Canna Convos

The goal of Canna Convos is to bring open and intimate conversations with leading members in the Maryland cannabis movement and beyond. We produce everything in house and while we may not be experts in video, we 100% believe we are among some of the industries top professionals. We believe we help lead the way in breaking the stigma around cannabis, excelling its medical understanding and application, and create a space for a more in-depth look and understanding of this exciting, new (to the modern age), and complex field of medicine.

Canna Convos - Episode 15 | Laura D'amato Barrett-Nutting

Laura Barrett-Nutting, RN, BSN, MBA, is a wellness and certified cannabis nurse who brings over 20 years of experience helping patients cope with critical illness and chronic disease. Her enthusiasm for wellness and natural healing led her to explore the multiple medical cannabis/cannabinoid options available. Laura works with Maryland providers, patients, and caregivers to educate, inform, and collaborate to find the best alternatives for improving lives.


Canna Convos - Episode 21 | Joey Gilkerson

In this episode of the Canna Convos Series, Joey Gilkerson joins us to discuss the growth of our location. Mr. Gilkerson is a Principal with Gillis Gilkerson Construction and Development Company and NAI Coastal; he has been involved in the Real Estate industry for a decade. Additionally, Mr. Gilkerson has previously been involved in growing/processing operations. Joey played a key role in helping us with finding our original location as well as our future location.


Canna Convos - Episode 20 | Tim Gunther

In one of our more technical episodes, we bring you, Tim Gunther. A compliance guru within an industry with a regulatory system that is brand new, ever-changing and difficult to navigate, Tim has helped the Peninsula team go from GOOD from GREAT over the last several years.


Canna Convos - Episode 19 | Jacquie Cohen Roth

.Jacquie is a successful entrepreneur and creator of strategic and tactical brand resources for innovative business growth and founder of two cannabis industry companies: CannabizMD (CBMD) and Tea Pad. She’s a member of the nation’s first graduate program in medical cannabis at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. She is also a pioneer in East Coast emerging markets and is an international speaker on medical cannabis. Summarizing the Marijuana Business Magazine’s "Women to Watch in 2019" list on which she was named: “...women who have crafted companies from the ground up, forged new woman-focused alliances and upended traditional business models as they’ve paved the way in this rapidly evolving cannabis industry.”   She is dedicated to social and distributive justice in the medical cannabis industry.    #nickelbagstothetop   Social Pages: LinkedIn:   Twitter: @CannabizMD + Tea Pad Baltimore   FB: CannabizMD + Tea Pad Baltimore   IG: @Cannabiz_MD + Tea Pad Baltimore


Canna Convos - Episode 18 | Alec Bassen

Alec Bassen was born and raised in New York and eventually moved to Colorado to pursue the cannabis industry in 2013. He found a job in an extraction lab in Boulder Colorado and worked his way up to lead extractor. By 2015, he was doing small consulting jobs while managing and designing a lab for a bakery, Loves Oven. Soon after Loves Oven, he got a job offer to build a lab on the East Coast in 2018 for Green Leaf Medical, which he took to move closer to New York to be closer to old friends and family.


Canna Convos - Episode 17 | Vireo and Veterans

In this unique pop-up podcast, we met with Theresa Svoboda from Vireo Health and various pro-cannabis veteran advocates from all over PA and MD on Veterans Day. From the tour of Vireo's grow facility to the shooting of this unique and extremely important podcast, Theresa was integral in putting this all together. George Armstrong is a patient, advocate, activist, and veteran (Army 1985-1993) from Pennsylvania. After finding cannabis as medicine and becoming active in the community he began to relate to other veterans. Bryan Fant. Bryan is a combat vet that served 17 years in the US Army as a UH60 Helicopter crew chief. Bryan has turned to cannabis and yoga to end his dependence on benzos, antidepressants, and various prescription meds. Eryck Stamper is from VI22. Eryck’s mission is to drive awareness of the challenges Veterans face when they return home. He is also a cannabis advocate and has involvement in Maryland’s Hemp Exchange, leading the charge in the state for the new hemp markets. He is a retired Navy Veteran. Ron Millward is the Founder of Balanced Veterans. Balanced Veterans is a national organization that believes through community and cannabis one can find an alternate healing path forward.


