP), these sources of financial security in retirement are one of the major contributing factors that keep employees chained in their golden handcuffed careers. It is har...


Niche Down on Nicheing: Strategies for Sustainable Success For Canadian Investors & Entrepreneurs

If you have been successful in entrepreneurship, business, investing, or even life - but you aren’t actually clear on what you’re striving towards - it’s highly likely that you’ve just been lucky.The real question you need to ask yourself is: How long will your luck last if you continue to drift through your entrepreneurial daily ritual, aimlessly working without intentionality, without clarity, or without a clear goal in mind? As entrepreneurs, business owners, and investors, we ar...


How To Choose The Right Kind Of Life Insurance for Canadian Entrepreneurs

Choosing between term and permanent life insurance for Canadian entrepreneurs or business owners can be as pivotal as deciding between renting and owning a home. This episode is crucial for anyone looking to make informed decisions about their financial security, legacy planning, and long-term wealth, especially if you are a business owner, real estate investor, or Canadian entrepreneur interested in personal financial planning.What you’ll learn: Understand the fundamental differences be...


How to be a Canadian Real Estate Entrepreneur - An Interview with Elizabeth Kelly

The unspoken challenges of real estate investing in today's market needs to be your number one concern. In this episode Elizabeth Kelly, a seasoned real estate investor and coach, reveals the often-overlooked realities and struggles of being a Canadian Real Estate Entrepreneur. Whether you're a budding investor feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of the 2024 real estate market, or an entrepreneur seeking long-term success, stick with us because in this episode you’ll discover the imp...


Variable Rate or Fixed Rate? Which Option Is Your Best Investment In The Canadian Housing Market?

The big question on the mind of many Canadian homeowners minds these days revolves around interest rates. With the Bank of Canada’s overnight interest rate popping significantly over the last two years, homeowners with a mortgage are wondering what is their next move. While those whose fixed interest rate mortgage might be coming up for renewal over the next 6-18 months might be wondering what their next move is, those who took on a variable rate mortgage over the past few years are wond...


“THE” Canadian Investment Strategy PROVEN to Build Generational Wealth

How would you feel if you could be given “THE” Investment Strategy PROVEN to Build Generational Wealth so your legacy lasts well beyond your time here in this world? Well, we’ve got you covered. Today, we’re going to unpack what Morgan Housel, author of The Psychology of Money has proven to be the most important factors to build generational wealth that lasts - AND it does not require taking “home run swings” at investments that promise 20% returns with questionable safety of capita...


Canadian Wealth Strategies for Your Safe, Fixed Income Investments Beyond GICs and Bonds

Are your Canadian investments earmarked as fixed income and secured assets still locked in the slow lane with GICs and bonds? Maybe you’re starting to realize that fixed rates of 5% are more like 3% to 3.5% after taxes. Ever wondered if there's a way to navigate through the “safe” portion of your Canadian investment portfolio without having to commit the ongoing effort to ensure your return is worth the while? Stay tuned for an episode that sheds light on innovative Canadian investment strate...


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