DiscoverCapitol Ministries Weekend with Ralph Drollinger
Capitol Ministries Weekend with Ralph Drollinger
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Capitol Ministries Weekend with Ralph Drollinger

Author: Ralph Drollinger

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Bible teacher Ralph Drollinger and host Frank Sontag discuss the Bible Studies that are taught every week to America’s national political leaders in D.C., Together, they examine today’s thorny contemporary issues through the Bible’s timeless lens.
458 Episodes
The November elections are quickly approaching, and everyone on the Hill has skin in the game which means emotions are running high. It’s so easy to express love and hate in a wrong way—especially in the context of an election. What do the Scriptures say you should love and hate? Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Justice, blamelessness (not sinlessness), prayer, wisdom: let’s take a deep dive into how we can delight God.Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Dr. Dan DeShong, CapMin's Local Government global director, taught our very first Bible study to local leaders. He talks with Ralph and Frank about the impact that knowing more about the Bible has had on his city and county office holders. Political leaders desperately need to be grounded in God’s Word and yet they are one of the most neglected mission fields when it comes to evangelism and discipleship. For more than 25 years Capitol Ministries has planted discipleship Bible study ministries for state and federal leaders. We are now dedicated to building ministries for America’s city and county leaders through our Local Government Ministries (LGM) initiative.CapMin is seeking men who are proven, intentional, deliberate, biblically reliant disciple makers to lead these ministries. Are you a pastor, former pastor, Sunday School teacher, layman, or retired businessman who senses a call from God to evangelize, disciple, and teach His Word to public servants? If so, we invite you to learn about us.In addition to this program, we welcome you to learn more at!Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
"If you have this habit of letting the Word of Christ richly dwell within you on a daily basis, you will find the empowerment of the Holy Spirit is going to eclipse your proclivities to sin just because you’re so filled with that force that is already positionally implanted in you when you bowed the knee and came to Christ."Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Proverbs has much to say about being a good steward of your heart. May we make time to take inventory and survey our hearts, motives, passions, pursuits, and future desires.Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
It stands to reason that spiritual leaders who minister to our government leaders are critically important to the health of the nation. Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Paul states in the opening portions of 1 Corinthians 13, without love I am nothing. What then are the defining aspects of love that both you and I need to be continually working on and growing in? Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
One of the most profound character qualities a man or woman in office can possess is truthfulness–even when it affects him or her negatively. Truth is the bulwark of personal integrity. Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
In the same-sex marriage debate, there is increasing reluctance by believers to mention the book of Leviticus. In this study, I will attempt not only to familiarize you with this book, but also explain how it impacts the debate. Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
When America in any way denigrates God’s ordained institution of husband-wife marriage, our nation loses one of His primary means of heralding His nature to our country!Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
The book of Joshua provides God’s example of leadership under fire!Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
What does the highest authority in the universe have to say about this matter—that authority being God Almighty as revealed in His Word? Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
If you don't see the world through the lens of Scripture, then you're headed for a downfall. Let's take the Truth of the Gospel to public servants: “Right actions begin with right thinking. Right thinking begins with thinking right about God.” Listen as Ralph talks through the following questions: How do you explain the dual nature of man?  Does sin infect and affect more than just the person?  Does sin infect and affect the whole world?  Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
How disciplined are you in your speech patterns? Let us open up Ephesians 4:29 this week and learn what God has to say to us in this regard. Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Oftentimes on the Hill we refer to someone as a “good person.” That compliment is nice to say concerning a colleague, keeping in the back of our minds of course, that everyone is fallen and possesses a sinful nature. If we use that term to describe another person as does Solomon in the book of Proverbs, what specifically does the wisest man say should characterize a “good person”? Let us discover this week all that Solomon has to say about this admirable adjective and make application to our own life.As we study, be thinking of at least one aspect of your life God wants to remove and another (from His book) that He wants you to add to your life. Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
This week, in honor of Mother's Day, talk through our most downloaded Bible study!Only through the power and timing of the indwelling Holy Spirit can any of us, male or female, attain Christlikeness. In theological language, progressive sanctification. So rather than look at these forthcoming passages as a legalistic measuring stick demanding immediate performance, view this study as a tool God can use in His own way and timing to help mature you in Christ, bringing you into a more intimate, personal relationship in which these virtues are borne and honed. Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Genesis is foundational to a biblical worldview. Know the passages that follow, recognize their connection and integration, and allow that knowledge to guide and convict your thinking and actions. Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
In today’s out-of-control competitive, combative environment of public elections, it is almost guaranteed that many false things will be said about you. How do you handle such things?Forgiveness can be a difficult discipline to practice but is an indispensable character quality that must be continually cultivated over a lifetime. Let’s examine what the Scriptures teach about this.Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
In the proclamation of the Word of God, lives and nations are changed! How should we respond to those who reject the veracity of Scripture?Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
This week we look at the five institutions that were created by God and revealed in the Bible, and especially the role that God meant for government.Support a Local Ministry!: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at