Canna Convos - Episode 16 | Cameron Taylor

We are back again this time with Head of Vegetation and Genetics at Shore Natural Rx, a cultivation facility based out of Bishopville MD right here on the Eastern Shore. From hand watering every individual plant to designing their own soil Shore Natural Rx is doing exactly what the Eastern Shore does best: raising things with compassion and care.  See what Cam and the Shore Natural Rx team have been up to since we last saw them in this newest episode of Canna Convos!


Canna Convos - Episode 14 | Donnie Jackson

On our final episode of Season 1, former Patient Consultant now Patient Services Manager gives us insight into the true day to day life of a dispensary agent. In this engaging and insightful conversation, Donnie explains exactly what it's like being a Patient Consultant at Peninsula Alternative Health. Anywhere from forming new bonds and helping individuals thrive, to missed lunch breaks, to patient passings, the job of a PC is not easy. See what PAH plans on doing to help better serve their community as well as what is in store for season 2 of the podcast!


Canna Convos - Episode 13 | Mike Cardozo

From growing up in Bethesda, MD and then graduating from the University of Miami in FL in 2011, to now currently residing in Annapolis, Mike is a co-founder of Chesapeake Alternatives which won processing and dispensary licenses in Maryland.  After Chesapeake Alternatives was acquired by GTI last year Mike started two new companies, Karuna Ventures and Cardozo Strategies, which operate in both the domestic and international cannabis markets.  Mike is also involved in political advocacy and legislative issues facing the industry at the the municipal, state, and federal levels. Be sure to check out this episode as it encompasses the greater scope of the industry and not just our state! A lot of amazing information in this one we had to push it an extra 30 minutes!


Canna Convos - Episode 12 | Carrie Kirk and Joshua Crossney

We are back again! This time with our first ever duo, Carrie Kirk and Joshua Crossney. Carrie has gone from working in the Pharmaceutical field and to now working for CannaLine, one of the nations premiere cannabis packaging and supply companies. Joshua is the creator of the Cannabis Science Conference.  A conference that brings leading researchers, thought leaders, industry experts, and many more together for a multi-day event which is helping to bridge the gap between the understanding of cannabis and science. Hear what they are up to now and what they have going on in the coming months. This podcast is full of laughs and great energy. We hope you enjoy!


Canna Convos - Episode 11 | Obi Nwizugbo

Meet one of the most eclectic and passionate sales reps in the state. Obi with Melting Point Extracts brings his medical sales background and knowledge into this cannabis field and does an amazing job at speaking on what makes MPX stand out in not just the state but the country. See what it's like to work for a company that operates in both recreational and medical markets, see what might possibly lie beyond the potent 99% diamonds, what really makes concentrates amazing medicine, and MUCH more!


Canna Convos - Episode 10 | Jilleien Franquelli

In this podcast episode, we continue our cannabis conversation with Jilliein Franquelli of Mj Magazine. See how she is using her passions, skills, and talents to help break the stigma of cannabis use within MD's borders by tuning in! Jilleien has spent her entire career focused on building community. After 15 years in the multifamily housing industry, she founded Ripple Effect, which took the best practices from that industry, and focused on bringing marketing and branding solutions to entrepreneurs. This entrepreneurial endeavor led her back to the family business of publishing. In 2018, Jill joined the cannabis community as Co-Founder of MaryJane of Maryland.  Today Jill is the owner and publisher of Mj Magazine a medical cannabis community and magazine centered around sharing the stories of Maryland Cannabis patients and their experiences medicating with marijuana. Jilleien received Entrepreneur of the Year from True Conversations in 2017.  Amidst all of this, she continues to run her nonprofit “Simple Sacrifice,” an organization dedicated to feeding the homeless and hungry in Baltimore City on a weekly basis. Currently, she and her wife Colleen live in Federal Hill with their puppy, Petey.


Canna Convos - Episode 9 | Brian Meyer

In our newest episode of Canna Convos, we have Brian Meyers, one of the creators of THSuite, a Point of Sale system used within the cannabis industry.  Learn all about his new company Solvent, which in his own words: "Empowers banks and credit unions to be the 'authority on identity’ to confidently ensure all payments in hemp & cannabis are legal and compliant."  From being adopted right here in Salisbury MD to having the chance to attend school in Hawaii to helping change the cannabis industry from the inside out, see what brought Brian back to his home state of MD. This man is nothing short of amazing. For all those lovers of tech and business and of course cannabis you have GOT to listen to this one!


Canna Convos - Episode 8 | Cameron Taylor

The conversations continue this time with Head of Vegetation and Genetics at Shore Natural Rx, a cultivation facility based out of Bishopville MD right here on the Eastern Shore.  From hand watering every individual plant to designing their own soil Shore Natural Rx is doing exactly what the Eastern Shore does best: raising things with compassion and care. Check out this amazing new podcast episode with our first inside look to the cultivation aspect of the Maryland program premiering on our YouTube channel at noon today. We hope you enjoy!


Canna Convos - Episode 7 | Eryck Stamper

Eryck Stamper is a Navy veteran, a medical cannabis advocate, and a huge proponent for proper outlets for mental health. He is the creator of the Veteran Initiative 22 which helps bring awareness to the national projected number of veterans who commit suicide every day. See what Eryck is doing for not just the cannabis industry near and far but those who have graciously and selflessly served this country.


Canna Convos - Episode 6 | Donnie Jackson

In this episode of our podcast series now titled 'Canna Convos', we have Patient Consultant and dabbing expert Donnie Jackson touching on everything concentrates.  Donnie has been a long-time cannabis connoisseur and advocate. His wealth of knowledge is of extreme value in this up in coming industry here in Maryland. His expertise and passion is concentrates and how these unique extractions can be used in one's arsenal for personal wellness.  Check out everything Donnie has to say in his first appearance on the podcast! We can't wait to have him back as we know the medicine and his wisdom will only get broader!


Canna Convos - Episode 5 | Dr. Mary Pat Hoffman

In this episode of then Peninsula Podcast, we have our very own Clinical Director Dr. Mary Pat Hoffman, PharmD!  From a pharmacist to now FARMacist, see where Mary Pat (MP) got her start in the medical cannabis field, why she chose to become a Clinical Director for Peninsula Alternative Health, how insurance could affect medical cannabis and much more!


Canna Convos - Episode 4 | Manny Jay

In this episode of Canna Convos, learn about things such as what day to day life is like working within the industry, how to go about possibly acquiring a spot within it, and we have our first ever guest! Manny Jay, from Green Thumb Industries, brings with him a wealth of knowledge on how he got started in the cannabis industry, why he loves what he does, gives insight on how others can do the same, and much more! Hear from CEO Anthony Darby and COO Chuck Henn on their humble beginnings within the industry as well. From juggling family life and multiple jobs to awaiting decisions that were out of their hands, see how it was all love and passion that got everyone to where they are today.


Canna Convos - Episode 3 | All Things Cannabis

In this episode of the Peninsula Podcast, CEO Anthony Darby and COO Chuck Henn discuss all things cannabis. Topics ranging from decriminalization, medical and rec programs across the country, current and future laws, what a Maryland rec program may look like, and much more!


Canna Convos - Episode 2 | All About Hemp

In this episode of Canna Convos, CEO Anthony Darby and COO Chuck Henn talk about everything hemp.  With topics ranging from what exactly is hemp, what are its historical uses, methods of cultivation, what is the current litigation surrounding the plant, and much more, this episode should get you up to speed on this versatile plant's current state in our country!


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